
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,204 Member
    Kelly Frank Abagnale was a great speaker. He did tell about the things they added or did not include like his siblings to add dramatic effect. He is the reason I bought a cross shredder. They do not want that is our recycle here.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,869 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,585 Member
    Kelly - I don't think it would hurt to use the plastic bag/boiling water cooking method a couple times unless the plastic would impart a taste. Looks like a good idea for camping. But I try to avoid plastic with food - storage or cooking - as much as possible.

    Regarding shredding and recycle, our curbside recycling will take shredded paper, but it must not be "loose" - can be bagged up into clear plastic bags and tossed into the container. I think they hire folks to sort the stuff as it comes down a line - cans, plastic bottles, etc - they said little things jam up the works.

    I pay with bills with on-line bill pay through the credit union and generally pay cash when shopping in town for groceries, and small items. Use credit cards for gas and large purchases. No debit card.

    Making another pot roast in the Instant Pot today! DH really loved it last time and I didn't have to cook for several days- those are the kind of leftovers he'll eat. <3

    SW WA State
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    My sweet potato /Barbecoa beef/salsa/creme fraiche/sugar snap peas was heavenly. :D

    DH hardly slept last night (anxiety) and I lost two hours somewhere in the middle, but we both read enjoyable books and survived. Still did our exercises today and DH went for a walk. I cooked and did some memoir. Yeah! :D We both feel fine. :) Amazing on how well you can do with little sleep. :) I would like a decent night though sometime soon. :grumble:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,066 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited July 2017
    Good afternoon! Today is a much better day temperature wise. I was able to leave the patio door open for about 45 minutes this morning and the cats let me get ready for church without getting in my way since they were sitting by each other at eh open door. It rained and rained last night. I woke up with what sounded like a baby whaling this morning which totally confused me. Why would a whaling baby be in my house. At church they were talking about phones going off with a weather alert so I guess that was it. Then it rained in church. It was funny. The pastor had jut said the words 'and God spoke' and their was a huge and I mean huge clap of thunder. I have seen quite a few face book posts about the explosion that people heard and it was that clap of thunder. Or maybe it was God 'speaking'? We have two really nice sopranos in our choir. One is a professionally trained lady and that's the way she likes to sing. The other is a lady that is just blessed with a beautiful voice. She is the one sho sang a solo today. I prefer who kind of singing. But the other lady is the one who is very puffed up eith how good she is and all of her accomplishments.

    I am still pretty tired but much better today. Many years ago when my MS was first diagnosed it was t unusual for me to have a 36 hour sleep after a trip or if I was very tired. I would keep water army bedside and my medicine but I basically slept for up to 36 hours. Is rare for me to do anything close to that now.

    We just had the guy who mows my nephews yard come buy and give us an estimate to mow our hard and use weed eater. $30/week, I'll take it. Nderneath our deck is terrible and he will take care of that. Anytime our nephew helps us with a referral, he makes sure we get a 'friends and family discount'. I wish he would stop that. I have asked him to but he says that if he could he would come and mow for free. He says he loves us enough that he wants to help us all he can.

    I love that archeological collection. It s so beautiful. I am proud if anyone who wants to preserve a piece of history and do it with dignity.

    Lenora, I wouldn't say that Charlies 'stepmom' was wicked, but I'm glad I don't have to deal with her anymore. Charlies Dad had a big Karaoke set up in his man cave. He told Charlie it would be his. What no one knew but her was that she had already arranged to have all of his things taken away the mment he died. I remember when we went over the moment her died in Hospic in their home. Her family said she needed her B/P meds picked u. So I volunteered to do that. Christina wanted his cowboy bat and Mivhelle wanted something else of his so when I took the medicine over about 90 minutes later, the house had been emptied of all his things. Gone. All of Charlie Sr gone. It was really weird that she moved to the big senior high rise that Charlies Mom lived in. His Mom could never even say this ladies name. She would always call her that Patmore woman. But they actually became friends!

    Joyce, indiana
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Joyce ~ We all have our stories. When my mom was in the nursing home, she convinced her roommate that they had gone to Fla together. The roommate said that was why she had all those bites on her legs because of sand fleas. The probably flea bites from the cats that liked to sleep with her in the nursing home.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    beth fed up is a good place to be, pun intended. You've got this.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,066 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    So hot here it is impossible to do anything outside. The bad news is next week is suppose to hotter. We took our grands back To Fort Worth to meet their mom. That was half way for both of us. I got overheated and got a severe headache. Still not 100%.
    Beth- I am proud of you for getting your self back on track.
    SueBDew and n TX
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of a Leslie Sansone DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a segment of Crunch Bikini Body DVD, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    katla - I'm sure the woman who owns the stable really appreciates all the work and time you spend with Arrow.

    Jess went back today. I said to her "one advantage to you having a larger vehicle is that now I can give you more food to take home! She's always complaining that I give her too much and that she doesn't have room for it. Now she said to me "that's OK, I'm poor having just bought the car. You can give me as much as you want".

    NYKaren - yesterday the pool temp was 92 degrees! that means the air temp must have been higher.

    Put two of the beads on the wine charms, now have to wait for the larger beads to come in, then I can put them and the two other smaller ones on the charms. I'm still a bit p***ed that his mother bought shower favors even tho I asked her not to. I did send a message to her on facebook asking her that since I had asked her not to get the favors, was she able to return them. I doubt she did.

    Went in the pool, but didn't stay in for very long as it started to rain. Now back in the house, maybe I'll watch some TV to try to clear the DVD.

    Allie - do you think that Tom could be using your good heart and trying to get you to feel sorry for him if he tells you that his arthritis and back hurt so you'll give up?

    Beth - when you go to pay your taxes, I think it's the Federal government that wants you to pay online but then they charge you to. Silly. It's bad enough they want my money, but in order to make things easier for THEM *I'M* supposed to incur an additional cost? I think not. So glad to hear you got your resolve. Better now than never, that's for sure!

    Marcelyn - we moved MIL from FL to PA. It was hard on her, but she managed and I'm sure your husband's father will too if he needs to

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,135 Member
    469367makfzcur9b.gif Stats for today:
    *18,000 steps
    *164 minutes walking Bessie and Sasha
    *74 minutes riding the exercise bike
    *74 minutes puttering in the garden
    *60 minutes folk dancing at the lavender festival