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What are your unpopular opinions about health / fitness?



  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    I hate how when you are waiting at an office for a doctor or a lawyer or anything they always say have a seat and everyone is always sitting I preferred to stand when I am waiting. I sit all day long at my job why would I want to sit more !? Everyone always has to be sitting down for everything and everyone always goes out of their way to make sure your sitting or have a seat in any circumstance. I think it's lazy. (For people who don't have medical conditions or are impaired). Not saying everyone has to be standing but I hate how people act like your insane if you prefer to stand and wait or not be sitting at every chance.

    Pretty sure it's just an attempt at hospitality as most people are more comfortable sitting. I don't think they mean "you may not stand."

    Actually, I, too, have had people be a little weird about it - act sort of nervous about it, as if I were about to do something else odd. Partly it may be that some waiting areas have no logical-seeming place to stand. A couple of times, there's been a bit of a weird dance with some polite, well-bred young person who felt they should give up their chair to me (grey-haired older woman), when I really preferred to stand. Heh.

    Not a big deal, IME, though - no hostility or anything.

    I will admit, the one time I was in a waiting room and there was a person standing, it was really weird.

    It was a really tiny waiting room and there really was no good place to stand, but to make matters worse, she was standing in the worst possible place out of a plehtora of bad places. It was awkward.

    I think I'm going to stand the next time I go to that same waiting room. I'm wondering if I can find a better spot!
  • anaxmann
    anaxmann Posts: 103 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    anaxmann wrote: »
    TR0berts wrote: »
    I don't believe humans were necessarily meant to eat grain nor dairy... Maybe some have adapted but I know many people and myself feel terrible after eating any gluten or dairy.

    Apples give me a stomachache. Therefore people aren't necessarily meant to eat apples?

    Well, what evidence can you provide that we were meant to eat apples?

    Adam and Eve. >:)

    That probably wasn't an apple and they weren't supposed to eat it. Not that I am arguing against eating apples, or any non-poisonous fruit... ;)

    Yeah, it probably wasn't an apple, and they were told it was the only thing in the garden they weren't supposed to eat, therefore we were meant to eat apples. QED.

    Oh, wait, you mean there's no evidence there were any apples in the garden? Oh, well. ;-)

    I think it's weird that people are supposed to prove that we were meant to eat apples. I don't think humans were meant to eat anything in particular, including apples, but in that apples are reasonably nutritious and not harmful and taste good, I would take exception to the idea that humans are not MEANT to eat them since supposedly at some point in human development humans (at least humans in certain places) did not.

    On the whole, I think the whole meant/non meant applies only if one is making some sort of argument based on the intent of a creator or an idea of evolution (as in evolved to be perfectly suited to an environment and food and then stopped) that is entirely unscientific.

    (I realize this discussion had moved on, but it was more entertaining that many of the subsequent ones.)

    (I commented for similar reasons, everything else was so serious :/ . Plus, the whole apple misconception gives apples a bad rep and they can't stand up for themselves.)
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Psst. ....all you sugar addicts.

    I can supply all sorts of British goodies. ...for the right price of course ;)

    I might know someone, ahem, who smuggled Kinder Surprises into the States earlier this year. Ahem.

    Apparently a way has been discovered to legally and overtly import them for commercial sale. I saw an article on the subject earlier this year.

    I checked in April and they're still contraband. However, Kinder has developed a new thing called Kinder Joy where it's an egg but one side is a scoopy delicious thing and the other side the toy. Skirting the whole people are stupid and will eat the egg and toy deal. I think those are being launched in the US though we have them here as well as the Surprises.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Wait, am I the supplier?

    nah, don't worry. you're not implicated :tongue.

    the drug store i constantly visit in hopes has had a shipment.

  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    jseams1234 wrote: »
    jseams1234 wrote: »
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    peppypea wrote: »
    OK, dunno if I will be lost in the shuffle, but I'll post mine:
    Organic is a scam and a waste of money

    GMO are safe and verified and there is no need to label them

    You don't really need 8 glasses of water- thirst exists for a reason

    Almost no one can follow a fad diet forever- and healthful changes will only last with a change you can sustain for the long haul

    That's all I got for now


    You might find more and more people are seeing this. Although there are still a lot of propaganda driven "mocumentaries" out there.

    Even sarcasm wouldn't make that comment appropriate...


    @nutmegoreo - they deleted that mean post I was multi-quoting and left part of yours still up - makes it look like I was just quoting you and pepptpea, so I get flagged. heh

    I'm glad you cleared that up. It made no sense as I read it (the mean post gone).

