
  • nurseadair
    nurseadair Posts: 48 Member
    Drkatie - Great job! Looks pretty perfect to me! :p I am still up 4 lbs, but getting a grip. :o Keeping to my commitments to myself now. o:)

    Well, I have finished the 2nd draft of my memoir. I still have a wadge to type up, but it's getting there. :D:D I will most likely do a prologue.
    It's going to end up around 50,000 words, but considering it's only the first 9 years of my life, I think I've spun it out sufficiently. I still have to talk to my two sons about the content of it. Not sure that Christmas is the right moment. I'm going to publish it on Amazon, under the title A Very Nice Man, but I haven't decided on a subtitle yet. (The title is ironic)
    I'm going to do something else next, probably with some old poems and stories or something, and then I will start on the next section, from 9 to 20 yrs when I got married. So still plenty to do.

    This afternoon I iced DH 's Christmas cake :D<3 and then we Skyped the grandkids, which was its usual chaotic session! Bea recognised us and gave us a lovely smile and a wave. She's not done that before.

    Then my outfit for the SingalongaSoundofMusic arrived! I am still waiting for the over the knee white socks to come, but here is your exclusive preview! :o


    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxx

    Hi Heather, so nice to see someone else from the UK, so far I got the impression it was only other countries :-)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Finally heard from Lenora! :) She's home from the hospital and I hope doing well. She said she was going to stay away from social media for a while but hope she will get back to us soon.

    Carol, thank you so much for passing on that information. I'm glad she got to come home before Christmas.

    Janetr OKC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did the Reebok Cardio Tone DVD today. It's pretty good, time seems to go by really quickly. I did cut it short, tho, because I didn't know until last night that Steven and Vince need to leave so early to get to Greg's (they're helping him with the Newcomer website) so that I was finished before Steve got up. We have a Newcomer board meeting tomorrow so the plan is to do a Shape Ultimate Bikini Body DVD.

    Carol - thanks ever so much for letting us know that Lenora is home. I was really getting worried about her, as I'm sure lots of others were.

    The guys will go to Greg's and I'm going to go to Aldi then probably the food pantry. There's this butter we had that Vince ate one time but the next time he said it tasted "funny". Pickey guy. So I'll just give it to the soup kitchen.

    I was pretty proud of myself yesterday in a sense. I was feeling very sad about Bryan after the episode at the post office, but I didn't pig out on the candy bar that I have for the soup kitchen. Really, I should probably take it with me today so that I'm not tempted.

    And for some reason, the Wii said to me this morning that I'd lost weight. Not much. Yet I know that I pigged out yesterday on the cheese. Guess it's just taking a while for it to catch up with my body.

    The guys just left, I think I'll give the treats to the cats and then go to Aldi,

    Michele in NC
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member

    Karen in Virginia
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Carol, thank you so much for contacting Lenora. So, so glad she is better.

    Sleepless night last night, very dragg today. But being sleepless allowed me to open all those Amazon boxes and other gifts and get them in their gift bags. Michelle's Amazon gifts are so,like her. I think every gift is regarding her dogs. She has this heavy duty towel for when her dogs get wet, a double dog leash, a heavybduty canvas bag to put supplies in. She did request a Fire tablet.

    Joyce, indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    edited December 2017
    Hi all!
    Glad to hear about Lenora. :D

    We had a lovely time at the restaurant with DB & DSIL. I drank a bit and ate not too much, no carbs, so not too much damage. I'm having prawns tonight. :D
    We came back here and started talking about musical theatre and then reminisced about the time my brother was in a show up in London, when he was 15. He couldn't remember the name, or the name of the girl that was his first kiss! On the way home he remembered the show, and texted me, so I Googled it. Found out lots of info. Isn't the Internet wonderful! It was a watershed moment in his young life. <3
    He should really have been an actor instead of a quantity surveyor. :o

    I'm going to try to get down by train to their Christmas Eve Eve party on Saturday, but only if one of the non drinking members of the family can bring me home for a taxi fare fee. I did that last time and it was great. I live some distance away so it's not cheap, but I'd rather they had the cash than Uber. I've also invited them to a Burns Night dinner in January. Haggis, whisky etc. They will stay the night.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 445 Member
    Michele, I am so sorry about what you are going through about Bryan. Hugs! It is okay to move on while never giving up hope. Last year this time I was sending a box across the sea also, and this year I don't have to, but I have other worries.

    Praying for a better way forward for you and your family.

    I like the three gift idea, too.

    Wesołych Świąt!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    edited December 2017
    Hi Sisters, Yaye, so glad to hear Lenora's out of hospital. When she is feeling good I know she will re-join us.

    Katla, I reread my post to you and I sound so bossy and judgmental-sorry! I am sure you already are fun to be around and Arrow must look forward to your visit. I guess my point is simply to try and see things from the horse's point of view whenever possible to grow your awareness and understanding. And instead of seeing things as "problems" or bad behaviours, see things as 'learning experiences" and communication. But I will shut up now because these life lessons have to be learned the hard way...I can't tell you it but maybe Arrow can teach you it...

    Margaret, thanks for the mention of Mud Pony. I googled it and will see if my library has a copy. I have a huge collection of horse books and horse training books but I don't have that one...

    I did my big hill hike yesterday and burned some pounds off. Tomorrow is The Tongariro. I probably won't sleep tonight, LOL. Going out to check my queens today. I have five that need to come out and I have to see if the princesses I put in on Sunday have been crowned or not...

    Got bad news about Daisy Duke yesterday. Daisy is my sweet blue van that I only just got fixed a month ago. She pulls my float so I can go to the beach with my horses, and I love to camp out in her. She had a diesel leak last summer and I had to save up the money to get that fixed so she has been parked up nine months (I was also paying off two horses I bought so it took ages to get the money together to fix Daisy) Anyway, she has now started needing a bottle of water put in every time I drive to town. So I took her back to mechanic who checked her out yesterday and gave me the bad news that it might be a blown head gasket and they will have to take the engine out and it is Expensive. SIGH. They can't even look at her till after the Christmas holidays so she has to be "driven as little as possible" until January 15th... There goes my summer horse fun. There goes my weekend camping escapes. I had to loan my back- up car to my youngest daughter as her car overheated and is parked up as well. What is God trying to tell me here? I guess I just have to stay home and focus on my main missions... I can't afford to get Daisy fixed so I will just have to nurse her along until I save up $1500. Poop. I decided to cancel my gym membership and start putting that money into a Daisy Duke repair fund. I would rather stay at home and do a kettlebell workout now, plus hiking, running, horse riding, gardening, dog walking. If I can just stop eating sugar I will have no problem keeping in my Happy Spot.

    <3 Wendy
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    edited December 2017
    Becca ~ Sorry to hear that oldest son is having problems. Good thoughts for you.

    Wendy ~ Love the name Daisy Duke! Sorry the truck is giving you trouble and hope a small blessing will happen in order for you to repair.

    Heather ~ Glad you had fun with you luncheon out with B and SnL.

    My DH kept hearing noises in the attic and we have found out there are rats up there. The exterminator said they are probably coming from all the construction going on around us. Will cost a whopping 2,000 to get the recommended treatment and sealant. DH had put rat traps with cheese but was unsuccessful. Ugh

    Then the renter called and said the water heater was leaking in the rental. Ugh Again!

    Carol in GA
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    A little iconic nyc for you all! Heading home from the city, DD doesn’t feel well so we cut our day short. NYKAREN
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy Holly Day!

    "Today celebrates holly, the evergreen plant long associated with Christmas, and used in wreaths, boughs, and other trimmings. Before being connected to Christmas, it had many other associations, and has been used as a winter decoration since ancient times. Holly was identified with winter solstice festivals, which celebrated the lengthening of days. In Norse mythology it was associated with Thor, and was grown around the home as a way to prevent lightning strikes. It was used in the Roman festival of Saturnalia, dedicated to the planet Saturn and the god of agriculture, creation, and time. The festival celebrated the darkest time of the year, but also the movement towards a time of sunshine and Spring. In ancient Gaul, Celtic people wore holly sprigs and wreaths as a way to ward off evil spirits. Holly historically represented new growth and eternal life, freshened the air, reminded people of the coming of Spring, and was believed to have magical properties."

    Just found out yesterday that since he's now in the skilled nursing unit, we've got to have Dad moved out of his independent living apartment... well, sooner than we anticipated. We don't have an exact date yet, but likely by the end of the year unless we manage to negotiate a few extra days due to the holidays. Guess I know what we'll be doing the week after Christmas... We're being practical and paying someone to pack and move everything into a storage unit. The retirement community requires us to use movers anyway, and I doubt it'll cost that much more to have them pack as well. At any rate, it'll be far cheaper than another month at the apartment. We can sort and distribute donations etc. from the storage unit.

    Dad says his brain is doing weird stuff. He's often fairly lucid, but sometimes random memories get fired off and he gets confused between the past and the here-and-now.

    -Yvonne in TX

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    Oh dear Wendy! You will have to learn how to mend your van yourself! All you need is an engine hoist , a pit and all the tools - easy peasy! :laugh: Money is no joke though. Good luck on your trek.

    Becca - Sending you hugs for your worries about DOS. There is nothing like worrying about your children. :s:'( Would it affect your projected move?

    Michele - Your pain about Bryan reminds me of my best Portsmouth friend. She has a daughter in a similar situation. So sad. I send you big hugs. (((H))) <3

    Carol - You have had your fair share of house troubles recently. :o I sold my rental because I couldn't stand all the phone calls and emails. :#

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx