

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Congrats Sarah, enjoy your celebration!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Well good news the oil change and wipers were only $62, so we have $110 to fiddle with each week this month! I take out of the checkbook $40 for the two trips we have to take (for gas fill ups), and also $24 for quarters for the laundromat. I don't ever want to be without funds to wash my clothes!

    Treated myself to an avocado, and a container of fresh spinach. Gave in and bought doughnuts for the skinny teenager! I know, but I did buy him a container of orange juice to slug the doughnuts down with! I have yet to see that kid use a glass!

    Husband treated me to a salad bar and I had two slim pieces of pizza, (really just one normal size piece), with 4 fresh tomato slices perched on them. I love fresh tomatoes... The lady always cuts them fresh for me, no charge. My salad had beets, peas, cottage cheese, some shredded cheddar, and lettuce.. Haha. Wish they had fresh spinach, because I like to mix that in. I had some Dr. Pepper which I haven't even had soda for about 4 months now.

    Pretty much all I drink is coffee, some milk, and water. Sadly, I can't really tolerate any alcoholic beverage, because I'm really a light weight, when it comes to holding my liquor. I can get really buzzed on non- alcoholic beer, which has some alcohol percentage in it, but its low. Then there's my husband on liver #2, so he can't have any, even though he does sneak a sip of my Stella Artouis beer, when I buy that. I only drink if I have no driving, cooking, conversing, or really much of anything that needs to get done. Usually any sipping is followed with a long nap. Which really sucks, because there are times when I would love a beer with dinner at a restaurant, but I then can only just come back home to sleep. Quite economical eh, but socially its a buzzkill.

    Love all the pictures!
    Hammond, Oregon
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Becca ~ I would LOVE that quilt!!!
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Way to go Sue!! NYKAREN
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    (((((((((((SueBDew in Tx, hugs friend))))))))))
    Glad we got us all as friends! This group is a Godsend isn't it!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Michele – Whenever I eat too much ‘dairy’ or things like rice (which I LOVE), oatmeal, bread, and those types of things, I feel bloated; but, right at the moment, I am not yet willing to give them up. Estee still tells me that it will go away with exercise and when I get closer to my goal. I don’t think it will ever be flat like it was in my teens or twenties or even very early 30’s; but, I think part of that is having major surgery twice which cut my tummy down the middle. Never went flat after that. Even after giving birth twice my tummy was flat within 2 or 3 months of doing so. I sometimes think it is posture and I try to stand up straighter; but, with a swayback, that is difficult. Even when I stand up to the wall to ‘feel’ what it should feel like to walk straighter; I can still put both hands behind the small of my back. It comes and goes with the bloating; but, I can still pick up a handful of extra skin, which I don’t think will go away unless it is ‘cut’ away and that isn’t something I could consider doing because it is elective surgery and they won’t pay for things done that are elective.

    The bras I bought at Victoria Secret did not have that wire that will poke through after several washings. I know they have an underwire; but, so different from the underwire bras I bought at Dillard’s. I even bought a strapless bra there and I have never felt comfortable in one.

    Pitegny – I feel like they are making ‘excuses’ for ‘why it cannot be done’. One issue is they don’t want to have to buy the wood, take it back to their shop, rip it, bring it to us so Louis can paint/stain it; then come and install it. They are coming from Tifton which is easily 90 miles or more away. I am thinking really hard about reporting them to the BBB, if they don’t make it right. We paid $2100 for the damn things and want them RIGHT! And right now! Don’t tell me something can’t be done. Louis was even upset that they put up what he considered ‘tomato stakes’. He said there are several different types of trim they could use. We paid a lot for the windows and the crappy job of putting them in just makes me wonder if we made a big mistake trying to utilize a screened porch that we never used. A/C went out again today. Louis showed Tyler’s Dad the job; and, he agrees with us. Crappy installation, but, he hesitates to do it for fear of breaking one. IF he does fix them, I will send a bill to WW and tell them they owe it to me. I will ‘bad-mouth’ them ‘if I have to’; but, I think a call to the BBB might do that.

    I am the type of person that I do not like to be told that something can’t be fixed. Today I fixed the rocking chair to our furniture out on the porch after Louis told me that the frame was bent and could not be fixed. I tried to explain and show him what I thought was the issue and he blew me off. Today, I made it a project; took the bolts off on the right side and put washers between the pieces of the frame and put the bolts back it. Guess what? IT is STRAIGHT! MMMmmmm! Can’t wait to ask him to go sit back down in it.

