

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Friday, 11/10
    1. go to the gym -- yes, it will be 29 degrees, but go anyhow!! :) Didn't go in the morning, but hubby and I went tonite -- for TWO HOURS!! but, after eating the bridge mix, it was good to go, and turned my day around food-wise.
    2. log ALL food :) even the bridge mix -- but I was still OK calorie-wise
    3. drink water. Have to work so much harder to make this become a habit :/ But drinking water tonite....
    4. read my response cards :)
    5. get back on here - be accountable :)
    6. be mindful of what I eat. Pay attention to each bite. :) Even thought I ate bridge mix - I counted out what I wanted, and ate it slowly, actually enjoying it,and stopping.

    Sat 11/11
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on water
    3. read response cards
    4. eat slowly
    5. hubby will be gone in the afternoon; clean house, and DO NOT snack on junk food. Run errands instead
    6. plan meals for the week
    7. get back on here - be accountable
  • theyoginurse
    theyoginurse Posts: 82 Member
    @joan6630 great job today! An idea about how to drink more water: I literally tell myself that in between meals is my “water time” and I force myself to have a bottle of water before each meal (at least). And at least half when I first wake up.

    I achieved most of my goals (hence the cleaning). It was a rough day emotionally because my mother is in bad pain and requires a knee replacement. I feel scared for her. I didn’t eat because of it. Instead I came on here, and this thread- staying accountable. I am staying hopeful.

    Tomorrow’s goals:
    1. Log everything I eat
    2. Do not binge (delay gratification) and drink water when hungry or go to bed

    I hope to clean and even update my resume for a new job. The hospital I work for is not really good. It’s making me more depressed- and I would binge eat. I am thankful I am now putting myself first. And my family.
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Hello everyone!!!

    I allowed myself 2 "party" days because I hadn't in a while. I ate starches (in small quantities) and a little bit of ice-cream and a little bit of chocolate not all in all it wasn't too bad. I'm bloated up a little over 2 lbs today because of the rice and the bread, but I'm back on the wagon today!!! So I know I will lose it again by Monday.

    Goals for today:
    1. Drink loads of water!!!
    2. Exercise
    3. Keep within carb goal
    4. NO wheat
    5. Keep within cal goal
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Goals for today:
    1. Drink loads of water!!!❎
    2. Exercise✅
    3. Keep within carb goal❌
    4. NO wheat❌
    5. Keep within cal goal❌

    As you can see... yesterday did NOT go as planned.

    As most of you know, all last week I decided to let myself have a little fun and celebrate my career change by going to some of my favorite restaurants and enjoying some of my favourite foods. I enjoyed responsibly (small portions... didn't over do it. No binging), but when you're using low-carb to lose weight you gain water and fat VERY quickly as soon as you go over your carb count.

    I'm still in the 180's (just barely) but the scale flashed 190 this morning and gave me a wake-up call.

    Yesterday was meant to be my "reset" or "back on track" day, but everything went sideways and it turned out to be a difficult and stressful day with no healthy food choices in sight.

    Tomorrow I begin a new career and I'm extremely excited about it!!! But I also want my new life-style to help me look good in my new clothes!!! I'm determined to see 185 or lower by Christmas and have promised myself not to gain over the holidays.

    So I'm reposting my goals from yesterday in hopes that I can lose a bit of the water weight before tomorrow:

    1. Drink loads of water!!!
    2. Exercise
    3. Keep within carb goal
    4. NO wheat
    5. Keep within cal goal
    6. No sugar
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    @princessaly23 Congratulations! How exciting! I did the same thing! Last Friday was my last day at an organization I had worked for for 23 years. Very bittersweet. Scary and exciting at the same time! Good luck to you!

    Just for Sunday:
    1. Journal every bite and stay in the green
    2. 80 oz of water
    3. Meal plan for week
    4. Plan and prep healthy snacks in single portion baggies
    5. Start cutting fabric for quilt
    6. Reach my FitBit step goal
    7. Read success stories and look for ideas and insights
    8. Listen to today's podcasts - Optimal Living Daily, Optimal Health Daily and Good Life Project
    9. Read today's chapter for Simple Abundance book, write in my gratitude journal before bed.
    10. Start a "donate" box and declutter (Goal is a box a week.)

    When you think about quitting, think about why you started.
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member

    1. Drink loads of water!!! ✅
    2. Exercise❌
    3. Keep within carb goal❌
    4. NO wheat✅
    5. Keep within cal goal✅
    6. No sugar❌

    Goals for tomorrow and the next days will stay the same until I manage to get all of them checked off.

    1. Drink loads of water!!!
    2. Exercise
    3. Keep within carb goal
    4. NO wheat
    5. Keep within cal goal
    6. No sugar[/quote]
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    aerochic42 wrote: »
    my scale croaked last night and I ordered a new one and it will be here in a few days. Since I'm not sure how long it's been dying (and thus inaccurate), I have a new goal to be at least a pound less than the last reading on the scale. So for the next few days (supposed to arrive Monday, so Tuesday morning I would weigh in) until the scale arrives:
    - meals only, no munching or grazing except planned snacks, like my afternoon apple
    - No more than 5 Hershey's kisses a day
    - at least 15 minutes exercise beyond the normal puppy walks a day. That can include extra long puppy walks however.
    - (and because I need to get back in the habit again) brush / floss before bed

    got the exercise so far, meals are mixed, blew the kisses (ha, I amuse myself), and not so much with the brush/floss. I still have today, so only eat the foods I bought and no snacking when home., Plus the extra exercise and the brushing /flossing before bed.
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member

    1. Drink loads of water!!!✅
    2. Exercise❌
    3. Keep within carb goal❌
    4. NO wheat❎
    5. Keep within cal goal✅
    6. No sugar❌

    Nov 14:
    1. Drink loads of water!!!
    2. Keep within carb goal
    4. Keep within cal goal
  • trissy2011
    trissy2011 Posts: 5 Member
    Today's goals:
    1. Redownload fitness pal app and fill out updated info
    2. Eat planned meals
    3. Exercise
    4. Find a group to help keep me motivated bc I didn't stay motivated last time.

