
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    edited October 2017
    Loving the photos!

    Mary for night cream I use either all shea butter ( it is thick and might thin with almond oil if prefer) or coconut oil with a few drops of either rose or lavender oil as an anti-bacterial anti-viral to help with my Rosacea. Much cheaper and less man-made chemicals. I took a class on natural beauty products a few years ago. Her mantra was if you couldn't eat it safely it probably did not belong on your skin. Your skin absorbs whatever is in your product.

    :heart: Margaret
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,598 Member
    Katla - how is your pupster doing? Hope the probiotics work. Sounds a little bit like what my dogs went thru last month. Good luck with the painting! Ah, the joys of being a homeowner. Many times I've wished I still lived in a college dorm room. B)

    - in case you are popping in here, how is your back? Are they still thinking of surgery for you? Hope your visit with DD goes well!

    Mary and Heather - you are both a testament to what exercise can do to improve physical problems in backs and knees and I never get tired of reading about it. Mary, I have a friend who has degenerative disk disease and is in constant pain; they said surgery won't help her. She got another cortisone shot on Friday - she's only 68! She went to physical therapy. Wish she'd be brave enough to try some strength training and/or kettle bells, under supervision. The painful bursitis I had in my knee has gone away completely since I started the strength training with ankle weights.

    Mary - you must be an introvert? I understand about not having girlfriends, especially being bullied like that - other people are a lot of trouble sometimes :'( . I have gal friends I have lunch with now and then, and a couple I consider BFF's - we worked together and shared the same weird sense of humor so liked to spend time with each other, not that I see them that often anymore tho, they are in my heart. Otherwise, I am very protective of my time and am not looking for someone to do stuff with. And frankly, I'd rather hang around with the guys too and always looked forward to lunches in the break room with the engineers and techs at my last job. They always talked about interesting things. Like Becca said, we gals are here for you! Does your sis live in MN?

    Regarding kettlebells - if a person is doing dumbbells and ankle weights for strength training, would the kettlebells be something to do on the alternate days since I presume they are working on core muscles which the strength training doesn't focus on? I am really intrigued by it! Wendy - you rock with the 17 lb one. Ooooff! I can see it used as a self-defense weapon - lob the thing at a stranger coming down the dark hall at night - hope it's not your DH tho. :s

    <3Allie - I too love reading about your new life. Sounds like a really, really nice place, very safe and welcoming. I am so glad it worked out for you. Glad you can have your pupsters come to visit!

    Machka and Wendy - thank you for sharing your spring with us! Once our fall is over, I'll look forward to your warm temps and sunny skies and outdoor activities.

    Pip - talking about Amish and Mennonite stores, did you and Kirby ever hit any the Burkholder craft "mall" west of Nappanee? I recall there were antiques, Amish carpentry (benches and such), bulk foods, home canned stuff. And a GREAT bakery nearby - Mary's bakery. Every time I'd come back to Indiana to visit my folks, one of my first tasks was to zoom over there and get one or two of her custard pies.

    Kelly - hope the "gunk" isn't too bad! You will eventually be immune to every germ that exists in a child under the age of 5, won't you? lol

    According to the weather station, we got 3.36 inches of rain in our neighborhood yesterday. Stars are out right now, looking forward to getting a walk in to see if any trees took a hit.

    Have a wonderful Sunday all!

    SW WA State
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Felicia: I see those bones and your big toe looks painful. I hope it doesn't actually feel painful. My feet were always skinny, but not the rest of me. I had my wedding ring made bigger and then had to have it made smaller after weight loss. I seldom wear it because it catches on things. :ohwell:

    Lanette: I think you're an inch or two taller than me. I'm 5'7.5". My waist is small enough now that I've lost weight but I've always been "hippy." There is a little padding on my bones, but not too much like the old days before MFP. The bones themselves are a little on the wide side. :ohwell:

    Wendy: We have had the occasional garter snake but I think the birds eat them because I haven't seen one since the mean woman whose cats liked to catch them moved away. She thought it was funny to take the live snakes from the cats and put them in my flowerbeds. She did it because she knew I was afraid of them. She was a renter and I was never happier than when the owner of her place sold it to a family and evicted her. :grumble:

