JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    @mytime6630 check out all them smiley faces!! Well done! And 7 hours jetwashing! I bet your shattered!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Tuesday (Recap)
    - 8 glasses of water ❎
    - Be in the green❎
    - Exercise N/A
    - Tidy the mess as soon as I've made it✔️
    - Go to library❎
    - Look through memory box ✔️

    Apr: Water❎
    May: 15min Outside❎
    Jun: Mindful Eating❎
    Jul: Pre-logging☑️ I did prelog but not correctly so it messed up.
    Aug: Close Kitchen 9pm.❎

    So keep messing up but given the last few days being pretty rough I'm just gonna wipe the slatecleab and start again.

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    - Listen to guided meditation (focusing the mind)
    - 8 glasses of water
    - Be in the green
    - Exercise
    - Tidy the mess as soon as I've made it
    - Go to library

    Apr: Water
    May: 15min Outside
    Jun: Mindful Eating
    Jul: Pre-logging
    Aug: Close Kitchen 9pm.
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    Wow! 45 posts since I checked in 18 hours ago! I spent most of yesterday looking up recipes and things that I want to try out. I actually made a skillet chicken dinner last night. I haven't done that in a few weeks. I think because I hate cutting up chicken. I've decided that tonight when I get home I am going to cut up a couple of chicken breasts and put it in the freezer so that I can just grab and go. I've also asked my Mom if I can take over her kitchen on Saturday morning. She will be working. And I think my Dad will be as well. That way I'll have their house to myself so I can pump up some music, do laundry and use their oven/multi-burner stove. I'm going to do a whole bunch of freezer meals and things. The DH has also requested that I start making smoothies for him. So I think that that is going to be what I do for today if we are as dead as we were yesterday. Look up recipes that is. Yesterday was pretty terrible at work. Not as bad as when she who will not be named was there but just so interminably boring! I spent probably a total of 2 or 3 hours on my phone! It was nuts!

    Umm...what else...I was sick for a few hours yesterday. I'm going to wait until Saturday to take another test. Keep praying/hoping/crossing fingers guys(well women! Lol)

    So I took my managers advice and set my alarm for 6 and as soon as I turned the alarm off I went right into the shower. I didnt sit down after my shower for like 20 minutes and when I did all the lights in the house were on and Matt was awake so I didnt get the chance to go back to bed. It is now 7:17. I've had two cups of coffee, prepped the meat for lunches, tidied up a bit, did the few dishes that were left in the sink, caught up on MFP and am now posting! I just need to get dressed, put on makeup, make lunches and head to work. It is going to be a GOOD DAY! I feel great!

    Okay! So goals for today 8/21/18

    1. Attempt to log all food :DI ate really sensibly but I didnt log. I didnt have any treats last night because I was still full from dinner(which wasn't that large). That's pretty unheard of for me.
    2. Up at 6 :)WooHoo!
    3. Shower :)See #2
    4. Prep lunches :)Mine was yummy and just filling enough. Matt is always appreciative when I make his
    5. Work 8:15-5:15 :)
    6. DROP OFF LIBRARY BOOKS!!!! :):)I actually remembered this finally! Now I can stop getting phone calls from the library! Lol.
    7. Make sensible choices at D's tonight! :)It was taco tuesday. I ate sensible. I only had two taco shells and the then had some that was just meat, cheese and lettuce on a plate. It was really really good.
    8. Look up smoothie recipes :smiley:Did this. I think I found a few that the DH will like. Going to try out a bunch this weekend
    10. Cut up chicken/put in freezer :neutral:Totally forgot about this one. I can probably do it this morning if I really want.
    12. Bed by 12 :smiley:Turned the light out at 12:03. There was a thunderstorm raging outside so I turned the air off in bedroom and laid there and listened to it in the dark. It was pretty amazing!

    Have a great day everyone!

