

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,031 Member
    BTW - a bit of an amusing thing. The pastor at the church I went to on Christmas Eve guessed I was Irish based on my accent.

    When people guess where I'm from based on my accent, Irish is the top guess with Canadian coming in second.
    Evidently, Canadian mixed with Australia = Irish!! :grin:

    I've been told I have quite a strong lilt ... I can't hear it at all, but who knows.

    So, if you're reading my words here, imagine them with an Irish lilt ... and a bit of Canadian and Australian thrown in, and that's probably about right. :lol:

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,031 Member
    Merry Christmas!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,294 Member
    NYKAREN - Fabulous photo! You look very pleased with your day so far! :D:p
    Thanks for posting!

    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    merry Christmas Eve peeps
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3<3
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Barbara curd is finicky to make but not hard. I used Chef John food wishes recipe/method this time. I just used key limes instead of lemons. The difficulty is FINDING key limes in the first place ( I have a source, lol) then juicing close to 50 of the tiny suckers to get enough fresh lime juice in the second place.

    But yummmm, once or twice a year? Totally worth it!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did Leslie Sansone's Burn Body Fat DVD. The PLAN for tomorrow is to do Tone Trouble Zones DVD (a part), hold my plank, then do an Elle Glam Total Toning DVD

    Heather - so glad your friend is home. Cute shirt! You look amazing!

    We'll be leaving in a few to pick Jess up from the airport (she's coming back from TN).

    Merry Christmas to everyone who is celebrating!

    Barbara - every year they send some barbecue from Corky's to us. Just glad that this year I could send them some pierogi. I've always been concerned about the refirgeration for the cheese, but with this heavy-duty styrofoam container and the freeze things, I think it just might make it.

    One thing about Windows 10. The last time we were down at the condo, suddenly Vince got a text saying that we were almost at the limit for our data usage. Neither of us did anything different than what we did before. Seems that what happens is when Windows 10 does its automatic updates, that used up our usage. So we had to buy more time since we needed to pay bills. But you can get around that by telling you laptop not to update if it is using a hotspot.

    Lisa - I'm so sorry you feel that North Carolina isn't for you. But you are right, you should have what is good for you. It's good that you're staying with your daughter, she'll need you especially now.

    Went to Krispy Kreme to get donuts for tomorrow. I surprised myself. Last year I got 3 cream-filled-types, this year I only got 2 of the glazed, and one would have done it for me. Maybe next year I won't want any. I hope, I hope

    Picked Jess up. She asked if she could use my laptop as she has a phone interview with a vet school in the Caribbean. Down there the vet school is much cheaper. And, really, when you go to a vet you don't see their diploma (unlike at the MD's), so you really don't know where they went to school. Oh, she could take out student loans and go to school in the states. But then she'd be paying them back for years and years. She'll probably have to take out some loans for this school, but not as many. I do hope she continues her interest in being a vet. She's talked about it a lot but this is the first I've seen her really trying to get in. Oh, she's gotten brochures of other schools, but she hasn't done anything to try to get in.

    After Krispy Kreme I did buy gas. I didn't realize how low I was. We took my car to drop Jess off at the airport and today to pick her up. We need to go into Hickory tonight for midnight mass. I don't think Jess is going to go with us. She's going to pick Colby up at the airport. Well, I know that she isn't blowing us off for some reason.

    NYKaren - if you go to Philly, safe travels

    Jess is out Christmas shopping right now. Honestly! Bet when Denise gets here she'll have to wrap. You would think they'd think of these things and just get them done. Set the table for tonight. We are so going to use these certain placemats. They must have taken me at least 12 years to make. I have so much trouble making something in the round (crochet)

    Margaret - Jess was saying (I don't know how true this is) that at Denise's bridal shower Maria was saying how Vince called and forbid Denise from seeing Pete, but look how they're in love. Right. We never even knew her phone number. But like I said, I don't know how true that is.

    Michele in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    Well here we are Alfie and I settling in for a nap...he had a busy afternoon visiting...going to Christmas Eve Mass and pageant and then to DD for dinner...then home to my boy....
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member