

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Oh, Alfie is so cute! I like him long and curly! He reminds me of Benji. zr751dk55bxk.jpg<3 Wendy
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    stat for the day:

    spin- 52min, 133ahr, 163mhr, 112aw, 83ar, 13.1mi = 481c
    Apple Watch- 498c

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Finally got tree up and decorated. Furnished all my gnomes and wrapped all my gifts. Tomorrow I will make my peanut brittle. The only thing I have left to do is mail my cousin and his wife their gnome, paper snowflake, Christmas card bookmark and peanut brittle. I’ll get that out Monday. Then I can relax and just enjoy the holiday.

    I’m leaning towards the word “stability “ for my 2018 word. Emotional, physical and financial. I’ll keep thinking and if nothing else comes up I’ll go with that. I’m thinking there’s a better word but can’t think of it right now.

    This afternoon I’ve was watching sappy Christmas movies. Both my daughter and I like to watch them. I know they are pretty much the same and predictable but we enjoy them and it’s become a tradition now.

    Good to hear of all the good things going on with all of you. Family coming home for the holidays, gifts bought, decorations up, new pet additions to the family, weight loss, new words and goals and all the other wonderful things I’ve been reading about here. It’s been a joy.

    I also have read the Outlander series but unfortunately don’t get the TV series. I’ve enjoyed the books.

    DD is at her boyfriends tonight. He is quite a bit older then her with two boys. They have been together off and on for about 3years. Kind of a weird relationship as he was very hurt by his ex and is not willing to fully commit to her. I wish she would find someone closer to her own age but it doesn’t look like that is going to happen any time soon. He does treat her well and is very supportive of her getting her degree so I can’t help complain. Her last boyfriend was abusive and I’m glad she now sees what it’s like to be treated well.

    Ok I’m beat so going to close for today.

    Terry content in VT
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    he was hungry when he got here... more pictures to come, and yes he is scruffy and needs a haircut... but gave him a bath

    Oh he is SO SWEET. Thanks for the picture.

    Janetr OKC

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,192 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    machka I learned the term ‘bitter super taster’ this year because it appears I am one. I never could understand why people ate peppers or added them to dishes when the poisonous tasting bitter taste infused the whole dish and left it inedible. I thought people just liked that taste for some odd reason.

    But I learned that most people only taste a mild bitter ‘tang’ where I feel like the taste overwhelms and quite often leaves me gagging. Turns out people have differing amounts of taste buds and particularly differing amounts of the ones with bitter receptors. Actually shocked me yet explained a whole lot.

    But I also came to understand this year that I’m seriously hurting myself with my (former) habit of avoiding the veggies like the plague. So I have been on a journey this year to find more vegetables I like/ or ways to prepare vegetables to make them better (less bitter tasting). It is a struggle for me, than heavens for soups. And it is a shame I can’t abide mushrooms (both the texture and flavour are repellent to me).

    Needless to say, I rarely find any vegetarian entrees when eating out that I would order.

    But I have found a couple new veggies for my plate, Jicama and Fennel primarily. Zucchini and Spinach disappear tasteless into fruit smoothies. I eat metric tons of coleslaw (cabbage, red cabbage and carrot) and broccoli while not my favourite is always nutritional option, not a tasty one, but acceptable. Lots of cucumbers, tomatoes and onions. Very little lettuce - most I find to be unappetizingly bitter, the few I don't mind are so lacking in nutritional value I rarely bother. But I’m always on the lookout for new veggies, now.

    But veggie entrees without an overwhelming bitter taste (to me) or mushrooms, - unless you are talking soup - there are not a lot here either. And Indian food? Not gonna find many Indian food restaurants here in Texas!

    Since I’m a meat and potatoes gal, by preference mostly. So I look for restaurants that prepare meats we don’t at home, or prepare them in ways we don’t at home. Then I eat my veg at home.

    I find the peppers (bell peppers - green, red, yellow) to be very strong and they do permeate everything. Even if I've picked them all out of a dish, I can still taste them very strongly. And it's not a nice flavour. I've never been able to understand who could eat stuffed peppers ... they just make me shudder. Plus the indigestion I get is so bad, it will send me into an evening of hiccups.

    Tomatoes are a little iffy for me as well. I don't mind then raw and well salted, or mixed into something, but I don't care for tomato sauces or soups. I'm not sure what it is, but they taste kind of metallic or something.

    I've never been able to eat grapefruit either.

    But most other veggies are good. We do mixed steamed veggies most evenings and roasted veggies once in a while on a weekend. Plus I have several I like raw.

    I grew up on the traditional meat and two veg diet ... the two veg were usually potatoes and one other and always a little over-cooked. Plus Mexican. My parents really liked Mexican food, so now Mexican is my comfort food. :)

    I didn't try Indian food until I visited a friend in the UK and he took me to an Indian restaurant ... and I loved it! That was when I was in my early 30s. But I didn't start eating it regularly until I came to Australia.

    I'd put Mexican food and Indian food (probably the slightly Australian/North American versions of both) right at the top of my list of favourite foods. :)
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :)Terry, I like your choice of "stability" as a word for 2018. It has been my experience that what I thought of first, turned out to be the best choice.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    I'm BBBAAACCCKKKK! TSO was awesome, as usual. I know Jess would like for us to stay up there, but I also know that Vince did not like the cold one bit.

    I'll probably just skim. While I was up there I was able to use the Y (normally I can't since we're there on the weekend or after Thanksgiving when they open later). They have a great stepper. Only the fan didn't work much at all. But they have a towel service, lots of other things. When I got home did a weight training DVD, today a cardio DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a yoga DVD.

    Didn't go to church today. I know that Vince would have said "it's OK, go" but I also know that he was a bit rushed to get the rest of the decorations up and it was getting colder, so I stayed to help him. We have about 99% of the decorations out.

    KJ - I am envious of everything you do for your daycare children/families. They are so so lucky to have you.

    Went to a Christmas party with some of the gals from the ceramics place. I'm a bit surprised at how much food people just bought and brought. I made my "tree" cheese tray but someone broke up the "tree" so that they can put it on a smaller plate. Well, I think I ate most of the cheese and grapes. Well...better than the brownies someone bought or the cake or the cookies. Something store-bought just doesn't appeal to me at all anymore.

    Denise JUST NOW sent us her and Pete's Christmas list. Really? The stores are sold out of things, not to mention the traffic. But we'll probably do something. We have already bought things for Denise and some for Pete, I just need to get them a gift certificate and an X-box game for Pete.

    Cheri - thank you for the cards

    I can't seem to make good fudge. I suspect I need a candy thermometer.

    Karen in VA and Chris in MA - so sorry for your loss

    KJ - how do you make Jack Daniels fundge? Sounds interesting.

    Sue in WA - hope the party went well. Glad to help with the "tree". It's pretty simple to make, huh?

    Sorry for everyone's feeling badly. Too many to mention individually. But know that I wish you all get better fast

    Welcome everyone new

    Loved all the pics

    Wendy - Vince one time took the people who worked for him to a "team building" conference at a go-kart place....lol

    Cheri - great progress. Congrats on the fantastic gift

    Allie - Alfie is adorable! Love him already

    Michele in NC
    who is about to fall asleep at the computer.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,192 Member
    edited December 2017
    Sunday -- Quick late afternoon ride with my husband!

    Intercity50 Permanent
    Distance: 50.2 km
    Elevation: 643 m
    Moving Time: 2:23:19
    Elapsed Time 2:30:38
    Estimated Avg Power: 116 W
    Speed: Avg: 21.0 km/h | Max: 44.6 km/h

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,192 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    My personal best in one day :)

    Janetr OKC

    Well done!!