

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Mary That photo of the twins with Santa is iconic! A classic! LOL!!!

    Joyce (((hug)))

    Karen in Virginia watching CNN heroes and feeling inspired
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Mary, I echo Karen's comment above. The picture could not be more perfect. LOVE IT!!!

    Janetr OKC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :)Mary congrats to you and your hubby on your new jobs.

    <3Beth, extra hugs to you and your family.
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Sue, what a cool old photo! You are inspiring me to work on my unicorn horn! LOL <3 Wendy
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Becca, I'm sorry, I meant no offense. I suspect everyone under about 35 looks very young to me as I'm just getting older! sigh..... He looks like a fine young man and you have every right to be proud.
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Lanette - I have not done the ancestry research for myself. I find myself more interested in the family stories. I need to go see my Aunt soon as she is the only one left with some of the stories. She is funny sometimes when I seek her help about a photo I have found. the last one that I showed her "Those people. They are no one important." I say to her that they must be as I found them in my parent's photos and she tells me "You don't need to know who they are. They don't count." I guess she is right but now I want to know the story because I think there has to be one.

    Heather - Great photo of the grands.
    Good luck with your subtitle.

    Cheri - What a blessing it is to be content in life.

    Rye- I love jicama. Raw cabbage I can't stand. Cilantro -Bleh! and it seems to be in everything thesed days. Why?

    Becca - I almost hit a deer on the way to work today. They are so used to humans and traffic that you have to lay on the horn to get them to move.

    Katla - One of my young friends recently had a good pay day barrel racing in Vegas.

    Allie- Alfie is going to bring such joy into your life.

    Joyce - Sorry that happened to you. Hope you feel better.

    Sue - Nice photo of your DD as a princess. Lucky girl to ride a unicorn.

    These early mornings have really been messing with my sleep. I usually have a nap of 1-2 hours in the afternoon after work. My best sleep seems to be from 3-6 a.m. but now that I am up every day around 4:30 that isn't happening. This last month I have definitely felt the effects of sleep deprivation. It is so bad that when I get up I am already thinking of having my nap later.

    Today our neighborhood deer family was on my route to work. I blasted the horn and they sauntered across. I almost hit one which is a scary thought. Harmony loves them and insists that her Mom take many photos.

    It was Keira's turn to go Christmas shopping with Grandma. This is the first time that I have taken her by herself. Jheri tells me that she got up the first time before 5. We went to the mall and Chapters. I was willing to give her some money to help with the pretty sweater she had picked for Jheri. She decided to be "fiscally responsible" and opt for a less expensive sweater. The girl in the store was quite taken with her and her adult vocabulary. The hunt for merino wool socks was easier than expected. Greysyn is receiving the 2nd book in the trilogy. One look at the line to see Santa and she decided she didn't need to do that. We went to the food court instead. She wrapped gifts and did some simple crafts at my house. She also climbed up and cuddled with me "Grandma, I needed this quality time with you". I have the most wonderful grand kids.
    I was toast by time we got home. My back had me on the verge of tears and the ankle had let it be known that it wasn't happy either. It was a good day though.

    Not looking forward to work but haven't got the word that will allow me to retire yet.

    We got our snow last night but then the wind blew. It is pretty much gone.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge (Going to bed to let sugar plums dance in my head)
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    7 days and 18 pages later...

    Christmas fruit? Clementines are popular here in the PNW. Won't buy the Halo brand because of their horrible ads,
    but went through a bag of "Cuties" last week. When my papa was a little boy (in the 19teens in St. Louis) the big
    deal was a California orange in the toe of his Christmas stocking. How he and his sibs looked forward to that

    Christmas cookies and candies: Mama always made almond crescents (taste like Mexican wedding cakes or Russian tea cookies) and Holiday Nut Balls (citrus buttercake cookie rolled in chopped walnuts topped with a slice of candied cherry) and so do I... sometimes. Not sure what I'll do this year if anything. Used to send pkgs of fudge, rum balls, English toffee, Holiday Nut Crunch and spicy trail mix to co-workers in NJ, GA, IL and CA, even after I retired in 2016. This year with even flat rate boxes at $7+ I'm just not sure. Maybe to the ones in GA, IL and CA who have kept in touch and forget the NJ bunch, then again its sooo late I may just bag it.

