

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,367 Member
    We did a bit of gardening today. It's been chilly and rainy here for days. At least we have not had to water the garden, but the downpours have ruined the petunias. :/ Some ÷×+%× top soil we put on our remaining raised beds was full of couch grass, so we pulled all that up, trying to avoid the parsley and sorrel I sowed. I stuck in the supermarket parsley pot I had been keeping on the kitchen windowsill. Last time I did that it grew into a magnificent plant! :D
    Then I made skinnytaste.com Unstuffed Cabbage Bowls in my IP. We love it and we have half left to freeze. It freezes well. I know some of you love cabbage rolls, but this is the easy version!
    I did manage some memoir this afternoon after a short nap to give myself the courage. I was writing about a horrible, persistent vision I used to have every night before I went to sleep when I was 9 years old. It was accompanied by a frightening noise. I was rather dreading it, but it's done now. :)

    AF day today. B)o:) Gold star on my chart. I'm managing about 3 gold stars a week. Since I started my chart I have never gone over the government guidelines of 14 units a week. Most weeks well under. Good feeling.

    Welcome new ladies!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,892 Member
    Hello ladies: Been out this morning working in the yard. The blackberries are horrendous! I have a whole wheelbarrow full of chopped up vines from our lower driveway and that barely made a dent. The gate in the lower drive cannot be closed because of all the vines, etc. that have grown up there. Another hot day here today and I am going to go to the YM this afternoon and do water exercise to cool off.

    DD brought some new toys for the goats home from my nephews house yesterday. He got rid of his goats this past winter. So our boys will have some new play things. Should be fun watching them. They also got new collars this weekend because the ones that were on them have grown too small. We have not started to teach them to lead yet.

    Katla - Congrats on your horse training skills. Are you really getting into the cutting? That is an exciting sport.

    Marcelyn - Have fun with the sewing lesson.

    Becca - I agree with what others have said. Be careful how much responsibility you take on. I absolutely love that rock. I think I would have to keep that one.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Did 1 segment of Crunch DVD, held my plank for 2 min 52 sec (one add'l second!), then took the extremeplump class.

    After exercise, stopped at the Salvation Army, found a shirt for me and one that I think Jess might like for Christmas. Home to get dinner ready, then to the soup kitchen to make a donation, go to the bank, then bowling. Now home, ceramics tonight then mahjongg.

    Becca - I totally understand your feeling. Maybe if you were to charge her to pick her up? You can take her to the ATM and since you know she has the money, you can be assured of getting paid. Prudence sounds like a really nice lady, just a bit scatter-brained. It really wouldn't surprise me if she were to say that she couldn't get to the ATM and therefore pay you. Did you paint that rock?

    josephine - welcome!

    Heather - I love cabbage rolls. Unfortunately, Vince won't eat them (He won't eat a lot of things <sigh>).

    Michele in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    evening ladies~
    world crashing down on Tomcat, got the letter from my attorney about temporary alimony.. sorta flipped out on that, other person where Tom works out, so he is swamped,pulled muscle in back, both his feet hurt, and his lawyer has been at a conference.. they haven't done a blessed thing except collect the papers my lawyer sends to Tom, they havent contacted my attorney.. he just said he wished someone would shoot him now to put him out of his misery..
    shoulda thought about things beforehand Mr..
    having sleeptime tea and melatonin, and off to bed..
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Goodnight, Allie!

    I hope you sleep the sleep of the Pure at Heart.

    Himself made his bed... and had a rousing good time in it for the last three years... now it's time to pay the piper.

    *cue violins* The poor thing... ;)


    Re in TX
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Nope I didn't paint that rock, I would have kept it as well! I did find this little cute guy on our walk today!

    Prudence had told me that she estimated the cost to the grocery store as $8, but she would pay me $10. I don't know which she would tack on two more bucks, maybe because our card is clean, she wanted to chat on the way? O don't know. Then when we got to the grocery store she told me she'd pay me after shopping, when she hits up the ATM. So we haven't run in to her today.

    Rec'd a big veggie platter, so I separated the veggies, put some in the freezer. Can you freeze Brussels sprouts? They are halved so I could probably put in frig the day of, then just stir fry them with some lite soy sauce.

    Tonight is last night with future sailor son. My heart hurts already.

