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Dr Jason Fung - The Useless Concept of Calories



  • Carl_Carlson
    Carl_Carlson Posts: 85 Member
  • HellYeahItsKriss
    HellYeahItsKriss Posts: 906 Member
    Yeah, i guess thats what i meant by necessary i suppose.. if you start off with everything and are constantly tweaking things and finding what works for you, you could find that low carb works for you.. Training wheels in regards to keto sounds fairly accurate for people who aren't going to treat it as a yo-yo diet and do it for a while, find it hard to maintain and quit, if they have the common sense to realize its not sustainable and change and add more carbs, I guess i could see it as a starting point of adding things, rather then starting with everything and realize that they do better with fewer carbs. But i think a lot of people starting out do get into keto and low carb for the wrong reasons or beliefs that they can't have carbs if they want to lose weight or its the way to lose weight faster then any other method of deficit.

    It took me years to realize i need treats and especially chocolate in my diet or i would go crazy lol.. treats complete my day, i feel like something is missing without them, i am just not sitting there eating 2-3 bags of chocolates like i used to and know that i like something sweet after a meal. i handle my cravings, i think too many people believe that cravings should not exist at all for certain foods. period. I can have cravings for anything, it doesn't just have to be sweets, Sometimes i get cravings for raspberry vinaigrette salad dressing and will eat large platefuls of salad just to taste it, I get cravings for canned peas, I went through a phase where i craved nothing but chicken with that chipotle mango spice on it from clubhouse. I crave hellmans mayo sometimes. I often go on homemade turkey soup kicks where i eat that both meals, sometimes for weeks. Guacamole used to be another thing. But why is it okay to have cravings for these things but not sweets? I mean if a craving is strong enough to cause you to over eat and go into your deficit, is that okay because it's not a demonized no nutritional value food like sweets are? are you just supposed to eliminate everything that becomes a craving? Or am i the only person in the world who gets cravings for random foods like this? lol
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