Diet Coke, friend or foe?



  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Returning to this thread 7 pages later, I am sort of amazed at the amount of Facebook bro-science that people believe the instant they read it. Its like 50% of the population learned NOTHING in school.
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Lol, that's because they were of the mindset: "Why do we have to learn this stuff if we're never going to use it in REAL life?"


    As a teacher, I can confirm that a significant portion of the student population has this mindset, as well as a lack of interest in any explanation.
  • MizMareedy
    MizMareedy Posts: 148 Member
    Momepro wrote: »
    Friend. Oh so friendly friend. All the "you're totally gonna get MS and fibro and lupus" stuff has about as much science behind it as autism being caused by vaccines. So exactly none.

    There was a study done on aspartame and it did cause cancer in rats -- however -- they gave them about ten times their body weight -- at 1 time. Of course that part of the study wasn't publicized as much as the cancer word was.. Media =\ =\.