

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    Ruby slipper
  • clowe1028
    clowe1028 Posts: 134 Member
    Michele, you are correct. I was released from the trial. I was only at the research facility for one night rather than four.

    Cathy, Arlington, TX
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member

    Hi Gals,

    I’ve been reading on my phone when I can between the commitments…Mom just drove out and it was time, we can only work together on projects for so long and then we both get on each other’s nerves.

    Love the tree pictures! Mine will be decorated soon – with pictures.

    Pip – I think this is the first kitty pic, looks like a big love.

    Heather – I’ve done the sing along too, it is held every so often in San Francisco – great fun! And even with my bad bad singing skills I was encouraged to join in. tons of fun! I did not dress, but love the outfits.

    The bookmark is beautiful – I just saw the picture and missed everything about it, who made it and directions???

    Michele – find a local Pampered Chef consultant and they may be able to replace it. I’ve had good luck working with my local consultant

    Katiebug – what is bullet journaling?

    Katla – When I find that my bottom crust is not cooking as I would like, I will heat the oven with a VERY flat cookie sheet or pizza stone in it and then put the pie on top of the stone/sheet when the oven has come up to temp.

    Kellie – welcome

    Barbara – would cheese cloth help with straining?

    Terry the snowflake is amazing!! But the little santas are stealing my heart

    Janetr – great picture!

    Christmas fruit – nothing that is a tradition in California, but the persimmons and pomegranates are ripe and I love them both – especially fresh picked

    Yvonne – thinking of you and your family

    NYKaren – ((((((hugs))))))))))))))


    Kim from N. California
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Today at lunch will be another long Christmas shopping hike. I'm still looking for one more thing.

    One interesting thing about all this Christmas shopping is that I end up in a whole variety of shops I don't normally frequent ... there are a lot of intriguing places within walking distance of where I work! At Christmas, I only shop in department stores for decorations, like if I need to get more tinsel or something. Gifts come from all the little gift shops and touristy shops and art-y shops etc. etc. because my hope is that what I get will, for the most part, be something my family can't get in North America. But of course, this means that I end up picking up things for me now and then. :)

    I got a train Christmas ornament in one place, and a carved deer and pine tree ornament that reminded me of Canada in another place.

    I'm looking forward to going to today's shop because I've never been in there, but looking online, it seems to be a lot bigger than I thought it was, and has a whole lot more stuff than I thought it did. :) And for tomorrow, some coworkers suggested a couple places in the other direction that I had forgotten about.

    At least I'm getting some good walks in while I shop!!

    M in Oz

    Mission accomplished!! :sunglasses:

    The place I went today was the Botanical Garden gift shop. I walk to the Botanical Gardens and back a couple times a week, but for some reason have never gone into the gift shop. Turns out it is much bigger and more well stocked than I had imagined. In fact, it's one of the nicest touristy gift shops in the area. And I found a treasure trove of stuff I wanted. :)

    So 4.9 km walk + enough purchases to complete my overseas shopping.

    That said, I'll still visit the places on my list tomorrow, then I'll package everything up and send it on Friday.

    Then I might look for something for my husband. He suggested we get each other something ... which really surprised me because we usually don't. Then he backed off and we agreed that the Canada trip covered all occasions this year. But then I casually mentioned I might want a new running outfit if I'm going to be doing more running and his response was, "Yes, get a new running outfit! That'll be my Christmas present for you." So now I'm thinking "Oh dear ... I've got to get him something!!" The trouble is, we each buy what we want when we want it. So there isn't much in the way of options for gifts.

    But speaking of a new running outfit, I've been wearing my cycling jerseys when I run because they've got a pocket in the back for my phone, so I can track the run on Strava. However, I understand that some running tights have a phone pocket. That might come in handy.

    I'm also thinking of going to a running shop nearby and going through the process of getting my gait and footfall checked, then getting a pair of running shoes appropriate for my particular style of running. The main reason I'm thinking of doing that is because my feet have issues. I burnt the left one to the bone in 2001, and only recently have I been able to start bending it a bit ... the scar tissue has started loosening up at long last. Shortly after I burnt that one, the right one developed arthritis, probably because it took the weight of the healing process. I was off my left foot so long, I had to learn to walk again after the burn injury. Then just recently the left one has started to develop arthritis too. Plus, since I was a child, both feet are mostly flat. They hurt ... just about always. Fortunately walking or running doesn't seem to make them hurt much worse than normal so I just keep going. But if I am going to pursue this running business, it would probably make sense to get a decent pair of shoes.