    Though I am somewhat curious now, haha...
  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,218 Member
    mathjulz wrote: »
    jseams1234 wrote: »
    jseams1234 wrote: »
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    peppypea wrote: »
    OK, dunno if I will be lost in the shuffle, but I'll post mine:
    Organic is a scam and a waste of money

    GMO are safe and verified and there is no need to label them

    You don't really need 8 glasses of water- thirst exists for a reason

    Almost no one can follow a fad diet forever- and healthful changes will only last with a change you can sustain for the long haul

    That's all I got for now


    You might find more and more people are seeing this. Although there are still a lot of propaganda driven "mocumentaries" out there.

    Even sarcasm wouldn't make that comment appropriate...


    @nutmegoreo - they deleted that mean post I was multi-quoting and left part of yours still up - makes it look like I was just quoting you and pepptpea, so I get flagged. heh

    I'm glad you cleared that up. It made no sense as I read it (the mean post gone).

    Though I am somewhat curious now, haha...

    It was a pretty raw and direct attack on a previous posters appearance.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    jseams1234 wrote: »
    mathjulz wrote: »
    jseams1234 wrote: »
    jseams1234 wrote: »
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    peppypea wrote: »
    OK, dunno if I will be lost in the shuffle, but I'll post mine:
    Organic is a scam and a waste of money

    GMO are safe and verified and there is no need to label them

    You don't really need 8 glasses of water- thirst exists for a reason

    Almost no one can follow a fad diet forever- and healthful changes will only last with a change you can sustain for the long haul

    That's all I got for now


    You might find more and more people are seeing this. Although there are still a lot of propaganda driven "mocumentaries" out there.

    Even sarcasm wouldn't make that comment appropriate...


    @nutmegoreo - they deleted that mean post I was multi-quoting and left part of yours still up - makes it look like I was just quoting you and pepptpea, so I get flagged. heh

    I'm glad you cleared that up. It made no sense as I read it (the mean post gone).

    Though I am somewhat curious now, haha...

    It was a pretty raw and direct attack on a previous posters appearance.

    Out of the blue and for no reason at all, no less.
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    mathjulz wrote: »
    That ALL forms of calorie counting, weight loss dieting, food restriction that is not based on DOCTOR DIAGNOSED allergies or orders to cut a food from your diet, exercise intended for "body sculpting", and the like are forms of eating/body dysmorphic disorders that cause anywhere from mild to severe mental and social consequences for those engaging in them; and can (although do not always) lead to severe physical effects in those practicing them. I believe most of the people who use MFP have unrecognized eating or body dysmorphic disorders, mostly orthorexia.

    And here you are ...

    To be fair it is difficult to be a woman in today's society and NOT have some degree of body issues. Men too although to a lesser degree typically.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    I have an *unpopular*

    What is with $6 loaves of bread? I mean, yes, Dave's Killer bread is tasty. But is it $4.50 a loaf more tasty than the regular whole wheat? I submit that it is not.

    I had sticker shock recently. My son, every now and then, goes through picky phases. I saw these strawberry Fairlife nutrition drinks and thought they would be just the thing for him. Dear Glob. Almost $8.00 for a pack of 4 tiny drinks.

    I bought him some yogurt instead.

    FWIW they weren't that good! The milk tastes better and has close enough of a nutrition profile
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I have an *unpopular*

    What is with $6 loaves of bread? I mean, yes, Dave's Killer bread is tasty. But is it $4.50 a loaf more tasty than the regular whole wheat? I submit that it is not.

    I had sticker shock recently. My son, every now and then, goes through picky phases. I saw these strawberry Fairlife nutrition drinks and thought they would be just the thing for him. Dear Glob. Almost $8.00 for a pack of 4 tiny drinks.

    I bought him some yogurt instead.

    FWIW they weren't that good! The milk tastes better and has close enough of a nutrition profile

    Good to know, sorry you wasted money on them. The milk is definitely worth the money.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    MJ2victory wrote: »
    MJ2victory wrote: »
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    MJ2victory wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    MJ2victory wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    MJ2victory wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    MJ2victory wrote: »
    ok I'm ready to weigh in on this (hahaha I crack myself up). Here are my unpopular opinions:

    1. Weighing daily is unhealthy. (not to say it isn't tempting)
    2. Weight loss should not be your objective. It's a side affect of making healthier choices.
    3. Mental health is just as important as physical health (if not more).
    4. If you lose weight bc you hate yourself, you will still hate yourself at your goal weight and you WILL gain it back.

    Sometimes, losing weight (in and of itself) is the best thing a person can do for their health.

    not if they're going to immediately gain it back because they didn't deal with their relationship with food and the emotional baggage that may have caused them to gain the weight.

    Who says they didn't deal with those issues as a means to the goal of losing weight?

    like I said in my original post: my opinion is that weight loss should be a byproduct, not the goal. The goal is to feel better, be more physically able, not eat emotionally, love yourself, etc. Weight is just your relationship with gravity. If you make lifestyle changes, you may lose weight, but it's about the weakest measurement of health.

