What's the strangest diet you've heard/witnessed someone being on? (Not fad diets.)



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    JetJaguar wrote: »
    This morning I remembered something I used to do as a kid that I don't think anyone else mentioned yet. With fruit on the bottom-type yogurt, I would eat the plain yogurt off the top and save the fruit for last. I knew full well that you're supposed to stir it all together, but I liked the little treat at the end.

    I did that as a kid too. Funny, I'd forgotten about it!
  • fat2fitshley
    fat2fitshley Posts: 50 Member

    kenzienal wrote: »
    ElvisPedro wrote: »
    Not really diet but I know a few people who will not let food types touch each other on their plate and have to eat items separately. Eg if baked beans touched a sausage the whole meal would be ruined and they'd refuse to eat it.

    this. knew a guy who hated tomatoes, and once when dining out with him and he ordered a sandwich, the restaurant forgot to leave off the tomatoes. he couldn't just take tomatoes off the sandwich, it had to be completely re-made since the juice had tainted everything else.

    another interesting quirk i've witnessed: people who eat meals in sections; my ex would do this. basically if he ordered a burger and fries, he would eat the burger first and then work on the fries; if he had meat and sides, he'd eat all of one side first and then start on the meat, etc.. his sister did the same thing... i personally saw it as a very inefficient way of eating since one of those foods is going to be cold by the time you got to it! his perspective was that he wanted to enjoy the food in its purity without having other flavors in the mix?? whatever, he's a loser.

    Well, this coulda been describing me. Lol

    I have a serious hatred of pickles. I cant stand the taste or smell of them, and then the pickle juice always seeps into the bread. Its gross. I wont send back a sandwich over it, but I definitely don't enjoy it.

    Also, I am definitely a person who can only eat one part of my meal at a time. I usually eat the thing I least like on the plate first, saving the favorite part for last. So if I have broccoli, mac & cheese and steak, I will eat the broccoli, then the steak, then the mac&cheese.

    I am weird, I know. Lol. I just like to enjoy the flavors separately. There is only like 2-3 foods I will mix all together. Chipotle Burrito Bowl and Shepherds pie are all that come to mind at the moment.

    When I was young, I use to eat either white bread with butter, or white bread with ketchup. Nothing else, not even toasted. Little weirdo.

    I'm 100% with you on the pickle thing, except I will send my food back or have my husband cut off the portion of food that was touched by it and put it to the side. I won't even touch those things. Barf.
  • DamieBird
    DamieBird Posts: 651 Member
    JetJaguar wrote: »
    This morning I remembered something I used to do as a kid that I don't think anyone else mentioned yet. With fruit on the bottom-type yogurt, I would eat the plain yogurt off the top and save the fruit for last. I knew full well that you're supposed to stir it all together, but I liked the little treat at the end.

    I get so annoyed at fruit on the bottom yogurt. If I WANTED to stir fruit into my yogurt, I would just buy plain yogurt and add fruit/jelly. Maybe I should try it your way ;).
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    JetJaguar wrote: »
    This morning I remembered something I used to do as a kid that I don't think anyone else mentioned yet. With fruit on the bottom-type yogurt, I would eat the plain yogurt off the top and save the fruit for last. I knew full well that you're supposed to stir it all together, but I liked the little treat at the end.

    I still do this. Saving the best for last.
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    Jruzer wrote: »
    JetJaguar wrote: »
    This morning I remembered something I used to do as a kid that I don't think anyone else mentioned yet. With fruit on the bottom-type yogurt, I would eat the plain yogurt off the top and save the fruit for last. I knew full well that you're supposed to stir it all together, but I liked the little treat at the end.

    I still do this. Saving the best for last.

    I do this too!

    Anybody know TimTam cookies? They're wafer cookies coated in chocolate. Seasonal in US I believe. I use them to suck up milk. Other weird cookie things: eating filling first out of Oreos and soaking the cookies, actually I soak all cookies.

    I dig the core out of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

    I like cooked ramen with no broth, just noodles with seasoning stirred in.

    Only eat fully rendered "no fat on it burnt bacon" as my kids call it. Don't like fatty meat.

  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I have this weird "need" to eat things in twos. If I cut up a piece of meat, I have to have an even number of pieces. If something "goes wrong" I have to justify it to make it an even number. So if I eat three potato chips, I tell myself that two of them were broken or extra-small and therefore were really "half chips" so that together they only counted as one. Sometimes I'm not paying attention and it's okay, but the second I think about it, I have to convince myself everything has been in twos; otherwise I get anxious until I've resolved the "problem" in my mind, even if I KNOW that I ate three potato chips and am lying to myself by saying I had two. I've done this my whole life though so it's automatic- no one has ever noticed.

    As others have said, I also have to take every teeny bit of fat off of any meat/fish (except bacon...because bacon), and I hate hate hate crunchy things if they get mushy. To me, cookies in milk in disgusting, and I only eat cereal dry. But I do like clam chowder in a bread bowl, and biscuits & gravy...maybe because it's thick and creamy so it doesn't get watery-mushy? Idk.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...He then started bringing bacon home - bad idea, I would take again each piece, patiently remove every bit of the white squishy stuff and then eat only the red bits...


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Jruzer wrote: »
    JetJaguar wrote: »
    This morning I remembered something I used to do as a kid that I don't think anyone else mentioned yet. With fruit on the bottom-type yogurt, I would eat the plain yogurt off the top and save the fruit for last. I knew full well that you're supposed to stir it all together, but I liked the little treat at the end.

    I still do this. Saving the best for last.

    I do this too!

    Anybody know TimTam cookies? They're wafer cookies coated in chocolate. Seasonal in US I believe. I use them to suck up milk. Other weird cookie things: eating filling first out of Oreos and soaking the cookies, actually I soak all cookies.

    I dig the core out of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

    I like cooked ramen with no broth, just noodles with seasoning stirred in.

    Only eat fully rendered "no fat on it burnt bacon" as my kids call it. Don't like fatty meat.

    Thats not weird, that's a TimTam Slam.
  • LadyLilion
    LadyLilion Posts: 276 Member
    edited June 2017
    Treece68 wrote: »
    LadyLilion wrote: »
    To tell on myself...

    There is a proper way to eat certain items. Chips, crackers, fries, etc...should be eaten so that the most "perfect" specimen is last. Small broken pieces first, then larger and more intact, etc., until the most perfect ones remain, which are also eaten in that manner until only the #1 perfect specimen remains, which is then eaten.

    M&M, Skittles, and anything else that comes in multi-colors are eaten so that you have equal numbers of each color. For instance, if you have 7 red, 5 blue, 4 yellow, 4 brown and 3 green...you eat two red, then a red, and blue, then a red, blue, yellow, and brown, leaving you with three of each color, which are then eaten in reverse order - green, brown, yellow, blue red, green, brown...etc. But you must also pay attention to attractiveness and perfection. Large, misshapen ones get eaten first and you may choose to vary this by color - because you never want to end on a brown.

    I swear to you, I do not have OCD.

    These rules do not apply when you eat from the bag so that you can't see the items sufficiently to be picky. Then you just scarf them down.

    @LadyLilion I Think we are the same person if you must also have an even amount of ice cubes in your drink when at home then we are

    Ice cubes? Don't be silly...that's just weird. ROFL :D
  • Hello_its_Dan
    Hello_its_Dan Posts: 406 Member
    The 1200 calorie cardio diet
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    Tuffaknee wrote: »
    Ok I'll throw my quirk out there.

    I do not eat the pointy ends of french fries. If a fry has one pointy end and one square/rounder end I'll hold it at the pointy end and eat down to the point.
    If the fry has two pointy sides I'll break one point off and then proceed as above :D By the time I'm done an order of fries there's always a pile of pointy french fry ends in my plate...which my husband scoops up and eats because he hates waste lol.