    Machka in Oz
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Kim, bullet journaling is a journal, to-do list, and calendar all in one. It is sort of a custom calendar that you can make in a plain notebook or print out pages from your computer or whatever works best for you. I’ve always used a paper planner and a separate journal and usually do to-do lists, shopping lusts, menus, etc all in separate places. I don’t need as much space for actually appointments anymore. But I like to set goals and track habits on paper, and I love crossing things off a to-do list. I think I’m going to like it. You can google “bullet journal” and see all kinds of examples. I’m going for pretty plain, myself. I bought a planner called simple elephant that has a monthly view, a weekly view, and a ton of numbered note pages. I’m going to use the weekly pages for my bullets and the blank pages for my journaling and habit tracking.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    And just like that ... all of a sudden ... we've got a gardener! :grin:

    We both arrived home from work at the same time, looked at our neighbour's yard looking so good, and the guy finishing it up was right there, so we asked him for a quote ... and he'll start on Monday. Just once a month or so, but it will be good to have that taken care of on a regular basis. :)

    When we came in after talking to the guy, my husband turns to me and say, "I suppose now you'll want a housekeeper". :) Well ... maybe. :) I might start looking at some options!

    Machka in Oz
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Allie- Alfie sounds good to me.

    Betty - I am sorry for the loss of your friend.

    Pip - Your ornaments are so unique. I am enjoying the photos of them.

    drkatiebug - Congratulations on your NSV and your SV.

    Michele - Thanks for the update on Lenora.

    Rye - Love your photo art. Such a personal gift. I am sure your niece will love it.

    So I made it through to page 25.

    It seems I have been busy and it has been exhausting me.

    I now have my handicap placard.

    We celebrated DS 60th birthday on Saturday with Chinese food. It was delicious and we stayed longer than usual visiting. On Sunday after a slow start to the day I went shopping with DSIL. We didn't get a lot but we enjoyed every minute of it. We did invite my sister but she said no as per usual. I hate that she complains that we don't do enough together but declines any chance of doing something.

    Yesterday was a very painful one for me. I had to leave work after only being there 2 hours. My back, leg and hip were so painful that I couldn't concentrate on anything. Came home, took stuff and rested most all of the day in my pjs.

    I think my parcel is ready to send to BC. It seems so strange to be sending this to the tattoo shop and then to have to send Holly's seperately. I was hoping that Christmas would be pleasant between them but that doesn't look to be happening. It makes me so sad.

    Not quite done Christmas shopping but not going to stress about it.

    Larry is going to my nephew's 40th surprise party. He is taking Jason with him. I can't go because I have to be at work at 6 a.m. on Sunday. (Ugh!)

    Take care and I will talk to you all soon

    Sharon in Lethbridge.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Machka - Our cleaner, as we call them over here, is the best money we've ever spent. Worth her weight in gold. Unfortunately she often can't come, but the agency provides a good substitute. I would rather starve than not have one. It saves arguments and resentment in the marital home and is a blessing for entertaining. I think I would be perpetually resentful about cleaning tasks without her. We never succeeded in being in the cleaning mode both st the same time. :o>:)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Machka - Our cleaner, as we call them over here, is the best money we've ever spent. Worth her weight in gold. Unfortunately she often can't come, but the agency provides a good substitute. I would rather starve than not have one. It saves arguments and resentment in the marital home and is a blessing for entertaining. I think I would be perpetually resentful about cleaning tasks without her. We never succeeded in being in the cleaning mode both st the same time. :o>:)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    That's how I feel about our dishwasher! When we were first married, we didn't have one. My husband cooks dinner and can seem to use every single dish in the place, and I was spending entire evenings cleaning the kitchen and doing all the dishes. Well, that was no fun! Then we housesat for a woman who had a dishwasher, and what a difference. We've had one ever since, and now we each spend about the same amount of time doing kitchen stuff, and it doesn't take all evening anymore. :)

    Because we rent, we have house inspections every 3 months or so. That's fine, and on any given day the place would likely pass an inspection, but we do like to have it all really nice for those occasions. Having a gardener take care of the outside once a month will definitely help with that. And I'm thinking that even if we got someone to come in once a month or every 6 weeks or so to give the inside a good going over, we'd be all set for those house inspections. Plus the place would generally look a little bit better than it does.

    It would also take the stress off. They have the uncanny ability of scheduling the house inspections for the worst possible moment ... like the day before a final exam, like they did last time. It would be nice to be confident that the place will look good ... so that we can focus on other things.

