
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,479 Member
    Did a DVD on the rebounder today. The plan for tomorrow is to do Amy Dixon and Paul Katemi's Double Down DVD.

    I need some words of wisdom from you gals. There are times when I really am not hungry at all, but I still eat. Many times I tell myself "you're only lying to yourself if you don't log it", but does anyone have anything I can say to myself when I'm not hungry but want, like, the feel of the smoothness in my mouth of cheese.

    janetr - great for you not stress eating. I suspect I'll be doing some over the next few days. Well, after this I won't have to deal with Maria much -- probably.

    Joyce - isn't it real sad how kids can't go from house to house for Halloween today? Not like we did when we were little. Now all the churches around here have a "trunk or treat". But it's just not the same. I love seeing the kids, too. How well I remember going out with my kids. It was a looooooonnnngggg time before I was able to stay home and give out candy, Vince usually did that while I was out with the kids.

    Joyce - I had an experience a year or so ago where I gained a fair amount of weight, my clothes didn't fit decently. Even tho it took a long time to get back to where I was, I very conscientously (?sp) logged EVERYTHING. I think we all go thru times when we really fall off the wagon (I'm talking for weeks even months on end). I agree, for me maintenance is no fun, you are constantly vigilant

    M - I'm like you, up a bit, down a bit. It's just so frustrating that the ups and downs seem to always be in the same location (number-wise)

    Lanette - I agree, a rash occuring suddenly can be caused by a new detergent, food, medication, so many other things. The worst part is when you've been using/eating/drinking/etc something and suddenly develop an allergy to it.

    NYKaren - when Vince gets the slightest bit sick, it's off to the web for him. Yes, many times he winds up being concerned about things that never happen. When I'm sick I try to stay away from the internet mainly because I will probably wind up worrying. In one sense, that isn't a good thing because if I were to read up, I would probably go to the MD sooner. But I really and truly believe that eating healthy food and exercising is very important.

    Well, I'm going to leave the house in a few. Need to buy gas and then take a friend for her colonoscopy. Then around 4 I'll go for a mani/pedi before we leave tomorrow.

    Michele in NC
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy United Nations Day!

    "In 1945 the foundational treaty of the United Nations came into effect, the United Nations is an intergovernmental organization intent on create co-operation between all the governments of the world. It’s original intent was to replace the League of Nations, and prevent another war like World War II from occurring."

    Barbara - I'll dig up my Wii if you'll get out yours! Wishing you and Jake the best outcome possible on his myelogram.

    Michele - I'm with you on the cheese. The sharper the better! I've been venturing into sampling the "stinky" cheeses but still kind of on the fence about them.

    Rye - Ooh, I'm a terrible bowler too, but it IS fun!

    Rori - My thoughts are with your brother and your family. It's a heartbreaking that he's not ready to make a change.

    Machka - I like beaches best in the winter. Sending good vibes for your tooth situation! Philip and I started as friends too, and he's still my rock. I miss my best girl friend though... I don't have anyone to call when I want to vent about my husband!

    Janet - Hope you find your Fitbit soon!

    Karen - Crossing my fingers you'll have an answer to the rash problem soon.

    Gotta run - it's time to leave for the dentist. Once that's done the day can only get better, right?

    -Yvonne in TX
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Good morning friends. Skipped golf today because winds suppose to gust to 25 mph.
    Michele- it is time for your daughter's wedding!!!. I hope it will be a wonderful and happy time for your family. Post pictures when you can. Your dress sounds beautiful.

    Lisa- you are so organized. Every family needs a planner like you so things get done. North Carolina is beautiful and being with your daughter will help both families. My BF just moved to Ohio to be near her family and she is loving being with her grandkids.

    Going to finish my kitchen today and move on to organist another room. Have a successful day everyone.
    SueBDew in TX
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited October 2017
    I’m scheduled for an extra long shift at work today (b/c training) so I’m short on time. But I’ve been able to get in swimming and I’ve been walking to work so the exercise side of things are good.

    5:2 Fasting is going phenomenally well, 4.4 pound loss in October - that is approximately what I lost in June AND July so I could not be happier. When November comes, I’ll check out the Happy Scale app trend lines and if I’m losing too fast on the 5:2 at my current Calorie level I’ll make adjustments. Less than .5 lb a week was too slow, but I’m not anxious and would like to get to a healthy loss rate - I’d be happy losing .75 to 1.25 a week.

    best friends and more My mom was my best friend. Never really clicked with anyone else even close to the same way. We could just talk for hours about anything, and could spend days together but time passed like a blink. Since I lost her, I’d have to say my husband is my best friend. But, obviously it is very different.

