

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, afternoon, evening all... :)

    Machka--I fully understand the itchy feet. Corey and I will be here four years in a couple months, the longest we've been anywhere, as well. We're both ready, I think, at one level, but the finances are a ways from being ready. We're both determined that the next place we live in, we'll buy the place outright. Luckily, one of us is always the voice of reason, saying "not yet." When one says, "I think it's time," and the other DOESN'T SAY, "not yet," it will be time.

    Heather--what a sadly beautiful phrasing, "phantom little voices fill the empty rooms." After a visit from the grands, my mother would always go up to see HER mother, and I think it was for just that reason. She said once that the house became huge and empty when the grandkids left again, and it was hard on her. Glad you were able to see your way to the reasons why you had such a hard time at the Elvis concert. I blamed my mother for years for staying through my father's abuse--but had the gift of time, to be able to speak to her about it at length, and understand who she was then, and how she gained the strength to leave.

    Still in New Mexico, just waiting on sunrise, so I can head back home to Texas. The older I get, the more I hate driving in the dark.

    My home is halfway between San Antonio and El Paso, so we may get the tail end of the rain from Harvey by the end of the week, but no worries for us. We do have people in Kingsville, near Corpus Christi, but further inland, and have offered them a bed if they need to decamp hastily.

    Just went downstairs to grab my second cup of coffee, time to finish my packing, sunrise is only 45 minutes away.

    Peaceful Friday to everyone,
    Love y'all,
    Lisa, soon to be back in West Texas

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Forgot to say - Barbie - you look fantastic in that red. :D<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Happy Friday ladies! It's back to real food for me today! The lip is all healed. Today was my weigh in day and between my TOM being over and the liquid diet for 5 days I am down 5 lbs today. I'll take it. I am 3 lbs away from my first mini goal that I have set for Sept 24. When I stalled out for 3 weeks I was thinking I wouldn't make it. Now I think I will. Maybe I should bite my lip more often. :)

    Michelle - Here is more of the wall of Christmas stuff. I lost about 1/2 of my Christmas stuff when Hurricane Ike hit the Houston area. We had two HUGE oak trees come down in the storm and one of them went through the barn roof where my Christmas stuff was stored. I sat in the driveway and walked down memory lane while I threw the crushed items in the dumpster we had for storm debris (the roof of the barn) cleanup. The tree you can see is gone now, it was just too big for this house. I tried it on the back porch and it was too big for there too, but I did use it there for one year. My trees are on the wall to the right that is blank in this picture. My hub had to put up a couple of rows of shelves to hold a couple of things I brought home from my Uncles and my four trees. Two are quite small and go on the front porch. One is for the back porch, where I can see it from our den and the neighbors can see it when they drive down the road. The last one goes in the living room. I also scatter small untraditional trees around the house.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited August 2017
    Barbie, what a wonderful photo, you look great!

    Machka: my father was very allergic to eggs at one point in his life (I've been told this allergy waxes and wanes at different times of ones life). If he had even a treat like a brownie that had one egg in the batter his face would swell and lips puff up. So when I showed some sensitivity to eggs as a youngster my mom decided I was allergic too and I have avoided then ever since. I'll have the occasional cookie or treat that may have egg in the batter, but otherwise I just don't eat eggs. I don't miss them but they do limit my morning protein options.

    Terr: good luck! I'm hoping for a call back interview right now, so I know how it feels!

    DJ: I'm one of those Texans ( a whole lot of us here I've noticed!) but I'm clear of the path and quite a ways inland (Texas being so big) so incidental weather is all we are expecting. The temperature has dropped about 10 degrees in these overcast sky's, but if feels like a sauna out there so it is not a relief.

    Michelle: what is a deep water class? I swim in a rehabilitation facility/gym so the pool only gets 5 feet deep - so the classes I take in water are shallow water classes. I found it odd Denise (and Maria) did not have a reading preference-lol people are so different! When I got married I was VERY particular about the readings but easy about most everything else ( for instance I went with my bridesmaids to pick the fabric for their dresses- a shimmery navy blue - but let them have dresses made in whatever style they wanted : that turned out fantastic btw. Each bridesmaid ended up with a dress they liked and would wear again, yet each looked distinctly like a wedding party member.). But let the priest pick out my reading- never, never would have let that happen.

    Katla, Toni and Joyce et. al.: HS reunions. I was one of those socially miserable folk in high school so I avoid those reunions like the plague. A late bloomer, I had a good social life in college so I'm sad I'm going to give my 30th college reunion a miss this October. DH ( who graduated from same college a year later than I did) and I are talking about going to his next year which would be *almost* as good

    Joyce: I do believe cats cover their business in the litter box for that exact reason. They instinctually cover their business to hide their sent from predators.

    Penny, your NP home sounds so Amazing and unique, I love hearing about it.

    Marcelyn and others in or close to hurricane path: be well!

    Vicki: Grand island was our original destination if I recall correctly. But when sitting in some traffic ( we were lucky, only really hit traffic in one town where eclipse traffic plus road construction collided) I saw Hastings had a big town park with a lake. For some reason I just loved the idea of being at water's edge for the eclipse - so we checked it out and decided it was exactly what we were looking for. There were people about, but certainly not a crowd, and that was great too.

    Heather, did I mention I lived in London for 6 months? I stayed in Bloomsbury in a crescent shaped street called Cartwright Gardens. My tube stop was Russell Square and my school was Kings College. It was the late 80's and I ended up dying my hair punker style in purple! Ah, youth. But, I never stopped missing London.

    Got sick - yesterday afternoon it was stomach trouble today stingy, pounding 'I'm sick' headache. So back to bed I go. It is annoying me because my exercise schedule was already jacked up due to our road trip, but it is what it is. If my head cooperates with Tylenol I'll prob try to get on exercise bike with no tension and a big glass of water so that I at least get some movement in.

    Timing is bad too, a friend of ours who moved away three years ago left her grandmother's piano with us. (A pretty thing but untuned and has a few dead keys). She is having it picked up (thank heavens I'll get my living room back the way I like it) this weekend so it can be moved to her home in Washington. So she is visiting in town this weekend. Supposed to go to dinner with her tonight but DH may have to go without me unless I feel better. We rarely entertain/socialize outside family lately, so I'm hoping I feel up to it.

    Anyway, yesterday before I started feeling bad I got in a mile walk and 30 minutes on exercise bike - didn't do strength training like I planned tho. :(

    Hot flashes as bad as usual, overwhelming, frequent but thankfully short in duration. I sweat tons tho when I'm having one, so my underthings laundry seems like it is always full. I swear, I'm changing clothes at least twice a day to get into clean sweat free clothing and my underthing are often being changed for clean fresh ones 4 or 5 times a day. TMI probably but maybe someone has a suggestion. My husband keeps suggesting I cut my hair to help stay cooler, but I'm resisting and just putting it up all the time - I hate how I look with short hair.

    Anyway, back to bed. All: Stay safe, be happy, etc.

    Rye in TX
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Heather I'm thinking of you and your pre-travel anxiety---I've got a bad
    Case of panic right now!!! At least I exercised, watered the lawn and cleaned up but I still haven't packed for me yet :s
    I will muddle through, oh I wish I could hold back the clock :'(

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Barbie ~ Love your new photo!

    Re & Machka ~ My anniversary is also on the 26th. It will be 48 yrs. Not celebrating cause it's the day my GD will have her 6th birthday pool party (her actual birthday is on the 28th).

    Popular time!

    Happy anniversary!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    Barbie beautiful ladies!

    Rye hope you feel better soon.

    Dana thanks for helping me get the movie right. DH loves older movies and I like to come in and guess the stars and or the movie. He was watching Chevy Chase Christmas movie. Dana commented on the friend page.

    Seeing the bottom of the thirty year paper pile. I had gone through some of it before so that did help. Now that I have my super shredder. (It makes it into confetti more is going.)

    Next month when it is cooler I tackle the attic.

    :heart: Margaret

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    Good morning all,
    Thanks Barbie for the link. I've been off the grid since March but now am back in wonderful NW Washington for the winter. It is so nice to reconnect with this group. Ella (my pup) and I are getting back into civilization and the lovely places to walk here on the Olympic Peninsula. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
    Betsy in NW Washington
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Who's big idea was it to do 5 Miracle Miles? On a brighter note, real food to chew!!!