    Now if you want to talk about fruitcake... ;}

    Rice socks sound great. Any idea how to warm? We don't have a microwave.

    One of the gals at Tai Chi let us know that another had to go to urgent care for flu, despite having had the shot. They told her to advise everyone she'd been around. Seems like this year's vaccine is only 5-10% effective. At another gal's recommendation, I've been drinking 1/8 tsp of cayenne in tea with lemon and honey. Zing! Warms me right up and clears everything ;)

    Katla Thanks for the NPR BP tip. Eggnog custard pie sounds yummy. Love the "... try just one more time" quote
    Sue in WA Thanks also for the BP cuff size tip. Have a larger one, micro action for tomorrow will be to try it.
    Machka DH drapes lights on tree like you do, I send him away so I can arrange as your mom did. Takes all damday so sometimes it doesn't happen at all... like this year. We have so many trees outside our home we won't have one inside, especially with the wood stove. Thanks for the link to Banjos, had to check out the French Vanilla Slice. Good thing there's none near me ;) "soft gingerbread" do you mean a cookie? Had some at fellowship today, thin, rectangular, and so soft you could bend them almost in half before they'd break. If that's what you mean, I'll find out who brought them and get the recipe.
    janetr amazing pic of your beautiful ornament against the snowy mountains. Love Heather's next year's card idea
    pip The retriever pup and Ruby Slipper ornaments brought smiles, but the rubber chicken made me snort my tea! You are sure a great looking couple ;) Love love LOVE Winkle n Boots.
    michele "Let me tell you, if I ever saw an alligator, you can sure bet I'd REALLY be running....lol" Got that right. hmm, maybe that's what I need to motivate me to move more and FASTER ;) Thanks so much for checking in on Lenora.
    Lisa in NC under desk eliptical... hmm, maybe... are you really able to type while you do it? Not sure I'm coordinated enough... I envy you your job writing grant requests for the Girl Scouts. Seems like it enables you to work from home, mostly?
    Heather Thanks for the tea tutorial, I'd never pass. Must have my tea sweet NOT milky. I do fancy the Prosecco tho'. Love the dirndl, biker Santa outfits. What is "blind bake" ?
    wendy photoshoot?
    Betty ROC " just because I am still alive and I wanted to! " Amen sister!
    Marcelyn I am in awe of your marathon with snow and gators, but cannot believe you were disappointed that you "only saw two on the whole run". (shivers)
    Allie hope you feel up to going for the certification, learning is something no one can take away from you. Definietly hope the building gets rid of the critter in your wall. We are also thankful we no longer have to shovel or snowblow, where we moved to we don't even have to walk on it ;) Glad your rescuing friend will be along for moral support. She'll be a big help introducing Alfie to Homer and Chester.
    NYKaren So sorry for the loss of your and that her last years were so hard. Gives a different perspective to facing death as we all must.
    Margaret way back you encouraged Allie to get certification. Your encouragement was so well said! Ice skate ornaments are precious.
    okiewoman That WAS some tough bubblewrap!
    Rori Loved the ZZtop gnome comments. I, too, belt out the Messiah but only in the privacy of my car or at home when even DH is out. Love to sing, but it is NOT a kindness to others. Doesn't bother the dogs ;)
    Terri thank you so much for the seductive video links! Your bookmarks are so much more beautiful than the
    tutorial's. The snowflakes led me to a video of scandinavian stars, had to stop myself from watching the modular
    origami stars, I am NOT crafty.
    Barbie knitted xmas stockings are amazing. We love our wood stove even though we're still trying to figure out how to finagle it so we don't get too hot. It sure helps to drive off the damp... ;}
    Cathy A 5K cruise, you almost make running sound good!
    Yvonne "Modern" Nutcracker meant some of numbers were danced in a hip hop style, v. cute on the little ones. So sorry to hear your Dad's tough news. Yes, definitely get Christmas dinner ready made and figure out any and everything else you can delegate. You'll need to take extra care of yourself in this stressful time.
    Joyce Brava for singing with the choir despite those loft stairs. THey are always so narrow, steep and poky, cannot imagine climing/descending in sling and boot!
    Lanette Glad you'll soon have 24hr vet facility. Worried moving here as the nearest 24 hr vet hospital is a 3 hr drive. BUT when Scooter got sick before we'd established contact with a vet, we found the vet 40 mins away is on call 24/7 and he was great. Never heard of a "green" rub for sinus how did it work? I have a similar rub for my knees but delaying the experiment until after my Dr's appointment Tuesday.
    Kim afraid cheesecloth too porous, the stuff that gets through is tiny. Honeyed tea through tea towel works best but what a pita!
    Rye con VERY gratulations on the photos
    Karen in VA, So sorry for your loss, sounds like he was a treasure. I tried to make fudge (at about age 8) while Mama was at work. The recipe read "cook until forms a soft ball in a glass of cold water" so I poured in a glass of cold water and waited for the soft ball to form... ;)
    KJ Gingerbread a laxative? Oh noooo! Jack Daniels and Cherry Whiskey fudge? Hmm, maybe its time for me to try something new!
    Carol Shame on ATT! it is their line, their responsibility. I too must get up off the computer chair.