    I am hoping this thread will help push me to keep going.
    I broke on school Mac and cheese today... But otherwise did a pretty good job eating only planned meals.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    JFT, MOnday
    1. detox again from sugar. :) OMG --- I wanted something sweet SO bad today!!
    2. log all food :)
    3. drink water --- min 6 glasses :)
    4. already been to the gym - but lay out clothes for tomorrow :) Clothes are ready for tomorrow morning!
    5. get back on here - be accountable :)
    6. remember how much better I will feel come january if I don't gain weight :) Made myself a note to stick on my computer
    7. read response cards today to remind myself of why I want to lose weight :) Posted these again by my computer
    8. when wanting to cave into a craving - drink 2 glasses of water and wait :) Had to do this 3x today!!

    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on water
    3. go and get hair cut/colored
    4. go to the gym in AM. Lay out clothes for wed morning
    5. work on PC boards
    6. start sewing chemo hats. Have not made her any since June!
    7. finish quilt for young girl who is in a nursing home
    8. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable
    9. NO sugar. Drink 2 glasses of water
    10. read my response cards - remember how I want to feel come January 1st.

    @PrincesseAly23 - great goals!! This time of the year is so hard. I;m like you, the scale was up to 189. Time to get serious - I do not want to see those 190s again! My goal is to just try and stay out of the 190s! You are doing great!!

    @aerochic42 - how did you do with the 5 kisses!!! I would have a hard time stopping at just 5! Hope you had a great day! You can do this!

    @trissy2011 - welcome!! I love these groups -- even if I have a bad day, I know I have to get on here and be accountable. It makes me NOT want to have 2 bad days in a row, and the support is awesome! Love to have you joining us!

    @theyoginurse - Good luck on your searching for a new job. I am so proud of you - we have to put ourselves first. No job is worth risking our health and happiness of your family. I will be saying a prayer that things work out for you!
  • trissy2011
    trissy2011 Posts: 5 Member
    Today's goals were simple:
    1. Check blood pressure (goal is to have bottom # under 100)
    2. Exercise
    3. Drink more water (goal is at least 3 bottles today)
    4. Eat out with parents and stay healthy

    After 2 months of checking, my bottom# was finally in the 80s today!
    I drank about 32 oz of water today, so didn't quite meet my goal.
    I did exercise today with my cheerleaders and could actually keep up with them doing the workouts.
    At dinner I ate a burger, but substituted greasy fries for some sweet potato fries. Unfortunately, I had to break for the hand dipped ice cream so I didn't do great, but it was ok.
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    Just for today -
    More walking - too busy yesterday for any walking at all - :(
  • curiousgp
    curiousgp Posts: 122 Member
    This group is exactly what I need!

    Goals for today, 10/23:

    2. Do not go on Facebook

    Love this one!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member
    @princessaly23 and @SaraKim17 where are you both!!
  • trissy2011
    trissy2011 Posts: 5 Member
    Today was a bad day. I helped myself to the donuts in the staff lounge.
  • trissy2011
    trissy2011 Posts: 5 Member
    I did drink more water and exercised so that was a plus.
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Good morning team! I've been MIA this week. I'm

    My new job is intense. I love it so far, but I'm so busy during the day that I forget to eat (I've been living off of coffee) and then I get home and am starving and so I grab whatever is closeted and easy to make and then I eat way too much too quickly and so my cal and carb counts have been horrendous!

    Then in the evenings I'm working on my university courses and then falling into bed completely exhausted around 9pm. Lol

    My goal for today:
    1. Do not cry (I'm going to be on the phones with unhappy customers today and I don't always handle that well)
    2. Remember to take a lunch
    3. Eat small portions.
    4. Drink loads of water.
  • lilcanadianmommy22
    Can I join the fun?? :D

    Goals for today:
    1. Drink all that water.
    2. Log everything that goes in my mouth to mfp
    3. Remember my hot tea when I go to work. It helps my cravings
    4. Keep working on getting my exercise room ready for daily activity.
    5. Walk/Run at least 2 miles

    What are your goals for today??
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Happy Friday! Welcome @lilcanadianmommy22 ! Glad to have you!

    Just for Friday
    1. Journal every bite and stay green
    2. Increase water from yesterday - at least 64 oz
    3. Hit step goal
    4. Work on quilt
    5. Listen to today's podcasts
    6. Make a list of top priority things I want to accomplish before starting new job on 11/28.
    7. Research bullet journals and perhaps start one
    8. Read chapter for Simple Abundance and write in gratitude journal
    9. Bed early so I can get up early tomorrow. Need to turn my internal clock around!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Good morning team! I've been MIA this week. I'm

    My new job is intense. I love it so far, but I'm so busy during the day that I forget to eat (I've been living off of coffee) and then I get home and am starving and so I grab whatever is closeted and easy to make and then I eat way too much too quickly and so my cal and carb counts have been horrendous!

    Then in the evenings I'm working on my university courses and then falling into bed completely exhausted around 9pm. Lol

    I'm glad to hear you love your new job! I'm really nervous to start mine on the 28th. I'm enjoying time off in between right now. I think you and I both gave notice the same day or around the same time! I have a feeling I will be doing exactly the same thing, so this was a good reminder to me to really rest up right now while I can!

    Take care of you!!!!