JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Wednesday
    1. AM basic run: 16 laps; aim for <35 minutes. Feed cats. Shower. Morning meds. Tea! Log 1 item.
    2. Input 4th block back work and print progress reports. Review semester plan. Cross-reference assessments and standards; which standards are over- or under-assessed? What is my purpose for each unit? Print 5PE articles & Brown. Make coffee. Update parent contact log and make note of anyone not contacted.
    3. Work on seminar proposal. Put extra photocopies in folders and back in filing cabinet. FIND PARENT CONTACT LOG - I thought it was in the Documentation folder but it's not :(
    4. Update class websites. Evaluate Reflections 7-9. Have K use key to mark grammar work. Draft Week 5. Donate to EC.
    5. Walk in park to 10k steps. Tweet blog post. Quiz. Discussion responses. Draft Week 1 essay.
    6. Prep Thu lunch - leftovers? Chop celery. Meds. In bed by 8:45; devices off by 9:00; alarm set for 4:50.

    JFT Thursday
    1. AM tempo run: 12 laps; even laps 2-10 timed, aim for <1:45. Feed cats. Shower. Morning meds. Tea! Log 1 item.
    2. Evaluate, log, and input reflections 7-9. Review semester plan. Cross-reference assessments and standards; which standards are over- or under-assessed? What is my purpose for each unit? Print 5PE articles. Make coffee. Parent calls!
    3. Work on seminar proposal. Put extra photocopies in folders and back in filing cabinet.
    4. Update class websites. Have K use key to mark grammar work. Finish Week 5.
    5. Zumba 5:30. Quiz. Draft Week 1 essay. Review grocery list.
    6. Prep Fri lunch - soup? Chop celery. Meds. In bed by 8:45; devices off by 9:00; alarm set for 4:50.

    Scale goals
    End of 2017: 174.6
    February 2018: 173.6
    March 2018: 179.6
    July 2018: 189.6
    Today: 189.6

    Upcoming to-do:
    1. Check blogroll and follow bloggers on Twitter.
    2. Write next blog post. Comment on 3 posts each week -Tu Th Sun?
    3. Keep track of medical stuffs. Dentist? Appt w D 10/22 9:20; McC 10/22 10:15. Also Feb 7 9:30 w Ac Int. Sub already set up.
    4. Grade summer essays. Organize and grade narratives. Update parent group lists with NAMES. Note reply emails.
    5. Check on conference; create seminar proposal.
    6. Return mascara to Walmart with receipt. Go to used bookstore; take bags-of-bags and look for Beauty (McKinley), Design for How People Learn (Julie Dirksen), and The Prince (tr. Tim Parks).
    7. Put jewelry away. Yikes! Reinforce patches on old pants.
    8. Go to Mac store and see if they can retrieve the files off the iMac.
    9. Go to bank FRIDAY to set up loan to pay for masters classes.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    I'm 75 posts behind so I will read and catch up, but I just listened to Half Size Me podcast #340 and it was SO insightful that I wanted to write my notes here so I can use them to make a plan for myself using her steps. I hope you don't mind! Tomorrow is surgery day, so I'll have a few days to really think about my plan moving forward.

    Podcast 340 Half Size Me Plan:

    1. Accept yourself at weight you are right now.
    2. Dress in clothing that fits! You will look and feel better! (Positive reinforcement)
    3. Ask yourself what life circumstance happened causing you to regain/gain weight? What would you do differently if it were to happen again? Think about that plan and write it down to go back to in the future if you need a reminder.
    4 Change calories to maintenance for 2 or 3 weeks - Goal is to maintain where you are and not gain.
    5. Reward: Focus on positive reinforcement: purchase new clothes so you feel good about yourself. Use Awesome points list if you are a member of Half Size Me community. Give yourself a small reward when you make improvements.
    6. Give yourself a deficit. After 3rd week of maintaining, give yourself a calorie deficit for 5 days a week. The other two days, eat at maintenance. (For example, 2000 kcal to 1800 or 1700 for 5 days out of week and maintenance 2 days of week) Do this for two weeks to one month. 10% of maintenance = deficit.
    Adjust by baby step again....for example, could go down to 1 maintenance day instead of 2, drop down a few more calories 5 days and keep the 2 maintenance, or take a small calorie deficit on 2 maintenance days.