    Felicia: My dad's parents were both German immigrants and met after their families immigrated to the US. Grandma and her sisters were all little apples. My grandfather was tall and slender. My dad, his older brother, and one sister were tall. The other brother and sister were both short. I am so happy to hear that your cortisone shot did the job and you aren't in pain anymore. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I love your advice to Becca about posting in the nude. :laugh:

    Barbara: It sounds like you have a very good doctor. Congratulations on that good fortune. I hope you love the Southern Oregon coast. Are you north or south of Coos Bay? :huh:

    Becca: I love your invitation to Mary & would enjoy a meet up for the three of us. You and I will need to meet up, ourselves, one of these days. :bigsmile:

    Lanette: The pupster is no longer pooping yellow, but he is still pooping pudding. We have a ways to go. Thanks for asking about him. :heart: We'll be back to the paint store this morning for more samples. We didn't like any of the colors we tried. We both agreed that they were all way too dark. In this latitude I need light in the winter to avoid the blues, so my walls have to be part of that. We'll be back at the paint store when they open. :ohwell:

    machka: I love the photos of the area around Hobart. It is truly beautiful. :heart:

    Getting the right color paint from paint store is the top priority. We need to get our order in because the painting starts this coming week. I also hope to squeeze in a little time with Arrow today.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "So many of us believe in perfection, which ruins everything else, because the perfect is not only the enemy of the good; it's also the enemy of the realistic, the possible and the fun."

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    edited October 2017
    Carol - I just adore the way your grandchildren have your lovely smile. :D Strong genes!

    The butternut squash soup was delicious. I have frozen the rest for DH to have for Wednesday lunch when I fly off to Glasgow.
    Then I made pesto, because the basil plant was taking over the kitchen window sill! Now it's half the size. >:) Just for once I'm going to have it with tagliatelle, concassed tomatoes, toasted pine nuts, parmesan and ready made garlic prawns. Pasta is a rare treat for me, but somehow I didn't feel like shiritaki noodles with homemade pesto. Feels all wrong. If you take out the prawns this dish is a recreation of one I had in Nice, outside in the sunshine , under an umbrella on New Year's Day 2004. Except their's was fresh pasta. Their concassed tomatoes were a work of precise art, mine are a bit more rustic! :laugh: Basically they are dipped in hot water until they peel, seeds removed and the flesh cut into diamonds. Hmmmmmmmm! My diamonds are a bit off.

    Beth - Have you done the research on the two methods of making yoghurt? As Karen said, you can use any good, plain starter. The important thing, for the boil method, is to get a good boil. That will make the difference in the set. For strained yoghurt, which I use as cheese, I boil in the inner pot on the BOIL setting. When it has cooled to 110 then add your starter. I use a stick pen thermometer. A jam thermometer would work too. Then use the yoghurt setting which comes up as 8 hours. I + it to 10.30 as I like a tart taste. When it has cooled a bit I strain it for my cheese through big coffee strainers and a big sieve. The whey I use for bread.
    If I am making a soft set yoghurt to have with fruit etc. I boil the milk on the stove to get it good and frothy. When it has cooled to 110 I pour it into a Pyrex dish (I am only making I quart) and add the starter. Then I put the bowl on the trivet. Set to 10.30 hours again. The yoghurt stays in the pot it was made in and I pour off whey down the drain if it collects in the spoon holes as I use it.
    For both methods I use a couple of tablespoons of starter.
    I have never made the Fairlife cold start method. Can't get that milk over here and I hear it makes a very mild yoghurt. But a lot of people love it.
    I make my yoghurt overnight.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,093 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited October 2017
    Wendy – Conversion table indicated that your 8 kg kettlebell is roughly 18.5 lbs. Since that is an ‘odd’ number; they probably would be considered to be 15 or 20 lbs. in the USA. Rounded down or up. The pictures of the flowers are beautiful.

    dreamwriter – To open a joint account with my husband he had to be there when we signed the signatory cards to put his name on my account; I’ve told my oldest son, that IF Jenn ever wanted him on her account; he would have to come off mine first. She is horrible at balancing a checking account – don’t even know if she can actually do it. Then she makes DC purchases and just throws them in the car and forgets to register them. I would be ‘whooping someone @$$' if she went on hers and she overdrew her account and then they took the money out of my account simply because of his SSN is attached to mine.