    My brother grew up on ketchup sandwiches...and my grandpa started putting peanut butter on his green beans, he managed to get my nanny to eat them that way too...but the rest of us are holding out :#

    Lol I used to do this as a kid. Completely forgot about it. Something about the texture I didn't like. I only liked soft fries.

    I'm the opposite and will only eat hard, crunchy fries. I can't eat them if they are big and soft. When I make them at home, I cut them as thin as possible and fry the heck out of them.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    DamieBird wrote: »
    nevadavis1 wrote: »
    I have a friend who puts so many lemons in her diet coke, there is almost no room for the soda.

    With cupcakes, I tear the bottom half of the cake off and throw it away. It significantly changes the frosting to cake ratio, as well as saves a few calories. Win-Win.

    Funny, I was at a restaurant the other day and an older gentleman sat at the table right next to me. The waiter brought water. The gentleman asked "can I have a bunch of lemons with this?" So the waiter came back with a saucer with like 3 slices of lemon. The gentleman said "I need more than just that, bring me as many as you can." The waiter came back with a salad plate of lemon wedges. The man proceeded to then eat them like orange slices.

    I often scrape frosting off of my cupcakes, not that I've eaten cupcakes for a long time now. I like more cake, less frosting and it seems to me that the trend lately is to put a huge tower of frosting on top.

    i have known two separate people in my life who do this! each time i would go to a restaurant with them, they'd ask for a huge plate of lemons to eat until their meal came. one friend squeezes out all of the juice in her water, salts it, peels off the rind, and then eats it. i don't remember if the other one salted hers, but she would eat the whole thing, rind included! i have tried it (salted and sans rind) and it's honestly not too bad, but definitely nothing that became a habit.

    each time there is leftover cornbread in my house, my dad and i will stick a slice in a glass and pour milk on it. it's an east texas thing my dad picked up and i am the only family member who carries it on. everyone i tell this to thinks it's absolutely gross (even native texans) but it's delicious LOL. my dad goes a step further and will scoop a little bit of butter on his spoon before diving into the milky cornbread. it's especially good if it's sweet cornbread :p

    My grandfather did this with buttermilk! He was more from the Panhandle than East Texas, though.

    My Father does this as well. He's also from the Panhandle.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    edited June 2017
    My dad absolutely hated the way I ate meat as a kid. I would take each piece, inspect it for any bits of skin or cartilage, and only eat the meal after every chunk of meat had been made safe for consumption. He then started bringing bacon home - bad idea, I would take again each piece, patiently remove every bit of the white squishy stuff and then eat only the red bits.

    I did that with fruit as well. When eating cherries I would carefully inspect the outside of each, split it open to check for worms and eat it only if it's safe. As a teenager I insisted on buying cherries in the house and I would take 10-15 minutes to pick a kilo one by one. The shop assistants were not amused.

    I'd say in my case low quality kindergarten meals broke my trust in food. While I have grown out of most of my quirks, I still refuse to eat food that leaks fat, unless that fat is drained or removed with paper. This means having unhealthy take out food is a no no unless it's pizza (I remove the cheese fat with paper) or fries. I've stayed hungry quite a few times just because I was afraid of the oil leaking nastily from my food and forming pools.

    I still do this! Drives my husband batty.

    Edit to note - as a kid I would save the bacon pieces and suck on them. It probably took me 30min to eat one piece of bacon.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    I have a lot of weird food quirks. Some I've grown out of and other's I haven't. I used to split my green beans open and take out all the peas and save them for after dinner. I'd sit with them in my hand and eat them one by one as a treat. I would also eat corn one kernel at a time. I wouldn't eat meat when I was kid and like someone mentioned would sit at the table until bed time rather than eat the meat. I have texture issues due to an overdose on roasted marshmallows when younger. Now I can't eat anything mushy without gagging unless it has something crunchy mixed in. Mashed potatoes with fried okra, pudding dessert with a crust, yogurt with granola.

    My drink palate is very underdeveloped. I can't stand the taste of tea, coffee, alcohol.

    I like to suck the flavoring off of chips before eating it. It takes me 4-5 bites to eat one chip.

    My mother restricted my access to junk food to just once a week, therefore once I lived on my own I basically lived off of candy and junk food.....for a LOT of years. Thankfully, I'm pretty genetically predisposed to be small and healthy, so I never had any real issues, but I did have some vitamin deficiencies.

    My cousin has only eaten fried chicken at every meal since he was a kid. He's in his 50's now. He had a lot of health issues (brain tumor, etc.), I think his parents initially just wanted to not fight over food when he was fighting for his life. But he still lives at home and still eats fried chicken every day.
  • DamieBird
    DamieBird Posts: 651 Member
    I have a lot of weird food quirks. Some I've grown out of and other's I haven't. I used to split my green beans open and take out all the peas and save them for after dinner. I'd sit with them in my hand and eat them one by one as a treat. I would also eat corn one kernel at a time. I wouldn't eat meat when I was kid and like someone mentioned would sit at the table until bed time rather than eat the meat. I have texture issues due to an overdose on roasted marshmallows when younger. Now I can't eat anything mushy without gagging unless it has something crunchy mixed in. Mashed potatoes with fried okra, pudding dessert with a crust, yogurt with granola.

    My drink palate is very underdeveloped. I can't stand the taste of tea, coffee, alcohol.

    I like to suck the flavoring off of chips before eating it. It takes me 4-5 bites to eat one chip.

    My mother restricted my access to junk food to just once a week, therefore once I lived on my own I basically lived off of candy and junk food.....for a LOT of years. Thankfully, I'm pretty genetically predisposed to be small and healthy, so I never had any real issues, but I did have some vitamin deficiencies.

    My cousin has only eaten fried chicken at every meal since he was a kid. He's in his 50's now. He had a lot of health issues (brain tumor, etc.), I think his parents initially just wanted to not fight over food when he was fighting for his life. But he still lives at home and still eats fried chicken every day.

    Now, I really want fried okra ;).
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    My cousin used to ONLY eat graham crackers and peanut butter until he was 18. At parties he would always whip them out.... it was so strange.
  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    Jruzer wrote: »
    JetJaguar wrote: »
    This morning I remembered something I used to do as a kid that I don't think anyone else mentioned yet. With fruit on the bottom-type yogurt, I would eat the plain yogurt off the top and save the fruit for last. I knew full well that you're supposed to stir it all together, but I liked the little treat at the end.

    I still do this. Saving the best for last.

    I do this too!

    Anybody know TimTam cookies? They're wafer cookies coated in chocolate. Seasonal in US I believe. I use them to suck up milk. Other weird cookie things: eating filling first out of Oreos and soaking the cookies, actually I soak all cookies.

    I dig the core out of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

    I like cooked ramen with no broth, just noodles with seasoning stirred in.

    Only eat fully rendered "no fat on it burnt bacon" as my kids call it. Don't like fatty meat.

    Havent had Ramen in ages however I do this too, drain all the water and use the seasoning, I also dig the core out of ben & jerrys and then regret it because the rest of the ice cream isnt as good :D
  • lokihen
    lokihen Posts: 382 Member
    Sharing quirks: grilled cheese sandwiches must be cut diagonally. I dig down as far as possible on one side of a jar of peanut butter, leaving the other half untouched as long as I can. No idea why.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,369 Member
    lokihen wrote: »
    Sharing quirks: grilled cheese sandwiches must be cut diagonally. I dig down as far as possible on one side of a jar of peanut butter, leaving the other half untouched as long as I can. No idea why.

    I usually extract my peanut butter from the jar in vertical strips, too . . . but in my case, it's completely rational and easily explained ;) : I prefer crunchy peanut butter, and this strategy best equalizes the peanut chunks between servings, since gravity slowly concentrates them in the bottom of the jar, despite my having refrigerated it.