Diet Coke, friend or foe?



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    Returning to this thread 7 pages later, I am sort of amazed at the amount of Facebook bro-science that people believe the instant they read it. Its like 50% of the population learned NOTHING in school.
    Lol, that's because they were of the mindset: "Why do we have to learn this stuff if we're never going to use it in REAL life?"


    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited September 2017
    megpie41 wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    megpie41 wrote: »
    I agree that nothing is 100% safe, yet any time I mention questioning the safety of artificial sweeteners I am told I'm wrong and they have been proven to be completely what exactly are we debating? Semantics?

    Science has proven them to be just as safe as anything else we eat or drink. I haven't seen studies which conclusively prove that tap water is 100% safe under all conditions for everybody everywhere either, but I'm not afraid to drink it when I'm thirsty.

    If you look hard enough, you can find tinfoil hat fearmongerers who claim that virtually anything is unsafe or bad for you. If you believe all of them and the "studies" they quote, you'd not only rule out artificial sweeteners, but also all meat (hormones, bacteria, teh cancerz and undigested meat somehow rotting in your gut), milk (pus-filled death in a glass), all carbs (teh insulinz and teh diabeetus), any and every non-organically grown fruit and vegetable (pesticides), tap water (fluoride, industrial pollutants), bottled water (BPAs and generating excess waste products)....the list goes on and on. By the time you get to the point where you're only eating foods which are consensus choices as "100% safe", your options are looking pretty limited.

    I guess you'd probably be okay as long as you can subsist off dewdrops you collect from the leaves of plants high atop the Himalayas. I haven't seen anybody call those unsafe yet.

    You're right, you can find people who will say just about anything is unhealthy/unsafe. I will avoid BPA, pesticides, growth hormones etc if I can, but sometimes it is hard to do. Avoiding artificial sweeteners is extremely easy...just buy the "regular" version of soda etc and you avoid them. They are the same price and in the same's just a matter of reaching for the diet or regular soda (better yet, don't reach for either).

    Btw...I love how you go to such extremes at the end of your post...classic.

    Oh dear, let's hope the "HFCS" crowd don't catch you saying the bolded.

    Kidding aside, I really don't mind it when people put up limitations for themselves for whatever reason, backed up by science or not. None of my business if it makes them feel good about their choices. While diet soda will not cause you to spontaneously combust, there is no need for it to be a part of anyone's diet. It's just an add on for those who want it. My only quibble is when such choices make life unnecessarily harder for the person like someone who really likes soda but wouldn't drink it because of the boogie man. This doesn't appear to be the case for you, so rock on.

    Personally, I only drink it in the summer sometimes when I feel like sipping on something cold. Water doesn't work that way because I'm not used to sipping water as a cool drink. The way I use water is completely different: I drink water (and nothing but water) automatically when thirsty, like a means to satisfying a need. I don't consider it "a drink" or ponder the taste. It's just a mindless need-reaction thing for me. A cold drink is something different, it's enjoyable and refreshing. Hard to explain. That's why water as a drink is not an option for me.
  • megpie41
    megpie41 Posts: 164 Member
    megpie41 wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    megpie41 wrote: »
    I agree that nothing is 100% safe, yet any time I mention questioning the safety of artificial sweeteners I am told I'm wrong and they have been proven to be completely what exactly are we debating? Semantics?

    Science has proven them to be just as safe as anything else we eat or drink. I haven't seen studies which conclusively prove that tap water is 100% safe under all conditions for everybody everywhere either, but I'm not afraid to drink it when I'm thirsty.

    If you look hard enough, you can find tinfoil hat fearmongerers who claim that virtually anything is unsafe or bad for you. If you believe all of them and the "studies" they quote, you'd not only rule out artificial sweeteners, but also all meat (hormones, bacteria, teh cancerz and undigested meat somehow rotting in your gut), milk (pus-filled death in a glass), all carbs (teh insulinz and teh diabeetus), any and every non-organically grown fruit and vegetable (pesticides), tap water (fluoride, industrial pollutants), bottled water (BPAs and generating excess waste products)....the list goes on and on. By the time you get to the point where you're only eating foods which are consensus choices as "100% safe", your options are looking pretty limited.

    I guess you'd probably be okay as long as you can subsist off dewdrops you collect from the leaves of plants high atop the Himalayas. I haven't seen anybody call those unsafe yet.

    You're right, you can find people who will say just about anything is unhealthy/unsafe. I will avoid BPA, pesticides, growth hormones etc if I can, but sometimes it is hard to do. Avoiding artificial sweeteners is extremely easy...just buy the "regular" version of soda etc and you avoid them. They are the same price and in the same's just a matter of reaching for the diet or regular soda (better yet, don't reach for either).

    Btw...I love how you go to such extremes at the end of your post...classic.

    Oh dear, let's hope the "HFCS" crowd don't catch you saying the bolded.

    Kidding aside, I really don't mind it when people put up limitations for themselves for whatever reason, backed up by science or not. None of my business if it makes them feel good about their choices. While diet soda will not cause you to spontaneously combust, there is no need for it to be a part of anyone's diet. It's just an add on for those who want it. My only quibble is when such choices make life unnecessarily harder for the person like someone who really likes soda but wouldn't drink it because of the boogie man. This doesn't appear to be the case for you, so rock on.

    Personally, I only drink it in the summer sometimes when I feel like sipping on something cold. Water doesn't work that way because I'm not used to sipping water as a cool drink. The way I use water is completely different: I drink water (and nothing but water) automatically when thirsty, like a means to satisfying a need. I don't consider it "a drink" or ponder the taste. It's just a mindless need-reaction thing for me. A cold drink is something different, it's enjoyable and refreshing. Hard to explain. That's why water as a drink is not an option for me.

    Overall I agree with your post. I also appreciate the fact that you don't necessarily agree with me, but you can respect a different opinion. Thank you for that.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited September 2017
    megpie41 wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    megpie41 wrote: »
    I agree that nothing is 100% safe, yet any time I mention questioning the safety of artificial sweeteners I am told I'm wrong and they have been proven to be completely what exactly are we debating? Semantics?

    They have not been proven to do harm, which in the real world is the best you can do. So if you avoid artificial sweetener because it isn't proven to be 100% safe, and you agree that nothing is 100% safe, why do you avoid artificial sweetener? Serious question, I honestly don't understand at this point.

    I avoid them because I have read enough and spoken to enough people to make me have my doubts about's not worth the possible risk for me. If I want to enjoy a soda (if I have 1 soda a month that would be a lot), I just assume have the real thing. I rarely drink soda anyways...I'd rather drink water because soda just makes me thirstier. I also avoid artificial sweeteners because I think it tastes horrible and gives me a weird tingling feeling in my mouth.

    So it sounds to me like you normally drank regular soda before you decided to (mostly) quit and don't care for diet. That's a really good reason not to consume them. I don't think anyone is claiming you should (or even caring if you privately believe something they consider irrational).

    For the record, some things I do personally that I would not insist are other than my own quirks: I happen to avoid a lot of things mostly because they are just not how I like to eat or I have environmental issues with them. I get grassfed or pastured meat and try to avoid industrial farmed (but know this is more expensive for many so wouldn't insist it's necessary or better for anyone but me and my preferences). I don't really approve of corn being in everything, for example, so I tend to avoid things that have HFCS and corn oil, etc. I think soy is in too much so generally avoid things with soy added where you wouldn't expect it, although I eat tofu and tempeh and soy beans (and make some exceptions for foods I eat occasionally that have soy, like a Quest bar), and for the most part I don't eat foods that have lots of ingredients because I prefer cooking for myself or using standard items like dried pasta that have been common for a long time. BUT, and I consider this a really important distinction, I acknowledge this is about my own preferences and NOT me being healthier than others or that there's any good evidence to think that consuming something with HFCS will be harmful (in reasonable amounts, of course).

    I also (like you and I assume like most people) don't consume foods I dislike. For example, I think putting sweetener in coffee is disgusting. However, I don't feel compelled to tell people who do like them that I read on FB that sweetener in coffee (sugar or otherwise) is really bad for you and that I avoid it for that reason. Instead, I simply don't comment on it, for the most part, since of course the reason I do not consume it is that I dislike it.

    It almost seems like you may be a little jealous that some people can consume soda whenever they want without worrying about it, since the soda they enjoy is calorie free (or close enough to it that it does not matter).

