

  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) I have been watching the National Spelling Bee on TV. These kids are amazing. So far there has been only one word I've ever heard before (I could spell it) but all the others are completely unknown. The competitors seem more relaxed than their parents in the audience.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Did 45 min of a Lift Weights to Lose Weight DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do some HIIT. Need to burn extra calories since we'll be having the bowling party here and I know I'm going to try some of most everything. I will try to be good. Someone is bringing a fruit salad, so I know what I'll be having for dessert. Someone else is bringing guacamole. There will be fixins for the hamburgers (lettuce, tomatoes, etc) so I can make a sandwich of that.

    Had dentist appt, then took my dress to this lady to have altered. She liked the dress. It maybe could be taken up a wee bit in the shoulders, but then I'd have the problem with the beads so it just isn't worth it. Really, it just needs to be brought in on the sides and shortened. She machine quilted Jessica's quit (hope this holds) and she put in an elastic in a pair of pants of mine. I asked her how much, she said $20, is that OK. I told her "no". She said "lower". I told her "no, that's too low". So I gave her $60. Stopped at Food Lion to get Doritos on sale. I just don't trust WalMart to price match them. FL also has the hot dogs on sale. Guess we'll see if WM price matches them. Watch that they don't. Then stopped at WalGreens to get more tunafish, then WalMart to get the hamburgers and hot dogs for tomorrow. I already have the chicken that I'm going to have and the spanikopita. Now home to get things ready, sort of. There are some things that I need to do at the last minute.

    Allie - you go girl!!!! We're all here for you, this is scary but we're here

    katla - I'm also using the blow dryer on the itches. Then I use the hydrocortisone. It's helping -- at least temporarily. Oh, this too shall pass! Have fun with Arrow! When I went with Jess to her horseback riding lesson, I couldn't believe how far I'd come (for me). There was a time when there was no way I'd pet a horse, now I will. Don't ask me to do any more than canter, tho

    pip - that hip must be driving you crazy! Hope it's better soon. You're so active.

    dana - I hope you get better fast. That's no way to lose weight!

    Welcome everyone new!

    Louise - simple goals are the way to go. They won't be overwhelming.

    Felicia - why were you cursing your former dentist? I had a root canal, and to this day I don't think I needed it. Shortly afterwards the dentist went to school to be a root canal specialist and I really believe he was practicing on me

    Mary - how scary!!! I do hope you'll be better fast. Does this last very long?

    Joyce - I remember the first time we took Loki to the vet. He didn't expect to have his temp taken. You should have seen how big his eyes got when they put that thermometer up him! We still laugh about it to this day.

    Vacuumed the downstairs, cleaned the cabinets, cleaned the stovetop, starting to get ready for tomorrow.

    Sarah - happy anniversary!

    Lenora - it's not so much that the wires poke thru the bra that bothers me. I've never had an underwire bra and worn it so much that it would. The problem I have is that it's uncomfortable against my chest bone.

    Loved all the pictures.

    Well, for the first time ever I think I'm going to make a goal for the month. I know that I won't reach it, but I'm determined to give it all I've got. I want to start to eat ONLY when I'm hungry, not out of boredom or habit. Today I was very hungry after exercise, the dentist, getting fitted for my dress, that when I went to Food Lion I bought an apple and had that. I honestly don't like eating in the car.

    Michele in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Poison Ivy! Any tips on getting rid of it quick and keep it from spreading???