    M in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    morning ladies
    I am up and staggering and having a cup of tea then going to get Taliah on the bus.. I think the cold I had has come back darn it ,cause im sneezing up a storm.. will check in later
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Mornin' folks, expecting a normal working day today. My family is going to have a "yankee swap" this Christmas, and I think I will put together foodie type gifts, maybe a healthy foods basket or maybe a coffee club type basket. I just don't want to buy more stuff!!! Focused on finding the happy today, I am surrounded by tired and stressed out folks and I think I'm acting like that as well, time to put on something cheerful and act happy and energized!

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    barbie oh, yes, nothing like the cozy atmosphere of a room with a fire to be tended in a wood stove!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did a hi-lo segment of the step by step DVD. Since we'll be at the hotel tomorrow, the plan is to do some HIIT. I know that's something I can do at the hotel. Hey, wait, the Y will be open early, maybe I can go there. Update: Just called the Y, yes, I can use their Y. The only problem that I can see is that now I need to take my exercise bag with me, before that wasn't something that I needed to take since I used the fitness center at the hotel and they have towels, etc. but I do like using that Y

    Heather and M - Vince says that he would only get me a housekeeper if I absolutely needed it because he knows me and I'd clean before she got there so that she doesn't see it dirty and I'd clean after she left because she didn't do it my (the correct) way. So to him, it would only mean that much more work for me. Sad thing is that he's right. I WISH I could talk Vince into getting a gardener, even one to just get us started, I would maintain it. But he has this "thing" about paying someone to do what he can do. Only problem is that it doesn't get done.

    Lisa - sounds like an awesome retreat. So happy for you.

    Michele in NC
    who will probably be leaving soon
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    A quick minute to post. Each year for Christmas I give my daycare families a jar of home made hot cocoa mix, a package of "special" marshmallows (usually snowman Peeps, and holiday shaped marshmallows), and a log of home made cookie dough (frozen, so that they can bake them up at their leisure). Each one of my daycare kids gets a book and a treat bag with home made sparkly, scented playdoh, Christmas mazes/puzzles, and/or a little plush if they are too young to enjoy the other stuff.

    I still stuff a stocking for my DYS, but as my kids leave home, their gifts right now tend to be monetary; as it what they need most, to pay student loans, household bills, or for a rare treat/night out for themselves. Not very "Christmasy", but I think they appreciate the bills being paid and whatnot. I will probably put together a basket for DOS, who lives on his own. Maybe a "meal" basket with ingredients, wine, a gift card to the local grocery store, perhaps a little package of his favorite treat, and probably a gift card to the local movie theater. (Our local theater still only charges $6 per adult ticket and has "special" shows for $2 each).

    We have a couple of local bakeries, but because our town is a "tourist" spot and a haven for the well to do and retired, it is overpriced. Just as well, carbs are not my friends.

    Well, my house is full of kids. I better scoot! ttfn xoxoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Heather and M - Vince says that he would only get me a housekeeper if I absolutely needed it because he knows me and I'd clean before she got there so that she doesn't see it dirty and I'd clean after she left because she didn't do it my (the correct) way. So to him, it would only mean that much more work for me. Sad thing is that he's right. I WISH I could talk Vince into getting a gardener, even one to just get us started, I would maintain it. But he has this "thing" about paying someone to do what he can do. Only problem is that it doesn't get done.

    We've rented a couple houses that came with a gardener as part of the rent, and while we were a little bit sceptical at first, we discovered how wonderful that was!!

    My husband figured I'd probably do a pre-clean as well. :) But mainly ... if the person would vacuum, do the hard surface floors, and do the bathroom and toilet room, I'd be happy. I would, however probably give the place a bit of a sweep ... :)

    M in Oz
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited December 2017
    M Just a note on Christmas cookies and bakeries. In my opinion, and in my experience, for a cookie to be a Christmas cookie it must come out of someone’s kitchen, not be purchased.

    I won’t be doing many Christmas cookies this year but will do sugar cookies with green and red sugar sprinkle on top, and we did buy gingerbread cookie cutters, so I might try to make some gingerbread cookies toI (DH LOVED those). I make a very easy fudge but it is a family favorite and I make it for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. At Christmas time sometimes I crush up a candy cane and sprinkle that on top of the fudge to make it look more holiday-ish.

    Christmas cookies often look very holiday-ish - The decorative and festive look of the cookies being something that some home cooks spend much time on.