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What's the strangest diet you've heard/witnessed someone being on? (Not fad diets.)



  • soufauxgirl
    soufauxgirl Posts: 392 Member
    Maybe not weird, but kind of grossed me out... I know a guy who eats a whole roasted garlic everyday. Sometimes, he will roast several of them and eat them all in one sitting.

    he must be a dream to sit and talk to face-to-face :D
  • layladrew26
    layladrew26 Posts: 111 Member
    If I was to pick people's weirdo diets, it's those who eat inedible objects like newspapers that has no nutrition.

    That is a condition called PICA
  • PatanjaliTwist
    PatanjaliTwist Posts: 485 Member
    I've known a few with left-of-center eating habits:

    For decades, my brothers have eaten only 1 large meal/day. I'm guessing it had something to do with long careers in the military & being in war zones where it wasn't always possible to stop for meals? Why they've continued decades later, I don't know, but they have.

    One sister's friend only eats homemade, unseasoned mashed potatoes with ketchup & fried hamburger patties for each meal, everyday. 30-yrs later, my sister says she's still the same. I don't know if she takes vitamins, but she's been healthy & is happy & successful. Perhaps we're not all the same, even though that sounds like a major case of vitamin/mineral deficiencies.

    I have another sister who lives on sugar, chocolate, Diet Pepsi & cigarettes. That's all. Time will tell if she keels over of some awful disease, but so far, she's surprisingly productive & never gets ill. She's 56.

    I know a lot of others with odd habits & I myself am a very picky eater... eating only fresh, homemade, cooked from scratch. For me, it's as I get ill if I don't. I'd love to be able to eat hotdogs, canned junk & fries & function, but I can't without feeling all sorts of side effects. So, I don't count my diet as being odd, just a medical necessity if I want to feel healthy & normal sans headaches. :(
  • timeforwork
    timeforwork Posts: 114 Member
    I did the whole foods not touching thing with some things like a desert and custard had to be in separate bowls but at the same time other meals like a roast had to be mashed up togeater and yet other meals I wasn't fussed about and could eat however . This was when I was a teenager and I don't know when it stopped but I think I eat most things normally now . It's strange how little things like this seem to be so coman and yet most peo
  • bethanyka
    bethanyka Posts: 159 Member
    My cousin used to eat butter !
  • Big_YEET
    Big_YEET Posts: 152 Member
    Ok I'll throw my quirk out there.

    I do not eat the pointy ends of french fries. If a fry has one pointy end and one square/rounder end I'll hold it at the pointy end and eat down to the point.
    If the fry has two pointy sides I'll break one point off and then proceed as above :D By the time I'm done an order of fries there's always a pile of pointy french fry ends in my plate...which my husband scoops up and eats because he hates waste lol.

    My brother grew up on ketchup sandwiches...and my grandpa started putting peanut butter on his green beans, he managed to get my nanny to eat them that way too...but the rest of us are holding out :#

    Lol I used to do this as a kid. Completely forgot about it. Something about the texture I didn't like. I only liked soft fries.
  • ktekc
    ktekc Posts: 879 Member
    Matiara wrote: »

    My mom has told me that I used to eat onions like they were apples. I don't remember that and I hate raw onions, so I can't imagine.

    I was told i did the same thing..i would sneak out of my crib at night and do it. I also hate raw onions now.

  • murph155
    murph155 Posts: 116 Member
    I eat kitkats by carefully nibbling off all the chocolate from the sides before eating the wafers.

    I do the same thing! But I also separate the layers of wafers and eat them one by one.

    My other strange WOE is also candy related. Go figure! I eat M & M's by color, starting with all the browns, then the reds, oranges and yellows. When it's just the blues and greens left, I eat them together.
  • nicholerohrer
    nicholerohrer Posts: 40 Member
    my mom used to eat raw potatoes with salt. She'd just peel and slice them and eat them like chips. MIGHT have had something to do with the fact that she was pregnant at the time, but she'll still occasionally do it to this day.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    murph155 wrote: »
    I eat kitkats by carefully nibbling off all the chocolate from the sides before eating the wafers.

