

  • MartiB856
    MartiB856 Posts: 85 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,152 Member
    IremiaRe wrote: »
    Josephine - And take heart... it's not FAST and it's not EASY - but it IS basic math... Calories in vs Calories out. You can adjust the numbers by eating less, or exercising more... whichever works best for your life. Even if you only lose a pound a month - it's a pound you don't ever have to see, again - and hey, that month is going to pass, anyway... what you weigh at the end of it is up to you. Hugs!

    Yes ... this! :)

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,685 Member
    took it easy - saving my knees, I'm feeling it....

    **wahoo hrm not recording :0/ **

    **no hrm - just estimates**

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 12.46min, 13.7mph. 2.9mi = 70c
    Plyometrics exercises- 29min 18sec, 5ets of 10each, ceiling to fl single leg touches, squats, hamstring leglifts, push-ups, all 4's elbow to knee, reverse bicycles, leg lifts, pelvic lifts, crunches, sit-ups, on butt-knees to chest= 200c
    ELIPTICAL- 10min, 10incline, 4resistance, 148830strides, 147average strides per min., .84mi = 50c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 6.23min, 13.1amph, 1.4mi = 50c
    slow jog sta 2 wk- 5.32min, 10.57min mi, .5mi = 45c
    jog wk 2 sta- 5.16min, 10.14min mi, .5mi = 50c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 18.28min, 8.5amph 2.6mi = 150c

    total cal 616
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Joyce. No I am walking with my husband, not Annabelle, Prudence's dog. I haven't heard from Prudence since last Sunday. I can hear her in her apartment though!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did about 1-1/4 hr of Jeanette Jenkins Total Body DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to take the deep water class. Afterwards, I'll probably go to CVS to get more soda they have on sale, stop in at the Salvation Army they, then go to WalMart

    Kate - have fun at the cinema

    barbie - what an inspiration you are!

    Felicia - have a great trip. Good luck on your new position. You'll be running again soon with your determination

    Allie - at least whats-her-face won't be going to FL with Tom. Poor guy, well he made his bed, now he has to sleep in it.....

    Went in the pool then to WalMart. Vince needed milk. I went to Sam's and got chicken and pork chops. Since we'll be having the pool party, I probably should have just bought them at WalMart to save room in the freezer. But I did get some tissue paper for the shower favors. Really, it cost me $7.50 whereas the sheets we got were $8 plus I would have had to cut the papers in 4ths. So I think in the end the money was worth it.Also did a load of laundry (exciting stuff, huh?)

    Re - don't you just hate it when the doctor (or anyone else for that matter) seems to feel like you don't have something you can do, you should always be at his beck and call? Fantastic that you didn't stress eat. I probably would have

    Mary - fancy house. I especially like the fact that it's not something you drive but something you tow. So when you get to your destination, all you have to do is unhitch it and you have a car. I have to laugh sometimes when I see an RV pulling a car

    Michele in NC
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Heather. So my sons ship is in your neck of the woods!

    He just called me, and is hoping to get out and about. I told him to buy me some proper black tea. He's going on a tour to visit where the enigma machine is, and some ships there. Even doing a overnighter with some other crewmates.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited July 2017
    I'm off on a culinary cultural quest for information. We had turkey pot pie for dinner tonight and will have plenty leftover for several additional meals. It got me to thinking about pork pies. I have long been a fan of Arthur Ransome's Amazons and Swallows books, and in Winter Holiday Dorothea and Dick are given pork pies to take with them for lunch while they are exploring the snowy countryside around a very large lake. I believe it is called Coniston Water. My dinner made me think of those fictional pork pies and I did an internet search for recipes. Nothing I found could have been taken along in a child's lunch. Most of the recipes I found created enormous pies that seemed very fatty, were high in calories, and designed to be served as part of a large meal for many people. Do any of you know of pork pie recipes for food that could be taken along in a child's rucksack? :huh:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,881 Member
    Katla - Try Welsh pasties with pork. They were taken to the mines as lunch and are a type of pie or turnover. Sue in WA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,152 Member
    edited July 2017
    Katla49 wrote: »
    I'm off on a culinary cultural quest for information. We had turkey pot pie for dinner tonight and will have plenty leftover for several additional meals. It got me to thinking about pork pies. I have long been a fan of Arthur Ransome's Amazons and Swallows books, and in Winter Holiday Dorothea and Dick are given pork pies to take with them for lunch while they are exploring the snowy countryside around a very large lake. I believe it is called Coniston Water. My dinner made me think of those fictional pork pies and I did an internet search for recipes. Nothing I found could have been taken along in a child's lunch. Most of the recipes I found created enormous pies that seemed very fatty, were high in calories, and designed to be served as part of a large meal for many people. Do any of you know of pork pie recipes for food that could be taken along in a child's rucksack? :huh:

    Where do you live?

    If you're in the US, then yes, you'd probably only be familiar with the pies you describe.

    Over here in Australia, on the other hand, when a person says "pie", they don't usually mean apple, coconut, lemon, etc, they mean a meat pie. Meat pies are sold EVERYWHERE! They're at the game. They're in the food court. They're in every single take-away shop, convenience store, grocery, and bakery.

    When you're out cycling, and you want something to eat ... meat pie and hot chips! (Or dim sims, but that's something else).

    Meat pies are small ... usually about 4 inches in diameter or so ... and packed with meat. You can get "meat" (which I am guessing is beef mince, although it could easily contain some lamb and maybe a bit of pork too), or chicken or pork or any number of other things depending on how "gourmet" the shop is. But plain ol' meat pies are the most common. They are quite high in calories ... I used to eat them about once a week for dinner, but not anymore. Now I reserve them for a mid-ride snack.

    You could put them in children's lunches, but you'd probably want some method of heating them. They can also be a little bit messy.

    British pork pies are quite similar, but a bit more solid than Australian meat pies:

    Taste.com.au is an Australian recipe site ... it's good ... lots of great recipes ... but the food there tends not to be low cal. I've "liked" them on Facebook, so I'm presented with all sorts of good looking things every day which I probably won't ever make, or perhaps only once a year. :grin:

    This is Banjo's Bakery: http://banjos.com.au/. It is a Tasmanian bakery chain. Here in Australia, every town will likely have a bakery and a take-away ... but rarely a fast food chain of any sort. Banjo's is unusual in that it is actually a chain, but only within Tasmania.

    When I go to bakeries, I use this site to determine the calories of what I'm eating ... I'm guessing that their pies are probably about the same number of calories as the pies in any bakery.

    If you go here: http://banjos.com.au/product_category/savoury-range/ you'll see their range of pies. :) My favourite is actually the cauliflower and cheese, but I will sometimes go for the meat pie or the curried chicken pie.

    As I mentioned, those are maybe 4" in diameter. The party pie is small, perhaps only 2 inches in diameter, and you'd order a dozen of those to take with you to a morning tea at work or something. :)

    And here, if you were going to head out for a hike or something, you might bring a sausage roll ... which sort of has the consistency of the British Pork Pie.

    Incidentally, this is what Banjos (and many other bakeries) tend to have for their sweet selection: http://banjos.com.au/product_category/sweet-treats/

    Australians tend to prefer creamy things to sweet things, so bakeries will often have their signature French Vanilla Slice which will be one of the most popular choices.

    And the "housecakes" are custard tarts ... not cake at all.

    I'll also add that Canada used to have 2 types of meat pies (don't know if this is still the case because I haven't looked for them in almost a decade).

    One was about the same size as an Australian pie but about 95% gravy and about 5% meat and/or veg. The contents was like soup or a loose stew ... really awful! The other was an Australian-style meat pie in the party pie (2") size. They were sold in a 6-pack of either beef or chicken. If you heated those up and put them into a thermal lunchbag, you could take them with you on a hike or something. :)

    M in Oz
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Heather, are you co,ing real pork cheeks???????? Real pork cheeks. Hmmmm. I think this is one time I wouldn't care to be in it'd to your house. I thought you wee taking about elephant ears or something like that. Well, for your sake I hope they turn out good.

    Lisa,msomglad you posted. We know your new job is busy but it will also help in away to shape our young women of the world.i know you aren't involve I he local level but I hope every level there has that in mind.

    Becca, I love that is just the protective plastic covering. How long has it been there. I know I have used different colored darn cling wrap. When I make holiday things like mini banan break to take to neighbors, I wrap them in red or green cling wrap.

    Well the kids are all here. The poor kitten. He is played out although was still in hyper mood. He wouldn't let me or anyone else hold him for awhile. Wanted to be on the floor playing but not to be picked up. He is settling down now but everyone has gone to bed. They have all been warned that we don't know where he sleeps at night. Ellie wants to take him home with her. As soon as Trinity held her, she started sneezing and getting congested. Their dad just doesn't like cats. I mean, sho doesn't love a cute very fluffy kitten???? And especially since he is so cute?

    Tonight as. Was trying to wind down from being busy this afternoon I remembered I hadn't made the cake yet. So up I get to make the cake. I didn't hav any alinum foil to make a tall covering so the frosting would get messed up. And I fear it has been a long time since I cleaned off the top of the refrigerator. I didn't want to put in it the refrigerator like Charlie suggested. So I put it in the oven! They guys have already gotten into the ice cream but there is enough.

    We have had rain predicted all day long and I to most of the morning tomorrow. So I have no watered. The highest prability of rain in mid ing and I don't hear anything yet. All I do know is that the encore azaleas he planted are really getting tall, I think so,e one told me that their red azaleas or shorter than the pink and that's the way it is here. But boy they sure have gown in one week. I just wish I could see a blade of grass in the back year. But the straw is pretty thisk.

    Joyce, getting sleepy in dry Indiana.
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Hi all. Sorry I have been so lax in communicating this month.
    I am caught up on reading once again.

    Becca - You are a kind and generous soul but limits do have to be set. Empty nests take a while to get used to.
    You have raised some fine young men. Be very proud of that.

    Katla - I hope you find the best mobility device to suit you both. I am glad that you are enjoying your time with Arrow. I finally got to meet my cousin's horse "Miss Pixie" She is a mid size appaloosa. Miss Pixie was a little stand offish at first but a little oats in my hand warmed her up quickly.

    Heather - You and your DH are Amazing! to have come this far.

    Allie - Stay safe and make sure you have a good exit strategy. You never know what an animal will do when cornered.

    Beth - Cut yourself some slack. We all do the best we can at the time.

    This month finds me delighted, hurting, happy, stressed, etc.
    We took the kids on many adventures and to many activities. The house was very quiet when DH drove the boys to Kelowna. I liked it but today I am missing them so bad. I have talked to my DDIL and I am not sure their parents' marriage will withstand this storm. I have assured her that she will not lose me no matter the outcome. They still care about each other tremendously. She told me that she is not in love with him. I think it is unrealistic to think that you can be "in love" all the time. In good marriages there are times that you can love someone without being in love. We can work actively toward being "in love" once again.

    DH started painting a basement. He really needs to get his back looked at. He is trying CBD capsules. He spent a couple of days in the Okanogan and says he would never move back there. It is just too busy now.

    My back has been terrible. I am scheduled for the pain clinic for August 21st after our vacation. I hope the injections provide as much relief as for my ankle.

    Planning to meet our friends for a week of camping. We are looking at the Kaslo/Nelson area but I am still worried about forest fires. I do want to explore that area as it is so beautiful. Lots of artists and artisans living in the area so may be able to find some unique treasures.

    Up too late and work is too early.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge ( Can't take the dogs for a walk because it is too hot for their pads)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,794 Member
    Morning Ladies~ been awake since 3.. Tomcat is off to Florida peace and quiet for a week and a couple of days..
    If he is lying and taking Elena I have spies down there.. but think that has cooled off ..
    planning on going out tonight to listen to my friends band.. will come home at lunchtime to let the dogs out, will have to do that while he is gone as he is usually home a couple of hours before me..
    i have to punch out at lunch anyway..
    will check in before I go out tonight..and I can sleep in tomorrow whooo hooo