    only got halfway through. Will try again tomorrow.

    Hugs to all,
    the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,177 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    One of the gals at Tai Chi let us know that another had to go to urgent care for flu, despite having had the shot. They told her to advise everyone she'd been around. Seems like this year's vaccine is only 5-10% effective. At another gal's recommendation, I've been drinking 1/8 tsp of cayenne in tea with lemon and honey. Zing! Warms me right up and clears everything ;)

    Machka DH drapes lights on tree like you do, I send him away so I can arrange as your mom did. Takes all damday so sometimes it doesn't happen at all... like this year. We have so many trees outside our home we won't have one inside, especially with the wood stove. Thanks for the link to Banjos, had to check out the French Vanilla Slice. Good thing there's none near me ;) "soft gingerbread" do you mean a cookie? Had some at fellowship today, thin, rectangular, and so soft you could bend them almost in half before they'd break. If that's what you mean, I'll find out who brought them and get the recipe.

    Apparently we get the new flus over here in Australia first, during our winter, then North America gets them in their winter. Last winter, the flu here in Australia was horrible ... really bad. It set records for all the wrong reasons ... quite a few people died. It swept through my office, and fortunately none of us were deathly ill but just about all of us fought it for about a month each. I missed so much work. Eventually my flu developed into a raging sinus infection before it finally broke and I started to get well. But I lost a lot of fitness during that time.

    I did everything I could think of before I caught the flu to ward it off ... I was washing my desk and everything on a daily basis. I was taking Vit C, zinc, garlic, and echinachea. I was drinking heaps of lemon tea and water. But nope ... eventually, I like everyone else, got it.

    Brace yourselves!

    My husband loves French Vanilla Slices ... I don't. One thing I discovered when I came to Australia is that they don't like really sweet things here, instead they prefer creamy things ... vanilla slices, custard tarts, things like that. But if you do like rich and creamy things, the vanilla slice would be just your thing!

    And yes, that's the sort of gingerbread I was thinking of! :)

    Machka in Oz
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Good morning Ladies - It was a nice weekend of not doing much of anything! My TMJ is still at a bad level, but it is better today. I will continue on liquid/soft food for a couple of more days (or until my appt on Thursday) to try not to aggravate it further. The upside is my weight continues to go down despite the holidays :wink: .

