
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    edited November 2017
    Another hot and lovely day! We're on the verge of breaking a record for the most days over 25C in a row ... and that would be a whole, entire ........

    ....... 6 days!!!

    Yep, Tasmania is cold. When 6 days of 25C+ in a row is a record, you know you live in a cold place.

    Meanwhile, I am thoroughly enjoying the lovely weather for however long it lasts. :):sunglasses:

    So I went for a 6.4 km walk to the Botanical Garden (I like it there) at lunch and then to the beach with my husband after work. In total, I walked 11 km.

    It's been a good week for walking ... 39.8 km so far this week, and that's the most I've walked in a week since last January. The week isn't over yet, so I'll see if I can set a record for longest distance walked in a week in 2017. :)

    I'm also starting to climb more stairs again, and I'm back to logging my food again. I had eased way back on the stair climbing and had stopped logging my food after the dental surgery.

    Here's hoping I'll drop a kg or two before Christmas. :)

    And in preparation for Christmas, I put a couple Christmas albums on my phone. I listen to music at work and have got it shuffled, so every so often, there will be a Christmas tune. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    edited November 2017
    Good morning everyone!
    My grandson's present was left on our front step this morning! I just hate when they do that. They just shoved a card through the door saying it had been left in the "secure front porch" . Well, it's not secure at all. It's just open. We were in the house, of course. Haven't they heard of doorbells? Grrrrrrrrrr! :#:#:# I have emailed the company complaining.
    I heard from my DDIL approving all the Christmas present choices, so I can relax now. Just waiting for Bea's pinafore dress to arrive. Nice to have it all done. :D
    I sent the grandchildren a Touchnote postcard of a selfie I took of the two of us with our Christmas hats on. It said we can't wait to see them at Christmas. I thought it would be nice for Bea, so she doesn't forget us. DDIL texted me this morning saying they thought it was "fab". I love those photo postcards.

    DH and I can't decide what to do for presents to each other. We always get each "Father Christmas " presents of small value to open in bed in the morning, but neither of us want anything. I would like a trip to London, a gallery visit and a stay in a nice hotel with a super duper meal , but DH would only do that for me, so not really a present for him exactly. Some years we have just bought a case of extra nice wine. Some years a posh meal out. I thought of a posh hotel and meal out in Brighton, but that doesn't quite feel special enough now we go there frequently, in the sense that we might do that anyway.
    To be honest, it doesn't matter if we forgo the present altogether and just enjoy the fun morning things (chocolates, books etc)
    I've already made my Christmas charity donations this year to my favourite charities, so I don't feel that is the route to go.
    I would like a new long dress for the cruise next year, but I can't face looking for one. :noway: If I see one in passing, I'll ask him for that. Hate clothes shopping. :#:s

    A bit of cooking today for tomorrow and I might dye my roots. Can't decide whether to leave it until tomorrow morning.

    Love you all, Heather UK xxxxxxx

    Thinking of some of you struggling with turkeys this morning. So glad we don't have this so close to Christmas. Have a lovely day, whether you celebrate or fast. <3

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    Janet some devices you use power and volume button if you google screenshot on tablet you get various links


    I have a Kindle Fire tablet, so didn't work. I'll ask Alexa she's a know it all.

    Press power button and down volume button at the same time

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    <3 Happy Thanksgiving! <3
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    DH and I can't decide what to do for presents to each other. We always get each "Father Christmas " presents of small value to open in bed in the morning, but neither of us want anything. I would like a trip to London, a gallery visit and a stay in a nice hotel with a super duper meal , but DH would only do that for me, so not really a present for him exactly. Some years we have just bought a case of extra nice wine. Some years a posh meal out. I thought of a posh hotel and meal out in Brighton, but that doesn't quite feel special enough now we go there frequently, in the sense that we might do that anyway.
    To be honest, it doesn't matter if we forgo the present altogether and just enjoy the fun morning things (chocolates, books etc)
    I've already made my Christmas charity donations this year to my favourite charities, so I don't feel that is the route to go.
    I would like a new long dress for the cruise next year, but I can't face looking for one. :noway: If I see one in passing, I'll ask him for that. Hate clothes shopping. :#:s

    My husband and I do one big trip somewhere each year ... or a collection of smaller trips. This past June/July, we went to Canada for a month. The year before we did several weeks on the mainland at different times of the year. We're discussing the mainland and/or New Zealand in 2018.

    We call those trips our Christmas/Birthday/Anniversary presents!

    And we'll often do at least one special thing on each trip. For example, when we went to Canada, my husband wanted to walk on the glaciers at the Columbia Icefields, so we bought tickets for the whole big bus tour that takes you out on the ice, and a sky walk. The year before, one of our mainland trips was a week in Queensland in autumn and we did a cruise out to Moreton Island and spent the day out there.

    I think the most we've ever actually exchanged at Christmas was cards.

    The thing is ... if I want clothes or he wants tools or we want cycling stuff, we just get it whenever we decide we want it throughout the year. And if we see something nice for each other throughout the year, sometimes we'll surprise each other with it.

