

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    [quote="barbiecat;c-40401365"] :)Wendy . my weight stays within the same few pounds. It goes up if I eat in a restaurant because of the sodium then returns slowly to where it was before. I eat the same now as I did when I was losing weight and seek every opportunity to be active. I eat the same meals over and over. When I cook, I fix exactly what we'll eat and create no leftovers to be a tempting unnecessary treat later. I am exactly opposite of Heather in my eating. I don't create interesting meals and I rarely eat out. I found a plan that works for me and I stick to it. I decide ahead of time what I'll eat for the whole day and stay with the plan. If someone offers me a treat, I decline it, no matter what it is. I weigh myself in the morning and at bedtime in exactly the same clothes and write the weight down. Maintaining my health is a matter of life and death for me and I treat it with respect.

    Yaye Barbie, you beat me by weighing yourself twice a day. I'm going to try that and see if it keeps me more honest and inspired to stick to daily meal plans. I think a lot of bodybuilders do the same kind of fueling in that they eat the same meals over and over. Easier to stick to the plan for some people.

    Today it is rainy and grey again but I feel desperate for a run, so might just drive to forest and wait for a break. I know Jock needs a run too. I also am desperate to do the next phase of blonding my hair. Tired of being Bozo and having heads turn as people stare at me everywhere I go! EEEK. My daughter #2 was going to bleach my hair again yesterday, but I ended up taking her to the Emergency at our hospital as she has been sick with unending headache and all over bone pain and then woke up yesterday with a rash like pox all over torso and arms...Saturday so nothing was open but emergency. Diagnosis: Strep throat and strep rash. Two weeks of 4 x a day antibiotics. Poor girl. She burst into tears in the waiting room because she had convinced herself she was dying of bone cancer or brain tumour.

    Very stressful on me and we rebounded afterwards with McD's and a fish burger and M&M Mcflurry...(at least I resisted the fries!) So I really NEED to go for a run and burn it all off and dump the stress too. Hope she feels good enough today to do my next bottle of blonde! <3 Wendy
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Janet--ooh how sweet. I love babies, I love puppies, put them together--adorable :)

    Stay safe everyone, thinking of those facing challenges, weather and otherwise.

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Pip, you ROCK. Living the dream!
    We've moved most of the things that need to be moved; turned them all upside down as well. When Joyce talked about her Cracker Barrel rocking chair made me remember the Brumby Rocker I got when my Mother died. My Pop had worked for them in Marietta after getting out of the Navy. I have several pieces his had made. A tool chest, a blanket chest, old steamer trunk that my mother went off to college with, and, an adjustable desk and stool that was my mother's when she was little.

    Sister left Miami and her friend went to stay at her condo and will stay to feed the cats and dogs. She was happy it did not hit Miami. She is up in Peachtree City with my oldest sister. It hurt my feelings 'a little' because I had told her she could come here. She has never even seen my house and we've been here over 16 years. Looks like if it hits where they say it will ... we might end up coming right over Albany as a Cat 1 Tropical storm; but with stronger winds than the 2 previous storms. It has been a bad weather year for Albany.

    Louis and I will sit on our swing on the back deck (until the sun gets in our eyes. We had wanted to build the house with the front door facing our driveway; but, the county put a halt to that. If we had been able to then the deck that goes the length of our house would face east.

    I'm making pear conserves. Now, I need to reheat our gumbo and make a little rice, so I guess I will stop now.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: Thanks for the photos. You two are my heroes! :bigsmile:

    Joyce: I hope that you'll discover that your front porch is your new favorite spot to sit. :flowerforyou:

    Lenora: I hope you're lucky with your weather. :star:

    Becca: It was nice to see your face! :bigsmile:

    We just got home from a lunch with several of DH's high school classmates. This is the 52nd year since graduation for them & the second get together since the 50th anniversary celebration. I like most of his classmates and the people a lunch today were very pleasant.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    edited September 2017
    well took myself out for dinner, and am back, going to meet my girlfriend and go have some wine...
    well she couldnt hang out, tomorrow afternoon.. im in bed, and then will watch a bit of tv.. and not the Weather Channel.
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Hey Everybody! Just stopping by......
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    A couple of my latest creations, plus a couple of my work area. These two were the two least messy areas. After I put these on here, I saw in the background the roll of toilet paper in the bathroom down the the hall lol


  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Machka those are cool lights on the back of the blue (?) bike. I've never seen any like that before.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Been to another cattle auction today. Did very well with my eating. Can't help watching the hurricane news.
    Stay safe everyone.
    SueBDew in TX
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,185 Member
    [quote="barbiecat;c-40401365"] :)Wendy . my weight stays within the same few pounds. It goes up if I eat in a restaurant because of the sodium then returns slowly to where it was before. I eat the same now as I did when I was losing weight and seek every opportunity to be active. I eat the same meals over and over. When I cook, I fix exactly what we'll eat and create no leftovers to be a tempting unnecessary treat later. I am exactly opposite of Heather in my eating. I don't create interesting meals and I rarely eat out. I found a plan that works for me and I stick to it. I decide ahead of time what I'll eat for the whole day and stay with the plan. If someone offers me a treat, I decline it, no matter what it is. I weigh myself in the morning and at bedtime in exactly the same clothes and write the weight down. Maintaining my health is a matter of life and death for me and I treat it with respect.

    Yaye Barbie, you beat me by weighing yourself twice a day. I'm going to try that and see if it keeps me more honest and inspired to stick to daily meal plans. I think a lot of bodybuilders do the same kind of fueling in that they eat the same meals over and over. Easier to stick to the plan for some people.

    Keep in mind that food has weight ... after all, we weigh it to find the calories. When you weigh yourself in the morning, you're likely the lightest you'll be. When you weigh yourself later in the day, you'll have food weight included. Try this ... get up in the morning, go to the toilet, weigh yourself. Then go and drink 500 ml (2 cups) of water. Then go weigh yourself again. Chances are you'll be up 0.5 kg ... and that's just water in your stomach.

    The only time I weigh myself twice in a day is on occasion before and after a long ride. If my weight is roughly the same or even slightly higher, I got my hydration right. If my weight is lower, and especially if I've dropped a couple kg or more, I am seriously dehydrated.

    Regarding the meals, I also eat pretty much the same thing 5 days a week for all meals except for dinner. My husband makes the dinners, so they vary, but they fall roughly into the same calorie range each day. On weekends I do eat differently,but each weekend is pretty much the same as the next. I eat more on weekends because I do more.

    My boss is a bodybuilder, and yes, he does something similar to that.

    M in Oz
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Today is Wonderful Weirdos Day!

    So to any wonderful weirdos in the group, this is your day.

    Joyce – LOL! Philip isn’t much of a cook either, but he is the one who wanted to try pickling hard-boiled eggs. I enjoy canning and they’re really easy so I was up for the challenge. (You can’t safely preserve pickled eggs at home for long term storage, but they’ll keep in the refrigerator for awhile.) Scrambled egg concoctions are one of his specialties, along with “Captain Jinx’s Beans” (i.e., canned beans, canned hominy, and sliced franks). There is a reason I do most of the cooking…

    Allie – I’m sorry… I did see that Irma took a little turn to the west and the Gulf Coast communities were scrambling to revise the evacuation areas. I know it could put a kink in the works as far as getting things settled for you, but like Margaret says, things can be replaced.

    Lanette – What a great idea for a cat toy! I’m going to try putting a marble in a bowl to see if Phineas will fish for it.

    Carol – Be careful, and keep a close eye on the forecast!

    Rye – Best wishes for that job!

    I did alright at brunch today – had a bowl of oatmeal and a bowl of fruit. Next time I need to remember to order the cup of fruit instead the whole bowl, but it was a nice breakfast. Philip and I took the dogs for a walk at the park this afternoon to work it off so at the end of the day my sugar intake is a little high but my calories are well within my allotment. After we got home I just sat out on the front porch for awhile, enjoying this beautiful weather and thinking about how lucky we are.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,185 Member
    Machka those are cool lights on the back of the blue (?) bike. I've never seen any like that before.

    Two taillights and a reflector ... it's a requirement of the Audax riding we do that we have all that. :)

    I think the lights are Plant Bike lights.
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Chili and broccoli last night - won't do that again. I'm ready for a colonoscopy today. . . lol :s
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    edited September 2017
    :)Machka, I get that weighing at night after consuming food and water all day doesn't give me the same valid weight as the one in the morning. I don't compare night to morning. Instead, it is a discipline I stared years ago and it says to me "Congratulations, you don't weigh in the 180's anymore...instead, you weigh in the 120's (or whatever it was when I started this practice) and you have accomplished a lot. Keep up the good work." I don't compare my weight at the doctor's office with my weight at home because of the time of day and the clothes I'm wearing, but every time I am on the scale, I am motivated to continue my healthy practices.

    :) I have avoided watching the news or the weather channel and have instead put my time and energy into dog walking, weight training, discarding unneeded paperwork, and riding the exercise bike and watching sports on TV.

    <3 Barbie from drizzly NW Washington

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    *13,000 steps
    *190 minutes walking Sasha and Bessie
    *106 minutes riding the exercise bike

    sumo squat 5x5 @ 10 lbs
    deadlift 5x5 @10 lbs
    overhead press 5x5 @ 10 lbs
    dumbbell row 5X5 @ 10 lbs

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Just lost everything I typed. :#

    To tired to type again.

    Know that I'm thinking of you and sending hugs. I'll catch up tomorrow

    Terry in VT
    The more of a westerly turn that Irma makes, the more of a direct hit we'll get here. I'm sure the kids won't be staying in their 'tin can'; so I guess we'll have guests all Sunday and Monday. If it rains like they say they expect it to, we won't be able to get out of the road (probably). At least they ditched it somewhat the last time they graded it; we do have one area that is bad to wash out and you cannot afford to drive through running water. We've had it be about a foot deep before. Don't know if Jenn's work is closing up; but, Louis' appointment with Urologist has been rescheduled until Wednesday. Back to the straining to pee and blood in his urine. I know he is 'not' looking forward to having the procedure of putting a catheter in and wearing a urine bag. His MD is off on a medical leave (this is NOT the one that they pushed out of the practice - due to a drug problem); but, he will probably see the one that met us at the office the last time on a weekend. The last time he went they gave him a DVD to watch; which was about 'more permanent' procedures. I had to 'make' him watch it because I don't want to have to make that decision without his input. He doesn't want to talk about it ... aggravates me.

    K-Mart had 3 cases of 32 bottles of water, on sale, for $11; so I got just one. Got to Publix and happy that I had bought the water there. Publix's water was a case of 24 at $4. But, could have kicked myself about washing soap; bought it at K-Mart; and, could have gotten a BOGO for same price. Never can tell about this.

    Yeah, OU is beating Ohio State and just intercepted the ball. Louis keeps changing channels between the 4 games playing tonight. Clemson vs Auburn (go Clemson). I don't know what the 4th game is.

    Louis says that they should make the football 'rounder' as we are watching GA play Notre Dame. Maybe they could catch it.

    I find that I HAVE to check at least 2x a day on postings; or else I will get so far behind I totally lose the gist of stories. Joyce, you aren't planning on getting off the site, I hope not.

    Well, getting about time to take my evening meds and go to bed earlier tonight so I will feel better tomorrow.
