

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Machka- I loved the article you posted about mental toughness. Have you read Angela Duckworth's book, Grit? It is a good one, with a lot of science behind who has it and the whys and how to get some.

    This link is from a race that took place in May of 2017; but it just came to my attention. The Tarahumara are a tribe of native americans who, due to their lifestyle, are extraordinarily phenomenal runners. AND they run either barefoot or in sandals made by themselves of tire rubber. Christopher MacDougall (marathon runner) wrote a book about his search for this tribe and a "white" man who left city life and lives with the tribe and learned to run like them. The book is called Born To Run and it is a REALLY inspirational read. I read it when I first started running and it was one of those "life changing" books for me.

    If the link doesn't work for whatever reason. Search for Tarahumara 50k marathon 2017.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Oooh Wendy, I am sensing some tough love is in order for those dear daughters of yours....
    Living at home should be a temporary thing. Rent should be discussed. Respect, (like telling you if she will be staying someplace else for the night), should be implemented. Long term goals should be discussed. They should be in the drivers seat of their own lives. Maybe too tough? I realize raising boys is so different than girls.... Hugs!! You got this!
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    wonder what i'm doing different, i don't gain while running

    I don't anymore. But I did at first. It was because I was gaining muscle. Now I'm pretty stable in body content, unfortunately. I'd like to dump a little more fat. :smiley:


  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Re in TX 2740305iozbwpp2zk.gif

    Enjoying the "cold" TX temps?!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :) 4 :30 AM walk dogs for 45 minutes
    Eat breakfast
    Walk dogs for 90 minutes or more
    9 AM snack
    11:30 AM. Lunch
    4 PM. Small meal
    6:30 small meal
    7:30 PM bedtime

    :) About the year of no shopping, the woman who wrote the book made guidelines for the year that limited their shopping to necessities and excluded all the shopping she had previously done for personal entertainment. It was too extreme even for me but got me thinking about the extent to which I could do without a lot of what I bought. Ask yourself the question, "How could my life be better with less? " It's an interesting exercise
  • KarenUK56
    KarenUK56 Posts: 143 Member
    Welcome Terina! I live near Astoria, so hello fellow Oregonian!
    OK you do have your hands full with 4 kids still at home! I am 55, a retired Navy Chiefs wife, married 33 years, have 3 sons. One is stationed in Washington state at a squadron. Another is in transition, having done his 4 years in the Navy, married, and is going to have the Navy pay for his electrical college, when he does start. Wife is starting first, also out of the Navy, studying to be a nurse. My youngest has just entered the Nuclear Navy, so he will be in the next 2 years.
    I have recommitted myself, (just without the straight jacket), to losing 50 lbs this year. I am presently 244.8 lbs. Oh to get into Onederland again!
    Nice to meet you!

    You must have had an exciting time being married to a Navy Chief? Did you travel a lot during that time?
    Karen UK

    Well when I met him, he was a 1st class petty officer. So it was a couple years before he made Chief. We spent 7 years (2 tours), in Japan, and the rest in California, at different places every 4 years. He retired with 20 years in, at the age of 37. At that point, I recall the Navy just signing him out, not retiring him. So I remember having two kids, pregnant with third, the Navy not paying us, husband learning how to wear a civilian suit looking for a job, me a non-driver, and living in Fairfield, California. I would yell at my dear husband saying there is nothing fair about this place! Its 105' outside, you have moved me to hell! Lol!
    My last son, now in Navy Nuke school, never was a Navy brat, never knowing that life of always moving. He was our retirement bonus! I can look at him and always remember we got out in 1998.
    We have lived in 16 different places during our 33 year marriage. Some for just a year until we got on base housing. Its been a great journey so far!
    Some cute sailor pics
    Chief husband
    Eldest son (has been in the Navy for 9 years)
    Middle son (he's out of the Navy after doing his 4 years)
    Youngest son (will be in nuke school for 2 years before he starts the Navy)
    Sorry this is a long post!

