Real Focus T25 Results? Anyone got a unbiased review?



  • colleenamyers
    colleenamyers Posts: 11 Member
    I wanted to integrate at home workouts into my routine and I liked that T25 was so short -- I do them in the morning before leaving for work. It's definitely helped with my energy levels and I feel better about my 9-5 desk job knowing I've already gotten in a good burn.

    I'm halfway through the Alpha phase. Different workouts are harder based on your personal preferences. I've got iffy knees, so lower focus and cardio are both tough for me - I follow Tania, the modifier, when I'm doing these DVDs. I loved the Abs series, and Speed 1.0 is my favorite. Total Body Circuit is Shaun T's way of telling me that he is in charge and making me wish I were dead... which means it's working.

    I am already seeing improved muscle definition. I don't follow the nutrition guide but I DO drink shakeology, so I'm not sure if that's part of it?

    I'm blogging about my T25 experience at if you're interested in following it... feel free to message me directly with questions as well!
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Is Focus T25 consider Strength Training or Cardio? I know it has both in there, but I want to make sure I am getting enough of both. I was doing HIIT. I am not sure doing just T25 is going to be enough or if I need to do HIIT at least 3 times a week also.

    Some of it is nearly pure cardio, while the one's with the body-weight exercises (or dumbbells, in late Beta and Gamma) I'd consider to be a form of HIIT. None of it is heavy lifting. You can always double-up on the workouts if you need more of a challenge. I'd recommend being able to nail a 25 minute workout before doubling up, 'tho.
  • KurtRipped
    I was 285 lbs when I started with Focus T25 in the new year. I was so unfit I could only do it once every three days, but it was still effective. I got down to 270 and was able to do it two days on, one day off, two days on, one day off. Still loosing weight. I cut out pop, but wasn't logging in myfitnesspal. Went down to about 255 and started doing it 4 days a week and counting calories and eating foods recommended in the nutrition manual that comes with it. I quickly became 244, what I am today. I've just started mixing in some beta workouts in the past week. Up until this point I never followed the scheduled order of the workouts, just did what one I thought my body could handle that day. In the beginning I couldn't handle much, and really modified, but now I am close to nailing beta's "Speed 2.0"! I feel so much more athletic! Just look at my profile's photo for a side by side comparison from when I started to this week. I feel like a new man!

    Shaun T is a great trainer; you will be motivated to do the best you can handle doing when he is on the screen.

    My goal is to be fit enough to approach the gamma workouts and master them in time for the next Focus T25 workouts called "Delta" which is rumored to come out some time.

    I say get T25. I'm not in any way affiliated with the company, so I guess I can say if you are held back from exercising T25 style by your wallet, learn about how to ".torrent" it. *cough*the*cough*pirate*cough*bay*cough*

    You won't regret starting!

    Edit: Feel free to add me to your friends fellow Focus T25 enthusiasts!
  • lauralea42
    lauralea42 Posts: 29 Member
    Is Focus T25 consider Strength Training or Cardio? I know it has both in there, but I want to make sure I am getting enough of both. I was doing HIIT. I am not sure doing just T25 is going to be enough or if I need to do HIIT at least 3 times a week also.

    Some of it is nearly pure cardio, while the one's with the body-weight exercises (or dumbbells, in late Beta and Gamma) I'd consider to be a form of HIIT. None of it is heavy lifting. You can always double-up on the workouts if you need more of a challenge. I'd recommend being able to nail a 25 minute workout before doubling up, 'tho.

    I have added 3 days a week for weight lifting at the gym to make sure I am getting a good strength training every week. Working really hard on my lower half. Having a hard time losing weight in my thighs and lower stomach. Thanks!
  • m1ssannthropy
    m1ssannthropy Posts: 35 Member
    According to the nutrition guide I should be eat 1600 kcal a day, right now I'm on 1200 - 1400 kcal based of how intensive I've burned calories working out in the morning or do extra walking. Who is using the nutrition guide? I'm currently 195 lbs, and do everyday Yoga (yoga zone), 3x body fit yoga with gwen lawrence, 2x kettlebell flexibility/mobility and 1x tae bo cardio a week. I'm following a body & fit nutrition guide, but I realize that my metabolism will slow down on too little food, yet according to MFP I'm doing fine with my current diet. I don't want to lose less weight to not eating enough, nor not lose weight from eating too much, so I hope someone can share their experience. I eat 6 times a day small meals.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Is Focus T25 consider Strength Training or Cardio? I know it has both in there, but I want to make sure I am getting enough of both. I was doing HIIT. I am not sure doing just T25 is going to be enough or if I need to do HIIT at least 3 times a week also.

    Some of it is nearly pure cardio, while the one's with the body-weight exercises (or dumbbells, in late Beta and Gamma) I'd consider to be a form of HIIT. None of it is heavy lifting. You can always double-up on the workouts if you need more of a challenge. I'd recommend being able to nail a 25 minute workout before doubling up, 'tho.

    I have added 3 days a week for weight lifting at the gym to make sure I am getting a good strength training every week. Working really hard on my lower half. Having a hard time losing weight in my thighs and lower stomach. Thanks!

    Everyone has an area that gains weight first / loses weight last. In my case it's my stomach and right above my hips (aka, love handles); in your case it sounds like it's your thighs and lower tummy (very common in women). Just don't be surprised when that fat hangs on until the bitter end (as I approach my goal weight, I'm hoping the ab fairy is going to show up and expose the abs I've been working on for so long, but she hasn't showed yet). Keep on what you're doing -- you've already made a lot of progress.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    According to the nutrition guide I should be eat 1600 kcal a day, right now I'm on 1200 - 1400 kcal based of how intensive I've burned calories working out in the morning or do extra walking. Who is using the nutrition guide? I'm currently 195 lbs, and do everyday Yoga (yoga zone), 3x body fit yoga with gwen lawrence, 2x kettlebell flexibility/mobility and 1x tae bo cardio a week. I'm following a body & fit nutrition guide, but I realize that my metabolism will slow down on too little food, yet according to MFP I'm doing fine with my current diet. I don't want to lose less weight to not eating enough, nor not lose weight from eating too much, so I hope someone can share their experience. I eat 6 times a day small meals.

    I don't use the nutrition guide, but if you feel OK (not tired, irritable, etc) and you're not dropping more than 1 kg a week (personally, I'd aim for half that at your weight, but it's a personal thing), then just keep going with what works for you.
  • m1ssannthropy
    m1ssannthropy Posts: 35 Member
    I don't use the nutrition guide, but if you feel OK (not tired, irritable, etc) and you're not dropping more than 1 kg a week (personally, I'd aim for half that at your weight, but it's a personal thing), then just keep going with what works for you.

    Thank you for your response :) I lose between 0,5 kg and 1 kg a week so within normal range, am on a high proteïn, low carb, normal fat diet. And more important am not breaking down any muscle but am lowering the fat percentage and centimeters! Since the aim is to become strong, not skinny and without aggravating my physical disabilities, but rather grow strong to support my body.
  • ColePens
    ColePens Posts: 194 Member
    Here is my review so far:

    History: I'm 29 and I love sports agility and intense training. Anything w/ box jumps, jump rope, utilizing function-able strength as opposed to just worthless muscle is key. I've been doing trainer workouts for years as I was trained for hockey. Lots of plyo so I came in prepared.

    I'm currently on week 3. Coming in I was already in shape looking to change things up. I work a full time job so the timing is just perfect. That being said - this is a darn good workout! Every single piece is well constructed to make you have functioning muscles. This is going to make you feel so much better as the months/years go on. Everything you work on is related to how your body reacts and moves in sports/working out/etc. Speed 1 and Cardio are great morning workouts to set the tone for your day. Ab workout and legs are great as well! I believe all of it is very do-able as a relative noob to working out that wants to try it out. For those who are gym rats, like myself, this is STILL an amazing workout. I guarantee you will be more cut if you eat properly and do these workouts. You will even gain strength. Trust me.. I was shocked when I started seeing it.

    The only thing I struggle with is Total Body days. I'm very used to doing clap push ups/spider push ups/etc... but holding planks and doing push ups for minutes straight is tough. If I have to put my knees down, I make sure it's only for one rep, but that is one insane workout. I am noticing Weeks 4/5 are heavy dosages of Total Body Circuits. I don't know how non-trained people do that workout. It tests your shoulders/chest beyond normal workouts. So if you are going to buy the DVD, just be warned that you might have to modify that day. It's not for beginners. Heck - my trainer has made me do stuff like this for a full year and I still have to put my knees down here and there. It's really tough!

    My one tip: If you have to modify, why would you move on to Beta? If you can't do the full workout, start it back up after 5 weeks and try to not modify. That is such a sweet deal. You get 20 weeks of training. You literally cannot find a better deal if you wished. I also think it would be much better for your growth/results.
  • colleenamyers
    colleenamyers Posts: 11 Member

    The only thing I struggle with is Total Body days. I'm very used to doing clap push ups/spider push ups/etc... but holding planks and doing push ups for minutes straight is tough. If I have to put my knees down, I make sure it's only for one rep, but that is one insane workout. I am noticing Weeks 4/5 are heavy dosages of Total Body Circuits. I don't know how non-trained people do that workout. It tests your shoulders/chest beyond normal workouts. So if you are going to buy the DVD, just be warned that you might have to modify that day. It's not for beginners. Heck - my trainer has made me do stuff like this for a full year and I still have to put my knees down here and there. It's really tough!

    My one tip: If you have to modify, why would you move on to Beta? If you can't do the full workout, start it back up after 5 weeks and try to not modify. That is such a sweet deal. You get 20 weeks of training. You literally cannot find a better deal if you wished. I also think it would be much better for your growth/results.

