
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Why domi feel like a failure here on MFP? Well I started it years ago as a weight loss tool like everyone else did. I lost 60 pounds with it, went off my cholesterol and diabetes medicine and was able to cut back on my B/P medicine. I regained 40 of those pounds, back on all the medicine and even added a 5th B/P medicine. All the clothes I looked wonderful in is gone. That face that looked so nice is gone. I have grown back into my done chin if that is a positive! I have encouraged so many people in eating more healthily but at the same time eating terribly. That pretty well sums it up.

    I think being a preachers kid has a lot to do with me not having close friends. All of us knew our home was not our home but e churches and that we had no control over how long we would stay there. My sister went to 4 different high schools! I know for those of you that were in the military, you say you have friends all over, we have never kept up with those times in our lives. Now Dad did have a church a few miles from us and I have some friends from there. But usually when Dad moved, he moved far enough away that we had to break contact with them. I never wanted to be a member in one of Dads churches when I grew up because I wanted to be me. We were always known as Don and Grace's kids. Or if I went to my sister's church I was known as Norma's sister. I wanted my own identity.

    As far as friends as a couple, Charlie never encouraged me or the girls to have friends in the neighborhood. He said that if they did something for us that we would feel we needed to reciprocate and do something for them. Now you can't prevent your kids from having the neighbor kids from being friends and they did have good friends. Because of his attitude,mourn house was pretty much known as the house the neighbor kids played at. But they didn't go to other houses that much. Our relationship with our neighbors is to wave and make small talk. I am friends with one next door neighbor. Our girls knew they could always go to their house if they forgot their key. Her husband was retired railroad and his entire single car garage was miniature railroad set up. He had his engineers seat in the middle and the kids loved going over there. Also after we got our Shelty, tjey loved him enough they got one and they dogs loved to play.

    If we do go out socially so some one he will try To turn the conversation to politics or how incompetent the world is. He will interrupt them when they are speaking. And as he talk just get louder and louder and talk faster and faster. At holidays my family are masters in making sure he doesn't get he conversation or if he does they get it turned around real quick. It was difficult for both son in laws. Christina loves her boss because she said his personality is just like her Dads but he accepts criticism real well. So she will not hesitate to tell him he is ring a jerk about something. Since his office is in his office, hers also, his wife loves her. Christina will always give suggestions about how he could have said something differently or show him how something he said can make a person feel bad.

    Krevit, Mary and anyone else in Arizona can you go out to see the Grand Canyon for me?????? Pretty please????? That was one of our favorite vacations. Christina and her then fiancé worked there for an entire summer when they were in college so everything they paid for like our reservations and food was 1/2 price. Plus it is just so beautiful.

    OK, I guess you all know my life now. Am feeling better today. Am I depressed? Probably but when I feel,like this I usually get right back up.

    I talked to Charlie again tonight about trick or treating. My suggestion was to keep the
    Itut turned off and close the curtains. He said it is important to him that the kids in our neighborhood know that our house is a safe house. Parents should never worry that candy will be tainted, that we are weird and may do anything. He loves to answer the door and see the costumes. He tells the kids what kind of candy and asks them what they want,

    He has changed a lot from the man he was when our girls were at home. He realizes a lot of the mistakes he did and tried to make it up wit the grand kids and even our own girls with monetary things. Sometimes just time. When we go on vacation, he really doesn't enjoy the place we are, he is enjoying watching the family having fun on his money. I think that is wh Halloween is important also. He wants other st see he is a good guy. And basically he is. He just has some hang ups. Like he is right and if you don't agree with him then you are an idiot. Je isn't like that as much but occasionally that man will still come out. I know now he is just pushing my buttons because he knows it will get a rise out of me.

    OK, that is enough about me tonight, love you guys Joyce, Indiana
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,476 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Why domi feel like a failure here on MFP? Well I started it years ago as a weight loss tool like everyone else did. I lost 60 pounds with it, went off my cholesterol and diabetes medicine and was able to cut back on my B/P medicine. I regained 40 of those pounds, back on all the medicine and even added a 5th B/P medicine. All the clothes I looked wonderful in is gone. That face that looked so nice is gone. I have grown back into my done chin if that is a positive! I have encouraged so many people in eating more healthily but at the same time eating terribly. That pretty well sums it up.

    Tomorrow is another day.

    First thing in the morning, before breakfast ...

    Put your current numbers into MFP
    Select sedentary as your activity level
    Choose how much you'd like to lose (i.e. 1 lb/week)
    ... and start weighing and logging every bite. I presume you still have your food scales from before.

    A few extra things have helped me along the way:

    1) Exploring my grocery stores and markets to find delicious, filling low calorie foods. It's amazing what's out there.

    2) Exercising as much as possible. Exercise gives me extra calories to work with so that I can have things like pizza now and the ... but to keep my sanity and not wear myself out, my exercise quantity varies as does what I do for exercise.

    3) Eating how I want to eat. This is where everyone is different ... some people prefer to employ fasting, others like high protein diets, some like vegetarian diets, some like to eat 2 or 3 meals a day, others like to graze. Go with what works for you.

    Personally, if I had to define what I do, my diet is probably most similar to a Mediterranean diet with a vegetarian lean ... and I'm a grazer. I also have to adjust what I do depending on my cycling events ... they're tricky because I need the fuel without going overboard.