    Obesity is detrimental to physical health. It's hardly a weak measurement of health. If a person is obese and they have an unhealthy relationship with food, then yes they need to deal with that unhealthy relationship in order to achieve the goal of overcoming obesity because obesity kills.

    What a ridiculous oversimplification. There is a correlation between obesity and some illnesses. And do you remember what was talked about in high school about the dangers of assuming causation vs correlation?

    No, obesity has been proven to CAUSE deaths. In 2015 four MILLION people died worldwide due to excess body weight. You'd really tout a high school lecture on correlation vs. causation as the authority trumping thousands of scientists and doctors worldwide? The science is very clear that obesity kills. You're deluded if you just think "weight is your relationship with gravity" and nothing more.

    you can think my argument is stupid or disagree with me but no scientist is going to say that obesity causes death. Show me that article. They all say it's linked or it can lead to a cause of death. Your weight is the result of over eating and/or a sedentary lifestyle. Overeating and/or a sedentary lifestyle? leads to excess weight. leads to several causes of death. Obesity doesn't literally kill you.

    Semantics. Obesity = excess fat. When fat is unnaturally abundant it wrecks havoc with several systems. It's not an idle organ that just hangs there minding its own business. The mere act of being obese increases the risk for the top killer diseases. Is an active obese better off than an inactive obese? Sure, but an active lean person has better chances than both.

    Semantics are important. Like the way you called fat people just "obese" and called thin people "lean person." Fun dehumanization in action. Why would "an obese" ever want to make healthy changes while being made to feel inhuman? We are not disagreeing, you just don't like my words. But they're important to me.

    "Obese" is a clinical term referring to the presence of more fat on the body than is healthy (simplified definition). It's not a "dehumanization" or even a derogatory term.

    I think the issue is with it being used as a noun - "an obese" - rather than an adjective - "an obese person," particularly when the alternative is called a "lean person." That's why it feels dehumanizing.

    It's also entirely possible that there was a typing error - the word "person" unintentionally omitted, where she meant to say "an obese person" (just like "a lean person"). I've done that sort of thing myself on occasion.

    I agree that word use and semantics can be important. But I also think that we need to strive for understanding before being offended.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    edited July 2017
    I often get weird looks when I say that many store bought cakes and treats are gross in my opinion. But they are to me. Usually way way too sweet and too many gums in there to keep the cream airy.
    My taste has changed a lot but it seems that some people just think I am playing it. I am not I really think many foods I love are gross now.
  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    edited July 2017
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    panda4153 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Regarding women and pregnancy weight gain, I think it's fair to say this. There are a lot of women out there who gain a lot more than what they really need to. Regardless of whatever amount of weight that is, there are a lot of women who gain excessively.

    So do non pregnant men. What's your point?

    Exactly what I was wondering in response to that statement.

    Perhaps the point being made was not that non pregnant people also gain too much, but that there are women who use the pregnancy as an excuse to gain too much.

    People use lots of things as an excuse for weight gain, so again I'm not sure what JasonForecaster's point was in singling out -- indeed, concern trolling, or so it seemed to me -- about pregnant women doing this. I found it rather humorous (in a way) that he did so. After all, no one asserted that pregnant women never gain too much, there's no particular reason to see pregnant women gaining weight with a pregnancy as the driving force of the obesity problem, which is much broader, and it seems odd that Jason, who is a normal or underweight single guy, last I recall, would be particularly concerned about how all these pregnant women are packing on the pounds. Well, not odd, exactly, but something.
    IRL, I would say that more than half of women I know who have become pregnant gained substantially more weight than they needed to. I don't know if that represents the population as a whole, but among those I actually know, it seems to me like it's a very common (and preventable) issue.

    Did you ask these friends of yours how much they gained or you just assumed they gained more than necessary? Curious.
    I did not ask. But I also know other pregnant women who did not gain excessively. There's obviously a noticeable difference between a few extra pounds and a ton extra.

    In pregnant women, you can tell just by looking at them how much weight they've put on? That's quite a talent. I wonder how you would have pegged me, who has fibroid tumors that grow to tennis ball/baseball size during pregnancy due to all the excess hormones and gave the distinct appearance that I was carrying twins even though I had only gained 22 lbs and 27 lbs with my pregnancies and gave birth to single, healthy weight, babies each time.

    Seriously dude, stop digging your hole. You have no idea how much weight any of those women gained, what their doctors advised them was healthy, etc.
    I never claimed to be able to tell exactly how much weight anyone gained. I said I could tell a difference between a little extra weight and a ton.

    And since this thread is about unpopular opinions, what I'm saying is still valid.

    I find it hilarious that you actually went back that many pages back to respond to that post, when I later made it obvious I had moved off from discussing that topic.

This discussion has been closed.