    So a few things happened yesterday. I had an AWESOME day! Idk...I just felt good. I think it was because I got up early like I wanted, hopped in the shower, got a few things done around the house, left for work early. Actually got to work before LM who gets there early as well. Lol. Work wasn't too slow yesterday. It was funny though. The night before last we had an update on our computers and it crashed our main banking software. So we spent about an hour locked out of the program that lets us do transactions and things. Well in that hour I had 4 customers which is pretty unheard of. But I didnt freak out. I didnt get overwhelmed. I just did what I had to. Wrote out a few handwritten receipts and saved a few deposits for later. Not too terrible. Got out of the branch at about 5:07 which is actually a few minutes later than usual. Lol.

    I had a great time with D last night. We did our usual food, chat, organize thing. We spend way to more chatting then we do actually cleaning/organizing. Lol. But it was good. I got home around 9 which is actually earlier than usual. She told me that BJ's(A bulk grocery store) has online ordering and things now. I was totally surprised. Probably the week after next I am going to do a big bulk shopping trip so I guess I'll borrow D's membership card and go check it out.

    The DH got word that he can't take the time off at the end of next month for our anniversary/my 30th birthday. All the local stores doing inventory the 3 days in the middle of the time he requested off and his manager is being a jerk and not letting him have it. His interim assistant manager is trying to help Matt out but his District manager hates Matt so he wont help either. So Matt has decided that he wants to leave whether he goes through with it or not is up in the air. So we are going to do some research over the next couple of days. He wants to stay in the sports-related field I think. We have a local minor league baseball team about 5 miles from us so I think we are going to try their first. He has an amazing head for statistics and has played baseball and hockey since he was 3. So send up some prayers/happy thoughts that that happens.

    I've said since we started trying to have a baby in March. As soon as I get pregnant, things will move very quickly. Matt will start bringing home more money. The guy that is renting out the front house will move out. We'll be able to move up there and have more room. I'll be able to leave my job. I know that this will all happen during the time that I am pregnant. It's something that the Lord has spoken to me about on several occasions and I feel so so strongly about.

    Okay enough! Sorry for the outrageously long post!

    JFT, 8-22-18

    1. Log all food
    2. Up @ 6 :smiley:
    3. Dont go back to bed! :smiley:
    4. Prep lunches
    5. Work 8:15-5:15
    6. Finish organizing recipes
    7. Meal plan/Make shopping lists!
    8. Submit online grocery order
    9. Work on pseudo budget
    10. No late night snacking!
    11. Bed by 12
    12. Do preliminary job research for the DH

    I hope everyone has a great day!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Tuesday (Recap)
    - 8 glasses of water ❎
    - Be in the green❎
    - Exercise N/A
    - Tidy the mess as soon as I've made it✔️
    - Go to library❎
    - Look through memory box ✔️

    Apr: Water❎
    May: 15min Outside❎
    Jun: Mindful Eating❎
    Jul: Pre-logging☑️ I did prelog but not correctly so it messed up.
    Aug: Close Kitchen 9pm.❎

    So keep messing up but given the last few days being pretty rough I'm just gonna wipe the slatecleab and start again.

    I think you should give yourself a big pat of the back for 'tidying the mess as soon as you've made it' :smile:

    I've been trying to get my partner to do this for four years :# so I know it's a difficult thing to get yourself to do if you're not in the habit of it ;)

    P.S. any tips on how I can get him to do it?!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,599 Member
    Recap T 8/21 ~ planned rest day (rainy night/morning) = sad dog
    1) Meals & snacks prelogged except veggies for supper / look up eggplant recipes / net calories < 100 red = Tried new baked eggplant recipe (Allrecipes.com) to go w/ baked salmon, and it was just ok ~ will tweak recipe next time. Felt v hungry so added veggie straws (1/2 serving) to supper. Still felt hungry after, and snacked on cashews after. :s Net calories -368, sodium -469, sugar -44 :s Fiber & protein excellent & 14c water :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 8,347 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 26 floors :smile:
    3) After work: gas in car :smiley: / Post Office :D forgot return address labels but mailed anyway
    4) Unplug 9:00 :smiley: / floss :s / retainers :s / bed & TV off 10:15 :D in bed before 10 & fell asleep w/ TV on (walk dog before work W)

