My FITNESS Pal, Keyword is FITNESS



  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Typing fast, my apologies for the Brialle, but if anyone wants examples of bullying, just ask Daypul. Not only did he bully several people and myself in my post even while I was agreeing with him. He sought out my latest two posts to criticize me further. He is one of the few who doesn't like when someone disagrees with them.

    He was the main person I was referring to. He gave you excellent advice until you made it clear that you didn't want to hear it.

    Maybe he thought he was, but he came off like a bully. The crazy thing is when he said lift heavy, I said I would give it a shot. Then when I said how can you give the same advice regardless of goals,he said goals didn't matter, pretty much saying lifting heavy was the only way. He also said bodyweight exercises were a waste of time and criticized several other posters who had suggested pilates and the barre workout. I posted that he and people like him do this form of training a disservice, because their tone and "my way is the only way" attitude doesn't leave room for any other options. It is a turn off.

    I haven't posted on any of his topics or anything he as written. I did further research and posted a topic last night to say that lifting heavy is great and so are so many other things. But the bully couldn't be happy with that. Instead he posts a link to a previous thread saying I had my azz handed to me. Yes that is being helpful and supportive. I think not. He is one of a small group who even if you agree with them, you must agree wholeheartedly or you will be criticized and they will stalk your topics.
  • ssaraj43
    ssaraj43 Posts: 575 Member

    Bump. Thanks for the link. Looks like a lot of great advise
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Typing fast, my apologies for the Brialle, but if anyone wants examples of bullying, just ask Daypul. Not only did he bully several people and myself in my post even while I was agreeing with him. He sought out my latest two posts to criticize me further. He is one of the few who doesn't like when someone disagrees with them.

    He was the main person I was referring to. He gave you excellent advice until you made it clear that you didn't want to hear it.

    Maybe he thought he was, but he came off like a bully. The crazy thing is when he said lift heavy, I said I would give it a shot. Then when I said how can you give the same advice regardless of goals,he said goals didn't matter, pretty much saying lifting heavy was the only way. He also said bodyweight exercises were a waste of time and criticized several other posters who had suggested pilates and the barre workout. I posted that he and people like him do this form of training a disservice, because their tone and "my way is the only way" attitude doesn't leave room for any other options. It is a turn off.

    I haven't posted on any of his topics or anything he as written. I did further research and posted a topic last night to say that lifting heavy is great and so are so many other things. But the bully couldn't be happy with that. Instead he posts a link to a previous thread saying I had my azz handed to me. Yes that is being helpful and supportive. I think not. He is one of a small group who even if you agree with them, you must agree wholeheartedly or you will be criticized and they will stalk your topics.

    Have you seen his body?

    Also do you not yet understand the importance of lifting? If not here is a quick break down, It helps maintain lean body mass while you are losing weight. Meaning you wont look like a saggy bag of crap while you lose. That's why it doesn't matter what your goals are. It is always good to maintain what LBM you have.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    not worth it

    Body weight squats are pointless for the goal of preserving LBM if you can do more than 20. If not, then they are fine. If you are doing them to create a calorie deficit then go ahead and do as many as you want.

    Just remember as has been said about a million times so far that to retain LBM you need some sort of progressive tension overload. It's that simple.
  • GnosisGnosis
    GnosisGnosis Posts: 148

    Have you seen his body?

    No way he knows what he's talking about.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    Once again, here's the original thread. Correct if I'm wrong, but that thread is the only time in the history of MFP that I've had any interaction with you. I haven't re-read it, but I seriously doubt if I'm in there saying cardio barre or pilates is a stupid waste of time. I'm willing to bet that someone said those are exercises to make a woman develop long and lean muscles instead of getting bulky, and I eviscerated that nonsense. Did I say it rudely? Oh, I'm certain I was rude. I wouldn't take bets on that point.

    But there's the thread and people can decide for themselves.

    edited because it's bet, not be
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member

    Have you seen his body?

    No way he knows what he's talking about.

