

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    edited January 2018
    Sue I hope heat is back on. Are your water pipes okay? If you still do not have heat. Leave a faucet running at a small steady stream. I hate to waste water, but it is necessary in the situation you are in with no heat and freezing weather. That will hopefully keep your pipes from freezing. The homes further south do not have as much insulation as we have up here. We are at below zero up here in Minnesota. When I look at the map the cold snap is all over. We are more used to the cold, but the cold we have now is dangerous. Frost bite on unprotected skin in 10 minutes.

    Those of you in the path of this cold another thing you can do to prevent pipes from freezing is open up your cabinets under your sinks. They also sell an insulating material you can put around your pipes. We do this for our hot water pipes to save energy. We also have hot water heat and I have insulated some of those pipes too.

    If you have plastic pipes you can wait until it warms up to unfreeze them. If you have copper like we do you unfortunately have to call in the plumbers, and they are probably booked solid now. Frozen copper pipes can burst, and then you do have a mess.

    It is another reason you do not want to set your thermostat less than 50 degrees.

    I did brave the cold to get to Target's 90 per cent off sale. Our church has a party every year where they gift wrap presents for those in need. I bought 4 big rolls of wrapping paper for less than $2.00. Also bought some scarfs and hats for students at 50 cent a piece. New stuffed animals for my friend who teaches Kindergarten also at 50 cent each. They were just about to box the remainder up and send it off to Goodwill. I laughed with the clerk they have just that much less to box up. I did buy myself an ugly sweater coffee cup for 50 cents because it made me laugh, and I am going to an ugly sweater tea this Saturday. I thought I would bring my own cup.

    :heart: Margaret
  • times60
    times60 Posts: 204 Member
    Can some tell me how to bookmark. When I click all it says is I have no bookmarks. Doesn's allow me to bookmark and I would love to join this site. I am a 50+ women who would love some friends to share stories
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Marcelyn - A couple days ago you mentioned that your husband had been to Stavanger. I'm curious, did he fly direct from Houston to Stavanger?

    No, he flew from Edinburgh, Scotland to Stavanger. It was the quite the experience as on the way back he sat next to a man who was quite talkative. He was speaking English but had such a heavy Scottish brogue that my husband said he only understood one out of every ten words. He did a lot of head nodding that flight. lol

  • KarenUK56
    KarenUK56 Posts: 143 Member
    Welcome Terina! I live near Astoria, so hello fellow Oregonian!
    OK you do have your hands full with 4 kids still at home! I am 55, a retired Navy Chiefs wife, married 33 years, have 3 sons. One is stationed in Washington state at a squadron. Another is in transition, having done his 4 years in the Navy, married, and is going to have the Navy pay for his electrical college, when he does start. Wife is starting first, also out of the Navy, studying to be a nurse. My youngest has just entered the Nuclear Navy, so he will be in the next 2 years.
    I have recommitted myself, (just without the straight jacket), to losing 50 lbs this year. I am presently 244.8 lbs. Oh to get into Onederland again!
    Nice to meet you!

    You must have had an exciting time being married to a Navy Chief? Did you travel a lot during that time?
    Karen UK
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Did Gilad's Cardio Classic DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to go to the deep water class. I wonder how it will be since it's so cold here.

    Welcome everyone new!

    Penny - that's horrible. My peelers are never sharp enough where they'd slice off part of my thumb Hope it heals fast for you and that you aren't inconvenienced too much.

    Lisa - "left unperforated". Loved it! You have such a great way with words

    Heather - whenever I do a pushup, I always need to do it from my knees. Well, unless I'm only doing one. I am just concerned that on my toes I don't have proper form

    barbie - how can someone go a year without shopping? I understand not shopping for clothing, etc. But you need to go shopping for groceries. How did she do it?

    Have to volunteer at the Green Room today. It should be slow since tickets are only sold to benefactors today, and there aren't all that many benefactors. Wonder if Lynette's mother will come in. She's a benefactor and many times comes in the moment she can. I know me, and I'll have a few cups of tea while I'm there. As a matter of fact, they have a Keurig machine so I gave them pods of tea. That's the least I can do. After the Green Room I think I'll go to Aldi. Vince needs milk and there are a few things there that I can use.

    Times - at the top of the page you will find a star. This is the one that is right above the magnifying glass, NOT the one that is on the same line as the bell, numbers, star and cog. Click on that star (the one above the magnifying glass). When you click on that star, it will turn yellow. Now this site is bookmarked. In the future, you can just click on the star (the one on the line of the bell, numbers, star and cob) to get your bookmarks

    Michele in NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,119 Member
    times60 wrote: »
    Can some tell me how to bookmark. When I click all it says is I have no bookmarks. Doesn's allow me to bookmark and I would love to join this site. I am a 50+ women who would love some friends to share stories

    You join simply by making posts here. :)

    This thread is in the Motivation and Support subforum within MFPs forums, and since there's a lot of activity here, it is almost always right near the top. Easy to find. Personally, I don't "bookmark" this site because I don't want all the notifications.

    However, if you want to do that, scroll up to the top, then look to the right side of your screen. Look for a clear star, on the right, in line with where it says, "WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR JANUARY 2018".

    If you click that clear star, it will turn yellow, and voila ... you'll start receiving more notifications that you could imagine. :)

    Welcome here!

    M in Oz
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Welcome to the newbies. Glad you could join us. This is a wonderfully supportive group both for weight loss as well as life events. Post whenever you feel the urge.