    And stick to it for 5 weeks, then reassess how things are going. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 678 Member
    Good evening gals,

    I don't know why, but I think we all get into slumps at times. I know I do. I feel better when I exercise and watch my food but sometimes life gets busy and I get off schedule. I've been party to a lawsuit for almost six years and the trial starts two weeks from today. My sister and I are on one side and my brother and cousin are on the other. When my Mom died she wanted her estate shared equally. I was the executor and I divided the assets and the cash. A year after Mom died, my brother and cousin presented a signed and notarized Transfer of Interest supposedly from 1991 that gave them all of land in Mom's estate.

    It's been a long complicated legal battle. I'm looking forward to trial and I hope the judge has common sense and wisdom. It will be good to put this behind me. My sister and her two sons and my two sons and myself have all built homes on this land. Trial will end November 22 and then I'll head home to Washington. Sorry I got to rambling tonight but I wanted to share.

    Barbie wishing you and your husband well on your trip to Seattle tomorrow.

    Betsy in Alaska until after trial and then back to NW Washington
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Bestsy that sounds like an absolute nightmare. Hope it is all sorted out soon. How incredibly stressful. Will say some prayers that it can be sorted out fairly. <3 Wendy
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,476 Member
    To me ... maintenance is ebb and flow. It's a constant process of gaining a bit of weight, stepping on the scale and saying "oops!", and then tightening up the logging for a bit. I can never relax ... I've always got to watch it.

    I have never been able to remain at the same weight for any length of time ... it's always up a little, down a little, up a little, down a little ...

    However, if I step into the overweight range, that's a big "oops" and requires immediate action. I've been overweight 3 times in my life, and not for very long each of those times.

    M in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    Morning ladies~
    have been up since before 5 ,Tom texted me about 3 times and I finally answered, seems poor Chester had a bad night,didnt know if it was bladder stones ,skin rash whatever, but he was biting scratching and fussing.. we have been through this before.. hoping it is not bladder stones as neither of us has the money right now for a $1,000 operation and it would be his 4th. so I went over there at 5 in the morning and gave him first a bath with doggy hydrocortizone shampoo and then flea and tick shampoo, will let him dry off get Taliah on the bus and then take them both for a walk..
    No I didnt do it for Tom as he was at work already I did it for poor Chester so he wont suffer poor baby, he didnt really eat this morning and for him not to eat, you know something is wrong...
    feeling much better this morning.... have an hr before I have to go to my DD house.. so will get my lunch together and wash my hair..
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,598 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    rori so sorry your brother’s ill and hope you get a visit in soon.

    The ebb and flow of weight loss used to be the reason I would give up. Now I just ride it out and get back to it (CICO) after I fall off the wagon. I really like how I feel when I don’t medicate with food and use exercise as my stress reliever.

    Blood work has revealed no major illness!! Now I must get to a dermatologist to determine cause of my ever growing rash!!!!


    Karen - Good news about the blood work!

    I am sure you have thought of this already, but have you changed anything like laundry detergent or fabric softener, bath soap, shampoo? New household pet? I started getting a rash from hair dye after no problems for years, and switched bath soap recently. I had to toss it after a couple weeks.

    Sounds like it's time for the allergy test - I call it the "prick" test, because it is >:) . When I went to have one many years ago, they didn't automatically do food allergies, that was a separate test :( . I sure hope they can nail it for you!!

    Feeling itchy in SW WA State
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Reading and agreeing with everyone! Stay the course! Love to you all! KJ
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    NYKAREN - I'm so glad it didn't turn out to be something worse. <3 I was worried for you!

    Betsy - That sounds absolutely horrible. What a dreadful situation! Big (((HUGS))) and hopes for a good outcome for you. <3<3

    This afternoon I am packing for Glasgow. Hate all that tiny liquids business. Toiletries and make up take me a lot of organising! The clothes are done in seconds! I checked in this morning and printed my boarding pass, but I've unfortunately got a window seat, which I hate. (No choice unless you pay extra) Good job it's a short flight. At least this airline lets you take a purse as well, which a lot of them don't. :#
    I must say I don't much like the small propellor planes they use for these short trips. They feel like balsa wood to me. :o:/

    I will also do a few kettlebell swings before I start. I haven't done any for ages as it was agravating my knee. I will start with just a few. I went to yoga this morning, but that's not calorie heavy. I always need to do something extra. Usually the recumbent bike while I watch TV. >:)

    DH has gone out to food shop. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,598 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Jake has an appointment for a CT myelogram on his back tomorrow. The appointment is in Seattle so we have to get up early to get there on time. It could take a long time so we'll stay overnight and drive home Wednesday morning. Thus, we had to board the pets and I'll have to miss my Wednesday morning line dance class. He has to fast after midnight and the the test is likely to be painful so compared to him, my part is easy. I'm bringing stuff to keep me busy--books to read if I have to sit and an audio book and podcasts to listen to if I am able to walk while I wait.

    <3 Barbie

    Barbie - have a safe trip to Seattle - should be smooth sailing for the ferry! Good luck to Jake and hope you can see a few of the sights while there.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Thank you ladies for all your concern, I really was worried about my blood issues, you know how you go on webmd and create horrible what ifs! I have an abnormally high platelet count and then to have so much bruising, Yikes!

    I have asked for an emergency dermatology appointment and that is what I need most now, an answer to this rash...is it gluten intolerance, or something else. I haven't switched any kinds of soaps or lotions or detergents.

    Anyway, at least I have my eating back on track. NYKAREN <3
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    If you'd like a copy of "Younger Next Year for Women", please send me a private message with your mailing address and I'll have it sent to you.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    <3 Good Morning