

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Well our godson has returned to his grandmother's house in Brooklyn. He was with us for 4 days but we hardly noticed his presence. Quietly studying or on the laptop, he is not an easy conversationalist! Dinners were particularly awkward--he's in that thought spot, just graduated and doesn't know how to find a profession. He may join americorps and work out west if he can't find a job at a nonprofit- he was a philosophy major!

    Eating and meal planning have been off for the past week- back to the strategies that work for me! Lovely weather continues here, will go for a nice long walk tomorrow.

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,424 Member
    csofled wrote: »

    Karen and I met up for lunch today. My daughter and hubs were with us. Wonderful seeing her and catching up!

    Enjoying vacation in VA

    Cute photo! Only question - what are you two twenty year olds doing on this thread? LOL! Glad you could meet up and catch up! Count me as jealous!

    SW WA State
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    csofled wrote: »

    Karen and I met up for lunch today. My daughter and hubs were with us. Wonderful seeing her and catching up!

    Enjoying vacation in VA

    Cute photo! Only question - what are you two twenty year olds doing on this thread? LOL! Glad you could meet up and catch up! Count me as jealous!

    SW WA State

    Awww thanks Lanette!!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Joyce. I asked my husband about sons schedule and this is how life will pretty much go:
    Boot camp for 8 weeks at Great Lakes, Michigan
    A school ( sea school) 3 months not sure where.
    Nuclear school, 2 years in Charleston, South Carolina

    So all of this is before he even gets his duty station assignment. Thank goodness he loves school, tests and proving himself!

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Also I think sons aren't as territorial with their rooms as daughters are. I started emptying his room about a month ago!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Lanette – I burn anything that has our name or any other pertinent information; so that nobody could steal it. But, I will take my scissors to a bunch of stuff; most of the time those flyers for grocery stores, etc. I’d take mine directly to the P.O., and throw them down the chute or when my friend worked there would take it to him and watch as he put them in a box. He was the one who told me that they do not pay postage until the envelope is returned. The thought of adding the additional weight … LOL ~ I’ll try that next time.

    Michele – I was serious about Gorilla Glue, it would be awful for him to try hanging it with a nail or screw, even ‘if’ the outside is made of wood. It must be really strong, if it will hold fence posts upright. I had a small tube of the liquid Gorilla Glue (trying to mend a sandal). It has taken 3 days to get it off my fingers. Numbers look great!

    Sue – When we went to Macon yesterday, we saw cows standing in ponds all around. It has been brutally hot down here. Late afternoon we end up having thunderstorms because of the heat.

    The first time we lived in Albany, we were the first house on the right in a subdivision. They had one of those palm-like bushes, that had razor-edge frons and then you’d have to hacksaw them off when they died. He ran into them one too many times one Saturday and took his Karman Ghia and pulled that sucker out of the ground he was so mad. Of course, he tried digging it out as much as possible. He looked like he had be involved in a knife fight.

    Katla – Bad thing about ‘court ordered’ HELP – unless she has some sort of insurance or Social Security coming in, she would end up in a state-run facility which might be worse. She probably doesn’t have any family or they have given up trying to help her. She may view all these animals as her friends and family and just isn’t aware that she has been starving them. She’s probably rail thin, too.

    It’s been so hot here that I’m watering my plants about every 3 days. Even those in the glassed-in porch because it faces west and we have not put in A/C-Heat yet. I have a small watering can, one fill-up for my orchids and violets, then one for my two cactus/succulents; one for the palm tree-looking plant and a fern; then another for the other ferns and plants. I count from 3-5 depending on the size of the orchid plant, that way I won’t over-water them. I let the rain do the rest. I have a huge Kimberly Queen fern and it is heavy, even to moved it 12 feet to the deck steps, and another fern (I think it is a leather-leaf fern). I use my big watering can and divided it between the two. Another one for my Boston ferns, till they water runs out the bottom; then whatever is left over, go back to KQ and LL ferns. My big staghorn fern and my lipstick plant are hung under a cypress tree in the back yard. I will spray them with water at least once a week.

    Becca – I cry like a baby each time we drive off from visiting Will and Tami and Mallory. It is so hard to be so far away from them.

