

  • jennymo
    jennymo Posts: 30 Member
    Hello all.
    Going good today. I did 2hrs of line dancing - 9,000 steps and lots of fun and laughter.
    Still feeling confident that I have this under control
    Everyone have a great day
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    edited June 2017
    Just checking in... too hot to do much.
    We picked up the lawn more this morning we had the blades sharpened and the oil changed and then we went to Lowe's and bought a shepherds hook to hang a pot of petunias on out in front of our kitchen window. We bought some other items for the house too.

    It's fixer-upper all afternoon on TV so I'm just gonna kickback with some ice tea and watch the show and dream on what I could do to my house! Have a good afternoon y'all!

    Dana in Arkansas

    PS: Paula so sorry to hear about your DH buddy on the boat. How terrible! But he was doing what he loved, so that was good. You never know when our Lord may call us home.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Had my dr. visit today for prescriptions and blood work. Will get a mamo tomorrow. Thankfully, my weight was no more than usual. If I could lose about 5 lbs I would be in the overweight zone instead ob obese. Went to I-Hop and had brunch with DH. Wow ~ What a calorie overload.

    Paula ~ So sorry your husband lost one of his fishing buddies.

    Carol in GA
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Hello ladies,
    OK latest on Prudence... Her brother and nephew came up from Bend to see her. They came in the afternoon of Monday and both left Tuesday morning! So much for family being there for her. She had a court hearing today at 10 am. They didn't even stay long enough to take her to that! I am appalled at their behavior!

    So I took her to the court hearing for her ticket, and being that she earlier went and settled she really didn't have to go. The court lady was like why are you here? She said I don't know! Well then we went to the grocery and I returned some cans, while she drove around in a cart.

    She has decided to stay where she is. So I will try to be helpful, try to let the resource center assist where they can, and try to not be her caregiver! Yeah, fat chance! Well I will just try.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Becca – My money would go to getting new counter top, new flooring, maybe remodel the bath; and then buy plants. I love my plants; and, flowers, too (to go out in the flower bed); but, I don’t think I’ll get MY insurance for burning the wagon. After 1 wreck and 2 ‘fender benders’ they probably would have either ‘rated’ me so high that I could not afford it, or dropped me completely. Even though they said they won’t. Last damage, I don’t remember ever doing; but, DH and DOS have driven it before, maybe even DOGD – I won’t let my DDnL#1 drive it because she cannot stay off FB; but, the damage we withdrew our claim; for that reason. The body man said he’d try to bump down the running board that looks like I (or someone) hit a curb. Bowed up; but, doesn't affect the frame, thank goodness. He did fix the door that was binding and said he would do the work and probably stay under the deductible since he isn’t having to order any parts. There is just one spot on the silver of the running board that is ‘chipped’. I want this painted, if it isn’t too much trouble, to prevent it from rusting.

    Yeah, and Dear Brother and Nephew will be on her doorstep before the news of her death has settled in. As my Daddy used to say, ‘nothing brings out the worst in people than a good old family funeral’. I agree.

    Paula Y – I know that had to be a shock to your husband and the rest of the guys. When my DBnL (sister’s husband) had his stroke last fall, it really affected DH because he is about 3 years or 4 older than DBnL. Sister said that when they came home, he was really emotional and when we called, she said it again. We had him on ‘speaker phone’ and when Louis said ‘whatever’ … we could tell from his voice that he was about to ‘lose it’. So we told him that we loved him and would plan on seeing them this summer or fall. They just got back from visiting my sister in Miami. Boo Hiss! Jealous! I hate that I can’t see my family more often.

    Holidays – Go to Hobby Lobby at Valentines, all the 4th of July stuff is out and ‘on sale’.

    I don’t have a pedometer; but, I can’t believe how many steps y’all get in a day.

    Katla – For all the holidays we roll them up together and get one ‘big’ gift that we want. Sometimes it isn’t really big; but, it is something we want (and occasionally need).

    Birthdays – We had 2 in March, 2 in April, 2 in November, and actually 2 in October (18th and 25th); but, for some reason we generally ‘ran late’ on doing something for Mother. DBnL would start reminding us that hers was coming up!!!

    Allie – Karma is a funny thing. Sometimes we want it to be ‘instant’ and most times it comes around and is ‘funny’ because we ‘no longer care’ and that sometimes ‘makes it sweet’.

    Sharon – Y’all did a ‘great’ job with the selfie and your brother and you. Finally, he has learned something to do with electronics. DH doesn’t even ‘want’ to learn anything when it comes to. Not even to take a picture.

    Kelly – We’d get charged for daycare by 10 minute increments if we did not ‘pick’ them up by 6:00pm. They opened very early (maybe 7:00am). But, for most people that works. We my boys were young, my sister lived in town and she’d go pick them up for me.
    I must have ‘missed’ the comment about the ‘brochure from the funeral home’.

    Lisa – Drawing and Painting are things I do for my pleasure at my leisure. When DH said I need to ‘try’ to sell my work; I dried up. But, when my DOS told me that ‘only REAL artist could draw with pencil’. It really ticked me off! A few days later I found an online drawing class and took it. That Christmas I gave him a ‘full strut’ turkey for Christmas and told him I ‘never’ wanted to hear he ‘imply’ that I was not a ‘real’ artist.

    Karen – I agree – if you are going to ‘drop dead’ you ought to be doing something you ‘like to do’ and be ‘surrounded by friends’.

    Poor Mallory – she’s down in Destin, FL when Hurricane Cindy making its way towards Louisiana. Going to be a long wet week for them.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lisa: 70'sF and lower 80'sF are ideal, in my opinion. 115F is not something I even want to imagine outside of a hot tub or sauna. :noway:

    beancounter & JHW from NC: Welcome! The best way to lose weight is to count calories and move more. You've found a very supportive group. Stop by often to give and get support. :flowerforyou:

    I'm frustrated with our homeowner's association president at the moment. He gave landscaping authority to a new homeowner & she pruned a plant that I bought and paid for & planted in my flowerbed after I told her it was my responsibility and to leave it alone. I think it is the President's fault and have exchanged angry emails with him today. He wants me to leave him alone, and I want him, as the Association President, and the new neighbor he gave authority to do landscaping, to respect my wishes regarding my personal plants within my own flowerbeds. I sent him a copy of the applicable CC&R rule on the matter. I am right and he is wrong, and my plant has been pruned in a way I don't like. :devil: :angry:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    :grumble: :mad:
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,435 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hello ladies,
    OK latest on Prudence... Her brother and nephew came up from Bend to see her. They came in the afternoon of Monday and both left Tuesday morning! So much for family being there for her. She had a court hearing today at 10 am. They didn't even stay long enough to take her to that! I am appalled at their behavior!

    So I took her to the court hearing for her ticket, and being that she earlier went and settled she really didn't have to go. The court lady was like why are you here? She said I don't know! Well then we went to the grocery and I returned some cans, while she drove around in a cart.

    She has decided to stay where she is. So I will try to be helpful, try to let the resource center assist where they can, and try to not be her caregiver! Yeah, fat chance! Well I will just try.



    Do you know who has power of attorney for her, if anyone? For example - if she does end up in the hospital or needs a medical decision made, who is responsible? Her relatives are probably glad your are close by - hopefully they realize there's a bright line where your neighborly kindness ends and their responsibility starts - if she has indeed done that.

    Are you the only neighbor who looks in on her?

    I don't blame you for not wanting to take on the official role of her caretaker. Your DH's health is stable right now, but if there are some rocky points down the road, having her needs also on your plate is a lot to deal with. I know I'm not saying anything here that you already haven't thought about a lot!

    It's good for us to talk about Prudence and her situation -- if we are ever in the same boat with no relatives near, who will we depend on? There's gonna be a bunch of us!

    Best wishes go out to you! <3

    SW WA State
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,896 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :)jennymo how often do you line dance? What's your favorite dance right now?

    :) We planned to go to a baseball game this evening but it's so cold and windy, we'll wait till tomorrow to go

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • DanaReel180
    DanaReel180 Posts: 463 Member
    Fathers' Day: My DH doesn't have children but my 2 DDs sent him pictures and greetings on FB which I showed him. He was happy with that and I told him that if we ever had kids he would of been the best dad ever! Dolly is our (fur) kid!!

    He did have a stepson in a previous marriage. He sends him Christmas cards still but rarely hears from him.

    My son is a total biker. I haven't talked to him in 2 years. He will call his YS but not me. I saw him 5 years ago. I've been married to Bob for 13 years (next month) and they have never met. Neither one seems to give a hoot! Whatever. I'm over worrying about people or family who treat others that love them. So there!

    I can't wait to weigh in tomorrow!! I put my belt on today and it was on the 4th notch! Yeah!

    Good night! Going to catch up with you all soon!
    Dana in Arkansas
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Couldn't do any exercise today. Guess taking one day off won't kill me...lol The plan for tomorrow is to do the deep water class.

    Got back this afternoon. Let me tell you, that hotel left an awful lot to be desired. Lucky us weren't even charged an entertainment fee. We got to watch the almost-dead bug on his back flailing his arms about. You had to really hold down the handle on the toilet or else it wouldn't flush. And the smell! The room smelled so musty. A lot of hotels smell musty some, but once you put on the a/c it goes away. Not this one. But I guess we were lucky. My cousin was staying in another room and she said when she first got to her room the hair dryer didn't work, the sink was slllllloooowww and the door wouldn't close. So I guess we got a deluxe room. At least our hair dryer worked!

    The hotel didn't have a fitness center, which is why I couldn't exercise. After the service we went back to Greg's house. I was starving hungry. They mostly had the key lime cake I'd made, someone made an apple pie, they had the spanakopita I brought, and the sausage and peppers I brought. I tell you, I was so hungry that I actually had two pieces of the cake and a small piece of the apple pie. I don't know why, but for some reason they weren't going to put out the sausage and peppers, but they put out the spanakopita. Most of them were eaten, I think there were 3 left.

    Lanette - yes, Vince has been into music for a long time. When he was little, he and two of his friends had a "band". Now he's into all sorts of electronic music, some classical, that sort of thing. Klaus Schultz, etc. What is it with drummers and guitars? Vince has, I don't know how many, bass guitars. One of the local stores went out of business. The other day I got a lot of things 75% off. Went by the store today and they are closed. I just wanted to see what was left, but I guess nothing is.

    KJ - as I recall when my kids were in daycare, there was an extra charge if you dropped off your kids earlier or picked them up after a certain time.

    Paula Y - how horrible! How devastating

    Joyce - can you take a video of Charlie shuffling? Jess would take videos of the cat doing some thing (like walking with a limp) and show them to the vet

    Welcome everyone new (that includes you, Delena and beancounter)

    Remember the lady I used to tell you about who went to Mexican Train that was really overweight but I commented on the food that she eats? Well, she was sent to the hosp from the nursing home with heart problems. Seems she has a bad UTI in addition to the c-diff. I just spoke to her husband and he told me that the doc told him today to call in the family. He's in the hosp too but he said he's getting better. Today he was able to eat jello and some chicken broth. A few days ago nothing tasted good to him, but today the chicken broth was so good that he asked for more.

    JHW - welcome! What part of NC are you in?

    Dana - don't you just love it when your belt goes down another notch?

