

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Yeah - we folded up the cot and high chair, or rather we tried to fold up the cot! Entailed much rereading of the instructions and we failed to make it small enough to fit back in the bag. :#:( It now fits a small corner though, rather than taking up most of the room. DH unloaded a couple of cases of wine onto the racks, so we now look reasonably tidy! I'm sure I've done my back in though!
    Very satisfying! :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    My oldest daughter flew in from Denver yesterday evening to be here for my birthday on Sunday, we all went to dinner along with Jack's daughter, lots of laughing and yakking. My granddaughter will come down tonight and stay til Sunday. This old lady is gonna celebrate turning 68 clear thru til Sunday. It doesn't get any better than this. :p

    Janetr, let me be among the first to wish you a very <3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY <3 Sounds like a wonderful couple days coming up! HUGS!!!


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited November 2017
    Thanks everyone for such wonderful Birthday wishes! I had a fantastic day yesterday! My DH bought me Super Donuts! Glazed raised donut dipped in Chocolate! Then a road trip to the shops in Prescott Az. We finished the night meeting up with my sister and brother-in-law for supper and Coyote hockey game. Then had a margarita as we sat around the pool enjoying the beautiful weather! I think I'm enjoying my DH not working!

    I didn't get the individual Birthday cake like one year olds get. Or I definitely would have dove into it!

    Now to get on track with my egg and bacon fast! My DH and I are starting Sunday. We have an arts and music festival that we are going to on Saturday and will be having one last day of unhealthy eating and drinking.

    Kettlebell Workout
    Morning workout
    Goblet squats-3X5X 40
    Russian kettle bell swing-14X7X 40
    Alternating press-4 X 5,4,3,2X35
    Modified pull-up-4X5,4,3,2Xbodyweight
    Evening workout
    Goblet squats-3X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-22X7X35


    Mary from Arizona
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Afternoon my friends
    Wow busy day so far and alot for my dad..lots of walking...took some nice pictures and gota a very nice one of dad and Senator John Warner who is an alum here.took a selfie with the senator and I .didn't come out so hot but oh well.back at the hotel for a nap and then to Lee chapel for pictures and then to Lexington country club for dinner..bought my dad a tee shirt,sweatshirt and a key chain and almost broke the bank.but it means the world to him.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Rye ~ A lot of the churches around here have food ministries and I bet you could donate the candy to one.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Hey-o! Hello! Happy Friday! Some of the schools have been holding parent/teacher conferences this week, so I have had a few extra kids the past couple of days. Fun; but busy and trying (as they are older and play too rough with the little ones).
    Mary- Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful day! Margaritas poolside sound much better to me than cake!
    Janet- Mia is just darling! I think I forgot to tell you that! Happy "soon" birthday (in case I forget this weekend)!
    DJ-Yea! Candles for every one! Does it feel like you have taken on too much with the Christmas Party? Some times it is hard to fit another thing in, during this time of year; but planning Christmas parties is SO tempting. I love Christmas.
    Allie- Sounds like your trip with your dad is going really well, so far!
    WEndy- Uh-oh! Sounds like you might need a vacation after vacation! I am sure your girls will do fine for your animals! You sound like me though. My kids find lists everywhere in my house when I am gone.
    Terry- lol eye candy! I remember reading my brother's Thor comics, because I thought the comic version was so cute. But seriously, Chris Hemsworth is very pleasing to the eye. His brother Liam is also lovely to look at.
    Heather- Going to just say sending "peaceful" vibes to you as you very casually put your place on the market.
    Rori- 140! Woo-hoo! That is awesome! That is also my goal weight. At 5'8, 140 was my ideal weight. It is where I felt healthiest. Less than that, and I was sick all of the time. Tired, too.