    Again, Wear clothes that fit, using positive reinforcement, small deficit and not every day, slowly get yourself back to the healthy behavior and watch yourself slowly lose...

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    I'm 75 posts behind so I will read and catch up, but I just listened to Half Size Me podcast #340 and it was SO insightful that I wanted to write my notes here so I can use them to make a plan for myself using her steps. I hope you don't mind! Tomorrow is surgery day, so I'll have a few days to really think about my plan moving forward.

    Podcast 340 Half Size Me Plan:

    1. Accept yourself at weight you are right now.
    2. Dress in clothing that fits! You will look and feel better! (Positive reinforcement)
    3. Ask yourself what life circumstance happened causing you to regain/gain weight? What would you do differently if it were to happen again? Think about that plan and write it down to go back to in the future if you need a reminder.
    4 Change calories to maintenance for 2 or 3 weeks - Goal is to maintain where you are and not gain.
    5. Reward: Focus on positive reinforcement: purchase new clothes so you feel good about yourself. Use Awesome points list if you are a member of Half Size Me community. Give yourself a small reward when you make improvements.
    6. Give yourself a deficit. After 3rd week of maintaining, give yourself a calorie deficit for 5 days a week. The other two days, eat at maintenance. (For example, 2000 kcal to 1800 or 1700 for 5 days out of week and maintenance 2 days of week) Do this for two weeks to one month. 10% of maintenance = deficit.
    Adjust by baby step again....for example, could go down to 1 maintenance day instead of 2, drop down a few more calories 5 days and keep the 2 maintenance, or take a small calorie deficit on 2 maintenance days.

    Again, Wear clothes that fit, using positive reinforcement, small deficit and not every day, slowly get yourself back to the healthy behavior and watch yourself slowly lose...

    Really great points! Thank you for sharing! I have not listened to the podcasts ... I might have to start listening to these!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited August 2018
    My husband has been down in the dumps for the past month or so. I know he wants to retire (as I do also!), but I think his business is such a part of him. He has no other hobbies, many of his friends have passed away, or because of health reasons are unable to do things. So my husband is lost ... and as a result, does not want to do anything. I think him being down, and also our daughter, has us both really down right now.
    His 50 HS reunion is coming up next month .. and he just does not want to go. It has taken me 3 weeks of trying to convince him to go. He thinks he will not have any fun .... but I kept telling him and the two of us will have fun no matter what.
    SO he signed up! I am excited. We never go anywhere alone ... so this will be so nice, and I think it will be good for hubby. So I am looking up things to do other than the reunion ... without just driving by where he grew up, and missing his parents and siblings. It was a year ago next week that his remaining brother passed away, and this brother always came to visit us in the fall. So I think that is also part of his depression. Hopefully our daughter will be OK while we are gone! .

    JFt, Wed
    1. mow grass :) In addition to mowing the grass ... also finished up the power washing! So hoping I burned lots of calories!
    2. drink water :)
    3. mindful eating :)
    4. go to quilt guild meeting -- so no eating when I get home :/ Hubby wanted to popcorn, but I only had a small bowl :)

    JFT, Thrus
    1. finish replanting plants before it rains on friday
    2. log all food
    3. drink water
    4. mindful eating ... pay attention to everything that I eat. Ask myself . am I hungry or just thirsty

    August Challenge: Plan just ONE evening snack, then close the kitchen
    1: Evening snack was a hard boiled egg, kitchen closed at 9pm :)
    2: Planned on a HB egg, but had 1/4c. raisin bran and some milk. It is now 9:15 pm - so a little later, but only because I wanted to color my hair first! :)
    3: Was out late, and had a glass of wine at 10:00 -- hubby wanted popcorn, so I had a very small amount, but still ,that was at 10:30!!! >:):/ But ....... I still did not eat too much, just that the klondike bar was way more calories than I thought. Lesson ... look up calories FIRST!
    4 .. no evening snack, and did great all day :)
    5... Worrying about my daughter; emotional eating:) >:):/
    6 ... emotional eating >:):/:/
    7. ... emotional eating >:):/:/
    8. Just got home tonite ... so kitchen is closed :)
    9. got into chocolate covered almonds >:)
    10. Fiber one bar, and kitchen closed at 9 pm :)
    11. Had a fiber one bar, and REALLY want another one ... or popcorn ... or something! but, drinking my water, and no going into the kitchen :)
    12. I ate FOUR brownies ! . >:)
    13.. One fiber one brownie... kitchen closed :)
    14. One fiber one brownie .... kitchen closed :)
    15. ?? I was sure I posted this ... and can't find it. Senior moment .... I cant remember!
    16. ??I was sure I posted this ... and can't find it. Senior moment .... I cant remember!
    17. ? I was sure I posted this ... and can't find it. Senior moment .... I cant remember!
    18. ?? >:)
    19. popcorn, 9:30 :)
    20. NO snack :)
    21. ONE ice cream bar = 170 cal. Kitchen closed :)
    22. small bowl of popcorn, and that was it! :)
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    So I’m up early today full of good intentions (again!) after a not great evening (again)! I am a bit worried that this is me slipping into a binge/restrict cycle which is not something I want to continue.

    But I have to tell myself I have control over this, isolate the reasons for it and then move forward. I have been stressed. I have been in shock. I am out of my usual work routine. I have been undernourished. All of these are triggers so it’s not surprising that I have struggled. New day today.

    Recap Wednesday goals
    - morning workout ✅
    - April to August challenges - focus on water and emotional eating ❎
    - School shoe shopping for the girls ✅
    - Online grocery shop? ❎ we don’t actually need one yet
    - Email a couple of colleagues with heads up re sister ✅
    - Sort out weekend plans for girls with their dad/his parents ✅
    - Early night ❎

    Thursday goals
    - morning workout
    - April to August challenges
    - L dentist at 11
    - Jogging with girls to cafe lunch
    - Batch cook some veggies
    - Call GP
    - Early night

    Hope everyone is doing ok. Sending love and hugs to @HEGoddard0928 - I’m so sorry this wasn’t the month for you. Everything crossed that you get good news soon. X
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday was a bad day. Worked 11.5 hours and was thoroughly stressed out and hyperactive by the end of it. Lots of goals went out of the window because of lack of time. Got into the mode I get into where I'm so wound up and distracted I can't focus on anything - reading, conversation, eating... just flitting from thing to thing with thoughts constantly being pulled back to work. Almost felt like i was on the verge of cracking up.

    BUT I pulled myself together. We did order Domino's as I just wanted to sit on the couch with boyfriend and for neither of us to have to cook anything (note: really must have stuff in the freezer for these situations with lower calories). But I did NOT drink. I was really tempted to but was determined not to as drinking on day 3 of the no weekday drinking pilot would show I am dependent on it.

    So I didn't. Instead, I meditated. I had a bath. I played computer games! (My nerdy male programmer friend recommended these for winding down/distraction and they actually work! You have to focus on something, but it draws your attention rather than you having to work to hold your attention on it like with reading). And then I went to sleep ok. I was worried that I wouldn't but actually it was fine.

    So, obviously things are a bit rubbish work wise (and probably will be for the next 6 days until my direct report comes back from honeymoon and starts doing some work - she is NOT allowed to get married again ;)) but I'm really proud of myself for finding healthy ways to de stress. Oh and for not eating more than just one pizza :smile:

    Yesterday's commitments:
    - Stick to food plan :/
    - Eat slowly and mindfully :/
    - Be in the green :/
    - 4 bottles water :neutral:
    - Do exercise DVD :/
    - 30 minute lunch break (not counting DVD) :smile:
    - Meditate :smiley:
    - Duolingo & French book :neutral:
    - Finish work at 7.30pm LATEST
    - Plan outfit (including nail polish) for wedding at weekend :/
    - Work out travel plan for Friday :smile:
    - Lights out by 10.45 :/

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan
    - Eat slowly and mindfully
    - Be in the green
    - 4 bottles water

    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Duolingo & French book
    - Finish work by 7.30pm
    - Pack for wedding weekend
    - Lights out by 10.45
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @PackerFanInGB I think you said your surgery was today? GOOD LUCK!! :):):) Hope all goes as planned. You will be bouncing up and down before you know it. Thinking of you <3
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    I really like the One day at a time approach, its got me doing 20,000 plus steps nearly every day and staying below my calorie limit for losing weight for a couple of months now. Its been difficult learning to make my activity level and limiting calories as a first priority.
  • intrigame23
    intrigame23 Posts: 193 Member
    I walked an hour in the park this morning. Now, I just need to stay under original goal by ignoring the candies at our tables during today's professional development. I can do this!
  • intrigame23
    intrigame23 Posts: 193 Member
    I know. I'll remove the candy bowl from my table!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Yesterday was a bad day. Worked 11.5 hours and was thoroughly stressed out and hyperactive by the end of it. Lots of goals went out of the window because of lack of time. Got into the mode I get into where I'm so wound up and distracted I can't focus on anything - reading, conversation, eating... just flitting from thing to thing with thoughts constantly being pulled back to work. Almost felt like i was on the verge of cracking up.

    BUT I pulled myself together. We did order Domino's as I just wanted to sit on the couch with boyfriend and for neither of us to have to cook anything (note: really must have stuff in the freezer for these situations with lower calories). But I did NOT drink. I was really tempted to but was determined not to as drinking on day 3 of the no weekday drinking pilot would show I am dependent on it.

    So I didn't. Instead, I meditated. I had a bath. I played computer games! (My nerdy male programmer friend recommended these for winding down/distraction and they actually work! You have to focus on something, but it draws your attention rather than you having to work to hold your attention on it like with reading). And then I went to sleep ok. I was worried that I wouldn't but actually it was fine.

    So, obviously things are a bit rubbish work wise (and probably will be for the next 6 days until my direct report comes back from honeymoon and starts doing some work - she is NOT allowed to get married again ;)) but I'm really proud of myself for finding healthy ways to de stress. Oh and for not eating more than just one pizza :smile:

    Yesterday's commitments:
    - Stick to food plan :/
    - Eat slowly and mindfully :/
    - Be in the green :/
    - 4 bottles water :neutral:
    - Do exercise DVD :/
    - 30 minute lunch break (not counting DVD) :smile:
    - Meditate :smiley:
    - Duolingo & French book :neutral:
    - Finish work at 7.30pm LATEST
    - Plan outfit (including nail polish) for wedding at weekend :/
    - Work out travel plan for Friday :smile:
    - Lights out by 10.45 :/

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan
    - Eat slowly and mindfully
    - Be in the green
    - 4 bottles water

    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Duolingo & French book
    - Finish work by 7.30pm
    - Pack for wedding weekend
    - Lights out by 10.45

    Sounds like you handled a stressful day well all told.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    - Listen to guided meditation
    - 8 glasses of water
    - Be in the green
    - Exercise
    - Tidy the mess as soon as I've made it
    - Go to library

    Apr: Water
    May: 15min Outside
    Jun: Mindful/Emotional Eating
    Jul: Pre-logging
    Aug: Close Kitchen 9pm

    Why is it that I've had less sleep than normal by about 2 hours but I feel more awake...
    I need to get outside today. I have to stop sitting in. Don't want to get in a rut when I first had saskia. I actually feel a bit nervous about going out and I don't know why!

    I find getting out is good for my mental health too. I hate weekends when we have nothing planned.

    I’ll never survive being one of those seniors stuck inside day after day.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    @PackerFanInGB thinking of you
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    @PackerFanInGB ALSO thinking of you
    @slittlemeister Great job holding fast...I find super long work hours mess with my health plans more than anything else...just remember she will come back!

    Just For Today:

    1) Drink 8 glasses of water before work at 6 pm.
    2) Pre-log my menu and stick to it.
    3) Make grocery list for tomorrow.
    4) 20 minutes yoga.
    5) Treat myself to a diet soda on my way to work.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    @PackerFanInGB hope you're okay!
    @mytime6630 sorry to hear your husband is struggling. I usually find that my partners mood reflects mine and vice versa. Hope you both find happiness again soon! Keep up with your goals!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,599 Member
    Recap W 8/22 ~ alarm went off when I was dreaming of working for an old boss ~ never thought I'd miss the days working for him! :D
    1) Walked dog before work ~ wonderfully cool, saw 3 deer crossing road & geese flying south, plus heard cranes in distance / 3.81 mi 1:07:35 / stretched = happy dog B) & happy me B)
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 15,737 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 39 floors :smiley:
    3) Usual breakfast, lunch & snacks prelogged / happy hour w/ former colleagues so already looked up menu online, made dinner selection & prelogged ~ stick to plan! / enjoy 1 adult beverage (also prelogged) but enjoy time w/ colleagues more / dare I have net calories green? = Stuck w/ plan (huge for me) ~ yay! Net calories green (barely), sodium -428, sugar -14, fiber excellent, protein low, 13c water (even had water during happy hour + 1 pint beer) :smiley:
    4) Unplug 9:15 :neutral: not quite / floss :s / retainers :smiley: / bed & TV off 10:15 :/ (walk dog before work Th)

    JFT Th 8/23 ~ harder & harder to get up early to walk dog since we're out the door before sunrise now :#
    1) Walked dog before work / 3.5 mi 1:01:11 / stretched = happy dog :smiley: & happy me :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Meals & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan / net calories green or close
    4) Evening to-do's
    5) Unplug 9:00 / FLOSS / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 (dog walk dependent on weather F a.m.)

    Evening Snack Challenge ~ my goal to not snack past 9 p.m.
    1. Peanut M&Ms (wanted something sweet) when got home at 9pm
    2. 1 chocolate power muffin before 8:30
    3. 1/4c chicken salad after 9:00 (emotional eating) :s
    4. Peanut M&Ms 9pm
    5. Nothing after supper :star:
    6. Nothing after Feast w/ the Beasts ended at 8pm :p
    7. Late supper after spa/massage appt. & nothing after 8pm :smile:
    8. Nothing after supper :star:
    9. Brookside pomegranate dark chocolate at 8:30 (down in dumps) :s
    10. Animal crackers after 9pm :s
    11. Late supper after balloon ascension/glow followed by ice cream w/ hubby when we got home 9:30 :#
    12. Supper over at 8pm & had few peanut M&Ms later (not sure of time) :/
    13. 9 plain M&Ms after supper (counted three each red, white, blue) BEFORE 9 :smile:
    14. Unplanned frozen strawberry bar (80 cal) at 8pm, after supper & roses/garden work :smile:
    15. 3 animal crackers after 9pm & busy w/ household chores :p
    16. 10 peanut M&Ms after 9pm :s
    17. Brookside pomegranate dark chocolate after all chores done / past 9pm :s
    18. Napped in evening after family left, then had plain M&Ms after 9pm :s
    19. Nothing after supper :star: finally!
    20. Nothing after supper :star:
    21. Still hungry after supper & snacked on cashews (before 9pm) :#
    22. 4 animal crackers after happy hour at 6:45pm
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member

    JFT - Wednesday August 22
    2L of Water -🙂
    Calories in Green by 150 - 🙂
    Outside 15 Minutes -🙂
    Only 1 Evening Snack - 🙂
    Walk - Hopefully -🙂 Leslie sansone
    Yoga or Pilates - 😕
    Write in Journal 😕
    Start Craftroom - 😕
    Mail card to Wyatt - 😕
    Mail Insurance Document - 😕

    JFT - Thursday August 23
    2L of Water
    Calories in Green by 150
    Outside 15 Minutes
    Only 1 Evening Snack
    Walk - Hopefully
    Yoga or Pilates
    Write in Journal
    Start Craftroom
    Mail card to Wyatt
    Mail Insurance Document

    Even after a total fail for lunch yesterday I turned it around. I’ll take it as a win.

    Our selling again today after a meeting with J this morning. I can’t wait to be working there full tome.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    @Snowflake1968 - Haha no. It looks like a bomb went off. There's odds and ends left to pack. And moving supplies and boxes everywhere. My landlord has been showing the house since the beginning of the month and she was so happy when it looked nice. But, now she's pressuring us to have it "cleaned up and tended to" before this weekend! I tried, but it's not happening. I paid my rent til the end of the month so I don't think she has any legal ground to tell me to "clean up" before my lease it up. I know it'll get done but you're so right, it's my least favorite.

    JFT Weds Recap
    1. Be kind :| BIL was supposed to come over to see the house - he still hadnt shown up by 8:30 and I said some not so nice things and DH rescheduled. Although, this is actually a win for me - speaking my mind is hard sometimes, especially when I think it will cause confrontation. Also, see below.
    2. Lots of water :) Yay finally drinking lots of water at home!
    3. Cook dinner at home :) Omg - DH ate my last bite of mozzarella stick after I got up from the table to grab something. I was not done. And I was SOOOOOOOOO mad. The reaction did not fit the circumstance - but do NOT get between this girl and her cheese during that TOM. :D
    4. Meds AM and PM >:)
    5. Take fish oil after dinner >:)
    6. Puppy puzzle >:)

    JFT Thursday
    1. Be kind
    2. Re read growth mindset article
    3. Figure out dinner?! both BIL coming over tonight and I have NOTHING - take out is OKAY!
    4. Meds AM and PM
    5. Puppy puzzle
    6. Log all food
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    @Snowflake1968 - Haha no. It looks like a bomb went off. There's odds and ends left to pack. And moving supplies and boxes everywhere. My landlord has been showing the house since the beginning of the month and she was so happy when it looked nice. But, now she's pressuring us to have it "cleaned up and tended to" before this weekend! I tried, but it's not happening. I paid my rent til the end of the month so I don't think she has any legal ground to tell me to "clean up" before my lease it up. I know it'll get done but you're so right, it's my least favorite.

    JFT Weds Recap
    1. Be kind :| BIL was supposed to come over to see the house - he still hadnt shown up by 8:30 and I said some not so nice things and DH rescheduled. Although, this is actually a win for me - speaking my mind is hard sometimes, especially when I think it will cause confrontation. Also, see below.
    2. Lots of water :) Yay finally drinking lots of water at home!
    3. Cook dinner at home :)Omg - DH ate my last bite of mozzarella stick after I got up from the table to grab something. I was not done. And I was SOOOOOOOOO mad. The reaction did not fit the circumstance - but do NOT get between this girl and her cheese during that TOM. :D
    4. Meds AM and PM >:)
    5. Take fish oil after dinner >:)
    6. Puppy puzzle >:)

    JFT Thursday
    1. Be kind
    2. Re read growth mindset article
    3. Figure out dinner?! both BIL coming over tonight and I have NOTHING - take out is OKAY!
    4. Meds AM and PM
    5. Puppy puzzle
    6. Log all food

    Haha! Love this! Was once on a fairly restrictive meal delivery diet and my girls (then toddlers) really loved sneaking bites of the granola breakfast bar which was the only tasty item but ridiculously small. Seriously tested my patience...

    A better day for me today. Haven’t drunk all my water but think I’m otherwise there.

    @slittlemeister I was inspired by you to sit down at my piano for the first time in ages today. Great way to de-stress and keep busy. Thank you!

    Recap Thursday goals
    - morning workout ✅
    - April to August challenges - mostly ✅
    - L dentist at 11 ✅
    - Jogging with girls to cafe lunch ✅
    - Batch cook some veggies ✅
    - Call GP ✅
    - Early night ✅ going up soon

    Friday goals
    - morning workout
    - Call vet if Monty still not himself (he’s been hiding and sleeping and seems like he might have a little injury)
    - Girls haircuts at 11
    - Pack girls for trip to their Grandparents
    - Call breast cancer clinic re updating my records and reviewing my risk
    - Renew yoga membership
    - Rest

    Hope everyone is doing well, esp @PackerFanInGB and hang in there @snowflake1968

    Lots of love x