    JFT W 8/22 ~ alarm went off when I was dreaming of working for an old boss ~ never thought I'd miss the days working for him! :D
    1) Walked dog before work ~ wonderfully cool, saw 3 deer crossing road & geese flying south, plus heard cranes in distance / 3.81 mi 1:07:35 / stretched = happy dog B) & happy me B)
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Usual breakfast, lunch & snacks prelogged / happy hour w/ former colleagues so already looked up menu online, made dinner selection & prelogged (huge for me) ~ stick to plan! / enjoy 1 adult beverage (also prelogged) but enjoy time w/ colleagues more / dare I have net calories green?
    4) Unplug 9:15 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 (walk dog before work Th)

    Evening Snack Challenge ~ my goal to not snack past 9 p.m.
    1. Peanut M&Ms (wanted something sweet) when got home at 9pm
    2. 1 chocolate power muffin before 8:30
    3. 1/4c chicken salad after 9:00 (emotional eating) :s
    4. Peanut M&Ms 9pm
    5. Nothing after supper :star:
    6. Nothing after Feast w/ the Beasts ended at 8pm :p
    7. Late supper after spa/massage appt. & nothing after 8pm :smile:
    8. Nothing after supper :star:
    9. Brookside pomegranate dark chocolate at 8:30 (down in dumps) :s
    10. Animal crackers after 9pm :s
    11. Late supper after balloon ascension/glow followed by ice cream w/ hubby when we got home 9:30 :#
    12. Supper over at 8pm & had few peanut M&Ms later (not sure of time) :/
    13. 9 plain M&Ms after supper (counted three each red, white, blue) BEFORE 9 :smile:
    14. Unplanned frozen strawberry bar (80 cal) at 8pm, after supper & roses/garden work :smile:
    15. 3 animal crackers after 9pm & busy w/ household chores :p
    16. 10 peanut M&Ms after 9pm :s
    17. Brookside pomegranate dark chocolate after all chores done / past 9pm :s
    18. Napped in evening after family left, then had plain M&Ms after 9pm :s
    19. Nothing after supper :star: finally!
    20. Nothing after supper :star:
    21. Still hungry after supper & snacked on cashews (before 9pm) :#
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    JFT - Tuesday August 21
    2L of Water - :)
    Calories in Green by 150 - 305 in the green!
    Outside 15 Minutes - if smoke stays minimal - :)
    Only 1 Evening Snack- :/ I had over 700 calories and I was hungry so I had my usual and a small dish of strawberries
    Walk - :):):) - Finally, my first walk in 10 days! It's supposed to get smoky today so not sure if I'll get one tonight or not
    Yoga or Pilates - MUST DO - :/ Didn't do, I cleaned the shed instead, I have it completed. Hopefully tonight I can move the tools out of the craftroom and start working on tidying it so I find it more relaxing
    Write in Journal - :)
    Mail card to Wyatt - :(
    Mail Insurance document - :(
    Find office spaces for J - :) I looked, but when I made the call to the city licensing department I found out she doesn't need office space yet

    JFT - Wednesday August 22
    2L of Water
    Calories in Green by 150
    Outside 15 Minutes
    Only 1 Evening Snack
    Walk - Hopefully
    Yoga or Pilates
    Write in Journal
    Start Craftroom
    Mail card to Wyatt
    Mail Insurance Document

    I am going to try to get business at hotels this morning. I tried calling head office yesterday to get some more guidance and see about the salesperson they discussed last week. He didn't have time to talk to me and had forgotten about talking to the VP about hiring a salesperson.
    I have just about given up on this. I don't know how I'm supposed to care and be driven if they can't even make time for a 5 minute phone call. This is the first time I had tried to talk to anyone since last Tuesday when I was lectured again. I guess I'll see when they contact me next time.

    I am putting all of my hopes and dreams on Jasmyne, she has meetings today and tomorrow about funding. I am meeting with her on Friday to set out some rates and such for clients.

