

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Joyce sounds like the woman was an animal hoarder. They start off thinking they are rescuing the animals. They get so many they become overwhelmed and then don't see the harm they cause. There is a reason many communities have a limit of three dogs unless you are a breeder. I know my niece struggles to not have too many dogs. At the woman's age and history sounds like having any dogs is not a good idea.

    Dana Happy Anniversary!
    skuehn48 wrote: »

    Can you tell Wilbur likes the new brush?

    Made me smile!

    :heart: Margaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Yes Dana. They are labeling get as a hoarder. She also dies not see that the dogs have terrible sores or that you can see eir spines and ribs. She just denies seeing it.

    Allie, the situation is scaring me now. Sure wish you had some one else there with you all the time. And your grandchild in that environment even is more scary. Big hugs.

    Got a message that Christina will be in Thursday. So Trinity's birthday will be Friday at lunch since Micelle works evenings. That also means I need to go shopping. She made an Amazon wish list but we can use it at any store as our suggestions. She wants to redecorate her room. Teenage girls!
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Good afternoon. No news here and I am good with that. My third day and I am hanging in. I am going to drink much water in the next bit before taking son out to class, swim at the Y and even to do Family Heritage. I mowed a bit today-argh, need to weed whack but that did not appeal. Weeds all over! Who gardens? I am awful at it but we tried 3 tomatoes, some beans, some squash and zucchini, and plum grannies. I have told myself NEVER AGAIN on the garden thing-never has worked and not apparently going to work and has to be mowed around as well as weeds need pulling. Hmmm, I guess I could pull a few weeds since the dog is looking desperate to go out. Thanks for the welcomes.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Becca ~ I know you must be feeling sad having your nest empty. But, you have filled it with love and it is wonderful that all three of your sons have so much respect and love for you.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    becca ((( <3<3 )))
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Joyce – I would have to say the Sherry borders on the line of evil. But, really she is just very selfish and greedy. To NOT provide me with pictures of her Dad growing up or any of my in-laws just makes me think she probably threw them away; and, she should have asked if we wanted them. She used an ‘illegal’ POA to pull all of the stuff out of FnL’s lock box; and then bought mutual funds on the money … and never found it convenient to have the guys put on them or back on the bank accounts. So they got approximately $6500 each; and she got over $65K. She was in ‘cahoots’ with one of the women at the A.L.F. and had gone into a business partnership on buying old houses, fixing them up, and renting them out. Figure from checking public records that 3/4th of a $1M passed through her hands in less than 3 1/2 - 4 years. She not only sold their mother’s house, she sold it twice. First person did not want it after a year - must have been financing it for him. Yes, I think Karma will visit her; but, I am not holding my breath waiting on it.

    To Louis, she is dead; after 10 years of not hearing from her, she is ‘legally dead’ insofar as we are concerned; and, Louis specifically wrote her ‘out of her Will’. I won’t even notify her if he falls ill or dies; my children can, ‘if they want to, but, I don’t want to hear about it one way or the other, if they do. She’s hurt him in more ways than one and that knife hit his spine.

    Marcelyn – There is another snake (don’t think it is poisonous) that has the same coloring as a ‘coral snake’; but, I would gooogle it. It has something to do with the color red being in an opposite order. One is ‘black’, ‘red’, and ‘yellow’ and the other is ‘black’, ‘yellow’ and ‘red’. The only snake around his that I won’t kill is a ‘black’ snake because they eat the poisonous snakes.

    Sue – Our trip to Texas is looking more and more like we won’t be making it until maybe the spring. We’ve had awful weather, hotter than Hello-Kitty; then thunder storms that make you want to go hide in a closet somewhere, coming down in bucket and wind to beat the band. What makes it worse is living on a dirt road the county does seem to do a very good job at keeping it so that it is passable. We’ve never had standing water in the road in front of our house the entire 18 years we’ve owned the land. They came and put in ditches (but did not properly ‘crown’ the center of the road), and the person on the grader took it and put the blade as low as it would go, so he took off the ‘red sand’ down to the red clay base. There is a huge hole wallowed out at the entry off the pave road. Today I was following a small SUV and the water came up within 3” of the bottom of her car. I let the waves stop (oh, and the rules of physics has never been followed; now they graded it one day the end of the week, this wallowed out spot has a berm on either side that is easily over 12” high. Water won’t run uphill. Never has, never will, so what do they expect? Water is going to drain from paved road, up the hill of the dirt road. I went through it and knew my car sat a lot lower to the ground than the SUV in front of me. IF it had stalled out, I would have had to roll down my window and crawl out. Later I washed he much off and it was past the bottom of my door.

