JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    JFT 10-2-18

    1. Up @ 7😀
    2. Prep lunch/coffee/meditate😀
    3. Spend 15 minutes writing in my notebook😀Actually spent some time writing in it at work too!
    4. Work 915-515😀 Was a pretty good day
    5. Call doc re paperwork😆Office still closed. I have to call the DH's HR department and see if we can get an extension on the deadline. I think they'll be closed all week and the paperwork is due in Thursday
    6. M's after work re treatment and dinner😅 She wasn't feeling well so I got to spend the night at home.
    7. Home by 8😀See above
    8. DH time😄 He was watching baseball. I wasn't all that interested but I did spend some time cuddling with him
    9. Bed prep @945😅10:05. Got caught up on my phone and with the comfy husband. Lol
    10. Lights off @10 30 😀Right around there I think.

    I will spend 15 minutes writing in my notebook after my coffee. 😀
    I will do the dishes right after dinner.😀
    I will brush my teeth before bed. 😀 Believe it or not I really had to fight myself about this one. I was already laying bed with the lights turned off and everything. But I had to pee so I just ended up doing it anyway! Very proud of myself!

  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member

    JFT 10-3-18

    1. Log all food
    2. Up @ 6
    3. Prep lunch/coffee/meditate/pray
    4. 15 minutes writing/working in notebook
    5. Work 815-415
    6. Figure out dinner
    7. Dishes!
    8. DH time
    9. Bed prep @ 945
    10. Lights off @ 1030

    I will spend 15 minutes writing in my notebook after my coffee.
    I will do the dishes right after dinner.
    I will brush my teeth before bed.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Just for Tuesday
    Journal every bite, good or bad :#It looks like I didn't enter anything yesterday! Geesh! I kept meaning to, but was distracted by Maddie. I am going to go back and do it to the best of my memory after I'm done here.
    64+ oz of water :)
    Finish laundry :)
    Make to-do list for week :)Started this.
    Complete some items on to-do list :)
    Contact boss at work with return date :sI started reading my 600+ unread work emails and never wrote her because after 3 hours I was so overwhelmed I just turned my work laptop off!
    Walk around block x2 :)>:)Only once. Maddie isn't supposed to be getting too much exercise right now and I didn't have the heart to leave her behind! (She already has me wrapped around her finger/paw.)
    Begin thinking about Christmas list for kiddos :)Started list.
    5 freggies :#Only 1/5 unless banana bread counts...
    Be grateful, not resentful - be mindful :)
    Gratitude journal :) / Simple Abundance :) / Dodie Olsteen reading :) / sleeping by 10:30 >:)
    Up early with Maddie :)Guess who decided it was time to get up and play at 5:00 a.m.?

    Good morning! I was pretty bad yesterday as far as picking healthy foods. My hubby was gone hunting from 3-9 p.m. so I kind of picked at stuff instead of making myself a dinner...and no, I wasn't picking at fresh veggies! Today will be better. I was emotionally eating yesterday I think, but I am actually happy that I realize that because usually I don't connect the dots.

    @Snowflake1968, @AJB1014, @Bex953172 and @cschmitz110515 Thank you so much for your suggestions and ideas on ways for me to keep Maddie! I really appreciated the insights! My granddaughter went with me yesterday to get her a crate. I haven't used it yet, but I will have for when we need it. I am also going to pick up a harness for when I need to tie her outside to do her business. I am going to begin saving toward fencing the back yard next spring so I won't have to worry about her slipping the collar off. I also found a Doggy Daycare near my work, which is much more inexpensive than I thought it woud be so that is awesome! I hadn't thought of using a Doggy Daycare because of expense, but if we have it set up for those special occasions, it will be perfect! It even has a live feed video so you can see your dog playing and make sure they are okay. Perfect! I can't take her to a dog park yet because she is still healing from the spaying surgery, but beginning next week I can, so I will be looking at where those are and what I need to do to be able to use them! Then she can run full speed to get some of that energy out! I'm feeling so much better about making this her forever home now! @AJB1014 I'm very interested in any puzzle games or other things you use to keep your dogs interested and "busy"! :smile: :heart:

    Today we are going to get some storms, some of which may be severe, so there won't be a lot of walking outside I'm thinking, but that is okay because my hip joint is really bothering me today. I don't know if I'm doing too much all of a sudden because of the dog, or if it's the weather causing joint aches. Regardless, it's a good day to ice it and not feel guilty if I don't get a lot done

    Husband went to the grocery store shopping a bit ago, and I have a feeling he will be returning with lasagna ingredients, so that could be what I'm doing this afternoon. I have noticed that since I raised my calorie allowance to "maintenance" but do not eat back my exercise calories, I've been slowing losing a half pound here and there and doing much better than i was trying to keep my calories at 1200! I'm always starving and feeling deprived at 1200, so I'm trying the approach of eating more, but choosing better foods and getting more exercise. We'll see how that goes for me. :smile:

    @Bex953172 I will have to tweak the challenge for myself for October, because I'm not supposed to walk more than a total of a mile yet. So, I'm setting a goal of 10,000 steps per day for myself to try to stay with the October theme! Thank you for picking a challenge for us! (I'm also going to continue the 5 fruits/veggies since I didn't do so well with it and still need to make that a habit)

    Just for Wednesday:
    Journal every bite
    64+ oz water
    Put thought into my meals/snacks
    Eat mindfully, sitting down
    5 freggies
    Step goal: 10,000 steps

    Continue working on Christmas list
    Finish making to-do list
    Email work with return date
    Find out if there is anything immediate I need to get done there - annual eval?

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @bcTRAI Yes! I'm doing pretty well. Sure has been a long process. Still doing therapy but when I hit the 8 week mark, then the restrictions drop and I will go back to work because I will be allowed to do stairs and bend and lean forward, etc. I could get used to staying home every day but at the same time it will feel good to get back around my coworkers and have a social life again! :smile: BTW, be on the lookout for a picture of Bex's quilt top! THe top is finally done, but I have to run my granddaughter around for some appointments this morning so I will take pics and send them when I get back early this afternoon! Be gentle when you see what a novice I am! LOL! :mrgreen:

    @Snowflake1968 I loved reading what your grandmother used to give as Christmas gifts. I really need to sit and give some thoughts on how I can cut back. I just can't afford what I used to now that we have so many kids/spouses, grandkids and great grands. I want to find something to give that will be meaningful and they will like without breaking the bank.

    @Faebert I was so saddened to see your news about your sister! That had to be quite the blow to her, as well as the rest of you, to hear. I remember when I went in and had bilateral mastectomy thinking I was Stage II with 3 tumors and clear lymph nodes and woke up to the news of Stage III with 3 tumors and 23 lymph nodes removed. It was devastating! I'm sending you the biggest cyber hugs I can muster up and so much love and prayers. If your sister ever wants someone to talk to who has been through it and knows the feelings and fears that go with it, please know I would be happy to share my personal email/info with you to give to her. I'm here. :heart:

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,804 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Okay guys so I popped back in the thread to 1st September where we all gave suggestions for Challenges.

    The two that I've found we liked the most was

    The Daily Mile: walk/jog/sprint a mile a day.

    7 min workout (daily) there's an app for this.

    As the weather is getting colder we won't want to be outside as much but a mile outside or a 7min workout inside will keep us moving!
    And as last month was focused on nutrition (5 F&V) I thought this one could be activity based.

    Sooooo which would you prefer?

    Only doing this because Joan is MIA(where are you?!?!) so thought I'd just help us out!

    I like the 7 minute work out. I am doing the mile anyway for my own personal challenge.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    1. Eat when hungry - stop when full :)
    2. Eat ONLY 1 piece serving of blueberry pie >:)
    3. Cook dinner at home :)
    4. Log all food :)
    5. Take fish oil after dinner - and before work tomorrow >:) / :)
    6. Continue to drink water at home >:)
    7. Bed early - wake at first stirring >:)

    1. Eat when hungry - stop when full
    2. Take fish oil tonight - and in the morning
    3. Log all food
    4. Communicate clearly - especially when getting anxious
    5. 4 waters at work
    6. Bed early - wake up at first stirring
    7. Meds AM and PM

    HEY LADY...LMBO. HAVE I TOLD YOU LATELY THAT I LOVE YOU? I see you working this journey. I see your frustrations and your smiles. We are gonna win this you know? I got you and you got me. That's what I wanted to say this evening. TOGETHER WE CAN.

    Love you, Mary! We got this! The struggles make the victories that much more sweet! Xoxo
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,804 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Sorry I didn’t make it on last night. A very difficult day yesterday. My sister was readmitted to hospital with an infection and the results of the tests on the tissue they took came back and were not ideal. Turns out she had cancerous cells on the side they thought was healthy too. They are saying that it is also non-invasive thank god and hopefully no change to future plans but I’m worried and blindsided and devastated for her. And I’m so frustrated because I can’t go and see her or help my mum with her kids because of this stupid cold! And my dad has had to go on a trip so my mum is doing it all on her own.

    Plus I haven’t heard from my boyfriend for a couple of days and he hasn’t even picked up my message updating him yesterday!! And work is still rubbish.

    So feeling very sorry for myself but then also guilty because it’s far worse for others in my family. Arggghhh!

    Tuesday goals recap
    - morning workout ✅
    - Work on obs lesson before school? ✅
    - Collect car at lunchtime ✅
    - Hot yoga after work ❎ head too messed up
    - Collect P from play date ✅
    - Bed by 10. ❎

    Wednesday goals
    - morning workout
    - Take paper plates to work for cooking activity
    - Grab bowls and knives on arrival at work
    - Work more on observation lesson - finish flipchart, speak to buddy class teacher
    - Call mum on lunch break
    - Cash for piano teacher
    - Speak to M re subject leadership?
    - Do family history referral document
    - Bed by 10.

    Just keep on keeping on! Thanks all for being a lovely place to vent x

    Hugs to you :) Words fail me when I need them to convey my thoughts the most. I just can't imagine what you are going through right now. It would make me insane not being able to be there and do for my family.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,804 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »

    WOMAN IF THAT'S YOUR IDEA OF BIG... I'LL SWAP WITH YA... YOU'RE GORGEOUS... OH MY WORD... I'M HAVING A FIT OVER HERE IN NORTH CAROLINA... ARE YOU SERIOUS? WOW! I love that photo of you. My My My... OH MY! Lol. If I were your size, they'd have to hog tie me to the bed... I'd go out and buy every little black dress I could and stroll just to get a gander of myself. Whew... Ok First.. Let me apologize. I'm not trying to be offensive or insensitive.
    I respect your feelings. And I never want you to feel you can't express your truth. I do apologize. Please forgive me.
    But do me a favor and really look at my profile picture. I haven't weighed what you weigh since High School. I developed TOXEMIA with my first daughter and blew up like a blimp. Doc wouldn't allow me out of bed unless I had to go potty. My Mother, God rest her soul. Took care of me the last 3 months of my pregnancy.... I kept threatening to miscarry the whole time. With my third daughter, the doctor forced my labor and I ended up having to have a C-section because my baby was in distress...only to have him not sew me up, but taped me instead and I caught and infection in my belly and it turned ganegrene and I almost died. From that point on I got bigger and bigger. I did Slimfast, Special-K, Vinegar, and Soup Diet... The only other diet that really worked for me was THE MAKER'S DIET, but I couldn't keep it going because it was expensive for me to eat ORGANIC, WHOLE FOODS, AND USE UNPROCESSED PRODUCTS. Oh yeah and add the grapefruit diet to that list too.
    I can honestly say that I am shocked that you don't know how beautiful you are. I'm awe struck. Thank you for sharing your picture. Thank you. Again, please accept my apologies.

    Mary -- this is all so sweet of you to say, and thank you. You lifted my spirits! But you know, we all see ourselves the way we do ... and others see us different. When I see your profile ... you are very beautiful - both inside and outside! We are all so fortunate to have you on this thread!

    But I do hear your struggles with weight ... believe me... I have those same struggles. I was always on the upper end of the scale, weight wise. But my real weight problems started when I lost my first sibling from cancer in 2001 -- he was only 52 years old. I quickly gained 40 pounds .... because I am an emotional eater. I eat when anything stresses me, and I didn't even care. When he lost his battle with cancer, I vowed that I would lose the weight "for my brother, who would want me healthy". Well, 6 months after my brother died, my only sister passed away unexpectedly (she choked to death). She was only 55. So there I gained another 10 pounds. One year later, my dear SIL passed away from melanoma ... again, another 10 pound. I would go and visit her, and try to be so strong for her... only to eat for comfort when I was by myself. Then our only daughter was diagnosed as schizoaffective ... and I gained another 10 pounds +. Hers was the hardest, because I see her everyday, and if she has a bad day, I reach for my only comfort .... food.

    When I lost another brother in 2008 to cancer (he was only 53), I was up by almost 50 pounds. I joined weight watchers, and lost 45 pounds. Only to regain them when another brother (who was only 63 yrs old) committed suicide in 2012.
    So the struggles are very real for me, as they are for you. When I turned 65 I did join a gym, and that has probably helped me a lot in at least toning up a little, and not feeling quite so badly about myself. But I see the scales, and I know a healthy weight for me is to lost 20 more pounds.

    This is why I started this thread, and this is why I hope to continue with this thread. Somedays I just can't find the time to get on and post a lot (my husband and I both work out of our home, so my days at times can be very long). But I will be 68 next year, and I hope to do everything in my power to life as long as I can, to live as healthy as I can, and to do everything within my power to try and stay young! And I know you can to! Just the fact that we are all still trying ... we will all get there. But we all have those same struggles. Yes, I have done slim fast ... the grapefruit diet ... the cabbage diet ..... atkins diet ... you name it. Now, I just hope to learn to eat healthy foods (and learn to eat other stuff in moderation!).

    But I do thank you for the wonderful compliment. ... but trust me .... weight struggles are very real for me, as they are for you. But one day at a time ... we can all get there. We can live the life we want, and feel the way we want to feel. I keep telling myself that just because I lost 4 of my siblings, all of them before they reached the age of 63, does not mean that I will live a short life. I hope to live to be well into my 80s, but I want to be as healthy as I can, for as long as I can.

    Sorry for the long post. But I want you to know that you are certainly not alone in the struggles... and we are all in this together. We all understand. We all care!

    Hugs to you, what a stressful number of years with so many losses and changes. Sometimes life just sucks.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited October 2018
    @bcTRAI Yes! I'm doing pretty well. Sure has been a long process. Still doing therapy but when I hit the 8 week mark, then the restrictions drop and I will go back to work because I will be allowed to do stairs and bend and lean forward, etc. I could get used to staying home every day but at the same time it will feel good to get back around my coworkers and have a social life again! :smile: BTW, be on the lookout for a picture of Bex's quilt top! THe top is finally done, but I have to run my granddaughter around for some appointments this morning so I will take pics and send them when I get back early this afternoon! Be gentle when you see what a novice I am! LOL! :mrgreen:

    I can't wait to see the quilt!!!!! I know it will be beautiful ... Bex is going to love it!!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited October 2018
    @HEGoddard092 and @PackerFanInGB -- everytime I see your posts I keep thinking we have new people on this board ... still getting used to the new profiles. But you both look so great!! Love the new profiles! Tracy, hoping your getting used to your new haircut/color? It looks great on you!

    @Bex -- love the October challenge! Thank you for starting this! I know for me, when I get out walking in the evening, it helps me a lot with nite time snacking.

    I can't find my post from the other nite ... I know I did post my goals ... but where are they! LOL!

    So I'm just going to post new ones. Hubby woke up this morning in a grumpy mood ... so I got to the gym extra early, and wore off some calories! He has not been feeling very good lately, and he is so far behind on stuff .... so I got to hear all about it this morning :s , But once I got back from the gym, he had his coffee, and is in a better mood!

    JFt, Wed
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on water = 8+ cups
    3. mindful eating
    4. October challenge - 1 mile walk tonite
    5. 1 nite time snack tonite ... and then close the kitchen!!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    1. Eat when hungry - stop when full :)
    2. Take fish oil tonight - and in the morning >:)
    3. Log all food :)
    4. Communicate clearly - especially when getting anxious :)
    5. 4 waters at work :)
    6. Bed early - wake up at first stirring >:)
    7. Meds AM and PM :)

    1. Eat when hungry stop when full
    2. Dog to groomer
    3. Log all food
    4. Communicate clearly
    5. 4 water at work
    6. Log all food
    7. Meds AM and PM
    8. Bed early - wake up at 6
    9. Fish Oil after dinner and in morning
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,804 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Okay so I'm going to choose The Daily Mile!
    I did like the idea of the 7 min workout because I hate the cold and that's something we can do at home! But it's not just about me lol!

    I though even though it's getting cold it's not TOO cold and there's nothing like ice or anything to prevent us going out.. (or is there? @snowflake1968 ?) so the 7 min one could be for when it's colder, or better yet the December challenge seeing as we will be eating more around the festivities!

    The Daily Mile!

    The Daily Mile (TDM) is basically a walk jog or run for 1 mile (typically around 15 mins)
    We should try incorporate The Daily Mile into our daily routines; whether it is a jog to work, a run at lunchtime, or a walk whilst socialising with colleagues and friends.

    "Trish Gorely from the University of Highlands and Islands who researched the benefits of The Daily Mile for children, said if adults did The Daily Mile every day for a week, they would have already achieved two thirds of the Government’s recommended amount of exercise. The WHO found that if people walked a mile more each day (between 15-20 minutes of walking), it could prevent 15,000 deaths per year.

    I am going to implement one rule, doing the food shop does not count! and its a rule because I know I will use it LOL
    Remember it's a mile extra on what we already do!

    Good luck everyone!

    No ice yet that is sticking around at least. I like this challenge. I also like keeping the 7 minute one for December when we are all so busy with holidays and extra food.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,804 Member
    JFT - Tuesday October 2
    2L of Water - :)
    Calories in Green by 150 - :) 162
    Outside 15 Minutes - :( Had Jonah for an unexpected overnight visit so messed up my plans
    Move Hourly at Work - :):) I did 5 - 1 Mile You Tube Power Walks plus one 5 Minute Power Walk! I am so proud of myself for doing this!
    Exercise for 30 Minutes - :) Yes if I count the walks at work, no if I count the Yoga I was planning on doing
    5 Fruits and Veggies - :) 5/5
    Only 1 Evening Snack - :/ I had a banana after my 1st snack, but I had lots of calories left over and I was truly hungry
    Write in Journal - :)

    JFT - Wednesday October 3
    2L of Water
    Calories in Green by 150
    Outside 15 Minutes
    Move Hourly at Work
    Exercise for 30 Minutes
    5 Fruits and Veggies
    Walk 1 Mile
    Only 1 Evening Snack
    Write in Journal
    Stay focused on weight loss journey!

    Last night we ended up keeping Jonah overnight. Michaela had to have a minor surgery today and had to be at the hospital at 600 am. I picked Jonah up after work and then dropped him at school this morning. He was quite happy to have an unexpected sleepover. He is in trouble right now because on Monday and yesterday he hit another child at school. Needless to say he is grounded. I talked to him about the hitting and asked him why he did it. It seems he just isn't controlling his emotions very well. The first day he was held in at lunch time to finish some work that he didn't understand. Another kid said to him that it was cool that he was getting to stay in. He didn't think it was cool so hit him. :# Yesterday, he said he was just so hungry and another kid was taking too long to get out of his way to get to his lunch. We had a long talk about controlling emotions and that no matter how we are feeling we shouldn't hit. We talked about his conscience and how the little voice in our heads generally tell us when we are doing something wrong. We talked a bit more and I asked him what his conscience was telling him, he thought for a minute and finally said, "I think my conscience is a cricket and it's gone quiet"! I don't think he will hit anymore, he told me he doesn't want to be the class bully, he wants to be the class clown one day. Oh I love his little mind.

    Michaela had to have her lip tie cut, it was big and causing serious issues with her teeth and possible some of her speech. I was very nervous because she was being put under. I have heard from Lauryn though and everything is fine. She was taken in at 729 and was back in recovery and awake at 751. When she woke up she told the nurse she was hungry and had a good nap. She looks pretty happy!


    I started off my day by realizing I have nothing in the house for a child's lunchbox anymore. So Jonah was quite happy to go get a lunchable for lunch, I did have snacks for him to take. We then went and had breakfast at McDonald's he was quite impressed. This has put me way behind on my calories for the day though...

    I think I may have broken a toe on my left foot, I don't remember doing anything to it, but man it's hurting for the last 2-3 days and it's not getting any better. I'm still exercising through it, but trying to decide if I should have it seen or exactly what to do.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,804 Member
    edited October 2018
    @PackerFanInGB - Are you a crafty type person besides quilting? I have 9 nieces and nephews that I used to buy for regularly when they were young. I could never really afford it so always came up with things to make for them. I found the girls much easier than the boys!

    I made hanky dolly's one year with a poem that went with them printed out. I can't remember the exact wording on the poem, but basically it's how this dolly will comfort you through the years and then when you are a bride you can carry it with you down the aisle. For my girls, I used one of my Grandmother's hanky's for theirs. I bought a pack for the other girls.

    I have made stockings for all of them. I can't see well enough to do this for the next generation so my eldest is carrying it on for her kids. This year she is doing them for her husband and her soon to be Brother in Law. They are quite easy to do and quite inexpensive. Just need time.

    We made jewelry boxes for all of the girls one year.

    I honestly don't really remember what we did with the boys, there were only 2 of them and they were quite different personalities. I think I bought them what they were most interested in that year. I remember buying my Godson a art pad and artist pencils one year. He told me when he studied Art in university that it was that set that got him interested in drawing.

    Now I buy a Christmas ornament each year with the year on it and usually their names. Last year I used the ornaments we made and sold at the craft fairs for them. These were quite simple to make if you have the ability to get some wood cut, just takes a little paint and fabric. I put felt on the back to help with the stability of them, then we write the names on the bellies.bfndk4co3jqu.jpg

    I'm not trying to sell these to you, that is just the only picture I have of them :)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,516 Member
    Nutso day at work, but want to quickly update...

    Recap T 10/2
    1) Before work: fine mist & drizzle but walked dog 3.55 mi 1:02:42 / stretched / put away clean dishes = happy dog :smiley: & happy me :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 15,213 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 (evening event) & 42 floors :smiley:
    3) Breakfast, lunch & snacks prelogged / tonight is retirement planning event w/ "light buffet provided" & no idea what this will be ~ guesstimate & log if possible / 12c water = Evening food not so good & I didn't log. :s Wed. is a new day. :D At least 12c water :smiley:
    4) To-do's: review niece's grad pics & select my choices :smiley: / schedule cc payment :smiley:
    5) Unplug 9:00 :smiley: / FLOSS :smiley: / RETAINERS :smiley: / bed & TV off 10:15 :neutral: tried to watch end of Wild Card game but it went extra innings ~ turned off TV 10:30 (walk dog W before work)

    JFT W 10/3
    1) Breath in, breath out ~ tackle one mess at a time & things will work out
    2) Walked dog before work ~ details later
    3) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work ~ especially today
    4) Leftovers day: usual meals & snacks, just to find time to log / net calories green / 12c water
    5) Evening to-do list
    6) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 (walk dog R before work)
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    @bcTRAI Yes! I'm doing pretty well. Sure has been a long process. Still doing therapy but when I hit the 8 week mark, then the restrictions drop and I will go back to work because I will be allowed to do stairs and bend and lean forward, etc. I could get used to staying home every day but at the same time it will feel good to get back around my coworkers and have a social life again! :smile: BTW, be on the lookout for a picture of Bex's quilt top! THe top is finally done, but I have to run my granddaughter around for some appointments this morning so I will take pics and send them when I get back early this afternoon! Be gentle when you see what a novice I am! LOL! :mrgreen:

    @Snowflake1968 I loved reading what your grandmother used to give as Christmas gifts. I really need to sit and give some thoughts on how I can cut back. I just can't afford what I used to now that we have so many kids/spouses, grandkids and great grands. I want to find something to give that will be meaningful and they will like without breaking the bank.

    @Faebert I was so saddened to see your news about your sister! That had to be quite the blow to her, as well as the rest of you, to hear. I remember when I went in and had bilateral mastectomy thinking I was Stage II with 3 tumors and clear lymph nodes and woke up to the news of Stage III with 3 tumors and 23 lymph nodes removed. It was devastating! I'm sending you the biggest cyber hugs I can muster up and so much love and prayers. If your sister ever wants someone to talk to who has been through it and knows the feelings and fears that go with it, please know I would be happy to share my personal email/info with you to give to her. I'm here. :heart:

    @PackerFanInGB thank you, that means the world xx
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    I’m really struggling today gang. Worked out early this morning, manic day at work (cooking activity x60 5 year olds then an outdoor trip with them all). Stupidly didn’t eat as I’ve been so sick with worry and cold and then went nuts on the way home and bought and ate a lot of junk.

    I know I’m pushing myself too hard and this was the inevitable outcome. But I just can’t take my foot off the accelerator right now as there is too much to do. I need to get an early night tonight and try and look after myself.

    In for the daily mile challenge. I already get an average of 16k steps (!) but will try and do the mile with my class maybe 3x a week and then add it on when I can otherwise. Fresh air and a good walk may help my spirits.

    Going to go and snuggle with my girls now. Thanks as ever to you all for being there x
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,101 Member
    Well I've done well today
    I logged everything, well I think I have..
    I've ate around 1000 cals and burned 600.
    Ive got lots of cleaning to do tonight so I've just gone and bought an energy drink. So hopefully in am hour or twos time ill crash and sleep for the night!

    Oct 1: N/A
    Oct 2: N/A
    Oct 3: ✔️
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »

    WOMAN IF THAT'S YOUR IDEA OF BIG... I'LL SWAP WITH YA... YOU'RE GORGEOUS... OH MY WORD... I'M HAVING A FIT OVER HERE IN NORTH CAROLINA... ARE YOU SERIOUS? WOW! I love that photo of you. My My My... OH MY! Lol. If I were your size, they'd have to hog tie me to the bed... I'd go out and buy every little black dress I could and stroll just to get a gander of myself. Whew... Ok First.. Let me apologize. I'm not trying to be offensive or insensitive.
    I respect your feelings. And I never want you to feel you can't express your truth. I do apologize. Please forgive me.
    But do me a favor and really look at my profile picture. I haven't weighed what you weigh since High School. I developed TOXEMIA with my first daughter and blew up like a blimp. Doc wouldn't allow me out of bed unless I had to go potty. My Mother, God rest her soul. Took care of me the last 3 months of my pregnancy.... I kept threatening to miscarry the whole time. With my third daughter, the doctor forced my labor and I ended up having to have a C-section because my baby was in distress...only to have him not sew me up, but taped me instead and I caught and infection in my belly and it turned ganegrene and I almost died. From that point on I got bigger and bigger. I did Slimfast, Special-K, Vinegar, and Soup Diet... The only other diet that really worked for me was THE MAKER'S DIET, but I couldn't keep it going because it was expensive for me to eat ORGANIC, WHOLE FOODS, AND USE UNPROCESSED PRODUCTS. Oh yeah and add the grapefruit diet to that list too.
    I can honestly say that I am shocked that you don't know how beautiful you are. I'm awe struck. Thank you for sharing your picture. Thank you. Again, please accept my apologies.

    Mary -- this is all so sweet of you to say, and thank you. You lifted my spirits! But you know, we all see ourselves the way we do ... and others see us different. When I see your profile ... you are very beautiful - both inside and outside! We are all so fortunate to have you on this thread!

    But I do hear your struggles with weight ... believe me... I have those same struggles. I was always on the upper end of the scale, weight wise. But my real weight problems started when I lost my first sibling from cancer in 2001 -- he was only 52 years old. I quickly gained 40 pounds .... because I am an emotional eater. I eat when anything stresses me, and I didn't even care. When he lost his battle with cancer, I vowed that I would lose the weight "for my brother, who would want me healthy". Well, 6 months after my brother died, my only sister passed away unexpectedly (she choked to death). She was only 55. So there I gained another 10 pounds. One year later, my dear SIL passed away from melanoma ... again, another 10 pound. I would go and visit her, and try to be so strong for her... only to eat for comfort when I was by myself. Then our only daughter was diagnosed as schizoaffective ... and I gained another 10 pounds +. Hers was the hardest, because I see her everyday, and if she has a bad day, I reach for my only comfort .... food.

    When I lost another brother in 2008 to cancer (he was only 53), I was up by almost 50 pounds. I joined weight watchers, and lost 45 pounds. Only to regain them when another brother (who was only 63 yrs old) committed suicide in 2012.
    So the struggles are very real for me, as they are for you. When I turned 65 I did join a gym, and that has probably helped me a lot in at least toning up a little, and not feeling quite so badly about myself. But I see the scales, and I know a healthy weight for me is to lost 20 more pounds.

    This is why I started this thread, and this is why I hope to continue with this thread. Somedays I just can't find the time to get on and post a lot (my husband and I both work out of our home, so my days at times can be very long). But I will be 68 next year, and I hope to do everything in my power to life as long as I can, to live as healthy as I can, and to do everything within my power to try and stay young! And I know you can to! Just the fact that we are all still trying ... we will all get there. But we all have those same struggles. Yes, I have done slim fast ... the grapefruit diet ... the cabbage diet ..... atkins diet ... you name it. Now, I just hope to learn to eat healthy foods (and learn to eat other stuff in moderation!).

    But I do thank you for the wonderful compliment. ... but trust me .... weight struggles are very real for me, as they are for you. But one day at a time ... we can all get there. We can live the life we want, and feel the way we want to feel. I keep telling myself that just because I lost 4 of my siblings, all of them before they reached the age of 63, does not mean that I will live a short life. I hope to live to be well into my 80s, but I want to be as healthy as I can, for as long as I can.

    Sorry for the long post. But I want you to know that you are certainly not alone in the struggles... and we are all in this together. We all understand. We all care!

    Apologies again... In that moment of laying my eyes on you, I became DUMB.
    I can't even apologize enough. My inner self arrested me which brought me to my first apology and gave me an even deeper love for you. I too lost my eldest sister when she was 52..and for years I was haunted by the voice of fear that I wouldn't make it past that age. The "ONE DAY AT A TIME" part of your thread title is what drew me in.
    And Sister, this wasn't long for me. It was just RIGHT! I am truly sorry. Forgive me. Know that I love you and every woman on here... I understand that I didn't handle this correctly and I was wrong. I hope you and every one can forgive me..We all have many in common threads that tie us together. Love is our strongest cord. Thank you for being so gracious.