  • GnosisGnosis
    GnosisGnosis Posts: 148

    Once again, here's the original thread. Correct if I'm wrong, but that thread is the only time in the history of MFP that I've had any interaction with you. I haven't re-read it, but I seriously doubt if I'm in there saying cardio barre or pilates is a stupid waste of time. I'm willing to be that someone said those are exercises to make a woman develop long and lean muscles instead of getting bulky, and I eviscerated that nonsense. Did I say it rudely? Oh, I'm certain I was rude. I wouldn't take bets on that point.

    But there's the thread and people can decide for themselves.

    I don't know what's going on here, but you need to quit doing weight lifties or whatever. It's time to move on to some real ****, like golf.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Typing fast, my apologies for the Brialle, but if anyone wants examples of bullying, just ask Daypul. Not only did he bully several people and myself in my post even while I was agreeing with him. He sought out my latest two posts to criticize me further. He is one of the few who doesn't like when someone disagrees with them.

    He was the main person I was referring to. He gave you excellent advice until you made it clear that you didn't want to hear it.

    Maybe he thought he was, but he came off like a bully. The crazy thing is when he said lift heavy, I said I would give it a shot. Then when I said how can you give the same advice regardless of goals,he said goals didn't matter, pretty much saying lifting heavy was the only way. He also said bodyweight exercises were a waste of time and criticized several other posters who had suggested pilates and the barre workout. I posted that he and people like him do this form of training a disservice, because their tone and "my way is the only way" attitude doesn't leave room for any other options. It is a turn off.

    I haven't posted on any of his topics or anything he as written. I did further research and posted a topic last night to say that lifting heavy is great and so are so many other things. But the bully couldn't be happy with that. Instead he posts a link to a previous thread saying I had my azz handed to me. Yes that is being helpful and supportive. I think not. He is one of a small group who even if you agree with them, you must agree wholeheartedly or you will be criticized and they will stalk your topics.

    He said that pilates and the barre workout wouldn't make you taller, or make your muscles longer. He wasn't wrong. Maybe you didn't like his approach, but again, he wasn't wrong.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    This thread is a lot less fun than the other flamewar/troll/butthurt threads from today. Where's the passion? Where's the misunderstood sarcasm? Where's the popcorn?


    :heart: you stole my gif stealer! that gif makes me so hot.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    1. By continually posting the same thread over and over, I would contend that you sought me out, not the other way around. I have no idea who you are, what your workout schedule is, or what other posts you've made in the month since your last thread blow up.

    2. You're fabricating an argument out of air. I've got 5000 posts on this site. I dare you to find a single one where I said a good bodyweight program or metabolic conditioning is worthless. I've recommending the You Are Your Own Gym book and app 100's of times on this site. If you were on my feed you'd see metabolic workouts 4x per week, compared to heavy lifting workouts 3x per week. You also won't find any posts of me bashing yoga, or pilates, or cardio barre, or running or.....well, you will find a ton of posts where I'm bashing walking dvd's. I never claimed to be perfect.

    3. I don't care if someone agrees with me. I don't care if someone wants to do a completely different exercise regimen from what I do or what I recommend. The world is a big place and there's room for everyone. What I DO care about is when someone spreads blatant lies or misinformation that will lead other people down the wrong path. Don't want to lift, me no care. Want to make a LIFTING MAKES WOMEN BULKY post, I'm going to be all over that shish. Because it's not true and way too many women are fed that garbage for their entire lives. I've spent years trying to convince people, both women and men, of the benefits of resistance training (<<I almost never call it "heavy lifting" because there's so many ways to do it) and I know for a fact that one person whispering "but you'll get bulky" in a woman's ear will erasing a frigging year's worth of preaching anatomical science to her.

    Call me one of Davpul's minions, I don't care, but ^this...all ^this.

    Someone should copy pasta this into a separate thread and sticky it for all to read because it's solid information and addresses one of the bigger issues that I have witnessed many people on this site overcome.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member


  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    Um... What?

    I lift. I also do cardio, ride horses and pole dance. I have never felt that anyone disrespected my routine. As long as it is working, why would anyone say anything? :huh:

    can't say why but they do. I agree with the OP.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    1. By continually posting the same thread over and over, I would contend that you sought me out, not the other way around. I have no idea who you are, what your workout schedule is, or what other posts you've made in the month since your last thread blow up.