    We are kinda funny, my husband and I, I’d say most of our friends are couples and are OUR friends not his or mine. But, he is generally closer to the woman, and I’m usually buddies with the guy.

    Wii we have one, haven’t had it hooked up in years, tho. I pretty much sucked at the activities, but husband was good, and we had a lot of fun with the tennis and bowling games. Maybe I should ask him to hook it up again.

    Michelle I know I’m looking forward to the wedding (and rehearsal dinner) photos, try not to stress and try to enjoy the weekend where you are able.

    Yvonne I too love your sharing the days with us!!

    Karen I hope they get to the root cause soon and you get better, that can’t be fun.

    Lisa Your energy amazes me! The living situation with your daughter sounds great but I’d make a suggestion: a set time ( like Sunday afternoon and evening or something) where you and your husband are ‘busy’- and it is expected you will both be taking care of your selves, or doing something together etc. Not that you can’t or won’t want to override that for your daughter or family, but that there is a time when it is never assumed you two will be generally available. My husband and I stayed with my MiL for three months and that type of arrangement made all the difference!

    Ok, now I’m running late, lol

    Cin Cin a tutti

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited October 2017
    Chris- my husband has been down to Tucson Arizona and he said it is wonderful! I love the weather in Arizona! 97° feels like 75°. I am looking forward to 15 days of sunshine in our upcoming forecast. You would absolutely love it here! We would be approximately two hours north of you in Goodyear Arizona. I would definitely make a trip to visit you!

    DJ- with anything I start out slow and increase slowly. I started out with 10 pounds. I increase 5 pounds at a time or you can add an extra swing. Take a look at my website there is a lot of videos and information and examples. If you have questions just text me and I answer anything you need to know!

    Today we are going to go to the Arizona State fair! I will be MIA for most of the day. I will catch up later this evening but he have a fantastic day! And yes I am going to eat all of the fair food I can!


    Mary from Arizona
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    I did NOT have a good day, ugh. First of all I lost my Fitbit, had it while walking on the treadmill because it recorded my steps. It has to be here somewhere but Jack and I spent an hour looking for it and never did find it. Then I had ordered more satin covered styrofoam balls for my decorations and I mistakenly ordered the wrong size.

    I guess the best can be said is I didn't stress eat or eat one bite that was not on my food diary and the day is almost OVER. Tomorrow will be GREAT!! :)

    Janetr OKC

    I lost my Fitbit several times and I feel your pain. However, I have also found it each time. If it is synced to your phone you will see it searching and as you walk around it will finally connect. That will give you a good idea of where you should search. I hope you find it soon.

    Chris in MA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    I did NOT have a good day, ugh. First of all I lost my Fitbit, had it while walking on the treadmill because it recorded my steps. It has to be here somewhere but Jack and I spent an hour looking for it and never did find it. Then I had ordered more satin covered styrofoam balls for my decorations and I mistakenly ordered the wrong size.

    I guess the best can be said is I didn't stress eat or eat one bite that was not on my food diary and the day is almost OVER. Tomorrow will be GREAT!! :)

    Janetr OKC

    I lost my Fitbit several times and I feel your pain. However, I have also found it each time. If it is synced to your phone you will see it searching and as you walk around it will finally connect. That will give you a good idea of where you should search. I hope you find it soon.

    Chris in MA

    Thank you, I'll give that a try <3

    Janetr OKC
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 451 Member
    Hey everybody. It has been months since I have posted and have only begun reading posts again lately. Guess I just wanted to know how you all are. As the ladies that friended me know I DO log every single day and sometimes post my feelings there. This year has been really hard at my house. Death of a close family member, DH surgery and slow recovery, DD2 unexpectedly back in the nest (not a happy story). Some days I feel like I want to just go back to being 18 and off to college again and make some different choices. Other days I want to be retired and be a recluse like Greta Garbo was. America is becoming almost unrecognizable to me and it is hard to feel optimistic. But I keep trying to take care of myself and take photos when I can and read and get out in nature and keep getting that paycheck for the time being. Sorry to hear of the struggles some of you have, and hope things will get better for us all. And I am glad that some of you have made great strides towards better lives and new adventures.

    I understand how some of you feel about friendship. I have my close old friends from home and a couple of later life ones from where I am now, but mostly I live the introvert's life. Not very good at having Internet friends LOL. Hard for me to keep up with posting like so many of you do and I may never even get back to reading everyday, but you are in my thoughts and I send virtual hugs to you all.

