

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    Hi all,
    Following Irma. :/
    Slept badly, coughed my lungs up during exercise, but I did it. I have got to the point where I HAVE to get my exercises done or my life just doesn't work right. I like to eat a reasonable amount, especially in the evening, so it has to get done. I had a nap this afternoon. I have not been out of the house, apart from a brief visit to yoga, for nine days.
    Having fish soup tonight. This cough is making us both crave a drink in the evening. :o Will have to get a grip soon.

    My "difficult friend " has just had a granddaughter. :D There was a plan to join her and my Portsmouth friend for lunch tomorrow in Winchester, but I have cried off. My cough is a good excuse. Really my objection is moral.I do not want to go and view the house her husband has funded through his tax evasion shenanigans. My Portsmouth friend is just curious and she will report back. This friend has just had a really good cash offer for her apartment in Portsmouth. She is vacillating. She needs to sell, but she doesn't want to. She has just bought an apartment in York with her brother's legacy and has no occupational pension, so very ltitle income. I think she's crazy to move to York, but I'm biased as it's far in the north of England. :s Currently I see her often. It will make a big difference to my life.

    Lanette - my cancer friend broke her ribs through coughing. Her cough has come back. :'( I must go and see her, but I am worried about giving her my cough on top. Hope I recover soon. I feel I am facing two losses - my cancer friend and my Portsmouth friend. Pretty much my two best friends.

    Love you all, and hoping for the best for Allie's property. Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,419 Member
    Kelly – Glad other family members were able to spend time with MIL and others can take shifts. What’s the prognosis? Do they think she’ll be released from the hospital soon and if so, will she come home or go to a care facility?

    – should be nice riding Arrow in cooler weather! I don’t watch the news – hopefully there was enough rain and/or drizzle down your way to help with the fire in the Gorge.

    Machka – I am jealous you and your DH get to do all the touristy things. When my DH was still in the Marines, he was stationed in Arlington VA where we lived for a year. I could kick myself that I didn’t see all the sights like the Smithsonian, US Capitol and monuments, etc. that were just across the Potomac. Seems like when we’d have time off we’d go exploring along the Appalachian Trail or just see the countryside… which was OK too.

    Rye – that job sounds perfect for you. When does the recruitment close? Do you know anyone who already works there? I am crossing my fingers and saying a little prayer!

    Barbie - thank you for getting the housepainters in there.... I'm sure that's what attracted the rainclouds like when we wash the car, lol. Neat color, your place will be all spruced up and comfortable for years to come!

    Willnevergiveup – what’s your name - are you Monique? and where are you from? Makes it easier to keep track of folks if we give our name – or nickname, whatever we want to be called, and location each time we post. I’m sure you posted it and I can’t find it. Anyhow, how exciting and kinda scary thinking of your retirement coming up, but it sounds like you have enjoyable things planned. I wish you nothing but good times! Congrats on the weight loss!

    Joyce – sitting on the front porch on your Cracker Barrel rocker sounds great. I had to laugh – my DH is kind of like Charlie in the neighborly thing unless he really likes the person and knows them well. He tells me he already knows enough people. I guess he was born with a quota and it’s been met, lol. >:)

    Pip – I was burned out on gardening but seeing Kirby excited about the beer garden, I am having second thoughts. I wonder if it’s better to plant cans or bottles and if I could expect a yield of a six-pack the first year? LOL! I read somewhere that the pot retailers in SW WA lost a lot of business when Oregon legalized it. Not surprising.

    Janet – adorable photo of great great grand niece and furbaby. And your worktable with all the ribbons and beads makes my mouth water.... a pleasurable hobby indeed!

    – and you southern/coastal gals…. Sounds like you are preparing for whatever Irma brings. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    DH is watering one of the cedars we planted several years ago. Looks like we’ll be losing it (but hoping it makes it!) and a nice little hemlock thanks to the blazing hot sun we had. He started watering them a few weeks ago but might be too late. Thankfully, most of the other trees look really good. We didn’t have much more than heavy drizzle yesterday and continuing this morning, but we’re glad for anything.

    Discovered the puppy does NOT like to go outside and get her feet wet after this long dry spell. So she decided to do her business on the sidewalk this morning … easy to clean up but I prefer her to use the back yard. Our return to wet weather will be a mixed blessing… she won’t run all over sniffing for rabbits but we’ll have to be more vigilant regarding her potty habits.

