That's poor form



  • browneyedgirl749
    browneyedgirl749 Posts: 4,984 Member
    i stopped giving money to homeless people

    Same here. I'll go get a couple of burgers at a fast food place, or pick up some lunchables at the grocery store and give it to them. When I worked at 7-11 in my early-mid 20's, there was a couple of homeless guys that came in that I had to constantly refuse beer because they stayed drunk. There was a McDonald's right by the overpass they stayed at, so I got them some cheeseburgers and told them to sober up.
  • rdevol
    rdevol Posts: 278 Member
    I belong to It's kind of like Facebook for your neighborhood. People in your neighborhood can post if their pet is missing, having a garage sale, or just about anything. A few months ago a man posted on it. He was new to the neighborhood, his girlfriend was pregnant with twins and on complete bed rest. He was working two jobs, double shifts at one of them, and was really stressed about how his family was going to be fed when he was at work. A few neighbors and myself organized a meal train for the family, and people signed up to bring them meals for about six weeks, until she was hospitalized. She went into labor at about 27 weeks and delivered the twins, a boy and a girl. Sadly, the little girl passed the next day. They were overwhelmed - devastated with grief, but trying to be happy about their son, and still financially struggling. I paid the $100 it cost for the daughter's cremation and found a local church that was willing to hold a memorial service for her. It was a privilege to get to know them and to help them, and helping them made me feel good, as I knew I was doing God's work. I know not everyone on here is a believer, but that's how I felt.

    Now they text me every few weeks to check on me and give me updates on their son, who's still in the hospital but doing pretty well. Some of the neighbors are going to have a baby shower for the mother when the baby is ready to come home. So glad I saw his post, and got to know these awesome people.
  • SomebodyWakeUpHIcks
    SomebodyWakeUpHIcks Posts: 3,836 Member
    edited June 2017
    @sw33tp3a1 wrote: »
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    sw33tp3a1 wrote: »
    I found out last week that my neighbors daughter barely eats at home because her mom doesn't feed her. This broke my heart on so many levels. Since finding this out, I've made sure I always offer her food when she comes over. I always make sure she goes home full.

    I had a similar situation years ago when my son was 8 or so. There was a neighbor boy who had the same birthday, same age. When I made chocolate chip cookie bars from scratch for my sons birthday, we invited him over as well to celebrate. I will never forget the look on his face when he bit into that bar and how big his eyes got when he asked if I made them and I said yes. After he told me he was hungry because his mom didn't cook, I always made sure to offer him snacks and invite him over for dinner often.

    I can't even fathom the thought of how many kids go hungry during summer break. Most of these kids rely on food from school when they're in situations like these. No kid should go to bed hungry, Ever!

    What is sad is that our school systems have been burden with the additional tasks of feeding kids, counseling kids and providing day care. Their main objection, education, is not what they get to focus on.

    Schools have kids for 17% of a kid's week and yet have to spend most of their time dealing with the 83% outside their control.
  • SomebodyWakeUpHIcks
    SomebodyWakeUpHIcks Posts: 3,836 Member
    i saw a video way back on a lion protecting a wounded fox from the other lions

    Did he eat the fox after the others left?

    here is the video i was talking about

    Wait, the last pic in that series... there is no fox. Is that what the cubs are eating on?
  • MrStabbems
    MrStabbems Posts: 3,110 Member
    I opened the car door for the Mrs. :neutral:

    I also spent my lunch break speaking to a lonely lady that we see often at work. It always feels like she wants to speak more and doesn't want to leave so I thought what the hell it's only a lunch break.
  • Deadman_Diggingup
    Deadman_Diggingup Posts: 3,082 Member
    Last year , every week I would take my elderly neighbour shopping. She's a lovely lady who refuses help from all. If she thought I was doing it just for her she'd be upset. So no matter if I've just been the day before I would tell her I needed to go would she like a ride when Wednesday rolled around.
    Sometimes I would drop her off and say I had errands , in actual fact I went to the park for a walk while she shopped. Ive found a few older people like this, they don't like to accept you kinda got to make it not seem like you're trying to help lol..

    That's very thoughtful and sweet of you Jo...
  • BoosDimples
    BoosDimples Posts: 2,826 Member
    Last year , every week I would take my elderly neighbour shopping. She's a lovely lady who refuses help from all. If she thought I was doing it just for her she'd be upset. So no matter if I've just been the day before I would tell her I needed to go would she like a ride when Wednesday rolled around.
    Sometimes I would drop her off and say I had errands , in actual fact I went to the park for a walk while she shopped. Ive found a few older people like this, they don't like to accept you kinda got to make it not seem like you're trying to help lol..

  • MrStabbems
    MrStabbems Posts: 3,110 Member
    big spillage at work, single guy left to clean up. Helped him, felt proud and slightly intoxicated from the fumes. :dizzy:
  • _pi3_
    _pi3_ Posts: 2,311 Member
    I need to mow mine