

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    So glad Nouston won. I don't have a favorite team since there aren't any in Indiana but a Texas town need to win. It will be a big boost to moral. They need something to celebrate. The teams we root for in this area are either Cincinatti or St Louis. We do have a team here in town that I think is in thenPioneer league.mthe movie The League of their own was filmed here. Oh the stories some people can tel about Tom Hanks, Madonna and Rosie Odonnel.

    I have never heard of the Health ministry insurance. Tell me more about it. I am glad we are on Social Security. Our additional plan costs $27/ month. That includes our pharmacy plan. I don't know if any of you are in an area that has a teaching program or even if it is like it was when I was workng. Our hospital was one that IU Mediacal center had and the many patients went to see the residents. They have a doctor of many years experience over them. Cost very nominal. I remember one patient had to have a cardiac catherization and had no insurance. They doctors, social service and administration put their heads together and came up with a plan. Have the residents watch it and it would be free, a teaching experience for the residents!but that was many years ago. I know the residents still have their own office though. My sister went to one when she had her baby. Of course that baby is almost 40!

    We are working hard on our Christmas music now. Sunday will be our music with the youth and children's choir. I am in a trio the first Sunday in December and she gave us our music tonight. We usually sing an old song out of an old hymnal which I don't like to do. But a couple of years ago she ordered so,e books just for ladies voices.mof course that would be either 3 or 4 part and the music is really good. So it's a really exciting song. We have sang it before so it will be easy to work up. I don't remember if the choir in its entireit sang it or trio. Last year my back went out plus I had the hospitalization switch the bleeding and I wasn't able to sing the cantata. I wasn't even able to be at church for it. My sis and I did go to Christmas Eve service. I think both of us needed it. When she hurts I do to and when I hurt so does she. It's like we are twins. Maybe it's because we are the only ones left in town.

    We'll Michelle called the Humane Society. They will have a place in 2 weeks. Not a home but an open cage. This is just killing Michelle to do that even if she really doesn't like the cat. Oh, the cat is called CAT pronounced see-a-t. She didn't know what else to call it when she found it in her cars engine. She wasn't planning on keeping it so that's what she named it. She loves coming over to my house because both my cars will get on her lap without asking and stay there for a good petting. CAT gets close to her and head butts but doesnt want you to put her on your lap. She just wants your hand on her head until she is done.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Well I'm up and off to walk the dogs,then get my dad up and off we go..
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    terry hooray for getting power back. Now you can heal up, relax and get back in the groove. Having the power out that long is major inconvenience.

    Congrats ASTROs Fans, what a great series B)

    Long day ahead, have my lunch and snacks planned, will work through the evening and hope the food choices are okay, if not, I'm bringing a back up protein bar. Finish hearing auditions at 9:00 p.m.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    M - how interesting about your pumpkins! Very few seeds, interesting. When I roast butternut squash or spaghetti squash, I usually microwave it for a few minutes. That makes it easier to cut.

    Now that's an idea. I'll have to try it next time.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    Last night of studying ... tomorrow night, I sleep!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    :) Safe travels Lisa!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited November 2017
    I'm dressed and ready to go out to the restaurant with one of my yoga friends. She's picking me up and driving. Hooray! :D We've done a quick tidy round and DH is out raking the gravel in the front. Not the best time of year for photos, but they can do wonders. Need to stack the shelves with colourful crockery, so it's in the dishwasher for a bit.
    Shame I won't be here for the photos, but DH forgot I was going out.
    I'm wearing a mini skirt, leggings, and my furry boots, a red top and my red tassel earrings. >:):laugh: Not too bad for 68!!!! Also my "urban" longish grey coat. :D
    One thing I like about going out for lunch with girlfriends is the chance to dress up a bit.
    I'm taking some broken necklaces with me for the jeweller DH bought my birthday earrings from to repair. They've been languishing too long in the drawer. It will cost, but at least two of them I really like and miss wearing. Might pass on the other one.
    I also need to visit the pharmacy and the Chinese supermarket for frozen dim sum and fermented black beans. I've got some bubble wrap with me.

    We are Skyping with my son's family on Saturday morning so will tell them then we are putting our house back on the market.

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx

    Michele - Pastis is like Pernod or Ricard. An aniseed aperitif popular in France. It is our default alcoholic beverage.

    Joyce - The Panettone is an Italian cake, like a brioche, very tall, usually with currants in. This one is chocolate flavoured. It came in a very posh box that I am keeping. :D
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    marcelyn: Congratulations on the World Series win! :smiley: I'm a Cubs fan, too, after last year. The team and the fans were amazing. :star:

    Sharon: Thanks for your prayers. :heart:

    Lisa: Travel safely. I hope your new adventure is full of joy. :smiley:

    Heather: Have fun with your yoga friend. :star:

    DH & I were just discussing travel plans. I want to go to see DGD when she is out of the hospital, perhaps right after Thanksgiving. DH wants to wait until January when our DS and DDIL's baby is born, and see both of our kids in one trip. I'm not sure how I feel about that length of delay. He is very rigid about travel needs and is picky about cleanliness and having a private bathroom. He would stay with DS and DIL but wants a hotel room to visit with DD. There is some sense in that, but it will likely add $$$$ to the trip and be seen as snobby &/or cold. I'm thinking about visiting DD and DGD on my own after Thanksgiving, and then again with DH in January. Advice welcome.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "So many of us believe in perfection, which ruins everything else, because the perfect is not only the enemy of the good; it's also the enemy of the realistic, the possible and the fun."
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Struggling with my emotions. Tears right on the cusp of rolling down my face today. Not sure what's going on. I'm hoping it isn't a period of depression which I get every once and a while, even though I'm on anti-depressants. So just going to read posts and ride it out. I'll be thinking of you all even if you don't hear from me. I'll try to at least send a <3 so you know I'm still hanging in there.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Terry ~ Hoping you feel better. This too will pass! <3
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Katla ~ Sounds like you have a good plan to go after Thanksgiving and in January. Men seem to be very set in their thinking so I can sympathize with your worry.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Lisa – your moving story reminds me so much of our journey from Indiana to Seattle 40 years ago. DH had his pickup loaded to the gills with a camper shell and he also pulled a teeny travel trailer. My ’68 Ford Galaxie was packed to the gills. We had no idea where we’d end up other than Seattle. No jobs, didn’t know a soul. Sometimes I followed him, sometimes he followed me. That was before the days of cellphones and we actually did get separated once in south Seattle and it took an hour for us to meet up again. Panic! Lol. Anyhow, sorry to hear of the messy roads, but every mile you travel is closer to your destination. Enjoy the visit with your sis and her family. Very proud of Egg being such a good traveler!!

    Sharon – thank you for sharing the photo of your dad and how sad that neat car was sold. I don’t blame you for being ticked about your friend sharing your story about the accident. I had a similar situation and I’m still ticked.

    - your home gym sounds like a great idea!

    Terry – so glad your power is back on but what a nightmare is all I can say. Did you lose everything in your fridge/freezer? Thankful it wasn’t January and below zero temperatures. I bet you’ll get back in your routine in no time and hit Wonderland soon.

    Becca – good for you sticking to your new eating plan – it always sounds so yummy and your sharing gives me cooking ideas. Good job at the supermarket!!

    Wendy - does horse riding burn a lot of calories? I would think so. I haven't ridden a horse in ages, but I recall it took a lot of muscles and strength to keep balance.

    Rita - love your new photo! Way to go on the weight loss and the good buys on your shopping trip. So glad you are back with us!

    Katla – so sorry to hear about little Hazel. I think they are making advances all the time in dealing with Juvenile diabetes, but that doesn’t make it any easier. Like you said, hopefully the other grandmother will stop with the sweets. Perhaps the whole family will be a little healthier cooking with less sugar in the house. Maybe it would be good for you to visit right now and do another trip in January with DH to see the new baby if you can afford it. That way you won’t have to worry about DH’s needs while you are out there if you visit soon – if that would work for you.

    – have fun at your lunch! You are so young-at-heart and an inspiration!! Good luck on the house re-list. Maybe things will sail right along this time. After years of being in a housing slump, things have really picked up around here. Two houses in our neighborhood had firm offers within a week of being listed.

    Congratulations ASTROS!! I agree, Houston needed a nice boost like that.

    Made it to my doc appointment yesterday. She didn’t find anything seriously wrong with my throat other than years of sinus problems, dry air, etc. I ordered a hot mist humidifier from amazon for the bedroom and I need to drink a lot more things like warm herbal teas and less coffee. Also she checked the 2 moles on my back and declared them “friendly”. They took blood for CBC, Lipids and she’s testing my thyroid. I didn’t fast so I’m sure the glucose reading will be way above 100 but we are good with that since I check it at home. She’s ordering the DXA scan but I don’t have the appointment day/time yet.

    She did mention part of my throat problem might be GERD and did suggest raising the head of the bed 6” – might do it. The pup and I might slide off B) but if we use bricks, maybe 1 or 2 would do the trick. We can experiment if need be. I told her about the success with Apple Cider Vinegar instead of Nexium and she nodded – she is an Osteopath.

    Our docs are in a brand new clinic building built next to the senior housing/assisted living community. Dr. Lisa told me she gets a lot of older “quick clinic” patients from there because folks cannot get into their regular doctors without a few days or week’s wait! So they pay the $60. Their other choice would be to head to Urgent Care on the other side of town which is full of coughing, hacking, noisy creatures (lol) =germ city, and still a wait time. >:) Or the ER which is $$$$.

    We had a few minutes to talk about Slow Medicine, and I asked her if she thought the Direct Care model would be a good replacement for the current “Affordable” Health Care. She said it’s a good idea because of the quality of patient care, but it would take a lot more doctors since their clinic only has 1200-1600 regular patients in addition to the walk-in’s. Plus the insurance companies are cut out of the picture so they’d never let Congress OK something like that.

    Does anyone here know about Sjogren’s disease? I happened to read about it last night and a light went on. Symptoms include dry eyes, mouth, sinus, etc, pain that comes and goes. Sounds like it’s kind of like Fibromyalgia, which is hard to diagnose and treat.

    OK, November goals – keep up with the steps…. I’ve dropped from 8,000 per day average to 6,000 per day in October so want to keep it there at least. Weight was great at the doc’s yesterday so still happy with keeping within the BMI.

    Ladies, let’s have a good Thursday!

    SW WA State