    My parents, on the other hand, still get each other actual gifts.

    I'm not sure which is better. :)

    M in Oz
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did 1-1/4 hr Jari Love DVD. I was running out of time so I wasn't able to finish the DVD, but I did most of it. The plan for tomorrow is that I'll probably do some HIIT since I know that the hotel has an elliptical

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it. I really, really wish we celebrated it like our Canadian neighbors -- early in October. Maybe then there wouldn't be such a rush for Christmas where Thanksgiving gets overlooked.

    We'll probably be leaving pretty soon.

    Michele in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving!!!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving all! Up early with ham in the oven (we don't do turkey), baked an apple pie and pumpkin pie last night, and making redskinned baby potatoes. Those are my contributions to dinner this year. We are celebrating with my BIL and his wife, who live a couple miles down the road, at the ungodly hour of 11:30 in the morning!! This is so that one of us (couples) can take the 2-4 shift with MIL, then the other couple will take the 4-6 shift.

    Wishing you all a fabulous day whether you celebrate thanksgiving or not. <3

    ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving Started the day knowing that my DD was blissfully sleeping upstairs, home from college, ah <3<3

    Got in my gym time first thing this a.m., it felt so good to start the day that way. Just made my MIL's favorite pumpkin pie (basically the Libby canned Pumpkin recipe) I add 1/2 the amount of sugar and evaporated milk and pump up the spices, ginger, allspice, cloves and it comes out with a spicy, concentrated pumpkin pie, tasty. My MIL has loved that pie for 20 years so I'm not going to stop making it for her. My only other contribution is a roasted turkey breast which is happily roasting away on the outdoor grill, I just put it on a bed of veggies in a cast iron skillet and stock, turns out so tasty and soo sooo simple. So this is a no frills, no pressure holiday weekend and I'm just gonna stay on track and count blessings alongside of calories.

    So thankful for all of you wonderful wise women to share the journey! NYKAREN
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving Ladies!

    We are celebrating with friends this afternoon. My contributions are plastic plates and utensils, mac and cheese and green bean casserole. Oh, and wine, lots of wine. I might even have a glass myself.

    I got my walking in early, for those of you with Apple Watches, I got my turkey badge. That little guy is cute!

    I managed to come back from hubs and I's trip down .4 lbs. I figured with water weight I would be up for a week or so. We spent 5 days in NYC eating some really great food. Luckily we walked everywhere so we countered the richer food with movement. We saw Billy Joel and the Rockettes while we were there. I love to go see the Christmas Spectacular! I was quite shocked and very pleased that my weight was down. Hopefully there is water that comes off and I'll be even lighter after Thanksgiving, that would be a switch for me.

    I hope everyone that celebrates has a peaceful and safe Holiday. To our non celebrating friends, have a great day!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Allie: I am thankful for a lot of things, and your happiness in your new home is on that list. Have a great Thanksgiving. :star:

    Heather: We've been having trouble with delivery people, too. Amazon is now its own delivery company where we live and they have a LOT to learn about the delivery business. Ours is a gated community but the gates are not locked. A glass lid for the Instant Pot we recently bought was shipped separately and the Amazon Delivery Driver simply threw it at the fence up the hill from our gate. A neighbor saw the delivery and brought us the package and the tale of seeing it thrown at the fence. None of the gates are locked. I called Amazon and complained. FedX and UPS regularly deliver here and know their way around. Yesterday there was a team of Amazon delivery people here who walked around and learned the terrain. They have their own spiffy new Amazon Delivery trucks. :ohwell: I'm glad I complained. :devil:

    Lanette: I love the turkey in his workout clothes and tape measure. I'm planning to drag it onto my desktop so I can email it to family and friends. Thank you!!! :laugh:

    Barbie: We are also blessed to live in a location with very rare power outages. We are just down the street from the County Courthouse, and they have an amazing power supply system. I think we're on the same line as them. Yay!!! Happy Thanksgiving! :flowerforyou:

    Terry in VT: I like Thanksgiving, too. It is my favorite holiday. I like the focus on gratitude, family and friends rather than gifts & greed. :star:

    Today I am thankful for family and friends, including all of you. We had planned to be with DSIL and family but this sickness has kept us at home. I have a sinus headache and low energy level but that isn't too bad. DH had a bad night and is sleeping in his chair. Exposing our relatives to this would have been foolish, selfish & rude. We'll see them all when we're not miserable and contagious. Our dinner today will be nontraditional for this holiday--Prime Rib and all the trimmings. Yum!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "So many of us believe in perfection, which ruins everything else, because the perfect is not only the enemy of the good; it's also the enemy of the realistic, the possible and the fun."
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    yo peeps

    kirby doesn't want to go workout and i came downstairs with my workout clothes on :0(

    happy gobble day for those who celebrate and for those who don't? happy gobble day anyway
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    edited November 2017
    Lovely pic Dr Katie! Beautiful! <3

    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,987 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving!! Sue in WA