    Is you middle son off-shore? I don’t think he would send you a pix of it either; however, if it was sent from the military … wouldn’t ‘they’ know where he is and how to get mail to him. Anything dealing with SSN or banking information, of any kind of ‘personal’ information is kept close to me. I don’t give out any information; and, if the person on the other line asks if I can hear them, I hang up. NEVER say “Yes” … they are recording you for shady business. I think I would be tempted to 'forward' that picture (in a private email) to your son and question it.

    I’m extremely cautious of people; because you’d be surprised at what they’ll tell their attorney; and, even ‘more’ surprised at what they will tell the secretaries of those attorneys.

    It’s hard when your ‘baby’ leaves home; even going off to college, you know they aren’t going to be the same when they come home the next time. It’s when we moved Will to Mississippi State that I cried; but, so did he.

    Pip – I’m sure whoever bike it was probably did go postal. Glad it wasn’t yours.

    Allie – Oh, so sorry that poor TomCat might have to postpone his trip to FL. You will be surprised at what couples will or will not do during a divorce. Stand your ground; don’t be greedy; but, stand your ground. You gave this man 20-some-odd years of your life and he was the one who brought it down into a rumble. HIM! Not you! You’ll be surprised at what they will ‘suddenly’ want, too.

    I can’t help you on how to post a pix from your cellphone. Usually, I have to download it from my phone to my laptop; then I can download them wherever.

    I guess I have been looking at your former avatar for as long as I can remember, that it was a bit of a shock to see gray hair. I can see where he’d be ‘needy’ for the attention of someone he works with. Don’t get me wrong, nice looking; but, sometimes that hair turning gray, for men, is a shock. My DOS is probably going to be totally gray by the time he hits his mid-50’s. Black hair, black eyes, and sprinkled with enough gray that it is obvious he will be gray fairly early in life. I went to HS with a guy who had black hair and the next time I saw him, he was totally white haired. Looked ‘exactly’ like he did in HS, other than the color of his hair. His wife, also a classmate, looked the same.

    Lordy, Mercy … I feel so ‘sorry’ for Angeline Jolie-Pitt – NOT! Just moved into the multi-million $$$ ‘cottage’ … with a pool and I am sure enough help that she won’t be the one ‘home-schooling’ their children.

    Well – today the Windows World folks came out to redo the stops on the windows and cracked the outside of the first one they got to. Call the owner who told him to measure the windows again, and, they will reorder them … just to have for when they come back to actually do the job. Says it will take about 2 weeks to get the windows in; not sure when they will schedule it; but, I told him we weren’t going to be ‘home’ that last week of August; so it will be after Labor Day (probably); but, he made me feel good by saying ‘if he had been the one who installed them in the first place, we would not be standing there having the discussion’. Too bad, not going to make money on this job.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    **wahoo hrm not recording :0/ **

    **no hrm - just estimates**

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 12.03min, 14.5mph. 2.9mi = 90c
    Plyometrics exercises- 20min, 2ets of 15each, hamstring leglifts, pushups, all 4's elbow to knee, leg lifts, reverse bicycles, pelvic lifts, crunches
    sit-ups, on butt-knees to chest = 110c
    SPIN CLASS- 33min, 83ar, 86aw, 10-14g, 13.4mi = 220c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 6min, 1.4mi = 50c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 13.43min, 13.2amph, 3mi = 160c
    jog sta 2 wk- 4.57min, 9.35min mi, .5mi = 55c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.33min, 10.04min mi, .4mi = 50c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 18.07min, 8.8amph, 2.6mi = 175c

    total cal 860
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    edited July 2017
    Sue another reason to water in the morning is it helps to prevent fugal diseases. When you water at night it often cools off and the water sits on the plants overnight making them more prone to diseases.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Did an hour of Kathy Smith's step DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Jeanette Jenkins 21 Day Body Sculpt DVD.

