November 2017 Running Challenge



  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Nov Goal 100
    Nov 1.........5 m........ MTD 5
    Nov 2.........0............ MTD 5
    Nov 3.........5............ MTD 10
    Nov 4.........13...........MTD 23
    Nov 5.........16...........MTD 39
    Nov 6.........0.............MTD 39
    Nov 7.........5.............MTD 44
    Nov 8.........3.............MTD 47
    Nov 9.........4.............MTD 51
    Nov 10.......0.............MTD 51
    Nov 11.......10...........MTD 61
    Nov 12.......7............,MTD 68
    Nov 13.......4.............MTD 72
    Nov 14.......4.......,.,,.,MTD 76
    Nov 15.......0.............MTD 76
    Nov 16.......2.............MTD 78
    Nov 17.......2.............MTD 80

    Have not checked in since Nov 2nd. Job and life have kept me really busy. Way to far behind to fully catch up. I hope everyone is doing well.

    I am running my first HM in about 3 hours with a time goal of less than 2 hours. I’ll post later with a hopefully successful update, that is if I don’t have too much of the post race beer :)

    Good luck! Hope you break that 2hrs. I've also got a half this morning. Mine starts at 9:00am. It's about 30 deg F out there. I'm hoping for a time of around 2:15hrs, so save me a beer.
  • weat0043
    weat0043 Posts: 172 Member
    Good luck everyone running this weekend. We are supposed to get 15-25cm of snow in the next 24hrs so by Monday I'll actually have an idea of whether I want to try running in the snow.
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    Got 4 miles in today but I'm still not recovered from calf injury. Thought I was ok until the end of mile 2 then the pain hit. Shuffled home at a 9:30 ish pace. More rest this week. It retrospect I should have gone at a slower pace but I was too hyped to be finally running after two weeks off.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    October goal: Not chicken out and Register for Zumbro. Start training for Zumbro and figure out real mileage
    Nominal Mileage goal: 100 miles???

    11/1- REST
    11/2- 3.1+ 20 minutes shoveling
    11/3- REST
    11/4- 7.8
    11/5- 4
    11/6- REST
    11/7- 5.8
    11/8- 4.1
    11/9- REST
    11/10- 4.1
    11/11- 6.6
    11/12- 6.3
    11/13 REST
    11/14- 3.3
    11/15- 4.2
    11/16- REST
    11/17- 4.4
    11/18- 7.3

    Total: 61.0

    Today's notes- Speed Work Saturday! Even though it's only like the third Saturday of speedwork, I'm really digging the whole starting my weekend with speed work thing. Today's assignment was 10x400 intervals @ 6:40 pace (1:40 per interval) with 2 minute recovery. Now, 6:40 is my mile PR pace, so I was thinking that this was going to be a tougher workout. Turns out that I felt pretty darn good during the whole thing. The 2 minute recovery meant that I was really ready for the next interval. I can't say for certain, but I'm pretty sure that I had another 2-4 intervals left in my legs after this workout.

    Have a Runderful day everyone!

    2017 Races Scheduled
    6/16- William A Irvin 5k
    6/17- Grandma's Marathon 4:24:06
    7/15- Eugene Curnow Trail Marathon 7:22:23
    8/12- UMTR FatAss "Not Quite" 50k DNF, too darn hot out
    8/19- Rampage at the Ridge 5k OCR
    9/23- Ely Marathon 6:24:36
    10/21 Wild Duluth 100k 18:15:51
    11/23- TBD 5k Turkey Trot???

    2018 races
    4/13- Zumbro Endurance Race 100 Mile
    5/19- Superior Trail 25k (Lottery)
    7/8- Afton 50k???
    9/8- Superior Trail 50 mile (Lottery)
    10/xx Wild Duluth 50k? 100k?
  • ABabilonia
    ABabilonia Posts: 622 Member
    edited November 2017
    11/2: 4.8
    11/3: 3
    11/5: 8
    11/8: 4
    11/11: 1.5
    11/12: 5.2
    11/17: 4 miles beautiful weather. Bad news is that I won't make it to my 80 goal. Good news is that my back and shins are feeling better with my new shoes

    Total: 30.5 miles

  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    @PastorVincent that new hood makes you look like Kylo Ten, do you carry your light saber while running?
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Just noticed this morning... I've always had kind of ugly toes. But since I've started running they've got all kinds of weird calluses now and so now I've got REALLY ugly toes...

    On the plus side, I'm getting my hair done again Tuesday. Trying to decide between red again or purple this time.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Just noticed this morning... I've always had kind of ugly toes. But since I've started running they've got all kinds of weird calluses now and so now I've got REALLY ugly toes...

    On the plus side, I'm getting my hair done again Tuesday. Trying to decide between red again or purple this time.

    Just wait for black and missing toenails. They totally ads to the beauty factor.
  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    @sarahthes Shoes too small in the toe box maybe? If that's the case, then a stop gap solution may be to use moleskin to help reduce any friction, and then get shoes that give the toes more room when it's time to replace them. One thing that I am 100% certain about though is that I am not a doctor. :)
  • bjderhak
    bjderhak Posts: 51 Member
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Just noticed this morning... I've always had kind of ugly toes. But since I've started running they've got all kinds of weird calluses now and so now I've got REALLY ugly toes...

    On the plus side, I'm getting my hair done again Tuesday. Trying to decide between red again or purple this time.

    Im with you on the ugly toes. My husband wont come near my feet.. even before i was a runner (i was also a ballet dancer so i think i just like ruining my feet. Lol)

    Im also with u on the red or purple hair. Lol. Been a redhead forever and went purple this last year. Just dyed it a deep violet but went a little too deep so need to lighten it up. Good luck with whatever color(s) you choose (could always do both
  • bjderhak
    bjderhak Posts: 51 Member
    Good luck to everyone racing this weekend. Rest day for me so ill just live vicariously through all’a’yall today
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Date :::: Miles :::: Cumulative
    11/01/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 0.0
    11/02/17 :::: 2.7 :::: 2.7
    11/03/17 :::: 4.3 :::: 7.0
    11/04/17 :::: 7.6 :::: 14.6
    11/05/17 :::: 3.2 :::: 17.7
    11/06/17 :::: 3.0 :::: 20.7
    11/07/17 :::: 3.5 :::: 24.3
    11/08/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 24.3
    11/09/17 :::: 3.0 :::: 27.3
    11/10/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 27.3
    11/11/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 27.3
    11/12/17 :::: 13.2 :::: 40.5
    11/13/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 40.5
    11/14/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 40.5
    11/15/17 :::: 2.5 :::: 43.0
    11/16/17 :::: 2.6 :::: 45.6
    11/17/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 45.6
    11/18/17 :::: 7.2 :::: 52.8

    Long run this morning was definitely in the slow and steady category. Or not that steady, really, the paced varied slow and slower. Weather held out pretty well, only a few drops of rain thank goodness. My legs are still feeling tired and sore from last week's HM. I think a massage is in order in the next few days.

    Signed up for an 8k turkey trot. It's on a cross-country course I think, so I hope that's not a mistake. Ah well, the point is just to earn more food.

    Good luck today @cameronheel and other racers I might have missed!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    @bjderhak There are plenty of footpaths here which go across golf courses (actually one I’ve done ALSO goes directly across a racecourse!). Last time we walked a golf course the golfers weren’t exactly impressed and told us to ‘be careful’. I pointed out as THEY were the ones firing small projectiles into the air, then maybe they were the ones in the best position to ‘be careful’ about where they were firing them...
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Short race report.
    Turkey Trot HM in Pinehurst NC
    The race was the best organized event I have been in. You can tell they have been putting it on for 37 years.

    Very happy with the race itself. Course was in rolling hills and I can see why golf course designers love the area, but for me not knowing the course some of the hills were a nasty surprise. My initial goal I set when I signed up for the race was to break 2 hours, but after training and running a 1:54 I really wanted to shoot for a 1:50. Perfect weather for running at around 50 and sunny at race start and I was able to maintain a pace of b/t 7 and 8 min miles for the majority of the race, and far exceed my expectations with a time of 1:43. Very happy for it being my first half. 18th overall and 3rd in the 50-59 age group.

    Hope everyone else running this week has a great time. Good luck to all.

    Congrats! Well done!!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @cameronheel That's AMAZING. You blew my HM PR out of the water on your first one. Awesome running!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    bjderhak wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Just noticed this morning... I've always had kind of ugly toes. But since I've started running they've got all kinds of weird calluses now and so now I've got REALLY ugly toes...

    On the plus side, I'm getting my hair done again Tuesday. Trying to decide between red again or purple this time.

    Im with you on the ugly toes. My husband wont come near my feet.. even before i was a runner (i was also a ballet dancer so i think i just like ruining my feet. Lol)

    Im also with u on the red or purple hair. Lol. Been a redhead forever and went purple this last year. Just dyed it a deep violet but went a little too deep so need to lighten it up. Good luck with whatever color(s) you choose (could always do both

    I just went red for the first time at the start of October but at this point it has faded to ketchup chips LOL. I loved it--it was not a natural colour at all but it suits me almost better than my natural dark brown (and grey... lots of grey...). I expect I'll decide when I'm sitting in the chair.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @garygse Thanks for the suggestion. I have been leaning towards either a wider shoe or a half size up next time but my most recent pair is pretty new (1.5 months?) so a stopgap would help!