How disgusting is this...



  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    could someone answer my question as to why pro anorexic posts are banned here but pro obesity posts are not? both are extremely unhealthy.

    we shouldnt attack either group and should strive to help them but if one isnt allowed then neither should be.
    This is not pro-obesity. and if you don't understand the debate here or the difference between anorexia and obesity, no one can really help you.

    im talking in general...i was under the impression pro anorexia isnt allowed because its unhealthy...if thats the case even though a pro obesity post isnt exactly the same its still promoting an unhealthy choice...just like, id imagine, a pro steroid post would be banned here.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    Haven't read anything, just wanted a place to put this.
  • peeaanuut
    peeaanuut Posts: 359 Member

    She was more concerned with me not doing heroin than with my weight. I was about 120 lbs when we met. Weight has never been an issue for her. And its not entirely about the weight number for me either. I just want to be able to get back to the things I enjoy. Hiking, camping, rowing, surfing. Things I did when i was younger and enjoyed a lot. If I could do them at my size now, 400 lbs wouldnt be an issue. But I can do to those things at my size. And again, since you didnt read, I have an account with plenty of money to cover any medical expenses if the need arise. In the passed 20 years, the need has not arisen. When I sprained my ankle last year, I did what any doctor would tell me to do. Rest it up, put on some ice and wear a brace. So I went and got a walking boot, iced a bunch and the ankle is 100 percent now. No trip to the doctor needed. You are throwing around a lot of assumptions without knowing anything about me based on your bias of fat people.

    I don't have a bias against fat people - you are projecting this. Did you even read what I wrote? I work in public health, so I have a bias against people who don't take care of themselves. I only mention your weight because there are many chronic diseases that go along with obesity that can only be seen by visiting a doctor, such as high cholesterol that can lead to heart disease and high blood sugar that can lead to diabetes. Regular checkups are encouraged because they help people. Prevention saves lives and money.

    you still arent reading. If I dont go to the doctor and could quite easily pay for any medical medical condition I feel needs attention, how am I a drain on anyone at any time? Your bias is that you think fat people take advantage of public services and are a drain. It shows quite clearly.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    disgusting is how you word it ...for me its really sad...and pathetic
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    *She* is not disgusting...I see her point, and it's good to read that someone is finding peace with herself.

    But to be overweight because you can? It's a little sad and seems like an excuse - just like doing drugs or being an alcoholic or surrendering to any addiction on GP.

    She says all this stuff about not wanting to starve herself to conform, and that's something we've all struggled with. But those of us who have lost anything know that we don't have to starve.

    She says it's great that people who lose weight feel good about themselves, but that their lives should not be summed up by one accomplishment. I agree...but I have worked harder to lose this weight than I have at any other goal in my life. I have other accomplishments, and in their context I am proud of those things. But every time I walk in my closet, and know that I have clothes that fit and look decent on me - I am reminded of what I have achieved in this area.

    It's like she is demeaning the losers for the work we have done was for the wrong reasons...just to excuse her love for cupcakes. I love cupcakes. I have eaten cupcakes since I started this journey. I will eat more. But I don't eat a cupcake every time I see one simply because it's there. That's the difference.

    I don't believe we should all be a size 2. I don't believe everyone should be thin. But healthy? Yes. We should all be healthy...

    THIS!!!! Very well said!
  • peeaanuut
    peeaanuut Posts: 359 Member
    Haven't read anything, just wanted a place to put this.

    oh boy! Cats are coming soon. I like cats.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    Haven't read anything, just wanted a place to put this.

    oh boy! Cats are coming soon. I like cats.
    You have opened the flood gates. Prepare yourself.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    you still arent reading. If I dont go to the doctor and could quite easily pay for any medical medical condition I feel needs attention, how am I a drain on anyone at any time? Your bias is that you think fat people take advantage of public services and are a drain. It shows quite clearly.

    not you specifically but if obesity is higher in poor communities then its a pretty reasonable bet that it will be an increased burden on public services.

    so we should be educating the poor better in making healthy food choices, exercise etc...
  • CAS185
    CAS185 Posts: 20
    Powerfully written. Beautiful. It's the talent inside that counts :)
  • ShannonTourne
    ShannonTourne Posts: 77 Member
    I don't find it disgusting, but I do think it is very sad. It's great to be accepting of yourself at any size or shape, but it's also very unhealthy to ignore the health issues that have probably manifested themselves, or if not, will in the not so distant future. I hope she can find the help and the true friendship that she needs.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member

    She was more concerned with me not doing heroin than with my weight. I was about 120 lbs when we met. Weight has never been an issue for her. And its not entirely about the weight number for me either. I just want to be able to get back to the things I enjoy. Hiking, camping, rowing, surfing. Things I did when i was younger and enjoyed a lot. If I could do them at my size now, 400 lbs wouldnt be an issue. But I can do to those things at my size. And again, since you didnt read, I have an account with plenty of money to cover any medical expenses if the need arise. In the passed 20 years, the need has not arisen. When I sprained my ankle last year, I did what any doctor would tell me to do. Rest it up, put on some ice and wear a brace. So I went and got a walking boot, iced a bunch and the ankle is 100 percent now. No trip to the doctor needed. You are throwing around a lot of assumptions without knowing anything about me based on your bias of fat people.

    I don't have a bias against fat people - you are projecting this. Did you even read what I wrote? I work in public health, so I have a bias against people who don't take care of themselves. I only mention your weight because there are many chronic diseases that go along with obesity that can only be seen by visiting a doctor, such as high cholesterol that can lead to heart disease and high blood sugar that can lead to diabetes. Regular checkups are encouraged because they help people. Prevention saves lives and money.

    you still arent reading. If I dont go to the doctor and could quite easily pay for any medical medical condition I feel needs attention, how am I a drain on anyone at any time? Your bias is that you think fat people take advantage of public services and are a drain. It shows quite clearly.

    I highly doubt you can pay for ANY medical problem that requires attention.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member

    She was more concerned with me not doing heroin than with my weight. I was about 120 lbs when we met. Weight has never been an issue for her. And its not entirely about the weight number for me either. I just want to be able to get back to the things I enjoy. Hiking, camping, rowing, surfing. Things I did when i was younger and enjoyed a lot. If I could do them at my size now, 400 lbs wouldnt be an issue. But I can do to those things at my size. And again, since you didnt read, I have an account with plenty of money to cover any medical expenses if the need arise. In the passed 20 years, the need has not arisen. When I sprained my ankle last year, I did what any doctor would tell me to do. Rest it up, put on some ice and wear a brace. So I went and got a walking boot, iced a bunch and the ankle is 100 percent now. No trip to the doctor needed. You are throwing around a lot of assumptions without knowing anything about me based on your bias of fat people.

    I don't have a bias against fat people - you are projecting this. Did you even read what I wrote? I work in public health, so I have a bias against people who don't take care of themselves. I only mention your weight because there are many chronic diseases that go along with obesity that can only be seen by visiting a doctor, such as high cholesterol that can lead to heart disease and high blood sugar that can lead to diabetes. Regular checkups are encouraged because they help people. Prevention saves lives and money.

    you still arent reading. If I dont go to the doctor and could quite easily pay for any medical medical condition I feel needs attention, how am I a drain on anyone at any time? Your bias is that you think fat people take advantage of public services and are a drain. It shows quite clearly.

    You are intentionally misinterpreting everything I've said. Sorry for you.
  • Jlopez201
    Jlopez201 Posts: 61
    disgusting is how you word it ...for me its really sad...and pathetic

    I found it pretty sad too. I thought disgusting was a bit too harsh of a word.


    I actually feel bad for this woman who wrote this article. Being obese comes with more than just being large in size. It is NOT healthy at all.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    could someone answer my question as to why pro anorexic posts are banned here but pro obesity posts are not? both are extremely unhealthy.

    we shouldnt attack either group and should strive to help them but if one isnt allowed then neither should be.
    This is not pro-obesity. and if you don't understand the debate here or the difference between anorexia and obesity, no one can really help you.

    im talking in general...i was under the impression pro anorexia isnt allowed because its unhealthy...if thats the case even though a pro obesity post isnt exactly the same its still promoting an unhealthy choice...just like, id imagine, a pro steroid post would be banned here.
    Anorexics are pretty much near imminent death. It is unhealthy because they will literally starve to death.

    Either way, this thread -- nothing about this thread -- is pro-obesity. I would have the same issue with someone saying an anorexic is "disgusting." It's a mental issue and it's difficult to get over and using words like that and shaming people don't work.

    I am certainly not pro-ana, but I would still defend someone being called "disgusting" for being too thin.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    Why do you think it is disgusting? its her choice.

    You're kidding... right?
    somebody needs to get over themselves.
  • aleesh_
    aleesh_ Posts: 137 Member
    I thought this was going to be about the girl who is purposely trying to gain weight so she can be a fat cam girl. I find that a bit weird and a little gross. But this, she just doesn't want to lose weight big deal. Welcome to America!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Disgusting? No.

    I find it very sad.

    She clearly is an emotional eater. She isn't obese because she refuses to conform or because she doesn't want to starve herself. She is obese because she eats her feelings.
  • peeaanuut
    peeaanuut Posts: 359 Member

    She was more concerned with me not doing heroin than with my weight. I was about 120 lbs when we met. Weight has never been an issue for her. And its not entirely about the weight number for me either. I just want to be able to get back to the things I enjoy. Hiking, camping, rowing, surfing. Things I did when i was younger and enjoyed a lot. If I could do them at my size now, 400 lbs wouldnt be an issue. But I can do to those things at my size. And again, since you didnt read, I have an account with plenty of money to cover any medical expenses if the need arise. In the passed 20 years, the need has not arisen. When I sprained my ankle last year, I did what any doctor would tell me to do. Rest it up, put on some ice and wear a brace. So I went and got a walking boot, iced a bunch and the ankle is 100 percent now. No trip to the doctor needed. You are throwing around a lot of assumptions without knowing anything about me based on your bias of fat people.

    I don't have a bias against fat people - you are projecting this. Did you even read what I wrote? I work in public health, so I have a bias against people who don't take care of themselves. I only mention your weight because there are many chronic diseases that go along with obesity that can only be seen by visiting a doctor, such as high cholesterol that can lead to heart disease and high blood sugar that can lead to diabetes. Regular checkups are encouraged because they help people. Prevention saves lives and money.

    you still arent reading. If I dont go to the doctor and could quite easily pay for any medical medical condition I feel needs attention, how am I a drain on anyone at any time? Your bias is that you think fat people take advantage of public services and are a drain. It shows quite clearly.

    I highly doubt you can pay for ANY medical problem that requires attention.

    I said any that I feel needs attention. Some stuff I wont bother spending money on as far as treatment such as heart surgery or cancer. My wife knew this about be before she married me and accepts it. Just the way it goes.
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    I would caution everyone to avoid making the assumption that fat is always unhealthy. Fat *can* be seriously unhealthy, but that's not always the case. We don't know anything about this woman's eating or exercise habits except for what she did as a child. She's since received mental health treatment, and those habits may have changed. Simply being overweight is not equivalent to being unhealthy. It might lead there one day, but it also might not. Get what I'm saying?

    Also, to those of you who insist that there is no way that this woman could possibly be happy with herself, that she is simply denying the truth that she hates her body and that she's unhappy, please don't project your own issues onto other people. Just because you cannot fathom ever accepting your body at a higher weight doesn't mean that other people hate themselves, too. I understand why it might be easy to project those feelings onto other people, but it's not really logical to do so. Not *everyone* who is obese is unhappy with their body type. For me personally, I feel confident and beautiful and sexy at my weight, but I recognized that being at a high weight comes with potential consequences, especially in a family where diabetes and stroke are the norm. Once again, being fat *may* cause someone to be unhealthy, and I wanted to avoid that. It's not because I feel disgusting or ugly or unhappy with my size.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    She can choose whatever she wants, as long as I'm not going to have to pay for it (health care costs, disablility payments, etc). But the likelihood of me having to pay for it ticks me off.