    I went to give the cats their "treats" and medicine. Vince has Loki's pills cut into 1/2 so I assumed that he did the same thing for Lexi. No, he doesn't. Well, I gave her a full pill. You should have heard him! "S***, I hope that's not an overdose". Why he doesn't do the pills for the cats the exact same, I have no idea. I wanted to help Vince out since we need to leave in a few and he's still getting dressed. Oh well.... I'm sure it's not an overdose. We'll just skip some. Although she does love her pill pockets!!!

    machka - tell me about the food at the speedway. That's why I always take my own food to the Daytona. As I recall, at one time Danica Fitzpatrick started something with healthy food there but I suspect it didn't go over so I wonder if it's still there. We know one of the reasons why when they redid the speedway they put in larger seats!

    katla - why does your dh now not want you to go to the stable by yourself? You always used to. Good thoughts for your car. Does that automatic watering system you have for your plants need to be near a source of water or do you need to fill some sort of reservoir occasionally?

    pip - I bet the person who stole the bike is real glad that it wasn't your bike. That's just horrible that someone would do something like that

    Becca - you're not being callous at all.

    Remember I told you about the gal whose cat died and she asked to bury it in my backyard? Well, yesterday Vince was cutting the grass and noticed that evidentally an animal must have dug it up and carried it off. We never told her. We had a Newcomer board meeting and she asked about that dead cat, I just told her "oh, he's doing fine". Well, she left her cup at the meeting so I took it home. She came by to get it. Right before she did, we hurried up and filled in the hole just in case she wanted to go to the grave. We then put more hay on top of it. Unfortunately, the hay looked new so Vince told her that as he was mowing, he noticed that the wind blew the hay aside so we put more down. I just don't have the heart to tell her that her beloved pet was carried away by an animal.

    After that we finished cutting the grass. However, I must have hit the lock on the electric meter (I didn't even know one was there) by the front of the house and really bent the mower blade. We'll probably have to get a new blade.

    I don't think Vince wants to go to ceramics tonight. In a way, I'm sad because Wednesdays are the days when I can spend more time there.

    Cheri - wonderful pic

    Lenora - the number sign is all ceramic. We went to Home Depot tonight and we got a new blade for the mower along with some Liquid Nails. Good luck with your windows

    Michele in NC
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    edited July 2017
    Lenora -
    Marcelyn – There is another snake (don’t think it is poisonous) that has the same coloring as a ‘coral snake’; but, I would gooogle it. It has something to do with the color red being in an opposite order. One is ‘black’, ‘red’, and ‘yellow’ and the other is ‘black’, ‘yellow’ and ‘red’. The only snake around his that I won’t kill is a ‘black’ snake because they eat the poisonous snakes.

    The snake that is a "look-alike" is a king snake (a Scarlet King Snake has the exact same colors, just different orders. A "regular" king snake will have white instead of yellow). I always check the color markings. There's a simple rhyme to learn to remember the correct/safe order...

    "Red touch yellow, deadly fellow"
    "Red touch black, friend of Jack"

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,182 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Pip-Wowsa! Close call with your bike! DD had hers stolen while she was in college. It was one of the very cool retro pink "cruisers" with a basket for her books/computer. She saw one just like it on the local Craigslist about a week later. It was probably hers. Frustrating! That's when I gave her my Trek. She still has it.

    Did the police retrieve the bicycle after you reported seeing it on Craigslist?

    One of mine was stolen in 2010 on a holiday to another part of the state we lived in ... police report, extensive searching, they even dragged the dam in that area. No luck. We returned to that area several times to do more searching, but nothing.

    A couple years later we left for our RTW trip, and returned to the town we had started in. Three years had passed since it was stolen. About a month later, my husband was browsing ebay for wheels ... and found my front wheel! A quick search, and there was my bicycle ... on completely the opposite side of the state. The guy was selling it off in parts.

    We went to visit it to confirm it was mine, it was. Contacted the police ... and they raided the guy and recovered my bicycle. :) I've had it back for 4 years now. :):)

    The guy who was selling it most likely didn't have anything to do with the theft ... said he got it from an estate sale.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Its 8pm and I am missing my teenager. Hoping his flight went well, wondering if he made it OK. My heart just hurts!
    Blubbering in
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hugs, Becca...

    I am just checking in on my goals for July...

    July Goals for the week 7/23 – 7/29
    400 calories under budget 5X: OOXXX
    Weights/Abdominals 3X: OOX
    Planks 3X: OXX

    Love you guys!!

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX