
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbara from S Oregon Coast: Finding a young doctor is excellent luck. We've found a young woman doctor and really appreciate all of her fine qualities. I hope that you're as happy with your new doctor as we are with ours. :star:

    Janetr: High protein and low carb is my best practice and keeps me feeling good and happy. Be warned that that particular combination is also higher in fat. Mine is often a little over the suggested goal, but not bad. I haven't had any health trouble because of it. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I'm curious about your high tea of scrambled egg and smoked salmon. Is the salmon in the egg or on the side? :huh: I'm a protein lover and that would certainly have a lot of protein, and likely fat as well. Salmon fat is very healthful. :star:

    After yoga today we were talking about another yoga friend who moved to CA to be nearer her children and grandchildren. They lost their home in the fires, are insured and expect to rebuild according to what others said. I thought of my cousin & her daughter who both live near the area of the fires. I just checked on them & both of their homes survived. The daughter's home was in jeopardy for a while but my cousin's home was never at risk. I am so happy for them both and sad for those who will have to start over or rebuild.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    joyce maybe you need a checkup to see what’s going on with your sleep and your feeling so blue???

    Becca you are one insightful lady!!

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,598 Member
    edited October 2017
    Becca, Felicia, all of you - thank you for your eloquent words about this group being a safe place and our relationships here being so rewarding. Agree 1000%. <3

    Some of you may remember I have mentioned a book "God's Hotel" by Dr. Victoria Sweet, who started her career in CA in a facility for the poor and chronically ill. Since the facility didn't have a lot of funding, she and the other docs had to depend on "slow medicine" - good nourishment, sunshine, fresh air, and social contacts which worked remarkably well!

    She has written a new book called "Slow Medicine: The Way to Healing". I just ordered it even though it's eating into my allowance for next month.

    Here's a quote from her: Since God’s Hotel, things in healthcare have gotten worse. My hope for Slow Medicine, therefore, is not simply that it be successful as a book but that it spark a change in our perspective, as we realize that healthcare is more than a commodity and a right; it is a relationship and a spiritual practice. I hope that you will read the book and spread the word about it, and I hope you will let me hear from you again.

    Karen in VA, I think you expressed some wise observations about healthcare several months ago.

    I can't wait to read this book!! I have always been interested in doing what I can to preserve my health in spite of insurance, busy doctors, tests tests and more tests, medicines with side effects..... I try to avoid all of these if I can. DH and I are grateful to have doctors who are OK with the "slow medicine" approach.

    Oh, here's Dr. Sweet's website: https://www.victoriasweet.com/

    Sunny and gorgeous SW WA State B)
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Hugs to all who need them.

    As for girlfriends, I have been blessed. I have a core group of girlfriends that have been with me since kindergarten (or before). We still get together as often as we can, which sometimes is only once a year. We are doubly blessed because our husbands all get along too and enjoy spending time together. I picked up another good girlfriend when one of my husbands work friends introduced us to his new girlfriend. The four of us became good friends, and still are almost 30 years later. It was them we spent last weekend with. Another girlfriend came along when we were moving to Shanghai, her husband brought her along so I would have another female to apt hunt with me and we just clicked. We have nothing in common on the surface, but we still spend time together several times a year. She and her husband are going to Hawaii with us this winter. I consider myself very fortunate.

    My weigh-in this morning went well. I was down .4 lbs, which I will gladly take after a weekend away from my food scale. I realized this afternoon that I have done well with my travels since starting my weight loss journey. I have lost weight (sometimes just a few ounces, but it's still a loss) on all of our trips we have taken.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    (((Heather))) so sorry about your friend.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Becca, count me in on the bead project. What a wonderful way to remember the progress you have made. I’m going to put on my thinking cap and come up with something. I think I want to start with 35 beads to represent the 35 lbs I’ve lost so far.

    Heather, what a painful time for you. Write down all the memories that you can think of that will remind you of your friend. (((Hugs)))

    Allie, hope you feel better soon and you hear from your dad’s dr. I hate it when people don’t return your call. Especially since with a dr they know how important it is.

    Joyce, so glad to hear that you are staying with us. Sounds like you may be suffering from depression. Take it from someone who has depression, don’t wait. Go to your dr. Depression is a chemical imbalance and there is treatment if this is what you have.

    For some reason, in this area it is hard to find someone to do things with. My husband and I have tried to find another couple to do things with or just to get together with for dinner and we have given up at this point. When you ask someone to go out after work or on the weekend it’s always “maybe in a couple of weeks”. We hear the same thing from others new to the area. It’s become a joke. The only couple we go out with we only see on Saturday for lunch when they are in town. They are both from Spain. He works here and she lives in Spain and goes back and forth. I love them both but they only want to go to lunch at the same place at the same time. They are younger than me but I feel like they are older. Thank goodness DH and I get along so well. We are best friends, but it would be nice to have a close girlfriend too.

    Well to bed and book.

    Terry in VT
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Katla wrote

    "Janetr: High protein and low carb is my best practice and keeps me feeling good and happy. Be warned that that particular combination is also higher in fat. Mine is often a little over the suggested goal, but not bad. I haven't had any health trouble because of it.

    I'm not changing anything about my daily eating, this is what I've followed for four years since my gastric bypass. MINUS the late night snacking. Lol. Due to having bypass surgery, 50% of my daily intake is to be protein, 30% fat, 20% carbs.

    Janetr okc
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Friends,

    Mary, when you started with the kettle bells what weight did you start with? Then what increments did you increase your weight each time? They finally got some at my gym so I need to get started with them.

    MicheleNC, I love your joke about the “eye rolls”. I’d think mine are in pretty good shape too, if you look at it that way. Lol

    Wendy, beautiful flowers. Thanks for sharing.

    Lisa, where are you going to be in NC? I somehow missed the story about your move there when I was so far behind. You know moving is a very stressful situation for everyone so please take care.

    Heather, my back is a long time problem. Had spinal fusion in 2004 and now it’s mostly arthritis there. My hips are a relatively new problem which is some arthritis and some bursitis. Some days they are fine and others, well….what can I say? I’m 70 years old and these old bones carried too much weight for a long time. Lol I have been so lax with my exercising lately and know it helps. Glad to hear yours I better.

    Kelly, my mother used to make fruitcakes at Christmas every year also. She soaked hers in bourbon and kept them wrapped in a dish towel. I never liked fruitcake and probably because of the booze. Now I love a good fruitcake cookie, that we used to call “Lizzies”. But no booze on them…drunk-smiley-emoticon.gif

    CarolGA, your granddaughter is an absolute doll.

    Penny, interesting info on spinach. I agree that the benefits out way the down side so I’ll keep eating it. I’m not so crazy about it raw but just love cooked spinach.

    Kay, I have also read several things about Joanna Gaines not having anything to do with the face cream. It’s amazing that people are so deceitful and also all the fake news that is out there.

    NYKaren, I hope you get some resolution to your rash soon. My DD has had a rash on her face and eyelids for about 3 weeks now and refuses to go to the doctor. It gets a bit better then really bad again. She thinks its hives but I’ve never heard of hives just on the face and no other part of the body.

    Beth, I hope your DH gets better real soon!!!

    Michele wrote, ” Allie - how do you know what time Tom woke up. More importantly, why do you care? And how do you know that he washed the floors, and why would you care anyway unless they were your floors?” and I was thinking the same thing. Lol

    Joyce, I have noticed that you don’t post as often but don’t you dare stop posting! I often feel like a failure too, so I do understand. I think the support here is wonderful weather it’s about our weight or anything else. I feel like I can tell you things I’d never discuss with anyone else. I also get inspired by many of you and will get my act together one of these days. I know that my DH doesn’t always listen when I tell him things but by golly he won’t stop talking and wants me to listen to him. (((Hugs)))

    Katla, I do wish you luck on selecting the right paint color. There are too many choices and it is so expensive these days that we sure don’t want to make a mistake. (later) I love the blue/grey tones.

    Yvonne, I love your pictures. Thanks for sharing.

    Chris, I would think AZ would be a great place to live unless you just love the NE winters. And the cost of living has to be so much lower. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. It sounds like a great adventure.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto all the Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    The front that went from the Gulf Coast up to the great lakes has finally come east. It is raining cats and dogs and expected to last most of the night. It will cool things off a bit and lower the humidity, which is good.

    Sending love, good thoughts and cool sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,479 Member
    Did a segment of a 15 Minute Results Yoga DVD, held my plank for 2 min 53 sec, then the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do a DVD on the rebounder.

    Tomorrow a friend of mine is scheduled for a colonoscopy and she asked if I'd take her to the hosp. We still don't know what time it'll be. The only thing I have definitely scheduled is that I'll get a mani/pedi before the wedding, but the time for that can certainly be changed. Update: she needs to be there by 11

    M - if someone ever looked at my history, they'd only find things like recipes, food related items, nothing interesting. I'm honestly not too worried.

    Joyce - why do you feel like a failure regarding MFP? You have so much on your plate. you are NOT a failure. Getting things off your chest (aches and pains) certainly helps. We need you. Lisa is right -- we are here for your emotional and well as physical health. And sometimes you just need to put the physical aside for a while. But you still need the emotional, and in that respect you are definitely not a failure. I'm always impressed with your feelings about marriage and family.

    Rye - what beautiful cats!

    Barbara - let me know when and if you get out you Wii. I have this CD for it that I'd be willing to give you. It has about 6 different types of exercise, all different lengths of time. I really wish our pool offered aqua zumba. I think I could handle that, but zumba on land is just too much impact.

    So many times during the day do I think of you gals "oh, pip would like that" "oh, that's something Joyce would do" "Charlie likes his karoke, too (hope I spelled that right...probably not)", things like that. So many times I think of things you've all said like "you're only lying to yourself if you don't log everything".

    Heather - (((HUG)))

    Joyce - Lately I have a love affair with cheese -- extra sharp cheddar to be exact. Went to Aldi today and bought a chunk, cut it up and am probably going to take it to PA when we go up for the wedding.

    Exercised, picked up more of Loki's med. Just want to make sure we have enough for while we're gone. Then went to the Salvation Army. Found a silver pullover. Unfortunately, it has a turtleneck, but for $4 I can't really complain. Also, I'll probably only use it for the holidays. Then took donations from the church to the soup kitchen, then bowling. We usually go to ceramics but there was a tornado in or around Hickory, so we didn't go. Not going to mahjongg, either.

    I usually start my day here, too. Then check in a few times during the day.

    The reviews of the hotel we're staying at for Denise's wedding weren't all that great so I probably won't take my laptop. Which means that I won't be able to post until I get back. At the rate we go, I'll probably have to REALLY skim and maybe even skip some

    Folded all of Denise's programs. I hate that Vince waits until the absolute last minute to do things. There are things that I need to do tomorrow and he's putting things off. AHHHH....things that I'll need to help him with. Like today we took the donations to the soup kitchen. After exercise I had to pick up Loki's med, needed to go to the Salvation Army then Aldi. We were a bit tight on time. Do you think the night before he put the donations in the car? Of course not. He was waiting for me to help him and I didn't have all that much time. He actually wound up putting one of the heavy boxes into the car himself. I would have helped him if I could

    Michele in NC
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited October 2017
    exermom wrote: »

    I really wish our pool offered aqua zumba. I think I could handle that, but zumba on land is just too much impact.

    Oh, I wish this too!! I guess my gym did about a year ago but lost the instructor. :( Do you have access to a rebounder? (Mini trampoline?). Sometimes I modify land Zumba moves to do on that for less impact.

    Also, I keep forgetting to as you about your bowling! I love bowling, but am absolutely horrible at it. Usually I bowl about a 65 to 75 (my motor coordination just isn’t up to the task). But it is so much fun! I have not been bowling in years tho, since my husband lost interest. I can’t drive myself, and never found any friends interested either.

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,084 Member
    On friendships: I don't currently have a BFF, and am okay with that. You all do fill that void, and even if you don't hear from me consistently, I read all posts and think of you often. Due to DH's dementia, I have cut waaaaay back on business trips, and may not make it around the country to meet up with any of you, like I used to. So, if you are ever in the Denver area, I certainly would make every effort to meet you for a coffee, lunch, walk or whatever. :smiley: I really do treasure your stories, pictures, support and sisterhood. Oh, and the weight loss support rocks, too!

    Lanette: I've got 'Gods Hotel' on my reading wish list. Thanks.

    Mary: I've taken a 'before' picture of my tummy and started doing more pushups in anticipation of working out for better ab definition. I can't do squats down low like the Russians, so that's another goal. I HATE, HATE, HATE squats and lunges, but it's time to hug the monster and challenge myself. Thank you for being one of the voices and models for what dedication can do.

    Drama of the day...my little brother is back in the hospital 17 months after his scary episode with bleeding in his stomach. At least this time he walked in and didn't have to call paramedics. Now, he is seriously anemic and they are pumping fluids into him today. Tomorrow or next day they will scope him to try to find where the source of the bleeding is. Alcohol use is killing him, yet up to now he has resisted any referrals to rehab in a residential facility. SMH, and feeling so sad to see someone so sweet and talented go through a slow, painful and ugly decline. He lives in Northern California, and if I can get a caregiver scheduled to come in and check on DH, I'll head over there in a few days and see what, if anything, I can offer by way of support. BTW: I had a beer and a glass of wine while on holiday. Now back to not drinking and really don't miss it.

    Stay well, friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :) Jake has an appointment for a CT myelogram on his back tomorrow. The appointment is in Seattle so we have to get up early to get there on time. It could take a long time so we'll stay overnight and drive home Wednesday morning. Thus, we had to board the pets and I'll have to miss my Wednesday morning line dance class. He has to fast after midnight and the the test is likely to be painful so compared to him, my part is easy. I'm bringing stuff to keep me busy--books to read if I have to sit and an audio book and podcasts to listen to if I am able to walk while I wait.

    <3 Barbie