    2. You're fabricating an argument out of air. I've got 5000 posts on this site. I dare you to find a single one where I said a good bodyweight program or metabolic conditioning is worthless. I've recommending the You Are Your Own Gym book and app 100's of times on this site. If you were on my feed you'd see metabolic workouts 4x per week, compared to heavy lifting workouts 3x per week. You also won't find any posts of me bashing yoga, or pilates, or cardio barre, or running or.....well, you will find a ton of posts where I'm bashing walking dvd's. I never claimed to be perfect.

    3. I don't care if someone agrees with me. I don't care if someone wants to do a completely different exercise regimen from what I do or what I recommend. The world is a big place and there's room for everyone. What I DO care about is when someone spreads blatant lies or misinformation that will lead other people down the wrong path. Don't want to lift, me no care. Want to make a LIFTING MAKES WOMEN BULKY post, I'm going to be all over that shish. Because it's not true and way too many women are fed that garbage for their entire lives. I've spent years trying to convince people, both women and men, of the benefits of resistance training (<<I almost never call it "heavy lifting" because there's so many ways to do it) and I know for a fact that one person whispering "but you'll get bulky" in a woman's ear will erasing a frigging year's worth of preaching anatomical science to her.

    I post three posts in a month and you are on all three. Clearly you are seeking me out since you make it your business to post when you see that I posted. Clearly you are vein to think last night's post was about you, since you took the time not only to comment, but bring up previous posts I made where you felt you had triumphed over me. Now you are saying you do metabolic training, but somehow when I mentioned it last night, it was worthy of ridicule. if you don't care if someone agrees with you, why are you still posting? I am just going to go ahead and ignore you and I hope you do the same.
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    There is definitely a "culture" on MFP that demonises seems to be if you dont "eat more" and lift then you are doing it all wrong in this "cultures" eyes, even tho cardio and eating less has worked well for people for years. I lost most of my weight doing cardio, with 1 resistance session a week and eating 1200-1800 cals, I found the MFP forums and they have confused the heck out of me. Its taken me a while to realise to ignore the sound around me and go with what Ive previously done and what my gut tells me. So yeh I will do cardio, last night did my first night of insanity, but I will also do some lifting in my PT sessions...and lo and behold I might even eat under my BMR. I go now by what works for me...what my past has shown me works...and all of the above for me worked. We should just respect that people are being active and living healthier lives.

    Well said
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    So a post where I ask that we respect one another's fitness goals is killed by 9 am, but posts criticizing people who have different goals can reach 500. .

    I would NEVER tell someone to do Cardio only. Resistance training is an important component in a fitness routine. I don't abhor lifting, I just don't get excited by traditional strength training, though it has been a part of my routine in the past.

    I respect those who lift heavy, but I also respect those who feel bad azz after doing a a round of Insanity, the person who had a killer workout in a body pump class , the person who's legs are burning after a barre routine or the person who has a routine of their own which is the best of both worlds. There is room for all of us on My Fitness Pal. I do realize the group that criticizes and dismisses anyone that does bodyweight, plyometrics, metabolic resistance training, etc is a minority here, but this group is the loudest. If this was, which has less judgmental forums btw, lifting heavy would make sense as the dominant advice, since going to the site would mean this is probably something that interests posters. But this is a fitness site. There is no one road to fitness. Is it too hard to ask to respect others who take a different fitness journey.
    I hear you loud and clear!!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    Seriously, will you just get over it? This is your THIRD damn post covering the SAME topic.

    This is my first post on this topic. I posted a month ago with a question about a specific exercise and lifting heavy was given as the advice. Initially I said I would take the advice, but I started to notice those posters who offered other advice were being attacked and then i was attacked for stepping up for them, even after I said I would look into the lifting heavy programs recommended. So yes even if you say that program sounds like something worth my consideration, I guess I have to join in the bashing of the pilates and barre crowd in order for it to be acceptable.

    I did some research in all the programs recommended and posted last night that lifting heavy is great, but there are other things out there that may work better for individual goals. Somehow selective reading turned it into just do cardio. So this is my first time posting a topic to stress that the F in MFP stand for Fitness. Some people think they are posting in My Lifting Pal., buy you are not. Perhaps this seems repetitive because the bullying has become so dominant in this site.

    My Lifting Pal - you said a mouthful there!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Here comes back up