    Lisa – I’m doing my Fall Cleaning and it is going a lot slower than I thought for. Cleaned out my ½ bath; except for straightening up the vanity (and I need to use something different from what I used on the floor. I tipped the bowl over with the water I was cleaning the floor with and had to go find my mop to get it up. I had been hand scrubbing it – like my kitchen. All the linoleum has a film of ‘grease’ on it and I cannot stand walking on dirty floors. Now to hit the utility/computer area – which is the area you see as you walk through the back door. I want all this crappy paperwork ‘gone’. I will probably easily fill up the ‘burn pile garbage can’ up – several times.

    Karen in Virginia and Cheri – One (maybe 2) of the guys that sang are from our area. Phillip Phillips did an amazing job on his Sam Hunt song. Louis has painted his ‘new’ home which he says is beautiful. Says he is the most ‘down-to-earth’ person he has met in a long time. Luke Bryan is from the area as well. Both are married to their HS sweethearts. When Phillip is in town, he still works at his Dad’s Pawn Shop. Another person from the area, that I don’t think sings all that great is from Bronwood, GA – Cole Swindell; but, I am sure he ‘rode in on someone coat tail' to get there. One of the most prolific country song (mostly) song writers is also from Albany, Ga. (David Davison). "Honky Tonk, Bonky Donk" and "Redneck" (Blake Shelton) and he is the one in the background who says, "Red, red, red, red, red, red, red, and redneck." His younger brother was a friend of dear youngest son. He was his brother’s manager – now he has gone through law school, and, that also helps his brother. He’s written a lot of songs that have been up high on the charts. Several are #1’s.

    spikeyhair – Yes, you can add/edit any post (you only have 1 hour) to ‘edit’ it. As long as it is still ‘yellow’ when you have already posted it.

    KJ – I can’t stand ‘fruit cake’ … way too hard like it has been packed won in the pan. I like the 9 layer cake my DMnL made – regular cake batter and cooked in a pan with only a thin layer. If it bowed up during cooking, she’d level it off by cutting of the bowed part. She always made it a day before so the rum in it would soak through. Very rich.

    Margaret – I use Coconut oil year round – Dry skin or sunburn. I have a different cream I use for my face that my DOGD sells. It is nice, a little pricey but you don’t use much. If anyone is interested, if you will PM me, I will give you her contact number. It’s by ARRBON (not sure of the spelling. But spell check did not change it, it is sold by individuals, not in stores. For me, the coconut oil is a little too hard to rub into my face.

    Lanette – It seems I lost all my ‘girlfriends’ when we moved out here. It is a good 30 miles into where any of them live.

    All this stuff coming out about 'sexual harassment' and 'sexual abuse' is bad; but, at what point is 'harassment'' crossing the line if a man 'genuinely compliments' a woman on a dress or outfit she is wearing? "That's a pretty dress (and it looks nice on you)." Adding the part of it 'looking nice on you' what is making it 'sexual' harassment?

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    edited October 2017
    Lenora for me it is when a comment or touch makes me uncomfortable. Sometimes I have asked them to stop others times it took me by such surprise I did not say anything. Still didn't make it right. A compliment on an outfit is not harassment. Leering could be depending. Sometimes it is a fine line. Again I think of this as a boundary issue.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    well ,did some errands and fed my FIL he was being fresh today... Tom got up at 4:30 this morning and washed all the hardwood floors, and will mow the lawn and finish the windows.. good for him, I will take a nap go to a breast cancer fundraiser and to a wake and then home..
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited October 2017
    Tere wrote:
    My big discovery yesterday was that a salad container of spinach leaves is just enough steamed for two people with one just having a 1/2 cup serving. Thanks to MFP I found that spinach has a high sodium count. :s Who would have thought it?
    And Michele in NC commented:Tere - I would never in a million years have thought that spinach had high sodium.
    I couldn't believe that either, so I checked the USDA nutrient list (my go-to source when I want data I trust). According to the USDA, 100 grams of fresh raw spinach has 79 mg of sodium. (For comparison, 100 grams of raw apple gives 1 mg, 100 grams of raw carrot gives 69 mg, and just one little tablespoon of grated parmesan cheese - about 14 grams - gives 240 mg.)

