
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Becca so glad your husband is doing well!

    Felicia Just stay away from all the BBQ and Tex-Mex! Austin is known for all the great restaurants! I know, that's how I gained so much weight!

    Joyce your husband should get his license sooner than later. He may be declined because of the Parkinson's.

    Michelle I love dragonflies! Yours is unique! Is it going to be hung on the wall or suspended? I even have a dragonfly tattoo. (The only one)

    Allie Be strong. He wants his cake and eat too as the saying goes... he's trying to make you feel sorry for him!

    I was just thinking about one of my exes... Dave. He was a b******!
    He knew had a weight problem and I was plump when I married him but after a while he was always harassing me about being fat and when I would lose s few pounds he would sabotage me with a box of chocolates! No birthday, no anniversary, he just brought home a box to tempt me. Instead of supporting me!

    The last straw was when I got on the scale and it went up to 230 and there was a little note inside that said: "You're too fat! Get off me!" I was so hurt and upset! He thought is sooo funny.

    Another story! Ha! I should write a book. It could be a soap opera!

    Have s good day!
    Dana in Arkansas
  • MartiB856
    MartiB856 Posts: 85 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Becca - You the 'baby of the family'? Do your sisters still 'act like you can't get in out of the rain'? Mine do, sometimes. But, they were always protective of me when a neighbor, Harriett, would pick on me just to make me cry. We're close, now that we are older. Just 3 years between us, almost exactly.


    Heehee, yep I am the baby at 55 yrs old this week, my middle sister Cindy is 59, and Pam is 62. Crazy to think of us old. They both treated me like I was still in high school, but when I married a sailor I think they realized I wasn't a kid anymore!
  • jamespeterswiderski
    jamespeterswiderski Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I would like to get everyone's opinion on intermittent fasting on if they've been successful in using it. I have a super short and informative on intermittent fasting I just published and would like some opinions on what you think of it. I will send you a copy if you send me an email at swiderskishipments@gmail.com. If you would be so kind to leave a review and feedback on what you thought of the book I would be extremely grateful!

    Here is the link to the book’s page on the amazon kindle store

    Thanks so much in advance!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello ladies, here on the Oregon north coast we are having such a cold dreary winter and spring...I feel like it is winter. We are going about in sweaters instead of teeshirts. Granted,
    we are supposed to have rain and foggy days, this is the coast after all!

    I am so impressed by those of you who are winning battle of weight control. I have managed to find that magic amount of calories vs activity to stay absolutely the same weight. Well I can see that the balance needs changed. More activity vs less calories. I guess this isn't rocket science.

    I had to laugh about jmkmomm and her husbands reluctance to have lawn maintence! It must be some sort of masculine territorial thing. My husband is exactly the same. Also about his style of dress. Same thing year after year. The silly thing is, he will buy new shirts etc that look great on him but they hang nicely unworn in the closet! I guess we all have strange habits that drive others a bit wonky.

    To Becca, my neighbor, all my best wishes for your long suffering husband. He must have suffered hugely. I also understand about the empty nest. I missed each of our children as they grew up and left home. I still have moments when I just want to go gether them up and bring them back home.

    Deep breathes, keep smiling,
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    oystereyes wrote: »
    Hello ladies, here on the Oregon north coast we are having such a cold dreary winter and spring...I feel like it is winter. We are going about in sweaters instead of teeshirts. Granted,
    we are supposed to have rain and foggy days, this is the coast after all!

    I am so impressed by those of you who are winning battle of weight control. I have managed to find that magic amount of calories vs activity to stay absolutely the same weight. Well I can see that the balance needs changed. More activity vs less calories. I guess this isn't rocket science.

    I had to laugh about jmkmomm and her husbands reluctance to have lawn maintence! It must be some sort of masculine territorial thing. My husband is exactly the same. Also about his style of dress. Same thing year after year. The silly thing is, he will buy new shirts etc that look great on him but they hang nicely unworn in the closet! I guess we all have strange habits that drive others a bit wonky.

    To Becca, my neighbor, all my best wishes for your long suffering husband. He must have suffered hugely. I also understand about the empty nest. I missed each of our children as they grew up and left home. I still have moments when I just want to go gether them up and bring them back home.

    Deep breathes, keep smiling,

    Dear Patsy,

    Husbands in general are quite a unique breed! My empty nest has been approaching slowly over the years. All to the Navy, which technically speaking gets them for twenty years. Yet I have to mentally hand them over when they are 17 almost 18 yrs old. Totally unfair, lol! I like to point my finger at my sons and state I Bore You!

    My husband is doing well today, no I'll effects from the endoscopy. Crazy they can go thru the throat to deal with stents in the abdomen area! I try to not remember the bad times, when I stopped being a wife, and reluctantly picked up a caregivers cap! Ugh! I remember thinking I am not a nurse, this is crazy ( scary). Its nice to see him healthy, and full of the OK nick!

    Heading to the food bank in Astoria (blue church), and we are grateful. Husband retired early, and I stopped working to care for him. Now we are just having fun, and making up for lost time. I could work but then I'd miss out on The Us.

    Are you active on Facebook? There is a group called Astoria Rocks, that hide rocks around the city. Some amazing artists. You find one, you can keep it, rehide it, or replace it with one you paint.
    Take care
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited June 2017
    Oh and you post a pic of the rock finds and so the artist knows. Some of the artists post pics of rocks they are hiding and the area they will be at. Then young moms can take kids exploring. The proud smiles of the youngsters are priceless!