Help with snacking!!



  • eleonora1809
    eleonora1809 Posts: 85 Member
    I’m BIG about snacking too. I always feel the need to snack every night. But I realized that’s because I eat little at dinner. Not only that, I feel midnight snacking is sort of an unbreakable habit. If you start stop snacking once, twice, you’ll become used to not snacking at all.

    But if you really can’t help it, eat an apple or cucumber or banana as your snack.
    Good luck!
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    edited April 2018
    Lol I just went shopping and got a bunch of apoles thinking the same thing. At least snack on something good. Thanks for taking time out to answer. Good luck
  • hellonew2015
    hellonew2015 Posts: 327 Member
    Another thing, Sunflower seeds. It takes about 30 minutes to finish eating about 95 calories for 34grams with shells. Try it if you like seeds and add a small apple to that.
  • ItsAnonCat
    ItsAnonCat Posts: 3 Member
    Ralphone wrote: »
    Lol I just went shopping and got a bunch of apoles thinking the same thing. At least snack on something good. Thanks for taking time out to answer. Good luck

    I have the same problem, last night I tasted a quarter of my daughters banana and actually thought it was delicious. My goal is to go back to eating more fruit as snacks, I was in a whole lot better shape when I snacked on graham crackers, fruits, yogurt and veggies.
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    edited April 2018
    Another thing, Sunflower seeds. It takes about 30 minutes to finish eating about 95 calories for 34grams with shells. Try it if you like seeds and add a small apple to that.
    ItsAnonCat wrote: »
    Ralphone wrote: »
    Lol I just went shopping and got a bunch of apoles thinking the same thing. At least snack on something good. Thanks for taking time out to answer. Good luck

    I have the same problem, last night I tasted a quarter of my daughters banana and actually thought it was delicious. My goal is to go back to eating more fruit as snacks, I was in a whole lot better shape when I snacked on graham crackers, fruits, yogurt and veggies.

    Thanks for all the good ideas. Hope you are both doing well today with snacking. I want to have a good week trying not to over snack. Put back 1 lb or so last week. I know it was the pbj sandwichs lol. Ok good luck

    come back and let me kown how its going. We can try and stay motivated. Have a good day.
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    Just for the record i ate some left over peeps.ok no so good.thats it for today only good snacks
  • hellonew2015
    hellonew2015 Posts: 327 Member
    Yes stay positive and a few is better than the whole package. I just wanted something sweet so bad so I had one half scoop of protein powder and some cocoa powder drizzled with unsweetened almond milk so I am in deficit still! Let me know what happens tomorrow
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    Ok will do have a good night
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    armed with an extra Apple today for snack at work see how we do
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    Ok flexing my will power lol. Got an apple and stezle water from break tuck. Me 1 snack 0 . Yea me
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    Okay I held off the Dunkin Donuts that someone brought in to work. Home now had some cottage cheese. going to do work out now good luck 2 for me snack 0 so far
  • hellonew2015
    hellonew2015 Posts: 327 Member
    Good keep it up! I had too many calories last night but moving on and doing better tonight.
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    edited April 2018
    Good keep it up! I had too many calories last night but moving on and doing better tonight.

    I know you can do it. Go now and get some good snacks .good luck keep me up to date.
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    Okay so my wife and her GF brought pizza back last night. Well the rest is history. Me2 snacks 2
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    edited April 2018
    good news made it through work today no slip-ups in the snacks Department. So far
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    okay I feel like I need to have a good snack day today or lack of good luck
    REDMANIV Posts: 348 Member
    Hello again Ralphone way to go on the snacks for today. One trick of the trade that I like to employ is to go ahead and pre load my "snack bag" for the day. Including my lunch and snacks I go ahead and pre log everything on MFP and stick those items into my snack bag. I then know that I can have anything in that bag and it is available and has already been accounted for in my days total. So the question for me becomes at times, do I want to eat that snack right now? Am I really hungry? Am I just eating because I am bored? If the answer to any of those questions are "Yes" then so what lol....I have already accounted for those calories and I go ahead and munch away.

    The kicker is though............once your snack bag is more snacks for the rest of the day.....I have found that it is awfully hard to snack if I am exercising or if I am sleep lol.

    Hang in there buddy.........another 600 calorie fast day for me snacks in the budget.........I am down 12 pounds overall though and my clothes are feeling better so this 5day 2day fast diet appears to be working out alright.

  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    REDMANIV wrote: »
    Hello again Ralphone way to go on the snacks for today. One trick of the trade that I like to employ is to go ahead and pre load my "snack bag" for the day. Including my lunch and snacks I go ahead and pre log everything on MFP and stick those items into my snack bag. I then know that I can have anything in that bag and it is available and has already been accounted for in my days total. So the question for me becomes at times, do I want to eat that snack right now? Am I really hungry? Am I just eating because I am bored? If the answer to any of those questions are "Yes" then so what lol....I have already accounted for those calories and I go ahead and munch away.

    The kicker is though............once your snack bag is more snacks for the rest of the day.....I have found that it is awfully hard to snack if I am exercising or if I am sleep lol.

    Hang in there buddy.........another 600 calorie fast day for me snacks in the budget.........I am down 12 pounds overall though and my clothes are feeling better so this 5day 2day fast diet appears to be working out alright.

    Thanks for checking in. I like the bag idea. But probably would eat it all at once. Good luck on the fast. I don't know how you do it.
  • Ralphone
    Ralphone Posts: 1,854 Member
    Ok over did a bit today .I was out most of the day and Ate out. I know not an excuse.
  • joone_9
    joone_9 Posts: 152 Member
    Just read and now will follow this thread as I’m BIG about snacking too..always have been. When I’ve had success I taught myself to control portions and always planned for the snack..owned it, enjoyed t and logged it. That’s what I’m back doing now but I’m trying to snack on healthier snack instead of junk (I say this as I’m currently eating my 17 mini eggs that are still leftover from Easter)