    Here's the link to the USDA database: https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/search/list

    So yeah, spinach has a bit of sodium, but think what else it has to offer! If you eat 100 grams of spinach, you'll be consuming about 3% of your total daily allowance of sodium, but you'll also get 33% of the iron you need. Let's not throw that green baby out with the bath water! :mrgreen:

    I'm home now and boy am I tired! I can usually keep everything together while travelling but as soon as I get home I turn into a zombie. :dizzy: I'll recover eventually.

    /Penny, :weary: sleepy at the North Pole

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    Spinach is da bom!!!! Yummo!

    I never bother with all this micro stuff. It looks good, it feels good, it does me good. :D Veggies rule.

    Just emailed my DSIL. She is coming here the last weekend in November with her boyfriend. I will cook Friday night and book a taxi to go out to eat on Saturday. I will pay for the taxi. That way we can go to the best restaurant, not just the ok walkable one. Her boyfriend is vegetarian and is allergic to fish. :/ All will be well. B)
    She has just been to Venice with girlfriends and is off to Spain on a walking holiday on Tuesday. :o

    I've always had a few really close girlfriends, but I'm not really sociable. I prefer one to one. Right now I still have a few close girlfriends. <3 But when I was young I thought of myself as a man's woman. I was a tomboy as a child and mainly mixed with men at uni. I've always felt really comfortable with men and only recently enjoyed the general company of women. Now I rarely mix with men, but love my women friends. They are a huge part of my life.

    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxxxxx

  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Happy Sunday Ladies! :)

    DH and I happily attended church this morning and enjoyed it. We joined this particular church last month after a year of searching for a new church. The next week DH had surgery and then I got sick so today was our first Sunday back. o:)

    I am finally tackling the acorn squash. Found a simple, clean and bake recipe that just adds a little brown sugar and butter. I am not sure but I don’t think we are supposed to eat the skin just scoop the meat out from the shell? Because I didn’t know what I was doing I bought 3 of them although they are pretty small. I figure that I will put 3 halves in the freezer for heat up another day.

    After re-reading my prescription, I found that I have not been following the directions for my prednisone and was only taking 1/3 of what I was supposed to. So I am starting over today. :s I am back to experiencing some vertigo so I am going to lay down for a short nap.

    Kate in UK: I was always told the honey added in helping to balance out the acid in the vinegar and added a vitamin boost. Honey contains natural minerals and vitamins which help the metabolizing of undesirable cholesterol and fatty acid on the organs and tissues into the system, hence preventing obesity and promoting better health for us. The vitamins present in honey are B6, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and certain amino acids. The apple cider vinegar and honey mix has been used to treat a variety of aches and pains. I did a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of vinegar for quite a while for my asthma.

    Becca: Joyce is right! We don’t care if you talk to us while you are nude! B)

    Penny: Thanks for the additional research on the spinach. I don’t think I could live without spinach, I’ll just have to be a little more sodium aware when planning my meals. I have restricted by sodium intake since I was in my late 20’s because my ex-husband had extreme hypertension and gout and sodium has a high impact on both. So I decided to act as an example for him and not utilize salt. He passed away from a combination of hypertension, gout, congestive heart failure and diabetes all of which could have been controlled, or at least had the effects lessened through his diet. This episode with the spinach just reminded me that I’ve got to do my research.

    Tere in RVA
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Oh the little empty glass in the pic is a yogurt container jar that my favorite yogurt comes in! Its so cute huh! Thinking on putting sand in the bottom and a little candle for Christmas!