    Mary from Minnesota
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    A federal lawsuit has been filed against a county Sheriff in this area; a father set it in motion; but, is not a party to it. Said that the school had a raid and kids were searched. Didn't hear much about it on the news and certainly not that they were 'supposedly' physically checked for needle marks, etc.'. Now they are trying to remove the Sheriff of the county. Maybe I am ‘old school’; but, when someone got their lockers searched at school, it was pretty evident that there was something to be found; but, then they were not allowed to have a lock on their locker, so they ended up carrying around what they were afraid might get stolen. We were given and assigned a locker and lock to go on it. Freshmen had a locker that if it was a cubic square, that would be stretching it. While I agree that the Constitution and Bill of Rights give us certain protections, it seems like we are coddling people who break the law and filing law suits which only makes our taxes (local) go up. It is just crazy. Drugs are killing our children and grandchildren or they are getting addicted, not sure which is harder to take, I guess you can get over losing a child; or you could attempt intervention. Either way, all the rest of the immediately family have to deal with it. Ruins families. I’m happy that neither of my boys ever got involved in drugs; but, having had worked in the legal field, I saw what it could do to families. Didn’t mean to get ‘political’ here. Just venting a little.

    Seems like parents don’t have any control over their children, so those children go looking for a family [“street gangs”] and seeing what those breaking the law make in the way of income from selling drugs. That is what is going to bring us down. Lack of a sense of protection against those who choose to harm us. It’s sad when it gets so close to home. Gangs are everywhere - in large cities and small towns and they spread the poison of their 'family' on everybody in the community. They (authorities) arrested 30 people here in our county for having a ‘fight’ in front of the School Board Building. It was almost ‘comical’ to watch everybody jump into the fight, just because they happen to be there. I’m sure that someone will try to sue someone over this incident, too.

    Back when I was working and growing up, filing a lawsuit was something that occurred when there was something that had been done that was serious. Worked for a plaintiff-based law firm and we did not ‘chase ambulances’. It was also unethical to advertise. Now, every 5th commercial is a ‘class-action’ lawsuit over things that seem far-fetched. I remember going to a MD in Macon who really ‘scared’ me when he told me ‘all the side effects, including death’ on decisions I had to make, for myself or our children. So far, I have not had to make any 'hard' decisions for Louis; but, his Urologist did send home a DVD for us to watch - for alternatives if, no - it's when, he has another episode of not being able to urinate. It's sometimes called ‘laying on the cloth’. CYA! When you get a Rx; you get more than 4 pages of what to expect, what not to take while on the meds, not to take if pregnant, planning on it, or nursing a baby. Not to drive a car … which brings up Tiger Woods. He was ‘under the influence’ – did not matter if it was Rx drugs, alcohol, or street drugs … he should not have been out on the road. How would you like it if he had run into you or your family at a high rate of speed going the wrong way?

    Sorry – that’s it …

    DJ – My husband gets out and meets people - still works at age 75, and sometimes we will run into them at restaurants; and, he never bothers to introduce us … then he gets upset that “I don’t know who it is that he is talking to’. A ‘do you remember my wife, Lenora’ or 'have you met my wife and then introduce us? Nothing! Sometimes I will just jump in there and say my name, then he realizes that I don’t know these people that he has been painting for, for days or weeks or in the past or at the present. It’s not like we are ever going to become ‘socially active’ with most of these people; but, they all seem to ‘love Louis’ and tell me ‘how wonderful he is’. I know how wonderful he is; but, I also see him at his worst, too. I don’t make friends easily, sort of have a few issues with ‘trust’; did so when I was working; but, when I became disabled – I was pretty much ‘left alone out here’. I’d go into the little town and eat lunch with several people of all ages. But, they move away, seems like they just do that or I make friends and they are older and they end up doing the ‘dying’ trick. I always wanted to be the ‘new kid’ at our HS; because everybody wanted to get to know the ‘new kid’. I was relatively popular in school; mainly because I was the counselor-appointed ‘one-girl welcoming committee’. That was a difficult job because I had to get to ‘know them enough’ to introduce them to a group that I thought they’d have something ‘in common with’ to become friends with. Y’all are my friends, so I will tell you things that I’d tell a ‘good friend’ of mine. My BF seems to think that I should always be the one to contact her and have lunch together on Tuesdays when I come into town. The road is the same distance coming out here; she only works on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursday; so Fridays and Mondays we could ‘do something’; but, not unless I do the calling and driving into town. Am I being ‘over-sensitive’?

    Barbie – I love baseball; especially Dixie League up to college, and HS and college softball. I would probably go to most games; but, some I would prefer to stay home and do my own thing.

    LanetteH.A.L.T. should be on my refrigerator, too. I usually write ‘novels’ when I post. LOL! I’ve been trying to just read and not put my 2-cents worth in. I know that some don’t bother reading my posts. I try to be ‘upbeat’; but, usually long after I have posted something I feel like I am a ‘downer’. Don’t mean to be.

    Becca – That’s funny!!! Town Crier!!!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lanette: My blueberries look wonderful but the beans I planted first met with a hard life judging from the fact that only one came up. I'm soaking another group and will replant tomorrow or the next day. I'll work the soil a bit more for this group & I'm soaking them to give the sprouting process a head start. I didn't soak the first group at all. :ohwell: Arrow was a bad boy today, and even tried a couple of little bucks to avoid work. I was not in danger of falling off but I was seriously frustrated with him. :grumble: I thank you for your good thoughts.

    Becca: Sending good thoughts and prayers for your DH. I hope everything goes very well. The dry erase calendar is a great idea! :smiley: I agree with you that this group is a godsend & I love the photo of the Elk at Seaside. I knew there was a herd in Garibaldi, but I didn't know they're in Seaside, too. I love the photo of your son. :heart:

    Dana from Oskaloosa IA: Welcome! It looks as though you're doing very well in the health & weight loss department. Congratulations! :flowerforyou:

    Felicia: Glad to hear that you survived the first part of your root canal repair & are doing well with your weight. I hope your DH finds a friend in the town or neighborhood to spend a bit of time with. Isolation is a worry I have for my DH, too. :flowerforyou:

    Penney: I love the photos! :bigsmile:

    Mary: I'm sorry you had a bad day with your Lymes Disease and your back. :heart:

    Marti in Ontario: Your goals are excellent and the one that catches my eye is Do Not Give UP! Great goal! :smiley:

    Pat in OH: You have discovered the secret to success--attitude. It is the make or break element for all of us. :bigsmile:

    Toni: We both switched doctors last year and are thrilled with our new one. She is young and female, and is both personable and responsive. I read in AARP that women doctors often provide the best patient care. I had a woman before this one and she wasn't so wonderful, but this doctor is awesome. I hope you're lucky enough to find an awesome doctor, too. :smiley:

    Tomorrow DH has another eye doctor appointment in the mid afternoon. I hope it turns out to be a good appointment & a good day.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Still sleeping on goals. I'll figure it out.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Irish DH would introduce me or the kids to friends or family when he meets them. I have learned also that you sometimes have to just speak up. When you are one of 4 kids but his Mom was the oldest of 12, you frequently meet people on the street. His Grandma had 4 kids after his Mom had him. At least I know his aunts and uncles and can talk to them.

    Oh my have these two cats chased each other many times through the house tonight. it is only at night. I have a couple of nice pictures of them both sleeping on the love seat together. On the second pic, Amir Mozart had inched closer and Melody didn't mind. If we could just establishes night time routine so that little squirt doesn't have to end up in a closed room. Charlie has got to learn that firm 'no' but he just says he will deal with them the way he wants to. The little spritz of water is working very well for me. This afternoon when I was still wearing my housecoat, for some reason he decided to get up into the closed, zipped housecoat and was running around in the dark around my tummy. From the outside it looked like i was pregnant with an very active alien.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Hi all, awake early, but no problem, it's a lovely day and DH is off to the cricket later! <3 I'll take him up his cup of tea in a bit.
    I have four days on my own with no car, but I'm not as worried about it as I usually am. I used to secretly eat, but that's well in the past. :D I have my memoir to write and a bit of gardening to do. I want to wash the sofa covers, bit by bit - they're too big to do all at once. DH 's sofa also, which has never been cleaned. I just wipe down the food stains! :o His is a dark blue, but mine is cream. :o

