Today I Learned...



  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    TIL not to post this after a selfie pic. As it could be taken the wrong way.

  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    TIL that in the midst of a three-year killing spree, over which he is believed to have murdered up to 130 people, serial killer Rodney Alcala was featured as a contestant on The Dating Game, and was picked by the bachelorette. She never followed up on the date because she found him "creepy".
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    TIL that in the midst of a three-year killing spree, over which he is believed to have murdered up to 130 people, serial killer Rodney Alcala was featured as a contestant on The Dating Game, and was picked by the bachelorette. She never followed up on the date because she found him "creepy".

    Have you seen the dateline on him?

    I have not.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    TIL why people are talking about coconuts, and I don't mean oil.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member

  • thedcubed1
    thedcubed1 Posts: 7,209 Member
    cee134 wrote: »


    It's our greatest accomplishment.

    I don't know...your syrup production is pretty legit.
  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    TIL that a dead apple trees roots go about 5 feet down and 10 feet in diameter. Finally dug that thing out and now I have firewood and a giant hole in my hard.
  • Monkey_Business
    Monkey_Business Posts: 1,800 Member
    BabyBear76 wrote: »
    and a giant hole in my hard.

    Bet that will raise a few eyebrows (wink)

  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    TIL that a man survived the sinking of a ship in 1871, leaving him traumatized afterwards. Some forty years later he was finally able to overcome his fears and sail again... only to die on the Titanic.

  • LauraInTheWater
    LauraInTheWater Posts: 477 Member
    edited August 2017
    TIL that the Barbie doll was named after the creator's daughter and the Ken doll was made to look like the creator's husband. And they were sold as boyfriend and girlfriend.

  • VeronicaA76
    VeronicaA76 Posts: 1,116 Member
    BabyBear76 wrote: »
    and a giant hole in my hard.

    Bet that will raise a few eyebrows (wink)

    LOL!!! Maybe I'll just tell everyone (that didn't know I had a tree there) that the bodies were stinking up the yard. Just for fun.
  • sw33tp3a1
    sw33tp3a1 Posts: 5,065 Member
    Nothing toxic comes from real love
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    TIL that the Cascadia Subduction Zone has the potential to produce a mega-quake with 30 times the energy of one that the San Andreas fault can produce. The area, which stretches off the coast from Vancouver to northern CA, is overdue for an estimated 9.0 quake. This would result in 3-5 MINUTES of shaking (compared to 15-30 seconds in a normal quake) and would result in a tsunami dwarfing the Japan tsunami of 2011. Once the quake happens, the PNW will have about 15 minutes of lead time before the tsunami hits. It's estimated that everything west of Interstate 5 would be unrecognizable and upwards of a million people would be displaced. Conservative death estimates are around 13,000 lives lost.

    FEMA has conducted drills for this specific scenario called 'Cascadia Rising'.

    on the bright side, my property value would skyrocket.
  • Raquel_Mama
    Raquel_Mama Posts: 1,815 Member
    If it makes me happy, nobody else's opinion matters :smile:
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    TIL that the Cascadia Subduction Zone has the potential to produce a mega-quake with 30 times the energy of one that the San Andreas fault can produce. The area, which stretches off the coast from Vancouver to northern CA, is overdue for an estimated 9.0 quake. This would result in 3-5 MINUTES of shaking (compared to 15-30 seconds in a normal quake) and would result in a tsunami dwarfing the Japan tsunami of 2011. Once the quake happens, the PNW will have about 15 minutes of lead time before the tsunami hits. It's estimated that everything west of Interstate 5 would be unrecognizable and upwards of a million people would be displaced. Conservative death estimates are around 13,000 lives lost.

    FEMA has conducted drills for this specific scenario called 'Cascadia Rising'.

    on the bright side, my property value would skyrocket.

    Yes, but only until Yellowstone blows. We've got potential disasters for e'rybody to enjoy!
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    TIL that the Cascadia Subduction Zone has the potential to produce a mega-quake with 30 times the energy of one that the San Andreas fault can produce. The area, which stretches off the coast from Vancouver to northern CA, is overdue for an estimated 9.0 quake. This would result in 3-5 MINUTES of shaking (compared to 15-30 seconds in a normal quake) and would result in a tsunami dwarfing the Japan tsunami of 2011. Once the quake happens, the PNW will have about 15 minutes of lead time before the tsunami hits. It's estimated that everything west of Interstate 5 would be unrecognizable and upwards of a million people would be displaced. Conservative death estimates are around 13,000 lives lost.

    FEMA has conducted drills for this specific scenario called 'Cascadia Rising'.

    on the bright side, my property value would skyrocket.

    Yes, but only until Yellowstone blows. We've got potential disasters for e'rybody to enjoy!

    I'm good there too!

    Maybe a lil' ash, but that's okay. It will block out some of the Sun.

    Can we schedule this super volcano eruption for sometime in July?

  • Raquel_Mama
    Raquel_Mama Posts: 1,815 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    TIL that the Cascadia Subduction Zone has the potential to produce a mega-quake with 30 times the energy of one that the San Andreas fault can produce. The area, which stretches off the coast from Vancouver to northern CA, is overdue for an estimated 9.0 quake. This would result in 3-5 MINUTES of shaking (compared to 15-30 seconds in a normal quake) and would result in a tsunami dwarfing the Japan tsunami of 2011. Once the quake happens, the PNW will have about 15 minutes of lead time before the tsunami hits. It's estimated that everything west of Interstate 5 would be unrecognizable and upwards of a million people would be displaced. Conservative death estimates are around 13,000 lives lost.

    FEMA has conducted drills for this specific scenario called 'Cascadia Rising'.

    on the bright side, my property value would skyrocket.

    Yes, but only until Yellowstone blows. We've got potential disasters for e'rybody to enjoy!

    I'm good there too!

    Maybe a lil' ash, but that's okay. It will block out some of the Sun.

    Can we schedule this super volcano eruption for sometime in July?


    Hmm, I'm dead.