    Got my strength training done early this morning, as well as a walk. Increased the ankle weights yet another pound….ooommphff… felt the burn. It’s all good.

    Making navy bean soup with ham for lunch, so better get going. Have a good Sunday!

    Soggy SW WA State
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Hello Ladies!
    Doing more reading than posting. I appreciate you all!
  • willnevergiveup
    willnevergiveup Posts: 138 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »

    Willnevergiveup – what’s your name - are you Monique? and where are you from? Makes it easier to keep track of folks if we give our name – or nickname, whatever we want to be called, and location each time we post. I’m sure you posted it and I can’t find it. Anyhow, how exciting and kinda scary thinking of your retirement coming up, but it sounds like you have enjoyable things planned. I wish you nothing but good times! Congrats on the weight loss!

    Thank you! Yes, I am Monique from Oregon. I will try to remember to add that to every post.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Am stuck on watching the Weather Chanel. I know by watching it that nothing will be changed and here in Indiana, it is Not affecting me. But just like when World Trade Center was hit, I watched it for days. One of the weathermen said that this is Flroidas hurricane but I disagree, it is the United States hurricane. If it hits Florida, Notth Carolina, New Jersey or wherever, it affects the whole US. We hurt, we grieve, we volunteer, we take people I , we give money, we go shopping and take items to disaster relief centers to be shipped to affected areas.

    I saw a picture yesterday on face book of I guess one of thee islands of after the storm surge the 'ocean was empty ! That would be weird to see. Wonder what one would see on the ocean floor. I also wonder what kind of ocean life is swept up to shore.

    Allie, do you be,ieve that your Florida is insured for only $35,000?

    Well, didn't sleep well last night which always causes me to have a good back ache. So I didn't go to church. Did I use the poor sleep as an excuse for not getting my butt out of bed? Who knows. I have done it many times.

    We do have one neighbor that Charlie will be a little neighborly with. We are about the same age, his wife was the school nurse when our girls were in elementary school. Surprisingly enough, they are a black couple. I hate to say that because I have met many women here that are not Caucasian. But remember, this is my husbands feelings and not mine. This guys wife is Jamacian and I love to hear that accent and she is just as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside. Also the little old lady to our left we are friends with. Her husband loved trains and he had his one car garage turned into a huge train track on a huge table. He would sit in the middle with his engineer hat on. The girls loved to go over. He kept his garage door open and loved for the kids in the neighborhood over.

    Mashka, when I was pregnant with my first daughter, sometimes I could have some pretty fierce dreams. I really had never heard of the Australian area of Tasmania but cartoons did show us the Tasmanian Devil. We lived in a house that had a pretty rough basement. So one night I dreamt of this Tasmanian Devil going at the whirlwind pace the cartoons always showed him. But he was up in my bedroom terrorizing me.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    I agree with Joyce. If there is a mortgage on that property. The insurance would need to be at least what is owed on the property. Praying it will be moot.
  • alylee777
    alylee777 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the welcome Karen NY. I will check in!! I am the mom of a 9 year cancer survivor, wife of a cancer survivor and daughter of a 2 time survivor. As you can imagine I stress eat so that is my major battle.

    I've been a caregiver for years so now I need to care for me!!!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    Florida house is paid off,that's why we could only get 35,000 plus a 2,000 deductable..can't do anything now except wait and see.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    Day 2 route
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,419 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »

    Willnevergiveup – what’s your name - are you Monique? and where are you from? Makes it easier to keep track of folks if we give our name – or nickname, whatever we want to be called, and location each time we post. I’m sure you posted it and I can’t find it. Anyhow, how exciting and kinda scary thinking of your retirement coming up, but it sounds like you have enjoyable things planned. I wish you nothing but good times! Congrats on the weight loss!

    Thank you! Yes, I am Monique from Oregon. I will try to remember to add that to every post.


    Welcome again! B)

    SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    Who is riding the bicycle with the Brooks saddle?

    That's Kirby's bike, it's a bike of wood, grown and made in the USA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    Heading out of Seattle now
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy National Swap Ideas Day!

    I think we do our fair share of idea-swapping in this group, don’t you?

    Ginger – I like your priorities. If you’ve got a working coffee maker, at least you’ve covered the basic necessities!

    Machka – The Lady Nelson is a beauty and it sounds like a lovely tour! I have a friend from Tasmania (now living in Chicago) and I always wanted to visit some day. Doesn’t look like it’s in the cards, but I still enjoy it vicariously from people’s photos. I like to do touristy stuff, and Philip and I try not to wait until we have visitors to enjoy those opportunities in our area.

    Monique – Isn’t working reference fun? You never know what kind of crazy questions will come your way.

    Heather – I’m sorry to hear about your friends. They’re irreplaceable! Reminds me of a song we used to sing in Camp Fire Girls - "Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold." I lost my best friend several years back, and I still don’t have any really close women friends to help fill that void.

    This morning I made the breakfast quinoa recipe from Cooking Light that was posted on the MFP blog recently. It was delicious, but there’s no way it’s four servings. If you dish it out as directed with ½ cup of quinoa per bowl, you’ll only have enough quinoa for two bowls. Wanted to say so on the blog, but it doesn’t allow comments. Of course, that means the calorie count is wrong too.

    I watched the Weather Channel for awhile this morning, but then I just had to turn off the TV and do something useful. I spent an hour or so rearranging my work space, and will go back and finish as soon as I’m done with this little break. I have no idea how to count calories burned, but moving furniture and boxes must burn something so I’m going to call this a workout day even though I won’t log exercise.

    And now it's time to get back to work so my space will be ready for my work day tomorrow.

    -Yvonne in TX

  • countrycreek
    countrycreek Posts: 753 Member
    MABfit9517 wrote: »
    75on Nov 27th. Weight is 266 in January I was at 290. I am restarting due to medical distractions. Learning to identify and control cravings seems to be my major challenge. That is why this site works for me. My focus is not only calorie sand pounds but achieving my nutrition goals. Setting goals is very important to me, however so many in my age group don't even mention goal setting, just 'com ci com ca'! My sister and I have set goals: Mom lived to be 97 and was in good health, considering. My sis's goal is 100 and since I am older I must make 102. I want to reach my goals enjoying life, traveling, writing, actively making a difference.

    So restarting MFP is a milestone

    Love your goals! I am a goal setter too, and "enjoying life, traveling, writing, actively making a difference" are my goals as well. From what I've read about goal setting, you must have a specific, measurable goal with a time frame mapped out, and you have to break it down into little steps that you can take in order to achieve your goal. I start every day by writing out my To Do list with my top three priorities highlighted. I have a longevity goal as well, and not just living long, but being healthy, pain free, mobile and able to see and hear. One of my role models is Ernestine Shepherd, who is in her 80's but is rockin life, running ten miles a day and lifting weights. If she can do it, others can too. She didn't start working out till her 50's and she had to overcome devastating depression after the death of her sister. I have her inspirational book "Determined, Dedicated, Disciplined To Be Fit". I'll see if I can post her picture.m8d9ef20vi8y.jpg

    I like your goals also! Ernestine Shepherd is a inspiration for sure.. thanks for posting! I will have to look for her book.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Wildhorse and countrycreek ... I doubt very much ... no rephrase that ... I know I will never be determined, dedicated or disciplined enough to look like Ernestine Shepherd! Wow!

    Joyce ... we've been watching the news reporting on Irma as well ... it just sucks us in and we stare at it. Now, the guys have football on ... never thought I'd be thankful for that! :D We have family and friends who decided to shelter in place ... we are praying ... and waiting on news.

    Allie ... I don't get the insurance thing in Florida ... you couldn't buy anymore ... or he wouldn't buy anymore? Assuming he's telling you the truth and is the home valued at more than that? I'm not familiar with the value of double-wides.

    A beautiful day near Buffalo. Feel a little guilty about that with those who are having fires and hurricanes.


  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    I took my Zzz-quil last night and slept really late today. I drank lots of water late yesterday so I woke up once at 6am to go to the bathroom. Feels refreshed today. Got my usual morning routine fine quickly. I have a long list of tasks I want to get done... not necessarily today... but sooner rather than later. So I've started working through these today. Working in 3's. As in my next 3 tasks.
    1. Dust LR tables
    2. Mop kitchen
    3. Move laundry to dryer

    FYI - after pulling all the dirty dishes out of the non-working dishwasher (for 3 days) and hand washing them... last night I turned on the empty dishwasher - and it worked. I think it's the door switch. Anyway..,

    Oh! And my scales wouldn't weigh me this morning - three tries. I'll try again later....

    Stay safe and enjoy your day.
    -- Ginger in Texas