    Well I should get on the road, I will check in later this afternoon. It's Grandkid Wednesday!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,599 Member
    edited August 2018
    jeschepp wrote: »
    Balance still went well today, but it is a process! :star:

    For today:
    Post here for accountability ✅

    For tomorrow:
    Post here for accountability
    This! This is (partly) why I love JFT! <3 Love when I get to check off something positive, and know where I need work.

    - Leave work by 6.30pm :smiley: Actually left by 5pm - all my colleagues wanted to go pub to b&tch about the new CEO (who visited yesterday and seems like an idiot). It was lovely :D
    I laughed reading this ~ I used to attend gatherings jokingly referred to as Babes That B!tch. So cathartic! Just like smashing your ex-flatmate's bed. LOL :smiley:

    Today...was a day. I overslept and was late for my doctor appointment, treated myself to lunch out (just soup and salad at Olive Garden, no big calorie spend right? except I went wild on breadsticks...) then was too full, didn't accomplish all the crap I had to get done today and fell asleep while cooking dinner and am lucky I didn't set the house on fire.
    So glad you didn't burn the house down! :D

    The DH got word that he can't take the time off at the end of next month for our anniversary/my 30th birthday. All the local stores doing inventory the 3 days in the middle of the time he requested off and his manager is being a jerk and not letting him have it. His interim assistant manager is trying to help Matt out but his District manager hates Matt so he wont help either. So Matt has decided that he wants to leave whether he goes through with it or not is up in the air. So we are going to do some research over the next couple of days. He wants to stay in the sports-related field I think. We have a local minor league baseball team about 5 miles from us so I think we are going to try their first. He has an amazing head for statistics and has played baseball and hockey since he was 3. So send up some prayers/happy thoughts that that happens.
    Sounds like a good plan, keeping you in my prayers. Sorry about Aunt Flo. Hugs to you!

    Faebert wrote: »
    Morning everyone. Thank you all for your kind words. My sister is ok - she said she somehow knew it was going to be bad news so was mentally prepared. But we have a difficult path ahead.

    Trying to work out the logistics of helping her with her children/the school run/ managing her daughter’s care and meds etc when she is in hospital and recovering. A lot of it will fall on my mother’s shoulders as she lives very close and is retired so able to help. But this is also a bit of a worry for me as she is 72 years old and a cancer survivor (twice!) herself too who currently has an injury due to bone density problems. I want to try and make sure she doesn’t take on too much. The difficulty is I work full time in a not very flexible job (teacher) and have the girls to think about too. I’m just going to have to get over there evenings and weekends as much as possible and maybe ask school about using planning time to help for a couple of weeks too.

    Food wise yesterday was a bit of a disaster. But I’m at peace with that! Today I feel very conscious that I need to be in good health, to help my sister but also looking ahead to my own future as I’m fairly convinced now that I should opt for the preventative surgery myself. That means that I absolutely must work on getting more balanced in maintenance. No more extremes - over exercising or restricting or bingeing. Just health rather than numbers driven.
    So sorry for the news about your sister. I admire your strength and attitude ~ good to control what you can, and let go of the rest. Keeping you in my prayers too, and hugs for you!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Tuesday (Recap)
    - 8 glasses of water ❎
    - Be in the green❎
    - Exercise N/A
    - Tidy the mess as soon as I've made it✔️
    - Go to library❎
    - Look through memory box ✔️

    Apr: Water❎
    May: 15min Outside❎
    Jun: Mindful Eating❎
    Jul: Pre-logging☑️ I did prelog but not correctly so it messed up.
    Aug: Close Kitchen 9pm.❎

    So keep messing up but given the last few days being pretty rough I'm just gonna wipe the slatecleab and start again.

    I think you should give yourself a big pat of the back for 'tidying the mess as soon as you've made it' :smile:

    I've been trying to get my partner to do this for four years :# so I know it's a difficult thing to get yourself to do if you're not in the habit of it ;)

    P.S. any tips on how I can get him to do it?!