    I do the same thing! But I also separate the layers of wafers and eat them one by one.

    My other strange WOE is also candy related. Go figure! I eat M & M's by color, starting with all the browns, then the reds, oranges and yellows. When it's just the blues and greens left, I eat them together.

    I'm a "playful eater" too! I eat raw carrots by nibbling on the outer part to separate it from the inner stem, then eat the stem last. I also peel the chocolate off ice cream pops and eat it before eating the ice cream. For dark chocolate, I break it into teeny tiny pieces and eat them one by one to easily dissolve in my mouth, and the thinner the strings I pull off of string cheese the better.
  • JetJaguar
    JetJaguar Posts: 801 Member
    Tuffaknee wrote: »
    Ok I'll throw my quirk out there.

    I do not eat the pointy ends of french fries. If a fry has one pointy end and one square/rounder end I'll hold it at the pointy end and eat down to the point.
    If the fry has two pointy sides I'll break one point off and then proceed as above :D By the time I'm done an order of fries there's always a pile of pointy french fry ends in my plate...which my husband scoops up and eats because he hates waste lol.

    My brother grew up on ketchup sandwiches...and my grandpa started putting peanut butter on his green beans, he managed to get my nanny to eat them that way too...but the rest of us are holding out :#

    Lol I used to do this as a kid. Completely forgot about it. Something about the texture I didn't like. I only liked soft fries.

    My wife does something like this too, but for a different reason. She will not eat any part of her food that she touched with her hand. She ends up with a little pile of french fry tips because that's where she was holding it. She does this with every food.
  • Fit4LifeAR
    Fit4LifeAR Posts: 233 Member
    firef1y72 wrote: »
    reneeelc wrote: »
    reneeelc wrote: »
    I'm just curious because I'm sure one of you have a friend or family member that has been on some off-the-wall diet plan or habits. I'm not talking about the typical fad diets (grapefruit, cookie, paleo, etc).
    For example, this teenager once wouldn't eat lunch but was eating a hefty breakfast, such as tons of pancakes and syrup, butter, tots, and the whole bit lol.
    Not a diet--but this one woman I knew was *LEGIT* grossed out from any vegetables because she had been eating crap her whole life.

    What are some odd habits/diets you have seen?

    Sorry if this is the wrong thread.

    so the teenager sounds like either IF or an eating disorder and the woman who can’t eat vegetables would probably be best served with a therapist... but as long as you find this thread entertaining...

    Not an eating disorder. Mind you, this was 10+ years ago. She had this grand idea because she heard that if you eat breakfast that is big you'll lose weight if skipping a meal. The other one clearly has some sensory issues going on, haha.
    I'm just curious for crazy things you've heard.

    How nice that you think sensory issues are so amusing, you'd kill yourself laughing in this house as my son vomits because he can't cope with new foods or certain textures.

    That was a completely random link to something she totally wasn't talking about. I am sorry for your son, but that was uncalled for.
  • WayTooHonest
    WayTooHonest Posts: 144 Member
    edited June 2017
    I have a friend who puts so many lemons in her diet coke, there is almost no room for the soda.

    I have another who puts so much pepper in her ketchup for her fries, it turns black. I sneeze just watching her do it.

    I like to stir the crunchy, tiny fries into my frosty, or smear the frosty onto my chicken sandwich. Especially the spicy chicken.

    With cupcakes, I tear the bottom half of the cake off and throw it away. It significantly changes the frosting to cake ratio, as well as saves a few calories. Win-Win.
  • delaclos99
    delaclos99 Posts: 53 Member
    I eat kitkats by carefully nibbling off all the chocolate from the sides before eating the wafers.

    The proper eating method for a Jaffa Cake is similar, going round and leaving the orangey bit until last.
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    In my opinion they are all fads short of getting yourself in a calorie deficit.