    YES to both of these! I had TBC today and it KILLED ME as per usual... I won't be moving on to Beta until I can nail that workout while ignoring Tania the entire time. I give my challenge group members the same advice!
  • ColePens
    ColePens Posts: 194 Member
    Yeah it's interesting. I read through pretty much every post here. I'm not saying T25 is for everyone, because it's definitely not. Shaun T is just an amazing motivator and people WANT to do his workouts. But I cannot help myself but just throw my hands up with people in this thread who are frustrated because they aren't losing massive amounts of weight when they are only doing the modifier. The modifier is there for when you feel you are at a breaking point and need to rest. Stuff like jumping jacks or sprinting should definitely be something you skip modifying and go straight to the real thing. Really push and challenge yourself.

    And if you cannot do the full calendar, turn it into a positive! You paid $120 and now your workout training has turned into 20 or more weeks. The main thing is to not skip around or cut anything short. I can tell you I pay $150 a month for my personal trainer and Shaun T motivates me more and kicks my butt just as much! So really dig in deep and focus (ugh! I'm sounding like the DVD).

    Nonetheless - even if you do T25 once a week, it's still better than nothing! So keep motivated and keep kicking butt. But just remember - BE PATIENT! Building the foundation of working out is much greater than just expecting results. Trust me! It will all pay off if you keep at it. Even if building a foundation takes one year, it's much better than giving up or skipping around to other workouts. Just dig in deep and you will be shocked with how much you can do.

    And major note - I am not a BB coach or anything!
  • menany
    menany Posts: 2
    Hi ,

    It's a long time since I was engaged in a sports program (about one year .. slim in six).
    My time is so busy, so I think Focus 25T is suitable...
    But I don't know if it's suitable after this long rest time? is it for advanced ppl?

    Please advice.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Hi ,

    It's a long time since I was engaged in a sports program (about one year .. slim in six).
    My time is so busy, so I think Focus 25T is suitable...
    But I don't know if it's suitable after this long rest time? is it for advanced ppl?

    Please advice.

    It's not "advanced" in the way that something like Insanity or P90X is. I've known some very out-of-shape people to do T25. They may have to modify or slow down on some of the stuff, but they get better over time (which is the whole point). My biggest issue with T25 was the lack of upper body training -- until you get to the Gamma round, there's relatively little upper body work.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    I just started beta ( on the 3rd day) and I really want a six pack. I'm following the 1600 Cal diet. Should I not hope to get one til Gamma? I'm 5'11", 167lb, and 25 years old. Thanks.

    "A six pack is made in the kitchen, not in the gym". Plenty of ab exercises in Alpha / Beta, but you need to get the body fat down in the 10% to 12% range to have a really defined six pack (at 15% it's starting to show, but it's still a bit hidden). Get out the ol' tape measure, measure you abdominal area (circumference at belly button level), and get a rough idea of your body fat % (online calculators galore). That will give an idea where you are vs where you want to be.
  • ColePens
    ColePens Posts: 194 Member
    1) 6 packs are made in the kitchen AND are partially genetics.

    2) I see too many people worrying about calories. It really depends on how active you are through these workouts. If you are not modifying and are an active person in general, you can take way more than 1600. You also just have to eat the right foods. You can take many different routes to 1600 and it be a mess.
  • menany
    menany Posts: 2
    Hi ,

    It's a long time since I was engaged in a sports program (about one year .. slim in six).
    My time is so busy, so I think Focus 25T is suitable...
    But I don't know if it's suitable after this long rest time? is it for advanced ppl?

    Please advice.

    It's not "advanced" in the way that something like Insanity or P90X is. I've known some very out-of-shape people to do T25. They may have to modify or slow down on some of the stuff, but they get better over time (which is the whole point). My biggest issue with T25 was the lack of upper body training -- until you get to the Gamma round, there's relatively little upper body work.

    Thanks man :)
    I will start it next week :)
  • RippedVenom
    I have the program and I like it, it is intense and time flies pretty fast. I am a big fan of all BB products-they have nailed the workout programs.
  • Ruckus85
    Ruckus85 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you for all the responses on this post. I am considering ordering. I have done insanity before but have never been able to complete month 2 in both rounds. I like intense workouts but I need them to be quick. I also tend to jip myself her and there by not fulling committing but I am working on myself to change my old habits into new and better ones, fitness and health playing a huge roll. I never want my son to feel like I do when it comes to these things and with that I need to focus.
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    Bump to read later
  • colleenamyers
    colleenamyers Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you for all the responses on this post. I am considering ordering. I have done insanity before but have never been able to complete month 2 in both rounds. I like intense workouts but I need them to be quick. I also tend to jip myself her and there by not fulling committing but I am working on myself to change my old habits into new and better ones, fitness and health playing a huge roll. I never want my son to feel like I do when it comes to these things and with that I need to focus.

    I would recommend reading some of the posts higher up on this page, about not feeling like you absolutely have to stick to the workout calendar.

    I am more than halfway through T25 Alpha and am already planning to repeat Alpha before moving on to Beta. I'm still finding that I need to modify about 50% of the time, and I want to really nail the workouts before I progress to the next cycle. The calendars are a great guide and do provide structure, but you should also listen to your body. If you're fitting in 30 minutes of working out every day, you're already doing something great for yourself. It's fine to feel like you need to spend more time on the "easier" workouts before building up to the more challenging, more advanced later phases.