    My partner nagged the life out me. Literally broke me down nagging until I did it hahaha
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Flo just stopped by 😫😥😣

    Awhh :( big Big hugs!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    1. Lots of water :)
    2. Be kind :)
    3. Log all food :)
    4. Cook dinner at home :)
    5. Meds AM and PM :)/ >:)
    6. Go to farm for cream at lunch :)
    7. Leave work by 4 :)
    8. 45 mins at apartment to clean - BRING SCALE TO HOUSE* :) / >:)
    9. Make a puzzle for pupper, play a round of hide and seek treats with her too. :)

    1. Be kind
    2. Lots of water
    3. Cook dinner at home
    4. Meds AM and PM
    5. Take fish oil after dinner
    6. Puppy puzzle
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    - Listen to guided meditation (focusing the mind)✔️
    - 8 glasses of water ✔️
    - Be in the green✔️
    - Exercise❎
    - Tidy the mess as soon as I've made it✔️
    - Go to library❎

    Apr: Water✔️
    May: 15min Outside❎ I've not been out for about a week! Need to get out!
    Jun: Mindful/Emotional Eating❎ got stressed and ate apple pie, now I'm more stressed that I wasted so many calories on it
    Jul: Pre-logging❎ nope but not too fussed as this is something I'm learning slowly
    Aug: Close Kitchen 9pm.✔️ Yes but in a grump about it LOL

    So 6 green 5 red! So overall a pretty even say, however, much better than yesterday!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Tuesday (Recap)
    - 8 glasses of water ❎
    - Be in the green❎
    - Exercise N/A
    - Tidy the mess as soon as I've made it✔️
    - Go to library❎
    - Look through memory box ✔️

    Apr: Water❎
    May: 15min Outside❎
    Jun: Mindful Eating❎
    Jul: Pre-logging☑️ I did prelog but not correctly so it messed up.
    Aug: Close Kitchen 9pm.❎

    So keep messing up but given the last few days being pretty rough I'm just gonna wipe the slatecleab and start again.

    I think you should give yourself a big pat of the back for 'tidying the mess as soon as you've made it' :smile:

    I've been trying to get my partner to do this for four years :# so I know it's a difficult thing to get yourself to do if you're not in the habit of it ;)

    P.S. any tips on how I can get him to do it?!

    I had to laugh at this, I gave up on my husband probably 30 years ago. I just do it myself, my girls think I spoiled their Father and I should "put my foot down" with him. To me it's not worth the arguments.
    There is a show here called Outdaughtered, last night's episode was the Mom trying to incorporate chore charts for the family. She made one for the husband, he was appalled!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    1. Lots of water :)
    2. Be kind :)
    3. Log all food :)
    4. Cook dinner at home :)
    5. Meds AM and PM :)/ >:)
    6. Go to farm for cream at lunch :)
    7. Leave work by 4 :)
    8. 45 mins at apartment to clean - BRING SCALE TO HOUSE* :) / >:)
    9. Make a puzzle for pupper, play a round of hide and seek treats with her too. :)

    1. Be kind
    2. Lots of water
    3. Cook dinner at home
    4. Meds AM and PM
    5. Take fish oil after dinner
    6. Puppy puzzle

    Are you almost done cleaning the apartment? I always found that the hardest part of moving! I just didn't want to go back when I was done.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Flo just stopped by 😫😥😣

    I'm so sorry, that is just an emotional roller coaster to have to go through each month.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Well I have been wanting to have Olive Garden for about 6 weeks now, every time I drove by it I wanted to stop. I didn't because my favourite meal there is so high in calories. Today I stopped. I ate it all 1030 calories. Guess what? It didn't taste as delicious as I remember. I guess my tastes must be changing some. I have walked 2km today already while out "selling" and I have driven for 90 minutes so far. I should be able to still have supper and stay in the green, lets see how this plays out. I have 9 days to get to 179, can't have many days like this.
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    So work was INCREDIBLY boring today. We didnt do much of anything. For some reason the last three days it has taken us more than an hour to get onto our banking software. It's been completely ridiculous. Thankfully today I didnt have any customers before like 1030 or something. We were pretty dead customer wise and didnt really have much to do paperwork either. I did learn a few new things today. Redeeming savings bonds at this bank is significantly easier then it was at my old one. Not that we do it that often but it was still really nice to see how easy it is.