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    1-2 pounds fresh Brussel Sprouts off of the stalk
    Place 6-8 cups of water in a large pot and bring to a rolling boil.
    While the water is heating up, clean out the outside of the sprouts of any bad leaves or bad spots. Do not remove the stems
    Make an ice bath in a separate bowl - 6 cups of water and 3 cups of ice. You want lots of ice!
    Line a rimmed baking sheet with a few sheets of paper towels.
    Once the water is boiling carefully put the sprouts in the water and boil for exactly 4 minutes.
    Using a large slotted spoon, scoop out the sprouts and place them directly in the ice water bath.
    Allow the sprouts to sit in the ice bath for 1 minute.
    Drain in a colander, shake any excess water and pour the sprouts on to the paper towel line pan. Using another paper towel, pat the sprouts dry.
    Once the sprouts are completely dry, place in a freezer safe bag and store in the freezer.
    These last ~10 months frozen
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited July 2017
    Becca: I thought of you when we went to Sunday Market in Astoria & to Fort Stevens Park yesterday. The place was packed with people. We stopped where DH could see the ocean from the car, but he wouldn't get out so I didn't go for a walk on the beach with the dog. :ohwell: I did take the dog up the steps to the observation tower down by the mouth of the Columbia. The ocean was rough out there. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I am sure you will be able to deal with your difficult friend. It is hard to ignore lifestyle choices that you don't approve of, but sometimes changing the subject to something or someone you have in common will work. I wish you patience and luck. I am sending good thoughts for you and your DH to get good quality sleep so that you both feel at your best. :star:

    Alison: I'm delighted you had a good time with dear friends. As to Tom, my mom had a favorite quotation, "As you sow, so shall you reap." It seems to fit the situation Tom has created for himself. :wink: I have no sympathy in my heart for selfish Mr. Tom. He put himself into this misery and he'll have to work his way out of it, just like everybody else. Actions have consequences & he has to face his. :star:

    Beth: You've got this! (((hugs)))

    Marcelyn: I have an irrational fear of snakes, and luckily there aren't many to worry about around here. We have garter snakes in the yard once in a while, but nothing poisonous nearby. The garter snakes always startle me & I wish them gone because I don't like the feeling of a pounding heart, but they are very good at eating bugs. :ohwell:

    Barbie: We're getting our homes repainted this September. We live in a townhouse community and all own our own homes, but the exterior paint is the responsibility of the homeowner's association, along with grounds maintenance & roofs. We're all getting a fresh paint job in September and the colors will be substantially the same as now. DH & I would like to get some interior painting done, too. Our bedroom is in the greatest need. That will be our financial responsibility. :ohwell:

    SueBDew: I hope you've recovered from your headache. Heat is not something to take lightly. I know you did the best you could under the circumstances. I'd hide in an underground cave to keep out of that level of heat. I hope things stay in a more moderate zone from now on. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: I think you are absolutely right that Prudence is taking advantage of your kindness. If she tries to talk you into taking her to the store again, get your cash in advance or decline. :ohwell:

    Heather: You are the most courageous person I know to confront the past and face it head on. I admire your courage and wisdom. :heart:

    Sue: I'm not really getting into cutting live cattle, but I'm enjoying the cutting classes very much. If an opportunity fell in my lap to work with live cattle, I'd probably be willing to give it a try, though. I doubt that will happen, but who knows? There are so many things that go with good horsemanship that I'm still struggling with. My biggest personal issue is that I need to slow down and give the horse think time. I rush things. I need to focus on one step at a time. In the mean time, Arrow and I are often able to enjoy one another. He enjoys it much more when I slow down the pace of commands. :embarassed:

    We took the rental mobility device back to the dealer and found one there that might do a better job. We aren't ready to buy just yet, though. The one we're considering is just a little bit bigger. The reason we like it is that the wheels are enough bigger that they will likely handle things like gravel paths better than the one we tried out. My concern is that it is also heavier, and is at the edge of my ability to handle lifting it into and out of our car on my own. It is done piece by piece, but the heaviest piece is difficult for me to lift. Yes, I tried it in the store. I could lift it, but only just barely & my left shoulder is now telling me it worked too hard.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Happy anniversary Dana

    Spent the day in NYC at various museums with my godson, a very serious, intelligent young man. It was a great museum day, chilly and rainy. We also had a delightful lunch at a middle eastern restaurant, hummus and falafel, yummm. But I am worn out from the walking and standing around!!!

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Heather ... the truth of it is ... "no, I don't have anyone to talk to." Not really. When I lost weight the first time around, my "friends" became quite nasty about the whole thing. I only share about my weight issues here with all of you. Thank you for being one of those willing to listen.

    I have managed to stay on plan today ... have 283 calories left and am thinking about some yogurt before I head in for the night.

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good evening Ladies!

    Sadly my vacation has come to an end and it is back to reality for me today. Had a wonderful week off and the weather was fantastic.

    Tonight I roasted the yellow beets I got at the farmers market, great roasting weather, in the 50's and rainy. July?? Enjoyed a fresh Jersey peach with my yoghurt tonight, tomorrow it will be the blueberries I also purchased. There is a reason they call NJ the Garden State.

    I enjoyed a week of eating and drinking and it is now back to the routine: work, exercise, drinking lots of water and logging. I won't step on the scale until next week.

    Will try to catch up with you all later.

    Love hugs to everyone.