    I have been looking at new cushions for my sofa, to celebrate the fact that we are not moving, but the ones I really, really like are horrendously expensive! :noway: I would need two of those and two more in a plain colour. I haven't found any other cushions, or cushion covers, that I adore and I have been looking for days. I am hovering. I haven't even shown them to DH. He would think I had lost my mind! Cushions are a girl thing. :) If I buy them I will charge them to my own account, not the joint one as I can't expect him to fund my private vices!! :laugh:

    Michele - DH makes a fabulous fruit salad. I have one every morning on my muesli, but he sometimes makes one for dessert if we have company and we want something refreshing after a heavy meal. He is famous for them. He does all the fruit buying and preparation for the breakfast fruit and for our usual stewed fruit every day. Yesterday it was pears. I have my stewed pears with a calorie free caramel sauce. :D And my homemade yoghurt.

    Time for tea. That first cup of the day is the best!

    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Machka – with your 50K coming up, sounds like you are feeling much better! When is your trip to visit dad?

    We'll see how it goes. I'd prefer to leave it till later in the month, but we've got no time later in the month. This is the one and only weekend. So I've got some misgivings about it. Fortunately it is only 50 km which is a relatively short distance. We did do a 27 km ride last weekend and although that was not a timed event like the 50 km is, I still rode it above the minimum speed, so I figure if I can do 27 km a week out of surgery, there's a chance I'll be able to manage 50 km this week.

    And I am hoping to see my dad in about a week. They're talking by-pass surgery, or doing something with his stent from his previous heart attack, early in the week and my mother is hoping he'll be home toward the end of the week. But we'll see.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Thanks for June thread BARBIE, you are a star

    LANETTE love the HALT steps, I really need them now

    I am in funk where each day I do my exercise and squats and am determined to eat properly but then end up snacking on junk. I know this happens when I'm stressed, I realise I don't cope well with change so at the moment have hospital appointment for gallstone problem and waiting to hear about getting my other cataract removed plus a nice change which is upcoming holiday. I love my holidays but also stress about it.

    Please feel free to kick my butt or offer advice, I'll try to take it

    Hugs to everyone who is feeling down

    Love all the pics

    Kate UK <3
  • pitegny
    pitegny Posts: 1,006 Member
    Joyce: Since starting MFP, I have turned most of the food shopping over to my DH. I make the list and he heads to the store. This way I am not confronted by all the choices in the store and we have noticed that our grocery bill is significantly lower, because he sticks strictly to the list. The only exception is when we shop at our ourdoor market, but there the food choices are almost all MFP friendly!

    Lanette: Congratulations on the steps!

    Mary: Sorry the Lyme disease is acting up.

    Dana: Hope you are starting to feel better.

    Sarah: Happy anniversary!

    Becca: Loved both the quilt and the photo of the elk. You must be so proud of your son!

    Kate UK: Sending you a great big virtual hug. When the urge to snack hits, you should come here and read the posts. By the time you work your way through them, the hunger probably will have past!

    I went to the opthalmologist yesterday because I had had a very brief episode where lines became really blurry when reading. She said the pressure is way up in both eyes, pretty much at the top of the acceptable range. I go back in two weeks for more indepth tests. In the meantime, I hit the internet to look for natural alternatives to medication and have already ordered a few supplements. One good thing for my MFP regime, it looks like walking and cycling at least 30 minutes each day is supposed to help lower pressure. I asked my DH to bring our stationary bike upstairs where there is more light and I will be more apt to use it. I had already been talking about doing that anyway. If I can succeed at cycling on it for an hour at a time, we might invest in an electric bike for me in the autumn.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,802 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    slept ok, not great,just ok.. did go visit a friend yesterday and had some ice tea and visited with her and the neighborhood dog Teddy, what a love he is..did 2 loads of laundry and made burgers on the grill for dinner...
    working today, and tomorrow until noon. Then I am sure that I will have stuff to do around the house during the weekend.. the closer I get to the meeting with the lawyer, the more my stomach gets in knots...