Of refeeds and diet breaks



  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    anubis609 wrote: »
    Yep. I'm just gonna send him a bunch of memes to keep him company while he's busy trying to edit.

    Don't distract him!!!!!!
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    I think my fear of having an intolerance to grapefruit may have been right :(. Evil eczema, and that's the only new thing food-wise. So, no more grapefruit for me for now, see if it settles, try them again if it does to test. Luckily I have people who are more than willing to take them off my hands (or tree, as the case may be). Having something edible that I can't eat in the garden is almost more annoying than the plants that don't dispense sugary goodness (really, what are those ones even there for??).
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    I think my fear of having an intolerance to grapefruit may have been right :(. Evil eczema, and that's the only new thing food-wise. So, no more grapefruit for me for now, see if it settles, try them again if it does to test. Luckily I have people who are more than willing to take them off my hands (or tree, as the case may be). Having something edible that I can't eat in the garden is almost more annoying than the plants that don't dispense sugary goodness (really, what are those ones even there for??).

    Do you have reason to think it might be all citrus? Have you had any lemon or orange lately?

    That's a bummer, nonetheless.

    I love grapefruit, but rarely eat it. I usually get the taste for it once or twice a year and indulge when I do.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    I think my fear of having an intolerance to grapefruit may have been right :(. Evil eczema, and that's the only new thing food-wise. So, no more grapefruit for me for now, see if it settles, try them again if it does to test. Luckily I have people who are more than willing to take them off my hands (or tree, as the case may be). Having something edible that I can't eat in the garden is almost more annoying than the plants that don't dispense sugary goodness (really, what are those ones even there for??).

    Do you have reason to think it might be all citrus? Have you had any lemon or orange lately?

    That's a bummer, nonetheless.

    I love grapefruit, but rarely eat it. I usually get the taste for it once or twice a year and indulge when I do.

    Only in the sense that citrus is a fairly common eczema trigger. I have lemon juice on my salad every night and seem fine with that.

    The grapefruit from my tree is divine. They've been ripe a couple of months now, but citrus holds on the tree and is fine until it falls or you pick it, so they are well plump and juicy.

    There are a couple of other things that are re-introductions: protein nut bars were off the table for a while because I went through a weird period of not being able to moderate them (and that then leading to all out binges), and protein cookies that I just hadn't had in awhile. I remember being a little suspicious of the nut bars previously. There's nothing obvious in them, other than made in a facility that also processes gluteny things. I'm going to be so pissed if I have to be that careful about the gluten. And the protein cookies have egg in them, but a little bit of egg in things didn't seem to be causing issues.

    Of course it could just be my body being a dick for the sake of it. Yay for having to have emollient cream on me at all times so I can reapply it every damn hour. On the bright side, my neck and around my collarbones don't appear to be flaring at all, which is good because a) other eczema area is less visible, and b) that big area flaring brings a boatload of fatigue with it.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    anubis609 wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    anubis609 wrote: »
    Yep. I'm just gonna send him a bunch of memes to keep him company while he's busy trying to edit.

    Don't distract him!!!!!!

    No, I would never distract him purposefully... He does that quite frequently already on his own. I'm just feeding it. Lmao.

    He enjoys sharing the really weird obscure studies that distract him every five minutes it seems.
  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    I'd ever have one as a pet unless I could find one that didn't have a strong odor, didn't require a whole lot of maintenance such as grooming, which wasn't high energy and able to handle periods of time by itself, which was normally quiet (didn't bark much).....

    I don't mind visiting other people's dogs in short, controlled intervals such as my two canine-nephews, but I'd never own one myself - the visits with my brother's two labs proves that to me :)

    My dog, I kid you not, has his own leather chair, yet wants to sit on every other chair in the house. But that's my only beef. Otherwise he just chills all day long and only barks when he is ready to go back outside. I can't comment on smell as my nose is permanently stuffed up.

    But my husband wants a puppy... I'm still on the fence.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,929 Member
    Luna3386 wrote: »
    My dog, I kid you not, has his own leather chair, yet wants to sit on every other chair in the house. But that's my only beef. Otherwise he just chills all day long and only barks when he is ready to go back outside. I can't comment on smell as my nose is permanently stuffed up.
    Mine only stinks when she doesn't shower (thankfully Vancouver provides plenty of free showers)!

    Apparently she also believes herself to be a police dog.

    She will slap me upside the head if I pull a cell phone in the car<cause it shines a light on the ceiling of the car, and shiny objects have to be chased and corralled>. And if I raise my voice on the phone or in an argument while sitting anywhere remotely accessible, I end up with a police dog trying to fit itself on my lap while sticking a paw in my mouth. At 50+lbs it does get a touch tight at times.

    She also huffs in disgust when I don't perform my functions as contracted. For example I am required to provide food and rewards at appropriate intervals as determined by her, and also obligated to transport said individual to appropriate outside locations at least twice a day.

    Certainly opening the door and telling her to go out to the yard (absent a ferret, skunk, cat, raccoon, mouse, rat, crow, pigeon, squirrel, other dog, mail-person, or bear incentive) is just useless.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Here is mine getting ready for bed. He has a congenital spinal defect and his limbs get too cold in the winter, especially at night. He loves the heater so much we moved his bed next to it. We were told he wouldn't live past his first year and if he does he would be paralyzed.... 8 years ago. He still walks and runs around without help!

    Awwww <3
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,929 Member
    Awwww <3 Awwww <3 Awwww <3
    Awwww <3 Awwww <3 Awwww <3
    Awwww <3 Awwww <3 Awwww <3
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Awwwwwwww <3
  • JoLightensUp
    JoLightensUp Posts: 140 Member
    He looks adorable all snuggled in.
    Well he certainly proved them wrong didn't he! No doubt a lot of love and care from you helped him by the sound of it.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Yes, Happy Thanksgiving peeps.

    It's gonna be so boring and lonesome on here today :sad:
  • ZoneFive
    ZoneFive Posts: 570 Member
    Even a few Murricans (waiting for the turkey to come out of the oven). Happy November 23, everyone! Grateful for MFP every day!
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Also here! Also not American. Also jealous at all the food.