    Chris in Rainy, very chilly MA...it was 102 in NJ the other day!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member
    **wahoo hrm not recording :0/ **

    **no hrm - just estimates**

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 11.48min, 14.8mph. 2.9mi = 100c
    Plyometrics exercises- 20min, 3sets of 15each, hamstring leglifts, push-ups, all 4's elbow to knee, reverse bicycles, leg lifts, pelvic lifts, crunches, sit-ups, on butt-knees to chest = 125c
    SPIN CLASS- 21min, 77ar, 92aw, 11-16g, 8mi = 160c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 6min, 1.4mi = 50c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 13.58min, 13amph, 3mi = 160c
    walk sta 2 wk- 8.38min, 3.5ap, .5mi = 40c
    walk wk 2 sta- 8.27min 3.7ap, .5mi = 45c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 48.53min, 12amph, 9.7mi = 500c

    total cal 1180, est
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
    Becca - gorgeous painted and decorated rocks! My DH gets like yours sometimes regarding "being nice" to folks that he feels impinges on my (or his) time and space. He'll put up with them a few times then loses his patience. I must admit, he does have good radar when it comes to judging people's behavior.

    Best of luck to your fabulous son as he starts this new chapter in life. Enjoy your evening with him. Will he go through basic training somewhere then have a few days to come visit before he gets to his duty station?

    "The Goonies" was on television last week, I watched parts of it - filmed in Astoria. I'd like to spend some time in that little town. Jealous that you and Katla have it close by. :p

    Katla - glad your DH gets along so well with the mobile utility device. I wondered how easy they were to transport in a car.

    Dana - happy anniversary! Wishing you many more great years with Bob. I think you two were made for each other!

    - great idea for an invention. I did see somewhere vests that a person can put in the freezer then put on to cool down. When we'd be baling and stacking hay a decade ago in 95 degree weather, we'd dunk towels into the water trough and drape them around our necks and redunk each time we'd deliver a wagon load to the barn. DH still does it when he's mowing on a hot day - no more sheep water tank but the garden faucet works fine.

    - I hope your gall bladder remains calm for a few more weeks. I know you'll be glad to be rid of the pesky thing. Are they planning to do it with "belly button" surgery? Sorry your BIL is getting dementia - glad he could get out and make it to the Baptism.

    RE - yes, big gold star for you on the plank! I need to give it a try again now that I've been doing weights for a couple months - I can't help but think it's been helping my all-over strength.

    Beth - so glad you have this group and sorry your other friends got nasty when you lost weight before.

    Sue in WA - Wilbur is in heaven from being brushed! You definitely have a new friend there. Love goats even tho they are smarter than me, lol.

    Josephine and other newbies, welcome!

    I think we are fairly lucky here in Western Washington - no poisonous snakes that I know of, poisonous spider = brown recluse but normally it causes a painful bite. We do have poisonous hemlock weed which looks like wild carrot that is highly toxic to humans.

    I am happy to report that after almost week of no sugar/treats and cutting out processed foods, my FBS is finally down to 100 and I intend to keep it there (or lower). I really need to put the pedal to the metal and lose 5% of my weight and see how that impacts things - I know it's the belly fat thanks to Miss Debbie and the Reese Cup gang. This blood sugar thing is the incentive I needed to get BMI down a bit.

    Well ladies, the garden is in the shade now so need to head out and get the sprinkler going. I see the deer munched on my winter squash plants last night which are finally blossoming. DRAT. So they'll need a squirt of liquid fence.

    Have a good evening!

    Hot and windy SW WA State
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Dear Wilbur looks like my cats when they give me their neck to pet. Is he purring?

    Becca, I would love to be your neighbor. Sit and paint, hike and look for beat things and just glean from your wisdom.

    We have had a big court case here in not just in our city or county but the whole area. We have an 81 year old lady that owns an animal 'sanctuary'. It's not a large area an d she keeps numerous dogs in one cage. When animal control first found out about this situation, these dogs were skin and bones, severely dehydrated, many diseases, some bad to be put down. Having such a huge amount of dogs in animal control put a big toll on the rescue groups that foster. The case finally got to court last Friday. She pleaded. Guilty to animal abuse and the judge actually gave her back 21 of her 68 dogs back! The animal advocates in several counties around here were livid and face book has been full of pleas and a petition. So today the order was reversed and so so far the animals are safe in their loving foster homes with the kids to play with, the food water and warm beds. But Thursday her lawyer gets to plead his case. My daughter is one of those very intense animal advocates. But one thing it has done is to make the community more aware of animal cruelty and more people are stepping up and fostering. I know that a lot of first time fosters return their dog because they don't know what to do with a dog who gas severe behavioral issues or a lot of physical problems. Most of the rescue places here would only place a foster animal into homes that have a reputation of being able to handle these issues. Michelle is one of those. Her last one was terribly abused and her present foster somewhat a used. He still has quite a issue with men. Her room mate us a 5 foot Asian guy and I don't thing Onyx realizes Kevin is a guy! But for now my daughter is happy. Why does an 81 year old lady need 68 dogs all to herself with absolutely no help?

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,727 Member