    Thank you Becca, what a lovely life story. You have four handsome men in your family, you must be so proud of them all?
    The youngest one looks so young!
  • Jerzydeb
    Jerzydeb Posts: 4 Member
    Now if only I could figure out how to get my photo up and down and not sideways :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,173 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    langman22 wrote: »
    Barbie, I like your only 3 meals a day and wish I could do that. I have low blood sugar so should eat about 8 times a day. I have the hardest time in the evenings but try not to eat anything after 7. So a lot of planning to spread the calories out. I tend to eat the same things to make it easier.

    I also have low blood sugar and I've found what works best for me is this:

    10:30-11:00 am - small crackers & cheese (100 calories)

    12:30 am - banana

    2:00 pm - light lunch

    3:30 pm - yogurt

    4:45 pm - fruit

    6:00 pm - 100 grams of cottage cheese, cucumber & radish slices (mixed into the cottage cheese) and sometimes also a few whole grain rye crackers with margarine

    7:30-8:00 pm - dinner

    9:30 pm - first snack

    11:00 pm - second snack

    1 am - off to bed! Which I really should be doing now since it is 1:24 am. Oops!

    Machka in Oz

    Wow, that is a long day! Husband and I are in bed by 9 pm!

    I'm up about 7:45 am and in bed between 1 and 1:30 am most days. Too much to do.

    M in OZ
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Pip ~ When you used to have your food diary open, I peeked and it looked like you ate very few calories compared with all the calories you burned. I can see why you would not gain. Envy your perseverance! :)

    Rye ~ So sorry you are having to walk to work in this cold. It was 13* here in my part of GA today and we are just not equipped to handle that. Hope your pipes do not freeze. That made me realize we need to call our renter and tell her to drip the faucets. :'(

    Lisa ~ I understood what you meant when you said everything had reached the point that y'all could be your true selves.

    Dr. Kay ~ On my way home from spending the NY's day with my BnL & SnL, I realized that my Snl's older sister lives in Jefferson.

    One thing that I am happy about today is this ~ I deliberately did not weigh during the Christmas Season and found out that I had not gained any weight. I understand that I should aim to lose 25 lbs but my goal is just not to get any bigger.

    Carol in GA

    Right , I rarely ate the calories that I burned, some maybe but not much. Thought everyone was like that
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    Happy New Year! Barbie: thanks for this thread! I’m sympathetic about frightened dogs. Mine trembles uncontrollably with thunder, gun shots, and fireworks.
    My husband has taken a few days off and is enjoying the comfort foods with our sudden extreme weather, (we are used to if you don’t like the weather in nc today just wait until tomorrow). I was proud I got my outside mile in at noon as well as an inside one this am. I just looked like the abominable snowman!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Oh, I forgot. Do any of you have granddaughters that have and play with Barbie dolls? I found 22 outfits that my Mother made me when I had one 50+ years ago. I will be willing to sell them if anybody wants them. I'm thinking of about $65 (but that is negotiable).

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    If y'all are talking about getting notifications on your cellphones you can turn them off. Go to setting and there will be a setting for notifications and you will just go down the list and turn off the ones you don't want to get notifications from. I did this once for MFP and just did the same for Facebook ... I don't even remember getting it on my cellphone and I deleted the icon by holding my finger on it until it asked what I wanted to do with it. Hope that helps.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,173 Member
    edited January 2018
    Machka, I always book mark this thread using the golden star and i don't get any notifications at all, so there must be a setting somewhere that you can turn off notifications? I don't remember turning it off but maybe I did. I live life so fast that i certainly don't remember every little action I take.
    If y'all are talking about getting notifications on your cellphones you can turn them off. Go to setting and there will be a setting for notifications and you will just go down the list and turn off the ones you don't want to get notifications from. I did this once for MFP and just did the same for Facebook ... I don't even remember getting it on my cellphone and I deleted the icon by holding my finger on it until it asked what I wanted to do with it. Hope that helps.

    No, I'm not talking about notifications on my mobile phone. I turned those off ages ago. I'm talking about notifications here within MFP's desktop/laptop version.

    I have bookmarked the three challenge sites I use, and I've got a constant stream of notifications coming up from them.

    M in Oz