    Joyce, I have gone to my church for over 30 years and there are many days I feel like a stranger there. Maybe it is an introvert thing. Maybe people are just too busy to commit to planning anything. We all get frustrated but we cannot give up.

    This group is a little section of the world where people can be accepted for where they are in life and not where someone else thinks they should be. Wish I could keep up with you all -- not making any promises I am up to that challenge, but I will try to check in from time to time. Have a blessed day, strong ladies, and thanks to Barbie for all she does to keep this group alive.

    Betty ROC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Heather, I hope your gals get together goes well! When she goes into her "all about me'ness", just go to your happy place and nod periodically! Then when you or the others get a chance, subject change!!! Your Zen bracelet though will be a humbling activity.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi, busy morning here at work. Getting ready for Annual Mtg and United Way. All planned by HR and there is only 3 of us.

    Rori, so sorry to hear about your brother. I hope they can get to the bottom of the cause for the bleeding soon. Yes, alcohol can do a number on the body. Maybe this will be the wakeup call. There really isn’t much that can be done until they want to help themselves. It is so hard on everyone else having to watch. ((HUGS))

    Barbie, hope everything works out for your husband. Going to be some long days for you. Hopefully you will be able to walk which will help with the stress. ((HUGS)) Glad you made it safely there.

    Janet, hoping for a better day tomorrow. OOHHH I like the green ornament.

    Joyce, every day is a new day to start over again. You can do it because you have proven that you can. I believe in you. Just decide to do one thing and keep adding. Is there somewhere you can go while Charlie is handing out candy or hand out candy with him but put a lot of candy in the bags so you don’t have a lot left over?

    Betsy, it is so heartbreaking when family fight and you’ve got it in spades girl. Good luck and I hope you will be able to put this behind you soon. ((HUGS))

    Karen, Great news about the blood not showing up anything. Good luck with the rash.

    Allie, how awful for poor Chester. I hope there isn’t another surgery in his future. ((HUGS))

    Lisa, sounds like a win-win situation for you living with your daughter. Good luck getting everything done so you can leave on the 1st.

    Heather, maybe you can change your seat once you get on the plane. Sometimes people want a different seat and will switch with you or there may be a vacant seat. Thanks for sharing the words of wisdom about what you need to be happy and symptoms of inner peace. Going to print those out.

    Machka, love the kitties. we will be moving in about 4 years once all the bills are paid off and I can retire at 66 and get full social security. I’m looking forward to it. We have been in our house 17 years now. Every year we are doing something to get it ready to sell. A couple of years ago we put on a new roof, last year we painted the inside and this year it is the porch. A lot of work but it should be all set to sell by the time we are ready.

    Carol, post a pic when your new floor is down. We plan to put down tile in the bathroom next year. That’s if we can agree on a design. Lol

    Michele, I’m a substitutor. I don’t tell myself I can’t have something, I just try to substitute it with something I can have. Worse case scenario I end up eating what I shouldn’t have but try to cut the amount in half. Have fun at the wedding.

    Katla, a housekeeper is one thing I would love to have. Maybe sometime in the future I’ll have one.

    Rye, my mom was my best friend too. I lost her about 4 years ago and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t’ miss her and wish she was around to talk over problems with. She was a wise woman.

    Betty, sorry you have had such a bad year. It’s almost over and a new one will be here before we know it. Hopefully it is a better one.

    Well back up again today. I keep losing and gaining the same 2-3 lbs. I just can’t seem to lose those last 3 lbs that will get me to “onederland”. So today I’m really going to watch my carbs and see if that helps. So frustrating.

    Well back to work.

    Terry with my nose to the grindstone hard at work in VT (actually we are putting up Halloween decorations this afternoon).
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Kids are napping, so I thought I would pop on and chat a while!
    Barbie- glad that you and Jake have made it safely to Seattle!
    Heather- Enjoy your visit with your friends. I would have to circle and underline number three! I like to be right, especially with certain people. My DH tops the list! I had to giggle as you said you were going to do some "kettlebell swings before you start" (which I took to mean, before you started on your plane trip) and I wondered if you were THAT concerned about the flight that you needed to perhaps strengthen your arms in case you need to "flap" your way to Scotland!
    Betty - I remember you! Nice to see you back on here and so sorry about the loss and hardships you are going through. Sending you love! <3

    I made it to the pool this morning! yea! Spent about 30 minutes doing laps (slowly) but my ankles have felt much better today. And no nagging so far from my knee. I have a CPR/FA class tonight, so I won't be able to elevate them, but I think they will be okay. I hope to make it into the pool again on Thursday morning.

    baby awake. ttfn KJ
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,093 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    Betty ROC good to see you post here!