    Machka – I’ve got things from both sets of parents; have not had the urge to purge (yet); but, every time I do I go at it like a ‘mad woman’ and don’t want to be interrupted. I think I spent close to 2 hours, off and on, fixing that chair; but, it is now fixed. Only other thing I need to do is find someone who can weld one of the arms. The little curly q falls down when you put your arm on it. There again, promises, promises, promises.
    I’m not a hoarder; but, we’ve basically put 7 rooms of furniture into basically 5 (or 5 1/2). I can seat 8 people in my den area. Not that I ever have that many over, at the same time that want to sit down. Sometimes I will at Thanksgiving.

    Heather – I don’t want anybody (especially family members) to come park themselves at my house, at least company sort of knows to ‘go home’ at some point. While we tried to get DOS to move back in our house, work, and go back to school … he wouldn’t then … now he ‘regrets’ it; but, that was his ‘first’ grown up decision. So with only one year under his belt he had a family of five to support. There’ve been several things that I wish he had not been browbeat into doing. Sometimes I just want to tell him to ‘grow a set’ and ‘put his foot down’; but, that hasn’t really happened. Sons are polar opposites … probably a good thing since they say ‘opposites attract’. Louis and I are not really polar opposites; but, we are so close it isn’t funny; but, I don’t think ‘either’ of us could stand to have someone so much like either of us. We’d drive one another ‘crazy’. He is my ying to my yang. The milk in my cereal. I’m his ‘nuts’ to his sundae; but, he keeps from going ‘nuts’.

    My goals in June are:
    Track all my food, even when it is late and I am tired and think I will remember to do it tomorrow.
    Try to lose 4 or 5 lbs. between now and next weigh-in (2 weeks) and set another goal for the same amount for the next 2 weeks after that. I’d really like to be at my goal weight when I see my DYS next (in August) … I think I can do it.

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Sarah. Happy 27th Anniversary!!! Awesome sauce!!! Congrats, here's wishing you 27 more!
    Toasting you both with my water bottle!
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Thank you Barbie for keeping us together another month and good evening Ladies!

    It's been a very challenging week for me personally, but I persevered and used exercise instead of food or alcohol as a stress reliever. I hope that some day soon my life will settle down.

    Today was the one year anniversary of this job, how I survived I'll never know, but I did. My coworker insisted on buying me lunch when she went to the grocery store, I objected but she was insistent and said she would buy me spring rolls because she knew I like them and they were low in calories. She is the type of person who gets pleasure from doing for others so I figured if she wanted to so badly I wouldn't take away her pleasure. She said she would get me some sort of dessert, she knows I have a sweet tooth, and I asked her not to. She came back with the spring rolls and a cream cheese brownie, uggggh! Sabotage! 240 calories for the brownie, I have saved 1/2 for later in the week. The spring rolls were 170 for 2, so less than 300 calories for lunch.

    On Saturday I drive to NJ to see my mother in the nursing home for a few hours then travel 120 miles south to spend the rest of the weekend with my dear friends who live on the island off Atlantic City. I make this trip several times a year and always gain a few pounds. A lot of it is the eating I do while driving. I do not stop on the way and try to bring healthy protein that I can eat on the way. Apparently my food was not healthy enough so I am revamping my food. Peeled hard boiled eggs, baby carrots, tuna with tzachi (low cal yogurt based dip) in a wrap, and the spring rolls left over from lunch today. Fortunately my friends eat very healthy,so food is not a problem but I will be consuming wine. I have restricted my wine tremendously this year and it has helped me lose 17 lbs. I consider this weekend a special occasion. I am hoping for a beach day on Sunday, can't wait to strut my smaller self on the beach!

    Love and hugs to all.

    Chris in sunny, beautiful, 75° MA
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,581 Member

    Elks making their way down in Seaside yesterday.

    Just lovely.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    bad hip from my fall, so I was a bit slower than usual
    bike ride hm 2 gym- 12.13min. 14.7amph, 123mhr, 2.9mi = 86c
    apple watch- 95c
    ROWING MACHINE- 50min, 42aw, 94ahr, 121mhr, 7405meters-4.6mi. = 241c
    apple watch- 101c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 6.19min, 13.3amph, 115mhr, 1.4mi = 48c
    apple watch- 561c
    jog station 2 wk, bad hip- 6.11min, 11.16min mi., .5mi = 86c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.27min, 9.37min mi, 132ahr, WINDY! .4mi = 77c
    apple watch- 54c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 18.20min, 8.6amph, 153mhr, 2.6mi, WINDY!!= 201c
    apple watch- 145c

    TOTAL CAL 739
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Pip ... what's with the all caps? I thought you loved the WIND! :D
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    I gained 3.5 pounds this past month ... suffice to say I did not meet my May goals ... rethinking what I want to do. Will get back to you all later.