    I had already stopped by the prison farm (they actually do the grading). Whoops, I did not know what they don’t allow ‘shorts’ to be worn. Oh well, I told Mary, I would remember that the next time. I told the woman that it as well as the 18” deep, 36” wide, and 12’ long washout was beginning to really be a problem, and they need to fill it up … like 3 weeks ago. It’s been reported 2x, today made 3. Maybe 3 is the charm. So much for my ‘rant’. Makes me feel better.

    Allie – Tell TomCat where the @$$-prins are kept. He’s a ‘big boy’, it is ‘his’ body telling him that he ‘hurts’. The he can do something about it. He did not hover over you when you had your bad cold last week or so, now did he?

    Becca – This is the ‘bud’ and you need to ‘nip it’. Be busy, I’m sure you can find something. That was just inconsiderate of her to ‘expect’ that you would came back to get her. It’s like Taylor’s Mom, wanting her to baby-sit her other 2 sisters, as she was baby-sitting the 2 on this side of the family. She did it for 2 weeks and all her mother paid her was $20 total. She told her ‘not going to happen’. And she didn’t. No real reason to need a babysitter, she hasn’t worked in 21 years except maybe for a year-and-a-half after she and Trey got a divorce. This is a woman who was receiving $1700 a month in food stamps when she did not have any of her 3 children with her and hadn’t for months. Taylor had not been with her for 2 years. If she ‘asks’ you again and hasn’t paid you, then ‘remind her’ and tell her that she just needs to call the cab and make arrangements for when they should come back to pick her up. Ten dollars isn’t enough pay, especially if you had come home and was expected to come back when she called. Suggest Meal-On-Wheels for something she could do. If they have that program there, I know our Senior Citizens Center feeds probably 30 people ‘on site’ and take about 100 meals out.
    Is that a painted rock? I’d be keeping that one. Someone really went into a lot of detail.

    Machka – Why should either of them go find a 2nd job; especially if it is to ‘support’ (or help) an elderly neighbor. Sounds like that would be what the money would go for, but that is IMHO.

    Heather – My Japanese cousin used to make some of the best stuffed cabbage rolls whenever we went to a reunion. Had another that used to made big ‘wedding cookies’; but, she would tell you that ‘she had no intention of sharing her recipe’.

    Sue – Watch out for snakes in those blackberry bushes, they love them here in South GA/

    Michele – Louis won’t eat cucumbers, green peppers; and, he isn’t wild about some other things. When we go to a place that sells sandwiches I usually get a Reuben; because he does not like ‘corn beef’. I got started on eating this from a former boss when I was in school.
    Gorilla Glue!

    Re – DDnL#1 is very endowed; and, when she told me she wore a DD cup. I thought, then ‘someone is buy the wrong side’. She is 3x my size and I wear a “C” cup, just going into one within the past month or so. I suggested that maybe when one of them found a job with good benefits, she might consider a breast reduction. I might as well has slapped on her both sides of her face. She said that Trey would not stand for that. But, he has told his Dad that if she did have it done, her back would not hurt so much. Her mother is humpback because of her boobs, now down at her waist. Jenn’s are getting there quickly. My middle sister who hasn’t yet had reconstruction surgery following her mastectomy, said that she only wants some “BabyBees”.

    Allie – If TomCat had an ‘attorney’, your attorney would be sending stuff directly to him or her. Sounds like TomCat doesn’t have an attorney if he is getting letters directly from your attorney. But, knowing you are going for ‘alimony’ (temporarily or permanently) is something he should do (get an attorney). After 45 days from the filing of the complaint … you could be ‘divorced’ – just not have a ‘settlement agreement’ to attach to it. TomCat is STUPID! Sorry --- but, he is … he should have ‘hired’ his own attorney; because YOUR attorney is going to be looking out for you. Generally, once an attorney is involved, the other person gets their own. NO attorney can represent both parties and be fair. They are going to represent the one who is paying their bill. Tell the J-@$$ to have his attorney contact yours, then when he got letters like this, they’d be coming from his attorney and maybe he won’t ‘flip out’. You need to watch him. When he talks about ‘wishing someone would shoot him now to put him out of his misery’ … he is verging on the side of being ‘dangerous’. You need to either have him ‘thrown’ out of the house, or go somewhere you will be safe. Poor little thing is ‘seeing his perfect little world, crack and coming apart’. Humpty Dumpty style!

    OK, after reading you post today – I’d find somewhere to go and stay. TomCat sounds like he is beginning to come ‘unhinged’ … that and see his ‘little world implode’ isn’t a good combination. Wishing you luck, just keep yourself safe. Take as much of your stuff away from the house, especially if it has any sentimental value to you – he will come after that first – or your neck. IF he has a gun collection … I definitely would take them away from the house until he is more ‘freaking’ reasonable.

    If he starts being physically abusive, I agree – call the cops and has his butt put in jail. If he puts any marks on you, the reason your attorney wants you to call her is so that she can get pictures (the fresher, the better). Sometimes we’d take ‘hit’ marks that were red; next day bruises would how up. But, best to stay totally ‘out of his way’. Like I said, ‘his little “perfect world” is imploding and he does not like it and it is something he NEVER expected you to do, in the first place, if at all.

    Personally, I think TomCat ‘never’ in his ‘wildest imagination’ thought for one minute that YOU’D FILE FOR A DIVORCE from him. He probably thought that he would be the one doing the filing. For a long time I thought the man in you old avatar was Tom. I thought, damn he sure is hanging on to you; and, from the small picture he looked like he ‘thought he was a player’; then someone told me that it was TomCat. What does TomCat look like, just out of curiosity?

    Beth – Since moving to the country and not in a neighborhood like before, I don’t have anyone that I can talk to. My BFF still works part-time and only 3 days a week; but, since she went on that schedule she has been sick every single weekend. Called her this AM after my weigh-in to see is lunch was still on … she had not even made it to work. This is an every weekend thing, she can’t hold down anything. She said she had a ‘colon infection’. How would she know that without going through a colonoscopy or something? I worry about her health-wise. She is always having some stomach or digestive issue.

    Lost 3.5 lbs. So excited!!!! I asked her how much I would need to weigh when I get to the point of working this out on my own. I was surprised at the spread. I’ll never weigh the low end; I will look like walking death if I do. I’m working for the high end and maybe 5lbs more.

    Welcome to all the newbies. Congrats for all the successes. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} for those that need it; and, keep on keeping on for all of you.

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Thanks Lenora, wise words! I have yet to see her, and Lee has heard her downstairs with her ( actually my husbands) walker, dealing with Annabelle.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,428 Member
    <3Becca - (((HUGS)))) <3 I am crossing fingers Whidbey works out for you! You are definitely ready for a change. Oh and yes, I also enjoyed that bank video! If those walls could talk! Love that old architecture and interior design. They made buildings to last back then. B)

    Lenora - you mentioned a few days ago that you mail back "junk" in the credit card application envelopes. I thought I was the only one who did that! I once found a website to register and stop getting those mailings, but after 6 months or so here they came again. I like to take a sheet of newspaper, tape a few washers inside it out of my husband's nut & bolt can, really jam it full and mail THAT back to them in their prepaid envelope. Take THAT, Capital one, lol. >:) All we need is someone to steal our mail and they'd be off and running.

    Dana - hope the ladies luncheon went OK for you and there were lots of goodies you could eat.

    Michele - great job on the house number! Hope Vince can get it attached to the brick OK.

    We just got a call from the water company - they are shutting off our water from 9 til 4 on Thursday to repair a leak near the pump. We'll be saving up "flush water" and drinking water, will run dishwasher and a load of laundry tomorrow plus get showers caught up and garden watered. Hope it goes smoothly. We haven't seen a decline in water pressure yet, thank goodness. We're on a "community well" that serves 4 houses.

    Also going to see my doc on Thurs. Over the past few weeks, I have pretty constant "tingling" in my hands and fingers. No pain, no loss of strength. DH thinks it's from the strength training and it might be true, plus I've been sleeping on a different bed. I might need a chiropractor. My doc is an Osteopath so will be interesting to see what she thinks. Taking a Curamed turmeric anti-inflammatory does help. I don't have the normal curves in my upper spine & neck that most people do so maybe it's finally coming home to roost.

    Looking forward to a cooler next couple days.

    Have a great evening, ladies!

    SW WA State

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Allie ... thinking of you ...

    Becca ... what a sweet thing your son did to text you ... you most certainly did raise them right!

    Food challenged today when we went to an asian-type buffet... but kept the damage to a minimum I think. Ate very little breaded or fried things ... stayed with baked cod, sushi, and vegetables ... lots of water tonight and tomorrow.

    I had a little pity party this morning. Around midnight last night I sat bolt-upright in bed and asked my husband the date ... it was almost the 25th ... 3 days PAST my mother's birthday. I have never forgotten my mom's birthday before and I just felt awful about it. There's been way too much going on ... thus the little pity party. I sent my mom a large bouquet of flowers with an apology. She called later to thank me and say she understood ... still ... sigh.

    Beth near Buffalo
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    beth (((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))