My FITNESS Pal, Keyword is FITNESS



  • Janice2Shakira
    This thread is a lot less fun than the other flamewar/troll/butthurt threads from today. Where's the passion? Where's the misunderstood sarcasm? Where's the popcorn?
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    OMG! It's you! :love: I thought of you the other day because I saw the post of someone who's butt had gotten smaller. I happened to PM it to somebody the link so yay, I found it, I will post it here so you can see how to do it.

    I didn't get a chance to read the details because I was in a big rush to go to dinner with the family when I saw it, but I just remember these awesome pictures so I PM'd my friend with them and then forgot about them until I just saw you just now because I remember you were worried about the size of your behind. Luckily they were still there.

    If you click the link you'll see it seems like she slimmed down considerably in the hips and glutes area as well as her waist. Maybe you could PM her to ask how she did it since as I said I don't even remember if she wrote her methods on her description or not.

    SOrry this message is so sloppy i'm running out the door again to go out to dinner. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the post. It looks like she is making great progress. Always love seeing shapely girls move forward. I did consider the Stronglifts program, but decided against it, instead the focus is metabolic training with my 10k training. I may reconsider Stronglifts after my fall races.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    This thread is a lot less fun than the other flamewar/troll/butthurt threads from today. Where's the passion? Where's the misunderstood sarcasm? Where's the popcorn?

    It's Friday afternoon/evening. We're spent.
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    OMG! It's you! :love: I thought of you the other day because I saw the post of someone who's butt had gotten smaller. I happened to PM it to somebody the link so yay, I found it, I will post it here so you can see how to do it.

    I didn't get a chance to read the details because I was in a big rush to go to dinner with the family when I saw it, but I just remember these awesome pictures so I PM'd my friend with them and then forgot about them until I just saw you just now because I remember you were worried about the size of your behind. Luckily they were still there.

    If you click the link you'll see it seems like she slimmed down considerably in the hips and glutes area as well as her waist. Maybe you could PM her to ask how she did it since as I said I don't even remember if she wrote her methods on her description or not.

    SOrry this message is so sloppy i'm running out the door again to go out to dinner. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the post. It looks like she is making great progress. Always love seeing shapely girls move forward. I did consider the Stronglifts program, but decided against it, instead the focus is metabolic training with my 10k training. I may reconsider Stronglifts after my fall races.

    Many runners do a combination of strength training and running.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    OMG! It's you! :love: I thought of you the other day because I saw the post of someone who's butt had gotten smaller. I happened to PM it to somebody the link so yay, I found it, I will post it here so you can see how to do it.

    I didn't get a chance to read the details because I was in a big rush to go to dinner with the family when I saw it, but I just remember these awesome pictures so I PM'd my friend with them and then forgot about them until I just saw you just now because I remember you were worried about the size of your behind. Luckily they were still there.

    If you click the link you'll see it seems like she slimmed down considerably in the hips and glutes area as well as her waist. Maybe you could PM her to ask how she did it since as I said I don't even remember if she wrote her methods on her description or not.

    SOrry this message is so sloppy i'm running out the door again to go out to dinner. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the post. It looks like she is making great progress. Always love seeing shapely girls move forward. I did consider the Stronglifts program, but decided against it, instead the focus is metabolic training with my 10k training. I may reconsider Stronglifts after my fall races.

    Many runners do a combination of strength training and running.

    Bully. :(
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    OMG! It's you! :love: I thought of you the other day because I saw the post of someone who's butt had gotten smaller. I happened to PM it to somebody the link so yay, I found it, I will post it here so you can see how to do it.

    I didn't get a chance to read the details because I was in a big rush to go to dinner with the family when I saw it, but I just remember these awesome pictures so I PM'd my friend with them and then forgot about them until I just saw you just now because I remember you were worried about the size of your behind. Luckily they were still there.

    If you click the link you'll see it seems like she slimmed down considerably in the hips and glutes area as well as her waist. Maybe you could PM her to ask how she did it since as I said I don't even remember if she wrote her methods on her description or not.

    SOrry this message is so sloppy i'm running out the door again to go out to dinner. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the post. It looks like she is making great progress. Always love seeing shapely girls move forward. I did consider the Stronglifts program, but decided against it, instead the focus is metabolic training with my 10k training. I may reconsider Stronglifts after my fall races.

    Many runners do a combination of strength training and running.

    Bully. :(

    I am tranquility :frown:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    This thread is a lot less fun than the other flamewar/troll/butthurt threads from today. Where's the passion? Where's the misunderstood sarcasm? Where's the popcorn?

    Screw popcorn

    ETA: It's Friday!
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Typing fast, my apologies for the Brialle, but if anyone wants examples of bullying, just ask Daypul. Not only did he bully several people and myself in my post even while I was agreeing with him. He sought out my latest two posts to criticize me further. He is one of the few who doesn't like when someone disagrees with them.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    OMG! It's you! :love: I thought of you the other day because I saw the post of someone who's butt had gotten smaller. I happened to PM it to somebody the link so yay, I found it, I will post it here so you can see how to do it.

    I didn't get a chance to read the details because I was in a big rush to go to dinner with the family when I saw it, but I just remember these awesome pictures so I PM'd my friend with them and then forgot about them until I just saw you just now because I remember you were worried about the size of your behind. Luckily they were still there.

    If you click the link you'll see it seems like she slimmed down considerably in the hips and glutes area as well as her waist. Maybe you could PM her to ask how she did it since as I said I don't even remember if she wrote her methods on her description or not.

    SOrry this message is so sloppy i'm running out the door again to go out to dinner. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the post. It looks like she is making great progress. Always love seeing shapely girls move forward. I did consider the Stronglifts program, but decided against it, instead the focus is metabolic training with my 10k training. I may reconsider Stronglifts after my fall races.

    Many runners do a combination of strength training and running.

    Bully. :(

    I am tranquility :frown:

    Yoga shamer. :(
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    This thread is a lot less fun than the other flamewar/troll/butthurt threads from today. Where's the passion? Where's the misunderstood sarcasm? Where's the popcorn?

  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    The past month I've totally ditched cardio for heavy lifting and I haven't felt better physically and mentally.

    Oh wait wrong thread sorry :laugh:
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    Typing fast, my apologies for the Brialle, but if anyone wants examples of bullying, just ask Daypul. Not only did he bully several people and myself in my post even while I was agreeing with him. He sought out my latest two posts to criticize me further. He is one of the few who doesn't like when someone disagrees with them.

    But you disagree with people and it's ok?
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Typing fast, my apologies for the Brialle, but if anyone wants examples of bullying, just ask Daypul. Not only did he bully several people and myself in my post even while I was agreeing with him. He sought out my latest two posts to criticize me further. He is one of the few who doesn't like when someone disagrees with them.

    He was the main person I was referring to. He gave you excellent advice until you made it clear that you didn't want to hear it.
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    The past month I've totally ditched cardio for heavy lifting and I haven't felt better physically and mentally.

    Oh wait wrong thread sorry :laugh:

  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    OMG! It's you! :love: I thought of you the other day because I saw the post of someone who's butt had gotten smaller. I happened to PM it to somebody the link so yay, I found it, I will post it here so you can see how to do it.

    I didn't get a chance to read the details because I was in a big rush to go to dinner with the family when I saw it, but I just remember these awesome pictures so I PM'd my friend with them and then forgot about them until I just saw you just now because I remember you were worried about the size of your behind. Luckily they were still there.

    If you click the link you'll see it seems like she slimmed down considerably in the hips and glutes area as well as her waist. Maybe you could PM her to ask how she did it since as I said I don't even remember if she wrote her methods on her description or not.

    SOrry this message is so sloppy i'm running out the door again to go out to dinner. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the post. It looks like she is making great progress. Always love seeing shapely girls move forward. I did consider the Stronglifts program, but decided against it, instead the focus is metabolic training with my 10k training. I may reconsider Stronglifts after my fall races.

    Many runners do a combination of strength training and running.

    I know, which is why I am doing metabolic resistance training. I found it to be a better option than traditional strength training for me at this time.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    This thread is a lot less fun than the other flamewar/troll/butthurt threads from today. Where's the passion? Where's the misunderstood sarcasm? Where's the popcorn?


    Is it bad that my first thought was did she sanitize those hands?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    1. By continually posting the same thread over and over, I would contend that you sought me out, not the other way around. I have no idea who you are, what your workout schedule is, or what other posts you've made in the month since your last thread blow up.