    Um...As I posted before, Flo came for a visit. I'm pretty upset about it. I really need to stop getting my hopes up. I really tried to not think about it or anything this time and that failed miserably. Before I went on my birth control implant I was incredibly irregular. Like 1 visit every 4-6 months. We attributed that to that fact that I weighed 100lbs. Now it seems that a year after getting the implant removed my cycle is changing again. So now I have no idea how to gauge if I'm pregnant or not. I hate it! I'm going to schedule an appointment with my gyno and see what she suggests we do. I feel like I'm just getting sadder and sadder about the whole situation. I really wish the DH wasn't working tonight. I could use some hugs...

    I have no idea what I want for dinner. Truthfully I want chocolate. I want like 3 candy bars and a couple of tastycakes. I know that that is an absolutely horrendous idea but I can't help it. Idk.

    Thanks for listening.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    So work was INCREDIBLY boring today. We didnt do much of anything. For some reason the last three days it has taken us more than an hour to get onto our banking software. It's been completely ridiculous. Thankfully today I didnt have any customers before like 1030 or something. We were pretty dead customer wise and didnt really have much to do paperwork either. I did learn a few new things today. Redeeming savings bonds at this bank is significantly easier then it was at my old one. Not that we do it that often but it was still really nice to see how easy it is.

    Um...As I posted before, Flo came for a visit. I'm pretty upset about it. I really need to stop getting my hopes up. I really tried to not think about it or anything this time and that failed miserably. Before I went on my birth control implant I was incredibly irregular. Like 1 visit every 4-6 months. We attributed that to that fact that I weighed 100lbs. Now it seems that a year after getting the implant removed my cycle is changing again. So now I have no idea how to gauge if I'm pregnant or not. I hate it! I'm going to schedule an appointment with my gyno and see what she suggests we do. I feel like I'm just getting sadder and sadder about the whole situation. I really wish the DH wasn't working tonight. I could use some hugs...

    I have no idea what I want for dinner. Truthfully I want chocolate. I want like 3 candy bars and a couple of tastycakes. I know that that is an absolutely horrendous idea but I can't help it. Idk.

    Thanks for listening.

    I personally never struggled with fertility, but I have friends and family that struggle horribly. One family member, tried everything keeping your hips up after raised on a pillow, taking temperature regularly, making sure it was the "optimum" time, the whole bit. Her husband drove transport, one night he came home in the middle of the night and hadn't let her know he was close. She swears that it was the surprise and spontaneity that helped her relax and not wonder "is this it" that allowed it to happen. He swears that it's the fact that he picked her up by the ankles and shook her that did it. The visual on that always made me laugh because he is 6' and she is 5'2". The point to this was to make you smile, I don't know what else to say to you because I can sense your heartbreak month after month. Have faith and be asleep one of those nights Matt works late. ;)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Soooo Samson should be 3 today. Honestly, this is the first year I've not been so messed up from it. I had been living so bitterly since it happened, i hated everything, I hated that something took him, I'll be honest before it all I had never really thought of my religion. But whilst pregnant with him I attended my nieces christening (to which I am now Godparent) and the priest there wished to bless me and my baby. And I let him, allowed myself to be open and accept God. And then a couple of weeks later I'm being told my baby's not gonna survive. Well I had hatred for everything since then. Its been a very weird process, I often wonder if I made the right decision to terminate, if it was because he was a boy and I struggled to conceive boys, if it was my fault for accepting a blessing when I didn't fully believe in god, I then started hating God, I had to blame someone, and he got it all. Then in the second year, at my bitterest I just felt despair. And it was then I made the decision to speak to God. (bearing in mind this is something Ive never really done) and I realised he only took him because he had to. Its weird from that point I KNEW Samson was being looked after (wherever that may be) and I started to heal. And today, on what would be his birthday, I don't feel sad.
    Happy Birthday Samson! ❤️

    This made me cry, Bexy. It's beautiful and so soulful, from the heart. Happy birthday, Samson! From all your JFT aunties!