
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Joyce- you definitely need to stick around with us! I appreciate all that you do for me. Especially when I am in need of prayers! We are all here for you!

    Barbara- The Kettlebell is very doable! It can be done at home, you can bring it anywhere you go, you spent 25 minutes a day at the most which amounts to six minutes and 15 seconds of work time and 18 minutes and 45 seconds of rest time! If you follow the program that I follow your body will be in fantastic shape!

    Janetr - your group challenge sounds fantastic! The type of eating will burn up a lot of fat! Good luck to you!

    Kettlebell Swing
    Morning workout
    Goblet squat-3X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing- 22X7X 35
    Evening workout
    Goblet squat-3X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-14X7X 35


    Mary from Arizona
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    Hi all,
    The trip to London went well, but we cut our losses and came home without going to the Jasper Johns exhibition. It would have meant staying much later to avoid the rush hour and another meal out. Fine if the weather is nice and you haven't only had 3 hours sleep! :o It's lovely to be home in good time and in good form. :D
    We really went up to see DH's younger daughter and take her out for a birthday pizza. She's limited to her lunch hour, so we can't go far. Nice to see her and the rain cleared up so our walk across London Bridge was very pleasant.
    Having a light "high tea" as we call it in England, of scrambled eggs and smoked salmon. <3<3<3

    Love and value all of you. <3 Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    {{{Joyce}}} ... I have been here for several years now and you have always been right alongside me. Your leaving would create a void here for me on this thread ... so please don't do that!

    Beth near Buffalo
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi all,

    128 post!? You guys are killing me. I only didn’t check in one day. Trying to get caught up in between doing some office work. Spent yesterday continuing to paint the porch. It is the project that will never end. Today I’m a little sore. Love all the pictures.

    ((HUGS)) to all those who need one.

    YEAH! To all those who accomplished something.

    Joyce, please don’t leave us! You are such an important member of our group. We are each struggling in our own way whether it is food or just life in general. We hear you and want to be there for you whatever you decide to do.

    Barbie, you always know what to say and you say it so well.

    Feet, mine are terrible. Extra wide with bunions. Makes buying shoes next to impossible. I did find some wide sneakers this weekend. A little tight but hoping they will stretch.

    Scars, I have many…ovarian cyst, gallbladder out, hysterectomy and both knees replaced. When I had my hysterectomy the incision opened back up when they took the staples out. Happens sometimes I guess. Then had to heal from the inside out. When that happens they don’t close it back up because of infection. So my DH had to irrigate it and repack it with gauze every day until it healed. Now that’s true love! My DH says I’m trying to leave him one part at a time. lol

    Girlfriends, never had that many girlfriends growing up. My dad was in the Air Force and we moved every 4 years so you made friends quickly as friends came and went. Now I don’t’ have one girl friend that I rely on to hear all my thoughts, complaints and successes. I have one friend at work that I am the closest to. She is about 5 years older than me. We do lunch about once a month and see each other at work all the time. I can talk to her, but there are things I still couldn’t share even though I know there would be no judgment. That’s why I love you all so much and feel I can say anything. I love the sharing, inspiration, laughter and tears you all bring. I think of us as all the different unique pieces that come together to make a wonderful whole. If we were all the same how boring would that be. Thanks for always being just a click away when I need you.

    Terry in VT
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    One of my sadnesses at the moment is that I am soon to lose one of my best girlfriends to breast cancer. Another is moving up to York. I feel very, very close to both of them and can tell them anything.
    I have very good girlfriends that are now just phone and email friends and rarely seen in person. I still feel very close to them.
    The "girls" I am getting together with this week in Glasgow, Scotland are from school. We have managed to stay in touch all these years and now meet up twice a year. We are four. I love them dearly, but my "difficult" friend has complicated it for me. I am resolved to use my "Zen" bracelet that my cancer friend gave me and rein back on the alcohol so I don't let fly with both barrels as I have the last twice we have got together. The presence of the hostess 's husband should be a help to me in this.
    My female friends are one of the joys of my life and I include all of you in that. For many years I got my validation from men. I don't need that any more. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    ydailey wrote: »

    Oh, and here's a nice memory of Halloween when my sister and I were little ones...


    -Yvonne in TX

    These are great, Yvonne. The pictures of your parents are adorable. And in that last picture, you girls are so cute. I especially love that your mom is sitting in a children's chair. <3

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Waiting on a bunch of stuff, so I'm checking in on the thread.

    Y'all - Yep, you're my first reads of the morning, over first, second and sometimes third cup of coffee. Whether I respond or not, I read all.

    - I have one. She and I have been friends for around 35 years now. Two husbands apiece, two kids apiece, and two grandbabies apiece (three if you count the one I haven't met, or probably ever will). Phone calls from other countries, other states, even other states of being, every week. There are a lot of people out there who call me friend, but usually their definition differs from mine. And the definition of "friend" for Facebook annoys me just slap to death. While I'm ranting, my husband is also not my "best friend," which he thinks is funny. My best friend is a nearly six-foot-tall blonde lady in Montana. My husband is my husband. They happen to like each other, which makes me happy. She calls him her "best-friend-in-law." OK, I'll stop ranting now.

    - Lord help me, yes... Never had kids, but have the C-section smile, and assorted dimples all around the tummy. They used the C-section cut for the first try at correcting my infertility, unsuccessfully. Then they used the same scar to do my hysterectomy 15 years later. When the surgeon went in to correct my strangulated hernia, it was right up the middle, pubic bone to belly button. Oddly enough, it healed faster than the other ever did. The gastric bypass was like six dimples for various probes, and the gall bladder removal was three tiny incisions and one more inside my belly button. Weird. Also an incision under my left arm where they went in and removed a lump from Lefty. Then a zipper down my left knee and assorted scars on my right from knee surgeries.


  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    My female friends are one of the joys of my life and I include all of you in that. For many years I got my validation from men. I don't need that any more. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    I couldn't agree more, Heather. I have wasted so much time dealing with men. I am done with it. Well, I still have to deal with my hubby and my three boys, but aside from them . . . :wink: I work in higher ed, so most of the people I work with are men, but my most direct group of co-workers happen to be mostly women. It's the first time in my work life that has been the case. And I love it.

    I had been feeling this way, slowly, for quite some time, and then I missed my women's bible study group one Thursday night because my hubby was being particularly needy, and I was nearly despondent. Well, that's probably too strong, but I cried most of the evening, when no one was around. My middle son is fairly empathetic and noticed something was not right. I just told him I was tired. Which I was, but not in the sense that he took it.

    Anyway, the next week when my hubby and I were out for dinner, I explained how much I needed my women. I didn't mention that I had missed the prior week's meeting because of my perception of his need to have me around, but I did tell him that I was not planning to miss any more. Fortunately, he understood and was supportive.

    For most of my life, I think, if we're being honest, I saw women/girls as the competition. That, sadly, I think, did not change even after I married. I don't see things that way any more. I see women as allies, and I am much more sympathetic and less judgmental. At least I think so. I hope so. I want to be.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    OH, I'm not planning on leaving! But just realiz right now I feel like a failure. I feel like I have this black shroud over me and pushing me down. My love affair for bread isn't helping either. I guess it's a love affair for cabs in general. Last night we went to a pizza buffet. I'm not as bad as Charlie since I start out with a salad and then get pizza. His plate of pizza is huge.but CiCis pizza has sticky buns and brownies. And yes, I did indulge.

    Something is off with my sleeping. I feel that for a couple of hours I appear like I'm sleeping since I know my respirations are slow and my body is very still but my mind seems like it is awake. It is very easy for me to take my sleep eye mask off to look at the time. I wake up felt like I am a zombie.

    Speaking of a zombie, I have had no luck convincing Charlie to not have tick or treating at our house this year. I know we can pick the candy so that I am not tempted but chocolate is his drug of choice.

    Thanks guys for listening to me. I was/ am in 3 forums. I hAve this one, one for a Facebook game and one for my MS. I am not playing the game anymore so I rarely go on that forum. But through my years on the bet, they have been dear friends. The whole groups personality changed when the founder committed suicide. Then I stopped the MS forum when my MS was changed to benign. I didn't feel I had anything in common with them anymore.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Marcelyn - wow you're truly an inspiration to the rest of us. You go, girl!!

    Janetr OKC
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
    Just skimming. Can’t wait to change site. Next stop is supposed to have WiFi.

    Rita in Alamagordo NM for now