    2. You're fabricating an argument out of air. I've got 5000 posts on this site. I dare you to find a single one where I said a good bodyweight program or metabolic conditioning is worthless. I've recommending the You Are Your Own Gym book and app 100's of times on this site. If you were on my feed you'd see metabolic workouts 4x per week, compared to heavy lifting workouts 3x per week. You also won't find any posts of me bashing yoga, or pilates, or cardio barre, or running or.....well, you will find a ton of posts where I'm bashing walking dvd's. I never claimed to be perfect.

    3. I don't care if someone agrees with me. I don't care if someone wants to do a completely different exercise regimen from what I do or what I recommend. The world is a big place and there's room for everyone. What I DO care about is when someone spreads blatant lies or misinformation that will lead other people down the wrong path. Don't want to lift, me no care. Want to make a LIFTING MAKES WOMEN BULKY post, I'm going to be all over that shish. Because it's not true and way too many women are fed that garbage for their entire lives. I've spent years trying to convince people, both women and men, of the benefits of resistance training (<<I almost never call it "heavy lifting" because there's so many ways to do it) and I know for a fact that one person whispering "but you'll get bulky" in a woman's ear will erasing a frigging year's worth of preaching anatomical science to her.
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    So I guess being a bully is condoned because it is an internet forum, but calling bullies out, you just have to let it go. Well just like some of you make it your business to comment and take over posts that say anything other than lifting heavy is the holy braille, I will make it my business to come at you when you criticize, attack and demean. The reason why this group is so loud and so dominant, is because they never learned basic respect. I guess I could say who cares and just do me, but whenever I do post to encourage respect and understanding, I get countless personal messages and friend requests from people who find the atmosphere in the forums uncomfortable, because a small group would rather bully than inform, rather insult than educate, rather demean than support. So no, no one gets a pass for bad behavior, even if it is online

    Nonsense. You are clearly not out for information or to "protect" people from the big bad MFP lifting meanies. You're just trying to get more attention. All you've done is post numerous times the exact same misinformed arguments and instead of engaging in a meaningful conversation, you've disappeared and started all over again at least three times. You've also been asked for and failed to produce a single example of someone being "bullied" on here by the people you seem to despise. If you see someone being ridiculed, name-called, etc., report it. Disagreement does not bullying make.
    I agree.

    I have been told most of my life that I'm too sensitive and get my feelings hurt way too easily and even I can't see what you're talking about, OP. People disagreeing is just people disagreeing. Bullying on a website to me would consist of getting a personal message that says something "F--- off and die. Nobody wants you here. Why don't you go play in traffic?" repeatedly, many times a day, by multiple people or some such similar behavior. Disagreeing with someone on a thread is NOT bullying.

    I've never been bullied on a website--in real life, yes..and it's horrible. But bullying here? People who do strength training bullying cardio folks?


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    1. By continually posting the same thread over and over, I would contend that you sought me out, not the other way around. I have no idea who you are, what your workout schedule is, or what other posts you've made in the month since your last thread blow up.

    2. You're fabricating an argument out of air. I've got 5000 posts on this site. I dare you to find a single one where I said a good bodyweight program or metabolic conditioning is worthless. I've recommending the You Are Your Own Gym book and app 100's of times on this site. If you were on my feed you'd see metabolic workouts 4x per week, compared to heavy lifting workouts 3x per week. You also won't find any posts of me bashing yoga, or pilates, or cardio barre, or running or.....well, you will find a ton of posts where I'm bashing walking dvd's. I never claimed to be perfect.

    3. I don't care if someone agrees with me. I don't care if someone wants to do a completely different exercise regimen from what I do or what I recommend. The world is a big place and there's room for everyone. What I DO care about is when someone spreads blatant lies or misinformation that will lead other people down the wrong path. Don't want to lift, me no care. Want to make a LIFTING MAKES WOMEN BULKY post, I'm going to be all over that shish. Because it's not true and way too many women are fed that garbage for their entire lives. I've spent years trying to convince people, both women and men, of the benefits of resistance training (<<I almost never call it "heavy lifting" because there's so many ways to do it) and I know for a fact that one person whispering "but you'll get bulky" in a woman's ear will erasing a frigging year's worth of preaching anatomical science to her.