    Kids are waking from nap, so I better get some snack into them. Pineapple and strawberries today. They will like that. This weekend, I have to be up at 4am tomorrow to make sure my son is up and out of the house for work; so I will just start my day early and hopefully get everything done. I want to get my hair cut this weekend, so I can color it Sunday night. I also need to buy a couple of pair of pants and tops. Just need something new and warmer that fits well for this winter. ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Terry, could this be the anniversary of something sad? Doesn't have to be a death or anything that serious, but something that affected you deeply as a child maybe? I always get depressed in the early spring, lost too many people that time of year. Not all of them died, one just moved away and we have lost touch. Sad in these days of Facebook etc that you can still lose touch with people but both people have to be interested in keeping in touch.
    Sharon, thank you for sharing about your accident, sounds like you've been through a LOT! And having that happen just after losing your dad..... double heartbreak.
    Happy Birthday to those who are about to celebrate and to those that have just celebrated! Hoping you have wonderful days (weeks?? lol)
    I will say welcome to the newbies, although I still consider myself very much a newbie too!
    My goal for Nov is to not snack after dinner. Two days in and I've done quite well in the evening. Didn't do so great yesterday afternoon tho.... Oh well, trying to get back on track today. Made a good sized pot of veggie soup yesterday, put it through the recipe builder and it came up at 74 cal per cup!! And it tasted good too! double bonus! Katla, happy to hear that your dgd is doing okay and that her dad got some education in regards to handling juvenile diabetes. I've known a few people who are diabetics, some who have had it since childhood, and they do quite fine with it. It is a matter of being vigilant, and there are definitely associated health risks, but moderation is still a huge part of it. Harder on a kid, tho, all those temptations.....
    Heather, good luck with whatever you decide, house wise. Is there somewhere near Hove that is less pricey? Although, like you say, with your wish list, the price is going to be up there. But you might as well shoot for the moon rather than settle for something that you won't be happy with! Too bad about how long real estate deals take there. Here in Canada, you have a date that both parties agree on and everything is either a go or a no by that date, and it's usually not more than a month or so. You can, of course, try to make the process longer, but, as a seller, you don't want to drag it out too long or people who are buying will go elsewhere. Where I am the market is really busy right now, not enough for sale for all of the buyers that are out there! Builders and other associated trades are also very busy, new developments going in everywhere.
    Rye, hope you can find a home for those Halloween goodies. Do you have any neighbours with kids who might be interested in your leftovers?
    Hope everyone has a great day!
    Vancouver Island
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Machka - I don't blame you for being tired! Bet you "aced" the exam!! Great idea about bagging up the candy and bringing out a little each week - tho I'd need to have it stored at the neighbor's house, lol. I see you are tidying up for the renter inspection - what happens if a person fails it? Do they get kicked out?

    It depends how badly you fail and how often you fail.

    The first things they look for are things like holes punched in walls, burnt areas of the carpet, large areas of tar on the carpet, and signs of illegal activity ... the more serious stuff. For those things they may start action against you to have you removed, charged, etc.

    Then they look at more minor stuff, and if they see something that needs tending, they'll just give you a notice to have whatever it is taken care of before the next inspection. We usually pass with flying colours but we had something once ... I think it had to do with a little bit of oil on the driveway. We fixed that, and next inspection it was all good again.

    In fact, they've actually skipped inspections on a couple occasions. They schedule it each time, but I think once the agent was sick, and once we were travelling when it came up, so they said they'd reschedule in a couple weeks both times, but then they didn't bother with it at all.

    It's also a chance for us to point out things which need maintenance, things which the landlord is responsible for.

    M in Oz

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    I have the DVD "Kathy Smith Lift Weights to Lose Weight" that I would send to someone for just the cost of the postage (which is usually less than $3).

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Just PM me if you are interested.

    Michele in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited November 2017
    I’m making pea soup, the house smells like heaven!

    Neighbors passed on the candy (there are only two I know of with children) because:: They have bags of leftover candy too. We usually have more than 700 trick or treaters come by, but this year the temperature plummeted and a cold drizzle dominated so we had a fraction of the expected turnout - so all our neighbors all have leftover bags of candy. Lol.

    I put it all in plastic zip bags to block out the smell and got on a ladder and shoved it into ‘hard to access’ cabinets over my sink. Maybe closer to X-mas when everyone else has eaten all the Halloween stuff I’ll find someone who will appreciate it. I put a reminder on my phone so I don’t forget about it.

    Michelle I keep meaning to ask you what you do for HIIT workouts- I started to do them myself this week, but only in the Exercycle so far.

    Happy Birthdays I hope y’all have wonderful birthday weekends!

    Becca Can you tell me about a Facebook free site? How does it work? Congrats on the pants. And, I’m making so many soups for my light (fasting) days, I would love to try yours!

    Been busy staining the furniture and cooking my soup today. Working tomorrow so it will be a short weekend. Today has been an unsettled day, I keep feeling like something is wrong or I forgot something important but I can’t pin the reason down.

    I can hardly believe it is already November!

    Cin Cin a tutti


  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Where are you Rye, I forget, I'm sorry. I can look see if you have a free site in your area.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited November 2017
    Evelyn - The problem is we need to be within walking distance of the grandkids. And of the sea for DH, who doesn't much like built up areas, so the sea is a compromise so he can cope. He likes to go for long walks almost every day. I am fed up with having to get in the car for everything. Brighton/Hove is known as "London by Sea" so it suits us both. I too love strolling along the seafront at night and listening to the waves. Hove is quieter than Brighton and has a good community spirit. I love to be able to walk home after a great night out, or catch a bus, or ride a bicycle. At the worst a short taxi ride if it's raining. B)
    I did a bit of research this evening and it looks as if we can still just about afford somewhere. I am not going to focus on a particular house this time because I don't want to be disappointed, but we know which areas we like. Prices are not going up down there at the moment. But it is very unlikely we will get the price we want for our house. If we can't, then the whole thing is off. We live in the countryside and there is no pool of people queuing up to buy. Plus Brexit has scared everybody. :#:s:o

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx