JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Welcome to our 2 newest friends here! I am not really a best me of late. I think of myself I am sad to say like a barrel-all chunky middle and no change despite arm and leg wobbles. Sigh. NO exercise happening. There may be time to go to pool today after 7:30 but then ...well, whine. I did get most of the yard mowed and beaten down last week. I am very thirsty-okay by me not to eat but I want smoothies and so forth of the liquid persuasion. Today's goals-keep calories under 1200, drink at least 8 cups of water, do go to pool, get kid through most of his lessons (one class has taken all morning and still is not done), and go to bed before 9. Tomorrow is Tuesday-calories under the line, drink as much as can, and breathe calmly! AND pick-up trash, practice It's beginning to look like Christmas for son's chorus, take son to chorus, serve in Family History Center, and put trash cans by curb before bed. I want to weigh myself tonight if we go to the Y. Nothing is looser or showing any loss. Friday is my birthday and I am still the old me, maybe older.
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    I got up and at it and nailed my 5,000+ steps by 9a.m. my time. I made up my mind last week to up the anti on my steps since the 5K is a bit easier on me and set a goal for myself to try to reach 7K within two weeks... I am happy how this morning went. I sweated, got my heart rate up well by jogging in place. Mind you my start weight was... I hate to say it 335lbs. So being able to jog or even consider it is one heck of a big deal for me with my knees. I gave it a real go this morning... I'd do quick feet, then moderate, then quick and so on which helped reach my goal faster this morning. My breakfast was a Gala apple. Which was just enough to make my stomach shut up and give me the feel good I needed to get going.
    I'm just getting this posted because... Lol…..all of that boob bouncing wore me out and I took a quick unplanned nap..(ie. passed out) LMBO😂😂

  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    So Tbh you've probably all realised I'm not doing to great at this with the loggibg and water and exercise etc.
    But the scales have been kind!

    20th Aug: 179.5
    1st Oct: 177!

    So 2.5lbs in just over a month and I barely did anything to achieve it.

    I have been more mindful though I have noticed. Not eating massive portions and such. So feeling pretty good about it.

    Just gonna keep going as I am for now. I'm not gonna write goals and try force myself to do them because I'm not ready to. I need to get the rest of my life organised and on track first then incorporate this in!
    Still posting though :)

    Anyone have any tips on how to handle 3 kids after getting home from school? I feel like it's just chaos chaos chaos from the moment we get in, then it's dinner then bed.
    Yet Saskia has a work book and stories I should be helping her read but seriously, it's that crazy when I get in I don't know how I can get just half an hour of calm to sit down and do it with her!

    @Bex953172.. I did a Task/Reward Board for my girls for one thing I sat them down and explained how it was important for me to have at least 30 minutes of quiet to help me be a good mommy to them and separated them during that time to prevent sibling squabbles by giving them helpful things to do that I knew they could handle and even formed an assembly line to do dishes, laundry, food prep. even made a game of it at times. Or perhaps you could partner with a friend and trade off/take turns once a week to watch them for an hour to get things done and that can be done in your home so that as you do what's needed, the other adult can have them doing homework or crafts keeping them busy and away from you while you accomplish what's needed.
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Well Ladies... My darling Sisters, I'm home.and I'm pooped...
    My daughter has what's known as ICU DELIRIUM, with hallucinogenic episodes. My brilliant daughter is having mind problems due to the drugs they had to treat her with to keep her airways open... The doctor told me in the beginning she almost died. So the medicine they used and the machine had to be used at the capacity they chose.
    Today, she went to potty with assistance, she sat up and fed herself, she laughed and talked normally for a while, had physical therapy. And did well with that, but when she began to say things out of the norm.. I almost lost it.. But instead, I prayed for her soundness of mind. OMG! This is hard, but what she's experiencing is worse than my selfish feelings. She needs a strong mom more than ever and I can't stop.. I won't stop. I want my baby better.

    Hi Mary. Just seeing this now. How is your daughter? My mom had this also after being put in drug-induced coma for strep pneumonia a few years ago. They called it ICU psychosis at that hospital. She did not have permanent issues from it, but I remember it was so scary! Prayers for your baby girl to pull out of it soon, if she hasn’t already. Xoxo

    @PackerFanInGB... Thank you. Yes my oldest daughter is out of the hospital and her 32 birthday was on Sept.28.
    She doing well so far.Thank God.
    I love you💜 How kind and thoughtful of you to ask.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    edited October 2018
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    So Tbh you've probably all realised I'm not doing to great at this with the loggibg and water and exercise etc.
    But the scales have been kind!

    20th Aug: 179.5
    1st Oct: 177!

    So 2.5lbs in just over a month and I barely did anything to achieve it.

    I have been more mindful though I have noticed. Not eating massive portions and such. So feeling pretty good about it.

    Just gonna keep going as I am for now. I'm not gonna write goals and try force myself to do them because I'm not ready to. I need to get the rest of my life organised and on track first then incorporate this in!
    Still posting though :)

    Anyone have any tips on how to handle 3 kids after getting home from school? I feel like it's just chaos chaos chaos from the moment we get in, then it's dinner then bed.
    Yet Saskia has a work book and stories I should be helping her read but seriously, it's that crazy when I get in I don't know how I can get just half an hour of calm to sit down and do it with her!

    The only thing I can suggest trying is to have your supper prepped, house tidied, and snacks already out for them when they return home. And consistent structure so they know what to expect each day. An afterschool poster to serve as a reminder to both you and them might help: Upon arriving home, Before snacktime: homework out on the table, backpacks hung on hooks, coats, and shoes put away.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,514 Member
    Been MIA on this thread for a few days, not going to find my last post to update. So, Friday vacation day w/ hubby was very nice. I had NO alarm to wake me, had nice 4+ mile walk with dog, then dropped hubby's vehicle at service station and we tried the new gyros at Arby's (we rarely eat fast food anymore) ~ pretty good. Then, because kids (n/a for us) were in school & adults (mostly) were at jobs, we went to the local zoo for the afternoon. It was nearly deserted, which hubby loves, and we had a great time strolling around. Leftovers for supper and net calories only -15... since lunch was unplanned splurge, very happy with that!

    Sat. started normal: I went to farmers market (only 4 more in season) and errands on way home, then walked dog 4+ miles. Somehow, I was not enjoying our walk like normal, and when we got home, I was woozy leaning over to unhook dog's leash & harness. Almost had bed-spins (no alcohol involved), spent rest of afternoon on couch, dozing & watching TV. By evening, felt better so talked hubby into driving me to grocery store and getting much-needed shopping done. Besides essentials, needed several ingredients for recipes using farmers market bounty. But no energy to cook Sat. & snacked my way through the day ~ ACK! Net calories -304 = sad me.

    Sunday stayed home from church and just lazed through the day. By supper time, I was feeling more like myself, so I made eggplant parmesan (WW version) & hubby did egg wash & breaded all slices for me. Recipe says serves 6, but portions are huge & filling, so we make recipe for 8. Net calories -72 (too bad no dog walk).

    Now for today... JFT M 10/1
    1) Walked dog before work / 3.54 mi 1:02:19 = happy dog :smiley: & happy me :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Meals & snacks prelogged / ignore bailey caramel apple pie in dept. / stick w/ plan & net calories green / 12c water
    4) Locate & update last weekly w-i post
    5) Locate & update monthly goals
    6) Evening to-do's
    7) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 (walk dog before work T weather permitting ~ we're in a rainy pattern all week :'( )

    @PackerFanInGB Congrats on your rescue pup! Have fun walking with Maddie! :smiley:
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    I had a good day yesterday. Still struggling with my cold but I don’t really have the luxury of indulging it right now - too much to do so blasting through it with coughs and sneezes! This week is going to be hard work. I am formally observed teaching once a term and given an inspection ‘grading’ and that is coming up next week so lots of prep to do. Even though it is an internal observation all the teachers take it very seriously and it’s quite nerve-wracking.

    The following week my class have their assembly where they present to the school and their parents - quite a big ask for 5 year olds! I am working on the script but, again, lots of prep and practice required as they can’t all read yet so can’t learn lines! I worry about this too but just try and remind myself that whatever they do up on stage (even making mistakes or freezing completely) the parents will find it adorable so we can’t really go wrong!

    My sister gets her results tomorrow (Tuesday) so really my mind will be on her until I know for sure that the carcinoma was not invasive and she won’t need any more treatment. Then I think we can all start to move forward.

    Sunday goals recap
    - morning workout ✅
    - Finish laundry ✅
    - Groceries ✅
    - Yoga if cold doesn’t worsen ✅
    - check girls have done homework on their return ✅
    - Pack schoolbags ✅
    - Draft email re school partnership ❎ planned a lesson instead for my upcoming observation
    - Early night ✅

    Monday goals
    - morning workout
    - Pack kids’ snacks
    - On arrival at work print maths quiz questions
    - Find the iPad with video of kids doing gymnastics - upload to system
    - Email re school partnership
    - Edit and print observation lesson writing template - make demo story prism
    - Start observation lesson flipchart
    - RSVPs for kids’ bday party invitations (they get so many it is so hard to stay on top of this!!!)
    - Remind ex to book tickets for kids’ school fireworks event
    - Put away last laundry load
    - Early night

    Wishing everyone a good start to the week x

    Good luck this week with your evaluation. I love children's recitals, the mistakes and errors are the most memorable.
    Praying your sister gets the best news possible tomorrow.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    So Tbh you've probably all realised I'm not doing to great at this with the loggibg and water and exercise etc.
    But the scales have been kind!

    20th Aug: 179.5
    1st Oct: 177!

    So 2.5lbs in just over a month and I barely did anything to achieve it.

    I have been more mindful though I have noticed. Not eating massive portions and such. So feeling pretty good about it.

    Just gonna keep going as I am for now. I'm not gonna write goals and try force myself to do them because I'm not ready to. I need to get the rest of my life organised and on track first then incorporate this in!
    Still posting though :)

    Anyone have any tips on how to handle 3 kids after getting home from school? I feel like it's just chaos chaos chaos from the moment we get in, then it's dinner then bed.
    Yet Saskia has a work book and stories I should be helping her read but seriously, it's that crazy when I get in I don't know how I can get just half an hour of calm to sit down and do it with her!

    2.5 lbs is great! Take it and celebrate with a glass of water!

    I hated after school hours, dinner, baths, homework, overtired children and Mama's.... I tried everything to make evenings easier and the only thing I ever found was making sure the kids were able to play and relax a bit too. I always did play time while I was getting supper and cleaning up, then I would do homework then bath. Routine is the biggest thing I think. Whatever routine works best for you.

    I was so excited to find out this year that my Grandson's teacher doesn't believe in homework. He is to play and read a book each night. He is a reader anyway so it's easy for him. I said to my daughter, imagine how many evenings we had ruined because of homework battles. I'm just so happy for them. I think more teachers need to do this. We as adults don't have to take work home every night why is it acceptable for children?
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    Liv2S wrote: »
    Just for today - day 2
    Self-care: step 1 is just to look after myself, eat what I need and get lots of rest. I should not feel guilty for not going to work. When the body says no...listen. I am feeling so unwell and need to give myself lots of love and patience.

    I am quite enjoying having a place where I can write these thoughts and be a part of a mass journey of self-care, with others. Thank you for the inspiration.

    Happy Monday.

    This is a wonderful group! We can moan and groan and cheer and holler and we're supported through it all. I am so thankful that I found it back in March.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,514 Member
    edited October 2018
    September Goals / Results:
    • Walk dog 5-6x per week / wear reflective gear & headlamp when necessary = Walked 5x three weeks & 6x one week ~ total 77.31 miles & happy dog :smiley:
    • City Stadium 5K for Veterans 9/8/18 < 44:30 = Finished in 44:27 :star: & ave. pace 14:16 ~ very happy me :smiley:
    • Cross-train when weather does not permit walks: home version of weights & circuit training, Sweaty Betty or other videos, WiiFit = Weather cooperated and/or timed rest days during crappy weather :D
    • Rest days: at least one per week but no more than two = One week had 1 rest day, other weeks had 2 rest days :smiley:
    • Prelog food as often as possible & close MFP diary every day except: middle brother's wedding 9/1 & Labor Day weekend thru 9/3, maybe 9/16 since we're attending Vikings - Packers game (lottery tickets), maybe belated anniversary dinner with hubby (whenever/wherever we finally go) = Most days prelogged meals & snacks ~ only days I did not complete food diary 9/1 - 9/3 :p
    • Net calories green or w/i 100 on 80% of month (24/30 days) = 17/30 days w/i 100 net calories ~ oops :#
    • Take measurements 9/30 Sunday a.m. before church & log on MFP = Took & logged month end weight & measurements on Sat. 9/29 instead ~ lost .25" from waist & all other measurements same ~ beats the alternative! :smile:
    • Scale goal: maintain below 153# = an up & down month ~ reached 154 :)

    October Goals:
    • Walk dog 5-6x per week
    • Run for the Hill of It 5K 10/13/18 ~ part unpaved trail, ends by going UP a steep sledding hill. :p Want to beat last year's 48:41 and hill time of 2:04. :#
    • Cross-train when weather does not permit walks: home version of weights & circuit training, Sweaty Betty or other videos, WiiFit, yoga ~ eventually this is going to happen!
    • Rest days: at least one per week but no more than two
    • Prelog food as often as possible & close MFP diary every day except: belated bday dinner w/ BFF 10/12 & whenever hubby takes me out for my bday (since we will only see each other for workday lunch); possibly 10/2 evening for retirement planning event ~ no idea how I might log "light buffet provided"
    • Net calories green or w/ 100 on 80% of month (25/31 days)
    • Take measurements 10/31 W a.m. before work & log on MFP
    • Scale goal: 153# or lower

    Weight loss is not linear. The scale is a tool with data. Focus on the process, not the outcome.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,797 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »

    I only lost 1 inch overall this month.

    what??? Let me see if I understood you rightly: You are lamenting because you lost 1 inch overall??? I would love that to be my complaint! This is a victory. You moved forward! You should be doin' a happy dance, girlfriend!! Now, go to your room and write down 10 postive thoughts about YOU! :smiley:

    Awe thanks, you are 100% correct I really should be celebrating. A loss is a loss and I shouldn't complain.

    Thank you for calling me out on that
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    Had a really good day today. I got up at 630 instead of 6 like I had originally planned but after 9 days of sleeping in it's not really a big surprise! Lol.

    I fell right back into the flow of work. I got all the things I wanted to, done. I got a nice birthday surprise from my coworkers as well. They set out a nice parfait spread for me...including Nutella :D I must say...I indulged. I couldn't measure or weigh any of it so I kind of guesstimated but I think I did well. I also prelogged some food that I have to take off because I didnt end up eating it at work because of the impromptu parfait.

    I'm really proud of myself tonight. I got home and was starving but didnt feel like making dinner. I had a silent internal battle for about 20 minutes about if we should get takeout. I ended up making quick rice and then throwing some chicken in a skillet with some chicken broth, honey, and sesame seeds. I also nuked some green beans and voila dinner. I also drank almost 32 ounces of water during dinner and honestly...I'm a little sick to my stomach because I'm so full. Lol.

    I dont want to update my goals yet because it's only 6:30 but I've done all of them already. Lol. Honestly, I'm kind of bored. The DH is playing video games and I'm not particularly interested. I think I will spend some time reading.

    I hope everyone has a great night!

    @Snowflake1968 Thank you for the compliment! I felt it was time I changed up the photo. I am going to get my hair dyed again soon too I think.

    @maryrobinson40 I am so proud of you! All those steps before most people are starting their day! I'm so sorry that you felt so terrible the other day. I bet you are glad that that is over. I know that I am!

    @Bex953172 2.5lbs is great! And you didnt starve yourself or make yourself sick to do it! It is proven that people who limit their portions to suggested sizes lose more weight than those who dont. I have no advice for you with the girls though! I hope that it all works out!

    @PackerFanInGB I need to start the tiny habits process again. I have just never been able to get the hang of it but I think that I am going to think of some tonight and then start them tomorrow!

    @Faebert I'm so sorry your day was $hitty! I bet tomorrow will be better! Keep that chin up and keep pressing on! Good luck with your observation!