    I dunno, I don't consume soda all that often because more often than not there are other things I'd rather drink (this morning I'm having coffee plus an iced tea I made at home, I also drink lots of water, since I love it). Since soda isn't something I particularly want to drink a lot, I don't much think about it, and am not sure why someone would be that focused on the safety of something they rarely consumed. Whenever I do drink it I will drink diet, however, since as mentioned above I prefer the diet sodas I like to regular (which tastes too sweet and sticky to me after choosing the diet options for over 25 years).

    What I've seen is that the vast majority of the hard core "artificial sweeteners are unnatural and unsafe" things are from really questionable sources like FB or Food Babe (just realized they have the same initials, heh) whom I would be embarrassed to cite, especially in response to an analysis and explanation like Aaron did. Are their studies that say that it might be an issue in extremely large amounts or due to reasons that don't really apply if one is watching calories (the "it makes you crave sweet" thing)? Sure. The latter is something I am convinced is not true for me (it seems to be more the case for people who have messed up their palate and cannot appreciate less sweet foods, which has always struck me as odd anyway), but if I am having trouble sticking to my calories I can analyze why. (I don't consume much sweet stuff other than fruit, so it's certainly not craving sweets.)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    There's an (obvious) big difference between saying than some things should be limited (if you have a tendency to overdo them, at least) and saying they are 100% harmful and should be avoided.

    Saying that sugar is harmful and should be avoided in all cases (as people often do, just as much as others say that artificial sweeteners are scary) was what stevencloser was (obviously, really you can't have actually misunderstood this) referring to.

    That's not the same thing as what the AHA is saying. (People who think sugar is the root of all (dietary) evil often complain that the AHA is too soft on sugar.)

    Bigger point: it's silly to say that diet soda is bad because it has not been proven to be 100% not harmful and yet that regular soda is fine. Your own AHA link is one reason why that is so.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    edited September 2017
    megpie41 wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    megpie41 wrote: »
    I agree that nothing is 100% safe, yet any time I mention questioning the safety of artificial sweeteners I am told I'm wrong and they have been proven to be completely what exactly are we debating? Semantics?

    Science has proven them to be just as safe as anything else we eat or drink. I haven't seen studies which conclusively prove that tap water is 100% safe under all conditions for everybody everywhere either, but I'm not afraid to drink it when I'm thirsty.

    If you look hard enough, you can find tinfoil hat fearmongerers who claim that virtually anything is unsafe or bad for you. If you believe all of them and the "studies" they quote, you'd not only rule out artificial sweeteners, but also all meat (hormones, bacteria, teh cancerz and undigested meat somehow rotting in your gut), milk (pus-filled death in a glass), all carbs (teh insulinz and teh diabeetus), any and every non-organically grown fruit and vegetable (pesticides), tap water (fluoride, industrial pollutants), bottled water (BPAs and generating excess waste products)....the list goes on and on. By the time you get to the point where you're only eating foods which are consensus choices as "100% safe", your options are looking pretty limited.

    I guess you'd probably be okay as long as you can subsist off dewdrops you collect from the leaves of plants high atop the Himalayas. I haven't seen anybody call those unsafe yet.

    You're right, you can find people who will say just about anything is unhealthy/unsafe. I will avoid BPA, pesticides, growth hormones etc if I can, but sometimes it is hard to do. Avoiding artificial sweeteners is extremely easy...just buy the "regular" version of soda etc and you avoid them. They are the same price and in the same's just a matter of reaching for the diet or regular soda (better yet, don't reach for either).

    Btw...I love how you go to such extremes at the end of your post...classic.

    Ah but haven't you read all the horrible things sugar does to you? It'll slit your throat in your sleep.

    The American Heart Association states you should limit added sugar. I think they may have a little credibility.

    Yeah because foods with lots of sugar have lots of calories and often little micronutrients as opposed to fruit and veggies. Not because it's directly bad for your health. Your link says as much. And the WHO recommends limiting added sugar for the same reason plus tooth decay.
  • msmacok
    msmacok Posts: 7 Member
    I have enjoyed reading all the posts on diet drinks. I think it boils down to that you have to decide what is best for you. Personally, I enjoy an A & W diet root beer, diet Cherry Pepsi or Crystal Lite. I try to drink 8 - 10 glasses of water a day...not to include the diet drinks if I have one. Water is so much better for your body, but the diet drinks taste so much better!