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Why are most mfp users against holistic nutrition?



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Holistically, (mentally, socially, etc.) the effects of food industries that propagate engineered foods and carb-dependent messaging and creating millions of patients with poor health and obesity, who then are treated based on poor or inaccurate health information, has had a devastating effect on their collective health.

    Most "food industry" foods (even if we ignore the meat and dairy industries and focus on ultra processed foods) are a mix of fat and carbs, primarily, and only a particular subset of carbs. Calling eating these "carb dependency" is ridiculous, as is ignoring the many other foods (whole foods in many cases) that are predominantly carbs.

    Also, the "food industry" (and processing) has, among other things made lots of healthy foods more available to many people (vegetables and fruits throughout the year -- I realize you might not approve of those -- fish, smoked and frozen, so on). The problem for us now is that this goes along with vast choice and availability and thus excess in many cases. That I overeat is more related to the huge amount of amazing cheeses I can go to a local cheese monger (or even just WF) and buy, or that I can experiment with and try types of cuisine my grandparents never experienced (Ethiopian, Indian, Vietnamese, Korean, Georgian (country of), etc.) even with just a phone call (and in any macro mix I want, often), as well as the fact that it's easy to be entirely sedentary if one wants and food is often available without you even having to do anything.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I often wonder how the food-industrial-transportation network manages to keep on trend. How can it possibly respond quickly enough, from farmer to table, when fads flip? Does Farmer Joe switch from cabbage to Kale? Who tells him?
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    Does it matter? Do what works for you.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I find the most hilarious part of the Big Pharma/Food Industry conspiracy theories is the way it completely ignores how utterly impossible it would be for that many people to be toeing the line and keeping it all hush hush. If ANY corporation or body truly had that much power and control over the WHOLE WORLD do you REALLY think they'd be using it to keep people fat, sick and tired? Amazing that they have such incredible power, but such modest ambitions.


    The biggest joke about the Big Pharma conspiracy folk is they just don't get that Big Pharma also markets the supplements and holistic items these folk rely on.

    You mean big pharma owns burts bees and Vega pea protein? NO!!!


    I googled Jamieson's as they seem to be the most popular supplement provider up here in Canada.

    Owned by CCMP Capital corp.

    Here's what else they own.


    May not be Big Pharma, but sure is a long list of companies. Glad to see they are not just out for profit.
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