    Allie, what a gift you are to your father. I hope he is receptive to getting everything in order. Although it’s not something that is easy to discuss, it is such a gift when parents have their plans made. Mine did and I will for my DD.

    Barbie, I like your only 3 meals a day and wish I could do that. I have low blood sugar so should eat about 8 times a day. I have the hardest time in the evenings but try not to eat anything after 7. So a lot of planning to spread the calories out. I tend to eat the same things to make it easier.

    Penny, hope your finger heals quickly . That’s a hard place to have a cut.

    Well have the day off and spending it with DD. I have errands to run and we plan to go to a restaurant we like for their salad bar. Also have to go grocery shopping as I don’t have a lot of “good” food.

    Well better get on the move. Hope you all have a nice day.

    Terry in VT where it’s -14.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,119 Member
    I don't know how much you all have explored the other subforums here (we're in Motivation and Support), but if you head over to the Challenges subforum, there is a whole list of challenges you can join to help keep you motivated.

    Have a look: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/categories/challenges

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,119 Member
    langman22 wrote: »
    Barbie, I like your only 3 meals a day and wish I could do that. I have low blood sugar so should eat about 8 times a day. I have the hardest time in the evenings but try not to eat anything after 7. So a lot of planning to spread the calories out. I tend to eat the same things to make it easier.

    I also have low blood sugar and I've found what works best for me is this:

    10:30-11:00 am - small crackers & cheese (100 calories)

    12:30 am - banana

    2:00 pm - light lunch

    3:30 pm - yogurt

    4:45 pm - fruit

    6:00 pm - 100 grams of cottage cheese, cucumber & radish slices (mixed into the cottage cheese) and sometimes also a few whole grain rye crackers with margarine

    7:30-8:00 pm - dinner

    9:30 pm - first snack

    11:00 pm - second snack

    1 am - off to bed! Which I really should be doing now since it is 1:24 am. Oops!

    Machka in Oz

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,404 Member
    Rori - NYKaren - Barbie - Judefit - I reviewed my 2017 food expenses. What a shocker to see how much we were spending on junk food and alcohol and food items that were spur of the moment. I try to shop the grocery sales but tend to go overboard and things get lost in the freezer. :( I think planning to reduce food spending by 10% is a good idea, along with eating out of that freezer!

    I watched a documentary on FMTV this weekend about a couple decided to live off food stamp equivalent for a week. In their area, they would have qualified for $50 ($25 ea). They had a shopping list and stuck to it. It was hard and they were hungry by the end of the week and could no longer afford the variety of fruits and vegetables they loved - altho they did buy carrots and lettuce for salads as I recall. They even went dumpster diving for bread.

    What I didn't realize was in some inner city areas, there aren't grocery stores which sell fresh quality fruits and vegetables or which aren't terribly expensive, so folks don't have much choice other than fast food places and convenience stores with processed foods and canned goods. It's often case of ramen noodles vs. a head of lettuce and a couple apples, so the ramen wins.

    That's where Food banks come to the rescue, and community gardens.

    Becca, I immediately thought of you and your fabulous cooking skills on how to stretch food dollars! You are my hero!

    So my challenge this year will be a better steward of our food dollars - spending them wisely and on better quality food. I feel very blessed to have more food choices available and have no one to blame but myself if I don't have healthy food in the fridge and pantry.

    Newbies - my DH has RA and is very, very picky about what he can eat as his meds have made his stomach super sensitive. So he focuses meat & potatoes, hot dogs, and take-out burgers. Sweets - not much anymore. So I fix 2 different types meals at our house and am thrilled when I can get him to eat a vegetable or apple.

    On that note, hope those of you in the arctic freeze are keeping warm! Sue, hope your heat is back on and pipes made it through the power outage. Smart thinking going to the Y!

    Warmer (32.5f) and foggy SW WA State
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    edited January 2018
    I am hypo also and need to eat often. It's not pretty when my blood sugar goes low. :o I can't even speak. Over the years I have learnt what works for me and I ALWAYS have a Quest bar in my handbag (purse). Even our evening meal is split into sections - 6 pm main meal. 8 pm stewed fruit and yoghurt. 8.30 pm small piece of cheese. 8.45 pm one candy. :D
    I am about to have my mid afternoon snack a bit early as I've done my extra calorie workout and my blood sugar is plummeting. Aaaaarrrrrgggghhh! I will have my homemade yoghurt cheese, a raw zucchini and a raw carrot.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    I checked out my yearly MFP stats and had to laugh, I logged in 367 days. Surprising to see how many steps taken and calories burned.

    Janetr OKC
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,404 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Oooh! Take a look here and maybe you'll see what I mean about how magical moonlight is at the dead of winter darkness in the High Arctic. Check out the brooding mountains in the background!
    This is an article from our local paper, Svalbardposten, describing our peaceful New Year's Eve festivities. If you read the whole article, you'll learn that the police broke up one rowdy party at 2 am, when the neighbors complained. But there were no arrests and that was all the police did that night.
    /Penny, always in love with the t07190.gif

    - thank you! It's fun reading all of the articles in that paper, by the way.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Karen NY "Janet you are gonna love the IP. Have you made hard boiled eggs yet—they peel like a dream. I just made my favorite lentil soup for the week-love it!"

    I am not and have never been a picky eater, there are very few foods I won't eat, boiled eggs being one of them. I can't get passed the texture of the white. :). Today I'm cooking my chicken breasts for the week.

    Janetr OKC