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,738 Member
    stats for the day:

    **wahoo hrm not recording right all the time :0/ **

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 11.32min. 130mhr, 15.2mph, 2.9mi = 91c
    apple watch- 88c
    ROWING MACHINE- 20min, 46aw, 107mhr, 3064meters-1.9mi. = 88c
    apple watch- 140c
    Plyometrics exercises- 21.49min, 3ets of 10each, single leg toe touches, ceiling to fl single leg touches, push-ups, hamstring leglifts, crunches, sit-ups, reverse bicycles, leg lifts, all 4's elbow to knee, 110mhr = 87c
    apple watch- 118c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.47min, 14.5amph, 131mhr, 1.4mi = 56c
    apple watch- 50c
    bike ride from puyallup 2 sumn station- 13.01min, 147mhr, 14amph, 3mi= 128c
    apple watch- 126c
    jog station 2 wk- 4.56min, 9.20min mi, 149mhr, .5mi = 45c
    apple watch- 54c
    jog wk 2 sta- 5min, 9.57lmin mi, 151mhr, .4mi, windy = 57c
    Apple Watch- 54c
    bike ride dome 2 hm, up Mst- 17.39min, 8.3amph, 155mhr, 2.4mi, windy! = 183c
    apple watch- 145c

    total cal 770
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    edited June 2017
    Pictures are from my garden. I am making it a goal to sit out under the umbrella two hours a day in the late afternoon. The evening primrose is in bloom. The fountain I have going on the patio. The Sweet William is part of my view as are the black and yellow flamingos (University of Iowa) from my lounge chair.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,435 Member
    Sharon - cute photo of you and your brother! Good job on the selfie ;) So glad your ankle is feeling better!! So sorry you are dealing with the work crap. Is switching jobs/bosses a possibility at some point or are you there until retirement? Sometimes it's the devil you know v. the devil you don't. I put up with more in my final few years at work because I didn't have the energy to start over somewhere...had I been ten years younger I'd have moved on. My supervisor (who I'd been at odds with) remarked I seemed to have made my peace with it - I told him the best way to survive was "bloom where I'm planted". Good thing he couldn't read my mind >:)

    Paula - what a thing for your husband to go through with his friend dropping dead :'( Is your DH's health generally good? Sometimes it takes a shock like that for us to reassess our own health and take care of health issues that we've been putting off. How's he doing this week?

    JanetR - your DH is surely a keeper! That cheddar cheese bread is the icing on the cake!

    - the last church I regularly attended - United Methodist - had a lady pastor who made sure we went through the chapters of the Bible. She made it fun - I learned a lot. Was a very special time - I think there were 2 dozen regular members and I was among the youngest - this was ten years ago!

    - enjoy the family reunion! I'd prefer sleeping in a house or camper over a tent on the ground any time!

    Heather and Dana and all you gals with temperature in the 90's... our turn is coming this weekend. Saturday and Sunday, predicted 95. Thankfully will cool into the mid-80's on Monday then back into the 70's the rest of the week unless the weatherman fouls up the forecast. Again.

    Katla - I don't blame you for getting after the Homeowner's Association President! How dare anyone prune your plant... and for him to give permission to someone else. I'd be tempted to send someone a bill. As an aside, I read that a fellow somewhere was made to cut down one of his favorite trees in his lawn because the roots were buckling a sidewalk. To get even, he went around and planted baby giant sequoia trees all over the city - mayor's lawn, parks, you name it. When they get big they'll really buckle some sidewalks. Now then, you didn't plant a giant sequoia, did you? o:) If not, would you like to?

    Margaret - that spot in your yard looks mighty nice! I could easily spend a couple hours a day looking at all the lovely plants and relaxing. Just don't let Katla's neighbor come over with her pruners! >:)

    Have a wonderful evening!

    SW WA State
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    There's really only her 2nd cousin once removed in Astoria, her brother in Bend, the manager here that sometimes takes her places. No there isn't a POA I will ask her. I have decided to do what a can for her, and not worry so much. I will write checks if she asks me to, for her to sign, but I will not organize her finances. I will ask if she needs items at the store, but I will not be her taxi service. I am still upset that her brother dropped the ball. But it's not her fault her family is the way they are. The resource lady was pathetic today too. She's not senile enough for a senior center, so she can't to anything. Just wait until she gets older, blinder, its not right, but she has her hands tied too. So I will do what I am comfortable doing for her, and leave it at that. Time to walk Annabelle, which I enjoy by the way.... Hugs ladies!