

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited November 2017
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    At the airport
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Awesome walking and weight loss Rita!!!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Kettlebell Swing
    Morning workout
    Goblet squat-3X5X 40
    Russian kettle bell swing-15 X7X 40
    Evening workout
    Goblet squat 3X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-22X7X 35

    November Goals
    1. Exercise 6/7 days
    2. Start cutting diet
    3. 19:5 fast


    Mary from Arizona
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Barbie ... thank you for the new thread.

    Katla ... so sorry to hear that Hazel and her family will be dealing with juvenile diabetes. I will keep everyone in prayer.

    I was neither kind nor good to myself in October ... the scale was up 2 pounds. My goal for November is to become consistent again with CICO.

    I think I will be cancelling our gym memberships as we have not used them for well over 18 months. I would like to get my basement in some kind of shape to be a modified home gym ... especially with poor weather on the horizon. I have a treadmill, a recumbent bike, hand weights and bench weights, exercise balls and a weighted hula-hoop (unbelievably difficult for me). I'm intrigued with Mary's success with kettle balls and think that would be a good addition. Right now the basement is a catastrophe and needs to be more appealing for me use it as a gym. I started once before and got derailed. So part of November goal is to finish that up and then USE the space!

    Beth near Buffalo
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    edited November 2017
    Beth - I hope you get your home gym sorted out. Our home gym is the most important factor in my keeping at maintenance weight. We have a rowing machine, cross trainer and recumbent bike in a small spare bedroom. Over the years it has paid for itself in saved gym fees! I use a directional fan to keep cool. We listen to the BBC Radio 4 to keep us entertained. It's important that the area should feel welcoming and you enjoy the sessions. I am lucky in that I have my very own personal trainer in the shape of DH . :D<3 Sometimes if I do an afternoon session I watch TV programmes on my tablet. Audio books would be good too. Much nicer than struggling out into the cold to get to the gym. :smile: I keep my dumbells and kettlebell in a cupboard in the bedroom and do those and my yoga etc on a mat at the foot of our bed.

    Photographer coming tomorrow for the house brochure! I am going out to lunch in Winchester with a friend, so DH will be in charge of staging. I got my artificial amyrillis out from under the stairs and DH went out to buy colourful fruit! I managed to give him three articles of clothing and a big pile of books to take to the charity shop. :Do:) Going to have a blitz on books as I want to find shelves for my cookery books which are in a pile on the floor. I didn't want to shove them back in the glass fronted dresser after the hall was painted. It looks nicer with just crockery in there, but all the books have to find a place. I will get rid of some. :(

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Heather,myou are just going to have to tell us what that chocolate thing is
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Beth- so glad you got the basement level of your house as a place to make an exercise room! You definitely have a lot of equipment. I tried the weighted hula hoop and all it did was bruise me! If you need any help with kettle bell workout let me know!
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,891 Member
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy Go Cook For Your Pets Day!

    "On this day, as a responsible owner who wishes to repay your pet’s loyalty and affection, you are encouraged to ditch the usual tinned nonsense you insist on feeding your furry friend and instead cook up a culinary delight which will tickle their taste buds like nothing before." Frankly, Luna's concept of culinary delight is somewhat suspect.

    Thank you Barbie for keeping us moving forward! I haven't been watching the World Series but it sounds like it's been a real delight for baseball fans this year. Go 'Stros!

    Michele - What a nice keepsake for Denise's something old!

    Lisa - Hey, I could live in a tiny house if I had a warehouse! Best wishes for a smooth move.

    Machka - I prefer sweet potato pie to pumpkin pie, but I like a lot of other pumpkin stuff so I often will look for pie pumpkins at the grocery store. Some varieties have more flesh than others. Pumpkin lasagna sounds delicious! I always have canned pumpkin puree (not pie filling) on hand for canine digestive emergencies and also for lazy pumpkin recipes. Cutting up a pumpkin sent me to the ER once, so I try to avoid it if I can and be really really extra careful if I'm determined to do it from scratch.

    Terry - So sorry you're in the dark! Losing power really makes you realize how much we depend on our modern conveniences.

    I got side-tracked again and missed checking our community the last few days of October. We didn't have any trick-or-treaters, but I didn't expect anyway. Our neighborhood is really dark and has no sidewalks. I think some of the newer area of town get kids walking the neighborhood.

    With open enrollment in the U.S. starting today, I'm looking at health insurance again. Our crappy plan is going up again, to over $1300 a month, so we're either going to find another option or do without next year. Have any of you had experience with a health sharing ministry? Right now that's what I'm looking at and I've found some fairly promising options. We're not religious but I think we can agree with most of their standards-of-belief statements in good conscience.

    In the meantime I've been trying to catch up with medical stuff. My poor old glasses finally got so scratched up I had to get an eye exam and order new ones (ka-ching). Got my teeth cleaned and check, and also made an appointment with my doctor since she's holding my prescriptions hostage. So that's everything but the mammogram and colonoscopy. I think I can probably afford the mammo next month, and the colonoscopy is on indefinite hold. None of that is paid for by insurance, so the insurance situation doesn't affect it one way or the other.

    Now I'm off for a lunch and stationary bike break.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather, Janet and everyone: Thank you so much for your kind words about my DGD. We called the hospital this morning and had roses sent to her along with a teddy bear. I had a chat with the other grandma this morning, and she probably needs to be checked for diabetes, too. Everyone else was at the hospital learning about how to take care of a diabetic, but Pat, the other grandma, had to stay home and babysit. I hope she'll get the training. She's been a big sugar pusher. Breakfast was full of sweet rolls every day when I was there last October. :noway: There are needed lifestyle changes and she needs to know about them. :heart: :broken_heart::heart:

    Becca: Congrats on your weigh in. The scales are going in the right direction. Thanks for your good wishes for Hazel. :smiley:

    Rita: I love your new photo. You look lovely and happy. :smiley:

    Penny: Thanks for your wisdom. DH is diabetic, and thinks that taking care of himself has likely saved him from alcoholism, and who knows what else. On the other hand we'd much rather that he not have it. :ohwell:

    I managed to go to yoga today and have also taken down the Halloween decorations. Thanksgiving, here we come!!!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    Pumpkin hmm. I always thought I did not like pumpkin. But I’ve only had sweet versions. In the past few years I realized I love sweet potatoes, but only when prepared in a savory manner. I do not like sweet sweet potato dishes. I wonder if I would like a savory pumpkin dish?

    I don't like sweet potato as sweet either. Mostly I use it in my slow cooker curry dishes. While real potatoes remain relatively hard and intact, sweet potato turns to mush which acts as a thickening agent. Covered in all kinds of spices, many other veggies, and light coconut milk, you'd never even know it was there. :)

    Roast pumpkin is an easy one to do. Cut up pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, onion, etc. and set them in around a roast chicken or roast beef. That's yummy!!

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,193 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    I think I will be cancelling our gym memberships as we have not used them for well over 18 months. I would like to get my basement in some kind of shape to be a modified home gym ... especially with poor weather on the horizon. I have a treadmill, a recumbent bike, hand weights and bench weights, exercise balls and a weighted hula-hoop (unbelievably difficult for me). I'm intrigued with Mary's success with kettle balls and think that would be a good addition. Right now the basement is a catastrophe and needs to be more appealing for me use it as a gym. I started once before and got derailed. So part of November goal is to finish that up and then USE the space!

    Beth near Buffalo

    We cancelled our gym membership after 1 year ... it was costing us about $1800/year and we did use it, but only 2-3 days a week during winter, and maybe 1-2 days a week other times of the year.

    Then we set up a bit of a home gym. It's not big or fancy, but I can do some weight lifting and I've got one of my bicycles on a trainer.

    Most of our time is spent cycling and walking outdoors anyway.

    And if we want to use a gym, I discovered I can use the university gym for half price because I'm a student, so we drop in. We were going to spinning classes once a week, on the day I attended classes, and then going upstairs and using the rowing machine. But now that I'm finished for summer, we'll probably go back to dropping in whenever the weather is bad to use the rowing machine, treadmill, and maybe some weights.

    Machka in Oz

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Well, since we didn't have to drive to Portland, we went shopping instead! But before we did that, we went and ate out for lunch. Had the lunch buffet at our local pizza joint. I was careful in the Salad area! Took only lettuce, 3 slices of beets, 1/4 cup of cottage cheese, 1/4 cup of three bean salad, 1 tsp of sunflower seeds, and a Tbsp of dressing. I did NOT take the potato salad, hardboiled eggs, or macaroni salad! I had 1 and a half pieces of pizza though. Oh and a half a glass of soda... Bad Becca!! Tonight shall be cottage cheese, cucumbers and some of my EVOO dressing. No breads or pastas!

    Interesting how my eyes can measure things! This past week, I ate my applesauce out of the 1/2 cup measuring cups! My DH just shakes his head...

    Ooh today I bought more cottage cheese, vanilla Greek yogurt, walnuts, a tomato, an avocado, two English cucumbers, and a zucchini!! Yummy food for third upcoming week!

    Out grocery trip was $70 but I allotted $100 a week, so life is grand.
    Hugs to each and every one of yas!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited November 2017
    My husband however is having lasagna tonight, and later in the week chicken parmesan, and a hungryman TV dinner. Also he bought pizza bites, and pepperoni sticks! We are on polar opposites on eating!! He eats what he likes!
    Plays chef many nights!