    We had a neighborhood dinner last night to celebrate one of our friends 70th birthday. I made the birthday boys favorite jalapeño popper deviled eggs. It was weird not being able to taste them to see if I had the seasonings right...I had to rely on my hubs for that part. Evidently he did a good job as they went over very well and were gone quickly. I also made a simple green salad (normally I take that so I can fill 1/2 my plate with it, last night I took myself pureed soup) and some corn. There was Cheesecake Factory german chocolate cheesecake for dessert. I had a bite of frosting since it melted on my tongue :smiley:

    Have a great week everyone!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Beth ~ You have really been through it meeting your family’s needs. Hugs and Love!

    Love, Love, Love all the photos!

    Sharon ~ I know that the shopping was wonderful for you and granddaughter. She does sound so grown up. Sorry you were hurting at the end. I have the same problem with my knees. After a while it’s like walking on two sticks.

    Machka ~ That quote was inspiring!

    Mary ~ Hope you enjoy your new job and DH will probably love talking to the children. We teachers always loved our Lunch ladies.

    Going shopping for the grands today. Sharon was very helpful with suggestions. Will probably fight with the DH while shopping for gifts. He really goes overboard and I try to reign in the spending. Usually with no luck.

    We joined my BnL and SnL at an Outback Steakhouse Saturday evening. It was an awful dining experience. The nL's got there first and did not get the drinks they ordered until 45 minutes later after we kept reminding the waitress. The steaks were overcooked and tough. What made it worse was DH left the waitress a $14 tip on top of whatever BnL left her.

    Carol in GA
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Barbara - good to see you posting again... and yes, I work from home. Pretty much completely, with a couple travel days here and there. I'll be back in Texas in late March for our main fundraising event of the year, and after that, well, who knows? Got very lucky, as I have a CEO who a) wants to be more involved in fund development than she has been of late (60 percent HR issues for this last year, and she's very frustrated with that) and b) who values my work. So, when I moved to North Carolina, even though I'd only been working for her for six months, she chose not to lose my services. Honestly, in West Texas, I was mostly working from home, but driving between 1,000 and 1,200 miles a month, so I'm more productive NOW, with trips every three or four months instead of once a week losing an entire day for an hour of meeting time.

    Mary - hope the new jobs go very well for both of you.

    Chris in MA - thinking about you!

    - love the new doggie--thinking he might have been the culprit on the mousie, as it was wet. Probably a present for his new mom!

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in NC
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited December 2017
    Carol Outback experience sounds like a big disappointment! We have been to one of our local Outbacks several times over the years and have had good meals & good service with rare exception.

    Oregon Barbara LOL! I bet it took a long time for that candy to form a soft ball! That's such a sad funny story! Not comparable, but it reminded me of the time when I saw Buttermilk in the refrigerator and thought that sounded really good. Gag! What a rude surprise. :#:#:#

    Karen in Virginia
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    edited December 2017

    Martha join in anytime. Welcome!

    Mary congratulations on the job. If we don't hear much from you I understand. You just went for 30 to 120 MPH overnight.

    Machka thanks for the heads up about the flu. They are telling us the flu shot this year is not as effective. I had mine in September. Another reason for me to really work on my sleep habits. I am getting eight hours with one bathroom visit. Working towards a solid 8 hour rest. I did have a dream the other night and it is a long time since remembering a dream. So progress. Weight is still holding even. Again with the the holidays I consider this a victory.

    We have a new soprano in our choir. Not quite sure what to make of her. We had to sing a high F in one of our piece. She said to me we need to blend on that note. I then found someone to go over with me that part thinking maybe I was missing the F or having a pinched sound. Easy to do on those high notes. The woman who helped me said everything was good. I did resist saying to the new soprano the best thing is we just both hit the note. Proud of myself that I didn't. One of my pet peeves is when fellow singers point out a note I sing wrong. Nine times out of ten I realize my mistake without them saying anything. I prefer when they ask our director to clarify and play that part again. I did go for the descant when we sang Noel. I took everyone by surprise. That was fun!

    :heart: Margaret