

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: I water my plants for ten minutes twice daily all summer long whether I'm here or not. I have a timer system that automatically waters for 10 minutes twice a day, early morning and evening. Hanging plants are fed by little plastic tubes with dripper sizes that vary depending on the needs of each plant. We bought this system at ACE Hardware. Plants in the ground are watered with soaker hoses. The lawn is watered by the homeowners association and is also on an automatic timer system managed by them. :flowerforyou:

    Alllie: You seem so much more at peace with life and I am happy for you. I look forward to your being able to move into your own place. :star:

    Barbie: Our day at the fair included a shared buffalo burger that was delicious and elephant ears. We burned off enough calories getting around the fair to account for part of the total, but probably should've skipped the elephant ears. My weight bumped up a bit and is easing back to where I need it to be for my knees. :embarassed: We got there early to watch 4H competitions that occur before the fair officially opens, and we left shortly after lunch. We didn't go to the rodeo. It was a good day. :bigsmile:

    Becca: You are such a great mom and have done a marvelous job with your boys. The transition to an empty nest might be a little bit challenging, but you and your DH will be able to focus on having fun together and life can become a new adventure. My son is in the Army. His permanent assignment is Fort Lewis but he is currently stationed in Virginia. My daughter lives in Illinois with her DMIL. Sometimes it makes me sad that both of my kids are so far away. We have them for a while and then we have to set them free. :heart: :broken_heart::heart:

    This is usually my day to go to the stable & work with Arrow, but I'm not sure whether it will happen. DH is adamant that he doesn't want me out there alone, and that might mean he has to accompany me and read in the car. The stable owner is in the process of adopting a dog and will have one out there "on trial." I hope it is a match for her. The last one was a cat chaser and had to go back to the shelter and wait for a cat free home. I would appreciate good thoughts for our car situation. We're hoping for a fix that is not going to break the bank or prevent buying DH a scooter until money issues resolve. right now I'm worried about whether I sent my son money to buy new Birkenstocks. I have no record of writing him a check. :embarassed:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "Normally I'm quite normal . . ." The Gods Must be Crazy
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    So today it was strange not hearing my son singing in the shower, making me coffee etc. I am at the laundromat still washing some of his clothes, ( items he will be saving and we'll pack). He did call last night from the hotel, and he seemed relaxed.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,719 Member
    Came out of the gym this morning to discover a bike got stolen, guy apparently cut off the lock. Glad it wasn't my bike, I would have gone postal
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    PIP ~ So glad it wasn't your bike! :):)
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    I bought two large containers of Creeping Gardenias yesterday and now I don't know if I can possibly dig the hole to plant them. DH is not into doing any yard work! Problem!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,360 Member
    Had a lovely lunch with my friend. I was good on the wine and not bad on the food. She drank less than usual. :D

    Been emailing DDIL about our trip to Hove/Brighton this weekend. We can park in their front yard in the sfternoon and DH and I are going to eat with the grandchildren on Friday night (the nanny is going to cook us all lasagne!!!!!) because DS & DDIL are playing tennis and we have to check in at the B&B by 9 pm. All good. :) DS said he would take us down to the B & B. :D It's impossible to park in central Brighton in the tourist season, so we have to leave the car with them.
    Saturday morning we will meet them at the kids' tennis lessons and have lunch with them. Playtime again in the pm and then DH and I have a posh meal booked for 7 pm. :D<3
    Probably leave Sunday morning. DS is going to his father's (my ex's) 70th birthday on Sunday.
    All this is primarily to avoid the music festival in our village. It occurs every year. The problem is the bass beat which thumps down our chimney. You can't really hear the music, but the beat is very annoying, so we always go away. Of course, we are longing to see the grandkids. <3<3<3
    Here is Edie at her end of term show.

    Recently my elder son texted me to ask for money. He says he has a chance of some contract work next month. :*:| He has been out of work since last September, but has applied for everything. :'( He has done some journalism for pay. I was happy to help, but I really hope he gets a job soon. He is a design engineer .

    Katla - You could just text and ask him. We all forget things at our age. I completely forgot to take my son's birthday presents last time we visited! Oooops! :embarassed:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Oooh Pip your cycling guardian angel's are looking after you, and your bike, girl!!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Well ladies, I haven't heard from Prudence since last Sunday! It's now Wednesday, and I feel a great weight has lifted. She has been walking downstairs, using the walker we gave her. So truly, she can do things on her own. When Thursday comes around I will see if she knocks on my door to fill her pill container. She has a bag of garbage by her door that has been there since yesterday. She has gone up and down the stairs since putting it out there. If she can not carry a big bag, then just have little bags every day... This is not rocket science!

    I sound so callus, forgive me.

    So sons room just has items to pack that we will send after boot camp, plus items I'm trying to sell online. In the closet it am hanging all my linens, blankets, and beach towels. It gives more room down below, and on the upper shelf! Told my husband he can put his uniforms there. That should free up some room on his side of the closet.
    We will move the two large bookshelves from the dining area, to that room as like a library. Also put husband's ugly green alligator lazy boy chair. Will be nice to listen to music there, read and just relax. We will keep his desk in there. Great place to write letters, pay bills.

    Organized the kitchen, and have separated items into groups, for easy hunting, and restocking!
    I anticipate losses this next month from that helpful change!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,719 Member
    i do put my bike indoors and not lock it outside :smiley:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    Look at you Becca..miss organization... How wonderful....if I could figure out how to post picture from phone on here.i would put a picture of Tomcat...
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,095 Member
    Joyce it depends on what kind of soil you have. If it is more clay you water less if it is sandy like our soil more. 100 heat index is hard on most any plants except cactus. If you do need to water watering early morning is best. It gets the plants hydrated before the heat hits. My most important gardening tool it my water meter. You put it in the soil and it will tell you if you need to water. Plants can be killed from too much watering as not enough. Sometimes when I see a wilting plant I think it needs water. This can also be a sign of over watering. That is why I like my water meter. You can buy one for less than $10 at either a hardware store or garden center. If I lose plants now it is because of disease, insects, or light not from watering. Also with that kind of heat do not fertilize. Wait until it is cooler. If it is bushes spring is the best time to fertilize. Here in Minnesota it also best not to prune evergreens past the four of July because new growth will not harden off enough to stand our winters. Every region is different and if you have questions consults a master gardener in you area or go to a reliable garden center. I know you put in a lot of time and money to your new landscaping and you want to keep it healthy.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Howdy and good afternoon. I missed breakfast-the day has not been an overall success! Can't get weed whacker to work and the trip to the store to get it going is for another day. It is 4 pm and I am doing lunch, dinner, or lupper I guess. I did go grocery shopping and I am impressed with the food log inventory here. Almost anything I enter comes up! Anyone reading here use palm oil? My husband bought some but it looks orange and is solid. I hate throwing stuff away but is this going to be okay? I am using vegetable oil today because I forgot olive oil.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thank you for all your assistance in my watering question.

    our empty nest syndrome came at the same time that I had a relapse with my MS and had to quit work. So it was a strange time. It was also quite a time of soul searching for me. I literally had to reinvent who I was. This is why I thanked God for my MS. I finally realized that I had let nursing control who I was and I had to find a new me. I also found myself with this guy I had married but when you both work a day/evening shift and separate weekends you sometimes don't se each other. So. It was nice to get to know each other again, must be a housewife.

    Becca, I don't think I could ave immediately changed Michelle's room over. Will your son have an immediate assingment when he is out of boot training? I'm not sure why books my brother wrote when he was stationed on his nuclear sub. I know he wrote some of the curriculum but that was about 15 years ago.

    As you know my grand daughter Trinity will celebrate her 16th birthday when she is here this weekend. She won't be 16 yet but that's when she can be here. She sent an Amazon wish list. I know that you can order and get it next day or maybe 2 but I don't have prime and don't want to pay for next day delivery. So her Mom says that I could go to Target and could pretty well get the exact same things. Uhmmmmm no! Theings that's were $20 were $80 at Target. Maybe when she was making her list they were on sale. So I got same kind of the things. And I went way over my budget. But hey, your grand daughter only turns 16 once. I just hope she can take what her elderly black dog does to her faux white furry stuff she asked for.

    Katla, will your husbands insurance help pay for any modifications to your car or a carrier for the back of the car that he can just roll a scooter on to? Norma had that type at first and didn't like it due to the type of drop off from her driveway to the street. It was a high curb. But her van has been wonderful and very comfortable.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,719 Member
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening my dear Friends,

    Rori, good luck on the sale of your condo.

    Allie, I guess it would be better for you if Tom goes to Florida. It may be getting close to time for him to move. Hang tough, my friend. ((((Hugs))))

    Leigh, I would guess that there are few of us that have friends who totally understand what we are going through outside of this group. That is the wonderful thing about all of you; I can tell you my failures and successes and you know exactly what I’m talking about.

    Marcelyn, I don’t think anything is going to make these boobs look like “perky 20 yr old bosoms” again. LOL But cool does sound good.

    Katla, I did actually have one friend that was super supportive. She needs to lose weight even more than I did but has no intention of doing anything about it. Every time I lost an ounce or we went to eat and I ordered smart, she would just congratulate me and carry on about what a wonderful job I was doing. Unfortunately she is the friend that moved to Texas.

    Joyce, have fun with your DD and her family.

    Heather, have a great time in Hove/Brighton this weekend. Thanks for the cute pic of Edie.

    Kelly, good for you on working on your meal planning!! I need to do a better job of it and plan farther ahead. So many of you are inspirations to me. Thank you.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto all the Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Night before last I didn’t sleep well at all. I moved to the sofa downstairs and got in a couple of hours. Last night I slept great but today has been a pj day. My back was hurting when I got up and only got a bit better after my morning pain pill. Really haven’t done a thing all day but watch a little TV. DH wanted me to go to Costco with him but I declined because of back pain. Today was my exercise day so I hope I feel like it tomorrow. I’ll have baked fish for dinner and probably go to bed early. Yesterday I did get the new cable box for my room and got it hooked up. We now again have working TVs in each bedroom and the family room.

    Sending love, good thoughts and cool sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    evening ladies~
    home from work and in jammies, having sleepytime tea and my melatonin,Tom says he is going to come home and mow the lawn, I am guessing he thinks he will be in and out of the lawyers office and able to go on his merry way, to be a fly on the wall, anyway. he might leave early saterday morning, that is if Kelly gets everything she needs..
    this picture is 3 yrs old ,but that is Tom with our 2 older granddaughters..